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*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** *** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD ***
View Poll Results: Who will win the Durrrr Challenge II?
Tom "Durrrr" Dwan
1,577 41.89%
Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates
2,188 58.11%

08-30-2010 , 02:22 PM
yea, nice with some action. Is this the first session today?
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
08-30-2010 , 02:22 PM
seriously, i 4-table heads up pretty often and I NEVER see coolers like i have in this challenge so far.

it seems like it's AA vs KK, set vs flush, etc. every other hand. wtf.
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
08-30-2010 , 02:22 PM
information is power
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
08-30-2010 , 02:23 PM
jungleman coached by darvin moon?
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
08-30-2010 , 02:23 PM

Pre Flop: (0.60)
jungle raise 1.2, durrr reraise 3.6, jungle calls
Flop: (7.20)
durrr bets 4.8, jungle raises 10, durrr ships 32.2, jungle calls
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
08-30-2010 , 02:23 PM
Everytime durrrr shoves its a flush draw ffs.

(not b/ the one above.)
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
08-30-2010 , 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by Leobzook
jungleman coached by darvin moon?
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
08-30-2010 , 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by Leobzook
jungleman coached by darvin moon?
yeah, 2k per hour
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
08-30-2010 , 02:25 PM
3 bet pre

flop /c/c/
turn c/c/
River durrrr bets 4800, jung raises to 15,600, durrrr raises to 27,800 jung calls

*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
08-30-2010 , 02:26 PM
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
08-30-2010 , 02:27 PM
durrrr ships ~132K pot with 2nd set.
edit: too late.
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
08-30-2010 , 02:27 PM
Ahh, Jung, one of my favorite psychologists!!!

Last edited by salsathekid; 08-30-2010 at 02:28 PM. Reason: psychiatrists>?
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
08-30-2010 , 02:27 PM
durrr overbetting rivers like crazy
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
08-30-2010 , 02:28 PM
jungleman seems to be ruling the felt again! durrrr has probably been way too much HEM analysed and doesn't get away with his moves! hard to see lol

...but he's way to more agressive post flop, i thing that if this was live jungleman wouldn't be as good!
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
08-30-2010 , 02:28 PM
god damn already missed an hour qq

who is up, how much?
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
08-30-2010 , 02:29 PM
raised preflop

durrr bets 2k on flop jung calls, bets 5200 jung calls, durrrr bets 12,200 jung raises to 40000 durrrr ships jung calls

*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
08-30-2010 , 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by taka taka
jungleman seems to be ruling the felt again! durrrr has probably been way too much HEM analysed and doesn't get away with his moves! hard to see lol

...but he's way to more agressive post flop, i thing that if this was live jungleman wouldn't be as good!
there is so much fail in this post.
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
08-30-2010 , 02:31 PM
In that Durrrr TT set hand he Timebanked forever on the river before shoving when Jungle only had 17k behind. Slowroll?
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
08-30-2010 , 02:31 PM
5th table added
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
08-30-2010 , 02:31 PM
And durrrr splits the 130k. Clearly this is his FTP roll.
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
08-30-2010 , 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by ArcadianSky
there is so much fail in this post.
Timing couldnt be worse when jungleman just got felted probable two pair vs. set.
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
08-30-2010 , 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by BennyQuack
In that Durrrr TT set hand he Timebanked forever on the river before shoving when Jungle only had 17k behind. Slowroll?
no he made it look like a sick bluff, so jungleman could still call with Ahigh and stuff
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
08-30-2010 , 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by BennyQuack
In that Durrrr TT set hand he Timebanked forever on the river before shoving when Jungle only had 17k behind. Slowroll?
It's not a slowroll really, jungleman could possibly herofold some two pairs etc every now and then otr.
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
08-30-2010 , 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by solinar
And durrrr splits the 130k. Clearly this is his FTP roll.
this just so f pathetic. cant understand it
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
08-30-2010 , 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by BennyQuack
In that Durrrr TT set hand he Timebanked forever on the river before shoving when Jungle only had 17k behind. Slowroll?
How do you slowroll a shove?
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
