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FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP) FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP)
View Poll Results: Do you want the AGCC to regulate the new FTP?
1,156 56.58%
887 43.42%

06-08-2012 , 10:11 PM
Originally Posted by Mark275
I don't wanna be known to be the next china, so i wont promise things or whatever and about when they payout... but I wanna bet on when FTP starts its repayment, find an escrow and quote me if interested and ill book if i agree to escrow+bet. I say players start to get paid before Sept 3rd of this year. I know some people who were very close with ferguson and all I'll say is when it all comes to light, when people know the FULL Story you people wont have the hate you do towards him and howard.

Think im fulla BS? then bet me up to 5k, i got sept 3rd and before u win once its sept 4th
I'm very interested in this bet. Would you mind going higher? Say $15K.

Did you already have an escrow in mind, or did you have an escrow site in mind.

(please pm me cause opening this thread is just depressing)
06-08-2012 , 10:14 PM
I'm glad stars got the deal . But I do find it annoying that it is taking so long to get any information since the deal was struck
06-08-2012 , 10:38 PM
Originally Posted by Mark275
I don't wanna be known to be the next china, so i wont promise things or whatever and about when they payout... but I wanna bet on when FTP starts its repayment, find an escrow and quote me if interested and ill book if i agree to escrow+bet. I say players start to get paid before Sept 3rd of this year. I know some people who were very close with ferguson and all I'll say is when it all comes to light, when people know the FULL Story you people wont have the hate you do towards him and howard.

Think im fulla BS? then bet me up to 5k, i got sept 3rd and before u win once its sept 4th
since we have nothing better to do, why dont you just tell us what you know
06-08-2012 , 10:40 PM
Originally Posted by TravisD411
Except for those times he's professed insider knowledge, feeling so strongly as to wager (purportedly) on it, and still been wrong.

It would also help your credibility a bit if you spell/grammar checked a bit. I solely use my phone to post so that isn't an excuse.
06-08-2012 , 10:42 PM
Originally Posted by Mark275
I don't wanna be known to be the next china, so i wont promise things or whatever and about when they payout... but I wanna bet on when FTP starts its repayment, find an escrow and quote me if interested and ill book if i agree to escrow+bet. I say players start to get paid before Sept 3rd of this year. I know some people who were very close with ferguson and all I'll say is when it all comes to light, when people know the FULL Story you people wont have the hate you do towards him and howard.

Think im fulla BS? then bet me up to 5k, i got sept 3rd and before u win once its sept 4th
This piece of gossip interests me. Not saying I believe it, but it's intriguing. (Basically, if we get money back or not, I think hell freezes over before we ever get the honest full story.)

Also, you seem pretty confident. Isn't making this bet pretty much the same as buying someone's FTP balance? I don't have 2-5K I just want to leave locked up for several months, but I have 5K on FTP.... so you shipping me 2.5K and then getting my FTP balance if they open by September 4 would be the same as an even money bet, right? Because I would totally consider that.
06-08-2012 , 10:53 PM
Originally Posted by Mark275
I don't wanna be known to be the next china, so i wont promise things or whatever and about when they payout... but I wanna bet on when FTP starts its repayment, find an escrow and quote me if interested and ill book if i agree to escrow+bet. I say players start to get paid before Sept 3rd of this year. I know some people who were very close with ferguson and all I'll say is when it all comes to light, when people know the FULL Story you people wont have the hate you do towards him and howard.

Think im fulla BS? then bet me up to 5k, i got sept 3rd and before u win once its sept 4th
There is very little that could come to light that would diminish the my "hate" as you say, towards Howard and Chris. They both deserve prison time and all the fun things that come along with being middle age and white while locked up. Unless all of the money they stole via the ponzi scheme known as Full Tilt was used to feed starving kids, or to cure cancer, then they deserve nothing but shame, ridicule, and harassment until that money is paid back in full.
06-08-2012 , 10:53 PM
Originally Posted by Mark275
like i said im not gonna post my people i know but i will say my opinion only and not have a big debate with 2+2, I have my opinion, and saying i firmly believe theyll pay out before the date i mentioned, if you think i am clueless then bet me. I got no comment to ya friendly man im not stirring rumors on that.
If we get paid on September 2nd I'd be so happy.

Although I'd take anytime before then too obv.

Also if a bet happens please let someone actually confirm it this time.
06-08-2012 , 10:58 PM
Originally Posted by RikaKazak
I'm very interested in this bet. Would you mind going higher? Say $15K.

Did you already have an escrow in mind, or did you have an escrow site in mind.

(please pm me cause opening this thread is just depressing)
Please let this happen and confirm.
06-08-2012 , 11:05 PM
Originally Posted by Diamond_Flush
I didnt mean you sir, I meant I thought your post referred to the other poster that said that, whose post remains and was right before yours iirc. I should have been clearer. And yes you have been very kind, ty.
My kindness towards you, has been more than well deserved. I hope I speak for the majority here when I say that your tireless efforts to provide solid information on this are greatly appreciated
06-09-2012 , 12:05 AM
Originally Posted by pokerpunchout
There is very little that could come to light that would diminish the my "hate" as you say, towards Howard and Chris. They both deserve prison time and all the fun things that come along with being middle age and white while locked up. Unless all of the money they stole via the ponzi scheme known as Full Tilt was used to feed starving kids, or to cure cancer, then they deserve nothing but shame, ridicule, and harassment until that money is paid back in full.
If it turns out that RB was keeping 2 sets of books that'd take a lot of heat off of them for me.
06-09-2012 , 12:12 AM
Originally Posted by pokerpunchout
There is very little that could come to light that would diminish the my "hate" as you say, towards Howard and Chris. They both deserve prison time and all the fun things that come along with being middle age and white while locked up. Unless all of the money they stole via the ponzi scheme known as Full Tilt was used to feed starving kids, or to cure cancer, then they deserve nothing but shame, ridicule, and harassment until that money is paid back in full.
Yeah really. Probably going to spew some really smelly stuff and hope that everyone is going to forgive and forget.

Not likely.
06-09-2012 , 12:15 AM
Originally Posted by Mark275
like i said im not gonna post my people i know but i will say my opinion only and not have a big debate with 2+2, I have my opinion, and saying i firmly believe theyll pay out before the date i mentioned, if you think i am clueless then bet me. I got no comment to ya friendly man im not stirring rumors on that.

I remember Chinamaniac telling me specifically that I would be shocked if I knew who is super-secret source was.

I have a hard time thinking of any possible source real or imagined he might have had that might shock me unless it was some kind of weird thing where he kept the remains of a family member locked up in the cool attic and talked to them about poker issues during tea parties.

I am getting a vibe that you have similarly well placed sources. I think starving writer makes a good offer. Since you only win if they pay out by that date you just need to get their FTP balances as payout. I am sure a few people will take you up on this sort of bet.

You would need to escrow your side of it of course.

Originally Posted by Mark275
I don't wanna be known to be the next china, so i wont promise things or whatever and about when they payout... but I wanna bet on when FTP starts its repayment, find an escrow and quote me if interested and ill book if i agree to escrow+bet. I say players start to get paid before Sept 3rd of this year. I know some people who were very close with ferguson and all I'll say is when it all comes to light, when people know the FULL Story you people wont have the hate you do towards him and howard.

Think im fulla BS? then bet me up to 5k, i got sept 3rd and before u win once its sept 4th
I would add that the absolutely worst sources in this entire saga have been those connected with FTP. The people with FTP have no clue what is going on with the DOJ and Stars. That someone who knows someone at FTP would have the actual scoop is pretty low.

Besides being criminals it seems most people there were/are pathological liars. Remember when people used to send Ifrah emails and share them here... LOL.
06-09-2012 , 01:28 AM
Originally Posted by kermit78

"thats from a reliable source"

06-09-2012 , 01:45 AM
Originally Posted by RikaKazak
I'm very interested in this bet. Would you mind going higher? Say $15K.

Did you already have an escrow in mind, or did you have an escrow site in mind.

(please pm me cause opening this thread is just depressing)
I am also interested. Perhaps Mark275 can start a new thread with terms and conditions.
06-09-2012 , 02:12 AM
Originally Posted by markksman
I remember Chinamaniac telling me specifically that I would be shocked if I knew who is super-secret source was.

I have a hard time thinking of any possible source real or imagined he might have had that might shock me unless it was some kind of weird thing where he kept the remains of a family member locked up in the cool attic and talked to them about poker issues during tea parties.
The most likely scenario is that Mark275 knows someone who knows Ferguson in some regard. That person told Mark the same thing he told us "blah blah once you find out the whole story blah blah", and Mark is relating that to us nearly word for word so it sounds like he knows a bunch of details, when he doesn't really know jack squat.
06-09-2012 , 02:45 AM
Originally Posted by kermit78
Once you see the QJ logo, it could be a press conference with Ray Bitar, Howard Lederer, Barack Obama, Isai Scheinberg, three supreme court justices, and the risen Jesus Christ and I still wouldn't take it as a reliable source.

They should really just change the name to "Say whatever pops into your head radio"
06-09-2012 , 02:55 AM
Originally Posted by starvingwriter82
Once you see the QJ logo, it could be a press conference with Ray Bitar, Howard Lederer, Barack Obama, Isai Scheinberg, three supreme court justices, and the risen Jesus Christ and I still wouldn't take it as a reliable source.

They should really just change the name to "Say whatever pops into your head radio"
well it wasn't QJ that said they had a reliable source, it was Mike.

But yeah same thing I suppose.
06-09-2012 , 03:02 AM
Well somebody seems to be talking who knows at least generally what it is happening (no one in this thread). I just wonder if all the whispers we've been hearing from different spheres of the poker community stem from the same place/source.
06-09-2012 , 03:24 AM
I wouldn't be surprised if it was the email Goebbels or one of the owners.

Also Mike on poker strategy is so lol. "Yeah this time I decided to mix it up and play KK like a ******."
06-09-2012 , 08:29 AM
dot the I's and cross the T's
06-09-2012 , 08:35 AM
Was at a local poker game last night. A few play online, non seriously though and all are fish (and non on FTP I think )

Someone asked me who won the ME tweice with T2, I said Brunson, pretty cool player

guy replied "no man, Jesus is way cooler"

fish still have no idea
06-09-2012 , 08:39 AM
Originally Posted by The Good Life11
dot the I's and cross the T's
Pretty sure Mike said they were dotting the I's and T's, so that might be part of the delay.

ii will huri ihe fip coniraci readabiliiy.
06-09-2012 , 10:04 AM
Originally Posted by xxx
Pretty sure Mike said they were dotting the I's and T's, so that might be part of the delay.
PLEASE nobody listen to anything Mike says.
06-09-2012 , 11:53 AM
i enjoyed that qj interview with mike. why is erick lingram going to go to jail? also sounds like stars deal is almost done... probably will hear at main event.
