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FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP) FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP)
View Poll Results: Do you want the AGCC to regulate the new FTP?
1,156 56.58%
887 43.42%

09-07-2011 , 06:18 PM
Originally Posted by ildent
I dont think in the last statement FT clearly said that the 115m seized included those frozen in BF. Besides, they only talked about funds in USA banks.
"The events of Black Friday came on the heels of prior government enforcement activities and significant theft. Over the two years preceding Black Friday, the US government seized approximately $115M of player funds located in U.S. banks."
Originally Posted by ZFC
That is correct. They didn't say up to and including BF. However, if the amount seized on BF had been substantial they would have probably mentioned it in the statement.
So they DOJ don't have all our money. They have only taken 40% of it. What a relief!
Subject:Poker clarified that the number 'represents all money belonging to Full Tilt Poker that was frozen in the two year period up to and including April 15th.'
09-07-2011 , 06:19 PM
Noah, how can you deduce that...
Originally Posted by NoahSD
FTP has said themselves that in the two years up to and including Black Friday, they DOJ only seized/froze $115M, so they sure as hell didn't freeze $150M on BF.
from that? (from last FT statement):
"The events of Black Friday came on the heels of prior government enforcement activities and significant theft. Over the two years preceding Black Friday, the US government seized approximately $115M of player funds located in U.S. banks."

It seems that they were talking about pre-BK and only about US banks.
09-07-2011 , 06:20 PM
The names of the banks were listed. not the amount "frozen"
09-07-2011 , 06:21 PM
Originally Posted by GooseHinson
what happened to all of full tilts money?
No evidence yet is the simple answer.

Pocket Kings always paid ~20% above it's costs from other shell co's, the rest of the cash most likely gets siphoned to Californian LLC's to which the accounts are not public (My West 'Nook' LLC)
09-07-2011 , 06:22 PM
Question: Isn't the DOJ as a State Department responsible to publish all the figures regarding the seizure?

Second: i'm actually talking with a large european law firm in building up a case against the DOJ to release the ROW player funds. I know it's almost impossible but i'm not willing to let my money gone cause i didn't break any laws here.
I'm looking for ROW players who are willing to support this...drop me a PM....
09-07-2011 , 06:22 PM
Originally Posted by Neil@MVP
I find it interesting that so many people say the DOJ action and unknown consequences of it are scaring off potential investors. I have bought and sold a number of businesses (not anywhere near the scale of FT) and the deals are always structured to buy assets, which shields the new owners from anything the company has done previously. Would the new investor not simply be buying the assets of full tilt, and it would become a totally new company that has not done business in the United States?
This would be like if I ran over Bill Gates in my car, then sold you the car. You as the new owner of the car would have zero liability.
yes Ifrah also said that the DOJ action was not an obstacle to the deal.
09-07-2011 , 06:22 PM
I agree that FTP didn't explicitly state that the $115M included BF seizures. Although I don't know why they wouldn't include it, they could bump that $115M number up significantly if that is the case which would make their situation look more unfortunate than it really is.
09-07-2011 , 08:01 PM
Super noob question. Been living under a rock for the last half year. Not gonna go through 3000 posts in this thread.... Whats happening with non-US players (I'm Canadian) money on Full Tilt? Is it save? Can I withdraw? Where's the thread explaining all these things? I literally spent the last 2 hours reading all the stickies, wikis, doing google searches, etc... Isn't this a big deal (how many millions of dollars are stuck in Full Tilt account cashiers?)... So why isn't this information easier to find.
09-07-2011 , 08:11 PM
Originally Posted by Pikaberdort
Super noob question. Been living under a rock for the last half year. Not gonna go through 3000 posts in this thread.... Whats happening with non-US players (I'm Canadian) money on Full Tilt? Is it save? Can I withdraw? Where's the thread explaining all these things? I literally spent the last 2 hours reading all the stickies, wikis, doing google searches, etc... Isn't this a big deal (how many millions of dollars are stuck in Full Tilt account cashiers?)... So why isn't this information easier to find.
theres no money, FTP spent it all.
09-07-2011 , 08:11 PM
@pikaberdort The information is all right here. You just have to read this thread.

In a nutshell ftp doesn't have the money to cash anybody out. That includes both US and rest of the world players. They're working on getting an investor to buy the company with price being the equivalent to what's needed to cash out ALL players plus cover any fines sought by the DOJ.

Without an investor it appears likely ftp will have to file bankruptcy unless the current owners can come up with the necessary cash to cover player funds in the FTP cashier.
09-07-2011 , 08:15 PM
Originally Posted by Pikaberdort
I literally spent the last 2 hours reading all the stickies, wikis, doing google searches, etc..
this part is utter b.s....

the cliffs are no matter where you are, we are likely screwed pending a miracle.
09-07-2011 , 08:32 PM
@EYESCREW thanks

Originally Posted by exoendo
this part is utter b.s....

the cliffs are no matter where you are, we are likely screwed pending a miracle.
Quote me the part of the cliffs that answers, in layman's terms, all of my inquiries...
09-07-2011 , 08:53 PM
Originally Posted by pokrat
Question: Isn't the DOJ as a State Department responsible to publish all the figures regarding the seizure?

Second: i'm actually talking with a large european law firm in building up a case against the DOJ to release the ROW player funds. I know it's almost impossible but i'm not willing to let my money gone cause i didn't break any laws here.
I'm looking for ROW players who are willing to support this...drop me a PM....
U.S. players didn't break any laws either.
09-07-2011 , 09:18 PM
Originally Posted by jhn_lundgren

The money in US banks is almost an afterthought. The bulk of all the poker companies' money was in foreign banks.

A total of over $500mm was frozen on BF in 76 banks worldwide. It's entirely conceivable that ~$150mm was FT's, which was the amount quoted to me a few days after BF.
Can you please stop quoting nonsense. Either you really have no clue or your source does.
The FTP accounts listed on the BF complaints totaled no where near 150mm.
The amounts that you read on that page, totaling over $23mm was money previously seized, not seized then. This should be clear where it said "formerly on deposit at...".

The FTP accounts frozen on BF were just a fraction of what they should have had on hand, and it doesn't matter which banks, USA or ROW that you want to talk about.

FWIW, even if they DID have 150mm frozen on BF, if US player balances = ~ 40-45% of their total balances, they still should have had enough on hand to pay off the USA balances, right? Which, btw, they admitted they did not. Nor could they accomodate even a fraction of ROW with cash on hand.

Their issues started long before BF.

Edit: Common sense will tell you that if they had enough funds frozen on BF to pay off US players, that would have been their first announcement in April. They have never said so, as it could easily be refuted.

Last edited by Diamond_Flush; 09-07-2011 at 09:23 PM.
09-07-2011 , 09:41 PM
Originally Posted by EYESCREW
@pikaberdort The information is all right here. You just have to read this thread.

In a nutshell ftp doesn't have the money to cash anybody out. That includes both US and rest of the world players. They're working on getting an investor to buy the company with price being the equivalent to what's needed to cash out ALL players plus cover any fines sought by the DOJ.
How come when I google different combinations of keywords 'canadian' 'full tilt' 'money' 'withdrawal', etc... even narrowing down the date range to the last 2 months, none of the results are even close to what I'm looking for. Isn't there literally hundreds of millions of dollars involved... shouldn't this be the most discussed topic in the poker world?
09-07-2011 , 09:56 PM
Originally Posted by Pikaberdort
How come when I google different combinations of keywords 'canadian' 'full tilt' 'money' 'withdrawal', etc... even narrowing down the date range to the last 2 months, none of the results are even close to what I'm looking for. Isn't there literally hundreds of millions of dollars involved... shouldn't this be the most discussed topic in the poker world?
What is it you want to know that you're unable to find using Google?

If it's just an answer to your question about cash outs for Canadians the answer is pretty simple. Right now you can't. Neither can anybody else in the world for that matter.

If you believe FT they're desperately trying to get back up and running so players can cash out but it's been months since the AGCC suspended FT's license and there won't be a reinstatement hearing until the 19th of this month.

Unless FT can convince the AGCC they have enough funds on hand to cash out all players, including US and rest of the world players, it doesn't appear the AGCC will reinstate their license.
09-07-2011 , 09:59 PM
but its ok because howard is at home depressed about it all
09-07-2011 , 10:20 PM
And Ray is still pretty upset about that one day of his we ruined, when we believed a rumor that he was fired... ha ha silly us
09-07-2011 , 11:19 PM
Originally Posted by Sdgullsfan84
There is no doubt in my mind that you're just trolling the thread now. You are deliberately using 'we' in an attempt to tilt people. By all means continue pleasuring yourself.
Good answer. LOL. Once again someone who would rather deflect direct questions with an attack. If someone is trolling the thread sir, it is you. If you cannot respond then don't act like a bully and attempt to beat up on someone. Its not going to work here. When we are wrong we admit it and learn from the experience.

Why does using, albeit an old, and archaic usage, but acceptable use of the English language tilt you? My posts speak for myself and not for anyone else, clearly every intelligent person on these threads has figured out that long ago - and we have been on this thread well before you signed up sir.

Is Webster's Dictionary an acceptable source sir?

Read it for yourself.

"archaic : the practice of using we in giving one's opinion"
09-07-2011 , 11:54 PM
and when are we anticipating FT announcment numero dos?
09-08-2011 , 12:01 AM
Originally Posted by Wardan
and when are we anticipating FT announcment numero dos?
If it's not going to say 'PROBLEM SOLVED' I don't want to read it, tbh. Not that we're likely to get another statement unless it's their best self-serving way to say good bye.
09-08-2011 , 12:05 AM
Originally Posted by Pikaberdort
@EYESCREW thanks

Quote me the part of the cliffs that answers, in layman's terms, all of my inquiries...
would you like me to prepare you a sandwich, too?

your ****ed, dog...just like the rest of us
09-08-2011 , 12:15 AM
ledason u r the man **** the haters.
09-08-2011 , 12:18 AM
yeah ledasons posts are always spot on.
09-08-2011 , 12:36 AM
Originally Posted by Jeff Oneye

I want to express my heartfelt appreciation for your contributions to this board. You generally make persuasive arguments and appear quite intellectually flexible--even if you are skeptical about FTP's ability to weather this storm. And I surmise the primary reason you're feeling the wrath of a few posters has everything to do with your posts on FTP's viability. From my perspective, there are many posters who cause themselves unnecessary distress by refusing to engage in a rational appraisal of this situation.

To the unbiased observer, it should be obvious that things aren't looking too pretty for those of us with bankrolls at FTP. Some people simply refuse to believe it's possible that they will not be paid. Furthermore, it's hard for some to imagine their poker heros as greedy villains, yet alone potential criminals. When people (on both sides) engage in black and white dichotomous thinking, the result is typically one of many self-defeating and neurotic behaviors.

That being said, I would highly recommend replacing your use of 'we' with 'I.' Admittedly, the people who fuss about it are needlessly upsetting themselves, and you aren't responsible for their hyper-sensitivity. But, it does create a distraction, which results in people spending less time evaluating the content of your posts. Indeed, some percentage of critics are likely harping on your use of 'we' simply because they don't like your communications. For example, some posters (foolishly in my opinion) think your commentary reflects negatively on Full Tilt and will undermine their chances of finding an investor. That being said, this stylistic change has resulted in a lot of turmoil (such as accusations that you're an inflexible narcissist). Whether or not it's fair is irrelevant; the undeniable fact that several posters vehemently dislike it. In conclusion, it would cost you little to make this small stylistic change. Let the critics harp on the soundness of your arguments instead. We hope you'll reconsider ;-)
Thank Jeff,

First thanks for your kinds words and your intelligent approach to this issue. We are the first to admit when we are wrong. And we have been called out and shown we were wrong and admitted it. However, a forum is a place of free expression. It's anonymous so that people can state their opinions and often release information they may have that they may not want known where it came from.

We acknowledge that the use of the word 'we' vs. 'I' does seem to bother a few people. My statement to those people is to ask them to prove to me that we are wrong to use it to express an opinion as Websters Dictionary says is archaic but fine. If someone can demonstrate that we are wrong, other than quoting Mark Twain's famous joke quote about the use of "we" vs "I," then we would be happy to make the change (even in Twain's days people got up in arms about this topic it would seem). It's not my intent to be inflexible, but we feel strongly that we have a right to express ourselves in any fashion that doesn't violate the rules, act in an obscene or otherwise offense fashion or offend the normal sensibilities of people. We categorical state that our opinions are our own. This is about principal, not about making a few people happy who are already unhappy people to begin with. We are dismayed that a bunch of posters, many with new accounts jumped on this bandwagon.

So here is our compromise. If Noah PMs and asks me to not use WE then we will switch to I. But we ask Noah to take into consideration our right to express ourselves as we see fit as long as it does not violate the TOS. Frankly we think that telling us NOT to do something which is grammatically correct, even if somewhat archaic is tantamount to limiting our right to free speech. And if people can harass someone enough to force them to change their literary style then what is next? Will perfect spelling be required next because people complain about that all the time?

We hope this will be the end of this discussion one way or another.

Last edited by LedaSon; 09-08-2011 at 12:43 AM.
