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FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP) FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP)
View Poll Results: Do you want the AGCC to regulate the new FTP?
1,156 56.58%
887 43.42%

07-30-2012 , 08:23 AM
It's Monday and I'm here to collect my full tilt money.
07-30-2012 , 08:25 AM
Originally Posted by TheDarkElf
1) Understatement of the year. Actually I can think of much more accurate descriptions of Wendeen than "has a bit of an ego", but then again, I have known her for over 15 years.

2) Don't be surprised if DF denies contacting WE, working with her, ...

3) Right, so no new info.
2. corroboration not collaboration. In a tweet. No contact was made.
07-30-2012 , 08:26 AM
Originally Posted by joeyrulesall
It's Monday and I'm here to collect my full tilt money.
07-30-2012 , 08:26 AM
Originally Posted by NxtWrldChamp
You need to work on your reading comprehension in regards to point #2.
youre right..."This writer offered a semi corroboration of the article in a tweet that effectively disregarded the PPN bulletin in favor of hyping his/her own planned upcoming report"

Wendeen is saying DF corroborated her article by posting that tweet. I misread. There was no contact made by DF. Wendeen seems to be implying that DFs tweet adds legitimacy to her article. Still theres plenty of new info in that article...specifically the target date of Nov 1st for FTP2 to be up and running.
07-30-2012 , 08:26 AM
Originally Posted by joeyrulesall
It's Monday and I'm here to collect my full tilt money.
Here it is

07-30-2012 , 08:27 AM
Originally Posted by joeyrulesall
It's Monday and I'm here to collect my full tilt money.
Check your account, I already sent it. ("go money, go!")
07-30-2012 , 08:33 AM
Originally Posted by joeyrulesall
It's Monday and I'm here to collect my full tilt money.
At least you're still optimistic! By 2:00, Joey will back to his old stuff and this thread will be back to normal. I’m starting to get that “something has delayed the deal” feeling. Let's hope I reverse jinxed it.
07-30-2012 , 08:34 AM
"Gambling 911: Chris Costigan, publisher (a site I read frequently)."

07-30-2012 , 08:39 AM
Originally Posted by Forfuns
dont worry i prob have more money stuck then u
Thanks for giving us the real deal on this, where have you been all these months when your insight would have been so helpfull??
07-30-2012 , 08:58 AM
I just tried to log in Full Tilt Poker and withdraw some of my money. It didn't work.

I'll keep you guys posted if something changes.
07-30-2012 , 09:00 AM
Originally Posted by joeyrulesall
It's Monday and I'm here to collect my full tilt money.
i lol'd.

9am rungood?
07-30-2012 , 09:01 AM
Originally Posted by joeyrulesall
It's Monday and I'm here to collect my full tilt money.

Last edited by laughing gravy; 07-30-2012 at 09:02 AM. Reason: Forgot quote
07-30-2012 , 09:20 AM
Oh noes

Not yet...still waiting
07-30-2012 , 09:32 AM
So are we back to next week lol
07-30-2012 , 09:41 AM
Originally Posted by mckrogh
So are we back to next week lol
next week-next month-next year- somewhere there
07-30-2012 , 09:43 AM
Ya man it's almost 10 am we're def screwed imo
07-30-2012 , 09:43 AM
This is a complete joke. I'm sick of the rumours of this whole situation. I do avoid this thread but it's hard when someone is always telling you theres big news now on msn or w/e and you have to look naturally.

Pokerstars HAVE to come and make a statement either way. We GET you can't discuss certain things but at LEAST tell us your still working on the deal and are positive or something! I'm starting to get pissed off at Stars now even though i know they could be our saviour.

07-30-2012 , 09:45 AM
anyone with greasemoney (firefox) skills, who can make one, where you can decide words that should remove the users comments from the page? like "next week" and also if post are less then a predefined value?
07-30-2012 , 09:50 AM
IF we get our money back, I'm curious how many Americans are going to deposit some of the money and play online? I have been playing on Merge and Lock with a much, much smaller BR than I had on FTP, but I'm not going to deposit any of the money if we get it back.
07-30-2012 , 09:50 AM

time to rush these news pieces
this is my last report
source leaking
don't give a ****
this is the story im leading
07-30-2012 , 09:53 AM
Originally Posted by Paddy_O'Hara

Pokerstars HAVE to come and make a statement either way. We GET you can't discuss certain things but at LEAST tell us your still working on the deal and are positive or something! I'm starting to get pissed off at Stars now even though i know they could be our saviour.
Pokerstars' worth and credibility as a company does not hinge on a 2+2 thread. You're the one making a fuss over a rumor.

Besides, if an announcement is made, it's not like you'll be given a 30 minute window to withdraw. You don't need to break your f5 key - checking this and related threads once a week for a few minutes should be plenty.

Find something productive to do.
07-30-2012 , 10:03 AM
Mods should lock this thread for 3 hours. 2+2 would implode.
07-30-2012 , 10:07 AM
Productive things to do while waiting on FT announcement:

1. see therapist about anger issues
2. Get a job
3. Take diversity training
4. Buy new keyboard with functioning f5
5. Complain on NVG about lack of news
6. See 1
07-30-2012 , 10:08 AM
Is the Newell chick the only one that said we would have an announcement today? Has anyone else reported this?
