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FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP) FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP)
View Poll Results: Do you want the AGCC to regulate the new FTP?
1,156 56.58%
887 43.42%

06-07-2012 , 09:50 PM
This story is for all the pessimists.
I am broker than broke and have a lot of money on FTP.
Yesterday I was so bored that I played a 1 FPP+rebuy satellite on PS.
300 players and the first 3 won 11 tournamentdollars.... and I ended up with the first 3.
I invested 2 FPP (worth 2 dollarcents) in that satellite and today I have 1400 dollar. So that is 70,000 times my investment.
So miracles do happen.
06-07-2012 , 09:52 PM
Originally Posted by Braindead2000
This story is for all the pessimists.
I am broker than broke and have a lot of money on FTP.
Yesterday I was so bored that I played a 1 FPP+rebuy satellite on PS.
300 players and the first 3 won 11 tournamentdollars.... and I ended up with the first 3.
I invested 2 FPP (worth 2 dollarcents) in that satellite and today I have 1400 dollar. So that is 70,000 times my investment.
So miracles do happen.
Congrats.... mabye you should go pro....
06-07-2012 , 10:03 PM
Originally Posted by TONZ
yes obv.

but i see people posting that if it is legalized then stars would not be able enter but FT would.
You can lead a donk to water, but you can't make them think.
06-07-2012 , 10:11 PM
Originally Posted by Mondogarage
You can lead a donk to water, but you can't make them think.
Epic line.
06-07-2012 , 10:14 PM
Originally Posted by Huskermoney00
Congrats.... mabye you should go pro....
Well, I know how to play cashgames. I have a big tiltproblem so that means that sometimes I am broke. But one thing I really suck at, and always have bad luck in, is tournaments. I NEVER win big tournaments. So last year I was playing a FTOP tournament and everything was going perfect, I thought "what is going on?". Made the final table, couldn't understand it, expected a powerfailure or internetproblems any moment, because I NEVER win tournaments. I ended up winning that tournament and still couldnt believe it. Off course a few weeks later Black Friday happened, couldnt cash out anymore. So I was like "yeah, that explains it, why I won that tournament".
Yesterday I won that satellite and later I ended up fourth in a tourney with 6600 players. So I feel my luck is changing. I feel like we gonna have some good news really soon.
06-07-2012 , 11:35 PM
i heard there's a chance we will hear something tomorrow, so good news
06-07-2012 , 11:39 PM
Originally Posted by pokur
i heard there's a chance we will hear something tomorrow, so good news
You don't have to hear that. There's a chance that something happens everyday. That's what's so ****ed about this ****.
06-07-2012 , 11:58 PM
Originally Posted by pokur
i heard there's a chance we will hear something tomorrow, so good news
Stop the presses
06-08-2012 , 12:04 AM
Originally Posted by ShipItYo
well, my question is pretty vague and simple...

I've always considered myself very optimistic that we would get paid EVENTUALLY. I never jumped on the next week boat, but I always thought there was a very good chance we'd get paid.

However, at this point I don't really see much to be optimistic about. It seems to me that the reasons to be pessimistic heavily outweigh the reasons to be optimistic about repayment.

FWIW, this is not a "fml close the thread its over" post. I was just wondering, what reasons do we even have to be optimistic at this point?
Your main problem as far as I can see it is that despite a dozen people telling you that China was completely fully of **** and had no credibility, you decided to believe him and put hope in him. Then when he was wrong, which was guaranteed to happen, you felt even that much more let down.

Hate to say I told you so, so I won't.
06-08-2012 , 12:07 AM
Originally Posted by XaQ Morphy
Your main problem as far as I can see it is that despite a dozen people telling you that China was completely fully of **** and had no credibility, you decided to believe him and put hope in him. Then when he was wrong, which was guaranteed to happen, you felt even that much more let down.

Hate to say I told you so, so I won't.
But sometimes even the village idiot tells the truth.

Originally Posted by NeedsToBeSaid
You don't have to hear that. There's a chance that something happens everyday. That's what's so ****ed about this ****.
You know, the chances of anything coming from Mars are a million to one they say, the chances of anything coming from Mars are a million to one......But stilllllllllll, they come.

Last edited by SGT RJ; 06-08-2012 at 12:27 AM.
06-08-2012 , 12:17 AM
Originally Posted by Braindead2000
But sometimes even the village idiot tells the truth.
A broken watch reflects the correct time for 1 out of every 43,200 seconds.

Yeah, that's often enough to put faith in that watch.
06-08-2012 , 12:27 AM
Originally Posted by Braindead2000
But sometimes even the village idiot tells the truth.
Not this time. Or the last time. Or the time before that....see where I'm going with this?
06-08-2012 , 12:34 AM
Originally Posted by Braindead2000
Well, I know how to play cashgames. I have a big tiltproblem so that means that sometimes I am broke. But one thing I really suck at, and always have bad luck in, is tournaments. I NEVER win big tournaments. So last year I was playing a FTOP tournament and everything was going perfect, I thought "what is going on?". Made the final table, couldn't understand it, expected a powerfailure or internetproblems any moment, because I NEVER win tournaments. I ended up winning that tournament and still couldnt believe it. Off course a few weeks later Black Friday happened, couldnt cash out anymore. So I was like "yeah, that explains it, why I won that tournament".
Yesterday I won that satellite and later I ended up fourth in a tourney with 6600 players. So I feel my luck is changing. I feel like we gonna have some good news really soon.
Yup, your luck changing is going to make this deal go through even faster and the poker world is going to hear that we are getting our money back.... just because of your "luck". Nice touches....
06-08-2012 , 12:34 AM
Originally Posted by Braindead2000
Well, I know how to play cashgames. I have a big tiltproblem so that means that sometimes I am broke. But one thing I really suck at, and always have bad luck in, is tournaments. I NEVER win big tournaments. So last year I was playing a FTOP tournament and everything was going perfect, I thought "what is going on?". Made the final table, couldn't understand it, expected a powerfailure or internetproblems any moment, because I NEVER win tournaments. I ended up winning that tournament and still couldnt believe it. Off course a few weeks later Black Friday happened, couldnt cash out anymore. So I was like "yeah, that explains it, why I won that tournament".
Yesterday I won that satellite and later I ended up fourth in a tourney with 6600 players. So I feel my luck is changing. I feel like we gonna have some good news really soon.
Congrats on your score, but hell, your story make me think i should cash out everything on PS. Catastrophic news must be waiting for us on the corner, how else could you finish fourth after winning the satellite.
Kidding, congrats.
06-08-2012 , 12:43 AM
Originally Posted by ShipItYo
i may have had a few "fml its over" posts recently, but thats largely due to the emo/depressive state this has put me in lately.

at this point i honestly dont know what to think or feel, but in the past i've been a pretty heavy optimist.
Just give yourself a temp-ban of a week. Trust me, as soon as you do you will feel a strange sense of liberation. Once you're back on, it's much easier to pull yourself away for a few days if need be. You obviously aren't gaining anything by obsessively checking this thread (I would guess it's -LifeEV).
06-08-2012 , 12:49 AM
Originally Posted by striker_1
Congrats on your score, but hell, your story make me think i should cash out everything on PS. Catastrophic news must be waiting for us on the corner, how else could you finish fourth after winning the satellite.
Kidding, congrats.
Yes, hm, have not looked at it that way.
06-08-2012 , 12:52 AM
In b4 someone quotes Dwan's tweets about his haircut and tries to tie that to some sort of inside info.
06-08-2012 , 01:08 AM
Originally Posted by Huskermoney00
Yup, your luck changing is going to make this deal go through even faster and the poker world is going to hear that we are getting our money back.... just because of your "luck". Nice touches....
Hey, 99% of the time I feel pessimistic. Sometimes I wake up feeling neutral and then I read this blog and I feel pessimistic again, its contagious.
Today I chose to be optimistic. It's based on nothing, but almost everything I heard the past year was based on nothing. I hope it rubs off. Try it. Tomorrow I go back deciding whether to put my head in the oven or jump off the roof.
06-08-2012 , 01:18 AM
Originally Posted by XaQ Morphy
Your main problem as far as I can see it is that despite a dozen people telling you that China was completely fully of **** and had no credibility, you decided to believe him and put hope in him. Then when he was wrong, which was guaranteed to happen, you felt even that much more let down.

Hate to say I told you so, so I won't.

I never ONCE said I "believe" China. IIRC, I said, as much as I thought he was full of ****, I was hoping for his sake and mine that he would be right. So there won't be any need to tell me you told me so, because you didn't.
06-08-2012 , 03:14 AM
tom dwans tweets?????
06-08-2012 , 03:34 AM
If Howard Lederer shows up to play in the wsop, then I guess I will be spending the night in jail... which one of you is going to bail me out, i figure it should be durrrr since he guaranteed me my money, but I doubt that is gonna happen.
06-08-2012 , 04:04 AM
The site is down because obviously the guy from Pokerstars, who is now in Dublin, teaching all the FTP workers, had some issues with it and now they are working on the improvements. Soon to happen with, ldo
06-08-2012 , 04:10 AM
Originally Posted by A+++
Pocket kings site is down for maintenance it will be back next week.
Do you have any source on this?
This case why don't they just put a blank page with "maintenance" text on it?
06-08-2012 , 04:18 AM
TomDwan "@wiggdog: No WSOP this year? Are you playing in any events or just staying in Macau?" I'll be back in the next few days or weeks for #wsop

~5 min ago.

Do you have your questions ready, Joey?
06-08-2012 , 04:41 AM
Soooooooo. Another week and still the big wheels keep on spinning.

Anyone seen Howard? If you do tell him I have a steel toe boot waiting to heave him one, two or maybe even 3.
