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Douglas "WCGRider" Polk vs Ben "Sauce" Sulsky - High Stakes HUNL Challenge Douglas "WCGRider" Polk vs Ben "Sauce" Sulsky - High Stakes HUNL Challenge

10-06-2013 , 05:01 PM
ill bet $10 sir

nah, who has $10 these days
Douglas "WCGRider" Polk vs Ben "Sauce" Sulsky - High Stakes HUNL Challenge Quote
10-06-2013 , 05:01 PM
^ lol, maybe like 10,000:1, with 1.5k hands left to go
Douglas "WCGRider" Polk vs Ben "Sauce" Sulsky - High Stakes HUNL Challenge Quote
10-06-2013 , 05:04 PM
Originally Posted by 50mFreestyle
cant ppl just get that his tilt / approach to the game is a big part of his game

there are worlds between bloms A game and B, C game.... he does not have to care 100% like others who have to because they are not sponsored, in formats in which blom has to really challenge himself (f.e. super star challenges) its a complete different picture - he then forces himself to his A game! f.e. he beat Ike Haxton quite impressingly in that 500K challenge, didnt he also beat jungleman in the super star showdown - and thats not longer than maybe 15 months ago?!! the others cant have gotten so much better, or he cant have gooten so much worse - that there are WORLDs between them now,

i am sure in a format in which he feels really challenged he will be very close to the current top5 players.. and cant ppl realize that he lost 2.4 million in NLH just last month - and now suddenly he is a super fish thats not correct imo

some links:


i dont know but beeing down 5 milly this year should be enough of a reason to pull his A game imo
Douglas "WCGRider" Polk vs Ben "Sauce" Sulsky - High Stakes HUNL Challenge Quote
10-06-2013 , 05:05 PM
Originally Posted by CzechFold
ill bet $10 sir

nah, who has $10 these days
Ninja editing

Did you read it as in favour of sauce originally?
Douglas "WCGRider" Polk vs Ben "Sauce" Sulsky - High Stakes HUNL Challenge Quote
10-06-2013 , 05:06 PM
10,000:1 sounds a bit too low. Does WCG have a pet? If so there's a non-zero chance it sits in while he's afk and plays out the rest of the challenge. I'd expect a spirited debate on the ethics of Sauce continuing to play after a flurry of open-shoves and the following chat:

WCGRider: roofroof
WCGRider: arkarkarkarkarkark
Douglas "WCGRider" Polk vs Ben "Sauce" Sulsky - High Stakes HUNL Challenge Quote
10-06-2013 , 05:09 PM
^ There is always that I suppose

Sauce, would there be the possibility of some kind of 50:50 PLO/NLHE challenge in the near future?
Douglas "WCGRider" Polk vs Ben "Sauce" Sulsky - High Stakes HUNL Challenge Quote
10-06-2013 , 05:09 PM
Originally Posted by zachvac
It's amazing how well the average nvg reg knows about isil's game despite playing like literally a thousand times lower stakes.
I imagine some will have watched him play hundreds of thousands of hands, so the more astute will have a decent grasp of his game regardless of what they play themselves.
Douglas "WCGRider" Polk vs Ben "Sauce" Sulsky - High Stakes HUNL Challenge Quote
10-06-2013 , 05:26 PM
Originally Posted by coach999
so u were serious about google chrome being his secret weapon to beat sauce?
You sat there with a straight face typing that post!?
dude, ive literally made hundreds of dollars from what i've learned on this web board. the knowledge is available to anyone who wants it
Douglas "WCGRider" Polk vs Ben "Sauce" Sulsky - High Stakes HUNL Challenge Quote
10-06-2013 , 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by Old Bean
I imagine some will have watched him play hundreds of thousands of hands
lol no

Originally Posted by Old Bean
so the more astute will have a decent grasp of his game regardless of what they play themselves.
lol no
Douglas "WCGRider" Polk vs Ben "Sauce" Sulsky - High Stakes HUNL Challenge Quote
10-06-2013 , 05:37 PM
he was min raising pre at SSNL before it was cool
Douglas "WCGRider" Polk vs Ben "Sauce" Sulsky - High Stakes HUNL Challenge Quote
10-06-2013 , 11:37 PM
Originally Posted by zachvac
It's amazing how well the average nvg reg knows about isil's game despite playing like literally a thousand times lower stakes.
lol no
Douglas "WCGRider" Polk vs Ben "Sauce" Sulsky - High Stakes HUNL Challenge Quote
10-07-2013 , 12:32 AM
WCG you are a tool. you make jungleman seem likable in comparison, which is no small feat.
Douglas "WCGRider" Polk vs Ben "Sauce" Sulsky - High Stakes HUNL Challenge Quote
10-07-2013 , 12:59 AM
Have you ever been near Jungleman's feet?
Douglas "WCGRider" Polk vs Ben "Sauce" Sulsky - High Stakes HUNL Challenge Quote
10-07-2013 , 03:43 AM
Originally Posted by ItsAboutTimeIAte
WCG you are a tool. you make jungleman seem likable in comparison, which is no small feat.
LOL. spot on!
Douglas "WCGRider" Polk vs Ben "Sauce" Sulsky - High Stakes HUNL Challenge Quote
10-07-2013 , 04:51 AM
All the isi fan boys are so butt hurt. I love the high stakes trash talking, it is some good ol entertainment. It would be one thing if WCG talked trash and didn't back it up, but he put his money where his mouth is. He is willing to take on anybody and therefore I respect him for that. He has a big ego, but as of lately I would say it is well deserved. Keep the trash talk coming WCG!
Douglas "WCGRider" Polk vs Ben "Sauce" Sulsky - High Stakes HUNL Challenge Quote
10-07-2013 , 06:58 AM
i am offering 88:1 on sauce to win, PM me!
Douglas "WCGRider" Polk vs Ben "Sauce" Sulsky - High Stakes HUNL Challenge Quote
10-07-2013 , 10:13 AM
Originally Posted by ItsAboutTimeIAte
WCG you are a tool. you make jungleman seem likable in comparison, which is no small feat.
Douglas "WCGRider" Polk vs Ben "Sauce" Sulsky - High Stakes HUNL Challenge Quote
10-07-2013 , 10:26 AM
where are atual results? how many hands played and $$$ results pls.

too many pages, can't find it.
Douglas "WCGRider" Polk vs Ben "Sauce" Sulsky - High Stakes HUNL Challenge Quote
10-07-2013 , 10:27 AM
Originally Posted by sauce123
I'll take 100:1 against myself on any bets up to $500, so your $500 to win $50000
any bets up to means, minimum amount is 500 - 50k , or maximum amount is 500 - 50k?

sry, my english is bad .
Douglas "WCGRider" Polk vs Ben "Sauce" Sulsky - High Stakes HUNL Challenge Quote
10-07-2013 , 10:34 AM
Originally Posted by urubu111
where are atual results? how many hands played and $$$ results pls.

too many pages, can't find it.

Originally Posted by urubu111
any bets up to means, minimum amount is 500 - 50k , or maximum amount is 500 - 50k?

sry, my english is bad .
Douglas "WCGRider" Polk vs Ben "Sauce" Sulsky - High Stakes HUNL Challenge Quote
10-07-2013 , 10:35 AM
Originally Posted by urubu111
where are atual results? how many hands played and $$$ results pls.

too many pages, can't find it.
Douglas "WCGRider" Polk vs Ben "Sauce" Sulsky - High Stakes HUNL Challenge Quote
10-07-2013 , 10:53 AM
isildur up million in nlhe last 7 days, wish i was fish like that, takes wgc 1000s of hands being the best to win that much

isildur just loves poker and wants to be best, call him fish or whatever you want, wgc just wants to be popular because he was not in high school , needs a lot of attention
Douglas "WCGRider" Polk vs Ben "Sauce" Sulsky - High Stakes HUNL Challenge Quote
10-07-2013 , 11:03 AM
Regardless of the personal attacks ITT, you have to respect these 2 guys. They made a comittment and are actually finishing a challenge giving it their all. No angle shooting, no scamming, no stalling, and no excuses. 2 great players that actually found time to play and acquitted themselves well. Perhaps, Tom Dwan could learn something from these two guys................
Douglas "WCGRider" Polk vs Ben "Sauce" Sulsky - High Stakes HUNL Challenge Quote
10-07-2013 , 11:04 AM
Originally Posted by urubu111
any bets up to means, minimum amount is 500 - 50k , or maximum amount is 500 - 50k?

sry, my english is bad .
he definitely means that $500 is the maximum amount you can bet, which if you win will give you $50k in return.
Douglas "WCGRider" Polk vs Ben "Sauce" Sulsky - High Stakes HUNL Challenge Quote
10-07-2013 , 03:22 PM
I can see how people can think WCG comes off as arrogant, but at least he posts in NVG and interacts with HS poker fans. One of the things that makes NVG worth reading is that people like WCG, sauce, ike, kanu, jungle etc post here. I'm sure they enjoy posting here or they wouldn't bother, but it's also a nice gesture to the people who rail them.

Isildur seems like he's just the opposite. When Stars flew over Vanilla Thunder to report on the PS/FTP challenge, all of the players involved--Daniel, Gus, Ike, Elky, durrrr--did interviews with VT. The only player that didn't was Isildur, even though VT is from Sweden, speaks Swedish as his native language, and probably is one of Blom's biggest fans.

That just seemed very inconsiderate, and I find it hard how understand how Isildur fanboy's think that WCG is the more disrecptful of the two of them for giving his assessment of Isildur's game, when at least he'll interact with you, unlike Isildur who will blow off a fan from his own country who was brought there specifically to interview the sponsoered pros taking part in that challenge.

OTOH, WCG used to mod BBV, so I agree it's hard to have much respect for him. That's even worse than modding NVG.
Douglas "WCGRider" Polk vs Ben "Sauce" Sulsky - High Stakes HUNL Challenge Quote
