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FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP) FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP)
View Poll Results: Do you want the AGCC to regulate the new FTP?
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887 43.42%

07-30-2012 , 12:01 PM
missingannouncement monday
07-30-2012 , 12:03 PM
Monotonous Monday
07-30-2012 , 12:03 PM
"next monday"
07-30-2012 , 12:04 PM
If Stars only guaranteed the FTP employees wages for July then we should expect some sort of news by the end of tomorrow.

Unless they are gonna work (if they actually do anything) for free without knowing what is happening going forward.
07-30-2012 , 12:07 PM
Originally Posted by apples2apples
^ I like it.
Originally Posted by KingKongGrinder
Originally Posted by totaltool
That was easy and it took 10 seconds. And I barely missed anything in this thread while I was gone. Great idea.
Originally Posted by As armas
Thanks guys! Hope others can do it for a quick sec. while they wait.
07-30-2012 , 12:07 PM
FWIW, DF said 'next few days' on Friday ( Why everyone thinks its Monday is beyond me. It could be longer than what everyone is anticipating.
07-30-2012 , 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by SamuraiJon
FWIW, DF said 'next few days' on Friday ( Why everyone thinks its Monday is beyond me. It could be longer than what everyone is anticipating.
Reasoning for Monday announcement is that it's ideal for news cycles apparently.
07-30-2012 , 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by PJo336
missingannouncement monday
This is a good one. I still believe the reports and I don't think DF would lead us on, but lol at me and anyone else for believing "announcement coming Monday" types of proclamations. If there had been, or will be, an announcement today it probably would've been a coincidence as it relates to any promises that a statement would come today.

PS: Melodrama Monday

PPS: Trepidation Tuesday?
07-30-2012 , 12:11 PM
Originally Posted by SamuraiJon
FWIW, DF said 'next few days' on Friday ( Why everyone thinks its Monday is beyond me. It could be longer than what everyone is anticipating.
Jennifer Newell said Monday. Some respected posters here respect her, so that's the reason. They jumped all over me when I suggested she might be just piggy backing off Wendeen's story. Now I assume she must really know something.
07-30-2012 , 12:11 PM
Where did the idea of an announcement on Monday come from anyway? Re-read what Wendeen initially wrote, she said that an announcement is in the works, and that we should expect our money by Christmas. She never said anything about Monday. If someone else did I wouldn't put much stock into, as thus far Wendeen is the only one with high-up, credible sources.
07-30-2012 , 12:13 PM
Originally Posted by SamuraiJon
FWIW, DF said 'next few days' on Friday ( Why everyone thinks its Monday is beyond me. It could be longer than what everyone is anticipating.
that's the problem, someone picks something up and than someone else misinterprets it ...

Originally Posted by NerdSuperfly
Originally Posted by KingKongGrinder
Is the Newell chick the only one that said we would have an announcement today? Has anyone else reported this?
imo yes ... wendeen said nothing about monday (and DF didn't mention a date, too)
07-30-2012 , 12:13 PM
Mindf*** Monday
07-30-2012 , 12:15 PM
Wendeen H. Eolis on Twitter:

"Deconstructing last week's bulletin and explaining why I was confident in goiing out on a limb explained in my next PPN posting later today"
07-30-2012 , 12:16 PM
I never heard of Newell before this mess. Where did she say anything about Monday? Link please
07-30-2012 , 12:19 PM
Originally Posted by Degnovic
Wendeen H. Eolis on Twitter:

"Deconstructing last week's bulletin and explaining why I was confident in goiing out on a limb explained in my next PPN posting later today"
translation: I jumped the gun, guys
07-30-2012 , 12:19 PM
Originally Posted by KingKongGrinder
Jennifer Newell said Monday. Some respected posters here respect her, so that's the reason. They jumped all over me when I suggested she might be just piggy backing off Wendeen's story. Now I assume she must really know something.
@WriterJen is very respected and I have really benefited from following her in the past.

As thankful as I am for folks trying to get word out on this thing I do think this whole thing has been handled pretty irresponsibly. Especially if a few days pass with no developments. This is a sensitive situation for thousands of people.
07-30-2012 , 12:19 PM
Originally Posted by InterplanetJanet
I never heard of Newell before this mess. Where did she say anything about Monday? Link please
Update from same source: Announcement to be made on Monday, July 30. -- Jennifer Newell (@WriterJen)
07-30-2012 , 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by InterplanetJanet
I never heard of Newell before this mess. Where did she say anything about Monday? Link please

I would never trust this person. DF I would and all of you should too for your sanity. There's DF and then there's the other news sources and taking info from both pools should be treated differently.
07-30-2012 , 12:22 PM
Wendeen H. Eolis ‏@WendeenEolis 8m
Deconstructing last week's bulletin and explaining why I was confident in goiing out on a limb explained in my next PPN posting later today
07-30-2012 , 12:22 PM
shes been wrong a lot thats probably the least reliable source with g911
07-30-2012 , 12:22 PM
The only reason I can tell that someone might infer an announcement Monday was DF's tweet about having news in a "few" days. A "few" is generally (certainly not always, though) defined as 3 and counting Friday, Saturday, and Sunday would mean an announcement Monday if that's what a "few" meant in that context.

But, other than that generic, general interpretation of "few", there's really no reason to get your hopes up let alone expect something today ... unless I missed a credible news update somewhere, which I doubt as the few tidbits of real news seem to get their own thread.
07-30-2012 , 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by Kirbynator
shes been wrong a lot thats probably the least reliable source with g911
Are you referring to Wendeen, Newell, or both?
07-30-2012 , 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by KingKongGrinder
Bizzle/TA/Mpethy/other resident legal peeps and DF?
Before reading this keep in mind I'm trying to respond to this without putting a ton of effort into research, because DF knows way more about this already, but here goes:

The document filed was Robb Evan's response to the government's motion to strike the Robb Evan's claim.

The document filed today basically said (in response to gov. claim that Robb Evans, the trustee, lacks standing) "we do have standing so don't strike our claim, if you do find we don't have standing, allow us leave without prejudice to amend the claim."

The gov. filed on July 9, I'm assuming Robb Evans had 21 days to respond, hence the response today on July 30, 21 days later.

I think Robb Evans claim has more to do with payment processing accounts connected with SunFirst Bank, than with FTP or Pokerstars, which might be why a deal could proceed despite this guys third-party claim.Simply put, it wouldn't impact the ability to transfer clean title to FTP, the gov. could still fight off this claim on their own.

Whereas, with Kentucky, the claim was for the domain names, so getting Kentucky out of there last Thursday/Friday, may have been a serious legal hurdle that cleared the way for transfer of clean title and settlement.

If I were to take a TOTAL GUESS as to the July 9 holdup, maybe they had all the major terms agreed to and Kentucky had indicated they would be willing to drop out, but at the last minute became unwilling or asked for something in return or couldn't get approval. Maybe it took two more weeks to get Kentucky to voluntarily dismiss and now that that has happened, the deal can go forward.
07-30-2012 , 12:27 PM
Originally Posted by InterplanetJanet
I never heard of Newell before this mess. Where did she say anything about Monday? Link please
I believe Newell has said Monday a few times. I want to say July 11 was the last time. I'm not saying she isn't reliable or that her source didn't reasonably believe it would be completed then, just saying she has spoken with confidence before and been wrong.
07-30-2012 , 12:27 PM
I knew this would happen, all those poker "news" sites should be banned as a source.
