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Douglas "WCGRider" Polk vs Ben "Sauce" Sulsky - High Stakes HUNL Challenge Douglas "WCGRider" Polk vs Ben "Sauce" Sulsky - High Stakes HUNL Challenge

09-30-2013 , 05:59 PM
Originally Posted by timfbmx
WCGrider vs jungleman next?
Douglas "WCGRider" Polk vs Ben "Sauce" Sulsky - High Stakes HUNL Challenge Quote
09-30-2013 , 06:17 PM
Next shoud be WCG vs Wilhasha 50/100 deep, auto top up to 250 bb.

Make it happen, Doug
Douglas "WCGRider" Polk vs Ben "Sauce" Sulsky - High Stakes HUNL Challenge Quote
09-30-2013 , 06:25 PM
lol, why does anyone think wilhasha is good
Douglas "WCGRider" Polk vs Ben "Sauce" Sulsky - High Stakes HUNL Challenge Quote
09-30-2013 , 06:32 PM
Originally Posted by Jamie Platinum
Next shoud be WCG vs Wilhasha 50/100 deep, auto top up to 250 bb.

Make it happen, Doug
0% equity hasha accepts this
Douglas "WCGRider" Polk vs Ben "Sauce" Sulsky - High Stakes HUNL Challenge Quote
09-30-2013 , 06:53 PM
Originally Posted by jungleman
lol, why does anyone think wilhasha is good
Why does he rarely get action then other than 2 or 3 guys?

Also, it's less about skill and more about entertainment. Didn't he very recently call WCG out for not having all of himself? I don't doubt he'd pass but at this point, who would accept?
Douglas "WCGRider" Polk vs Ben "Sauce" Sulsky - High Stakes HUNL Challenge Quote
09-30-2013 , 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by Jamie Platinum
Why does he rarely get action then other than 2 or 3 guys?
u cray?

I'll give u ten names that would gladly accept to play wili: ike, wcg, jungle, kanu, sauce, german crew (ragen, alti, donthnrme, raul) and fees. And there are a few more names.

Your distorted view may be a result of nobody playing each other these days at +1/200 HU (specially wilhasha, who sits out against everybody on that list). Dudes seem fond of lobby-sharing and stuff.

Originally Posted by Jamie Platinum
Didn't he very recently call WCG out for not having all of himself? I don't doubt he'd pass but at this point, who would accept?
LoL, did u really believe his mockery was for realz? Nobody had 100% of their action playin' 400/800, except isil and the chinese(s). Wili didn't have all of his action there lol, ask his buddy Sussie Smith.

Last edited by IMonkeyTiltsoWhat; 09-30-2013 at 07:27 PM.
Douglas "WCGRider" Polk vs Ben "Sauce" Sulsky - High Stakes HUNL Challenge Quote
09-30-2013 , 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by jungleman
lol, why does anyone think wilhasha is good
give him some action then. easy money :O
Douglas "WCGRider" Polk vs Ben "Sauce" Sulsky - High Stakes HUNL Challenge Quote
09-30-2013 , 07:38 PM
Originally Posted by Land Of The Free?
There's no way Rider is winning at that kind of rate vs Soss, he's obviously running good; but it's also very clear that the probability he doesn't have a skill edge is extremely small.

And anyone tempted to post another "15k hands sample means nuffin!", make sure you can back up that statement with the appropriate math in the context of current win rate and number of hands played.

If you can't, realize that your opinion is meaningless, close your browser and give your brain some much needed intellectual stimulation.
pot meet kettle
Douglas "WCGRider" Polk vs Ben "Sauce" Sulsky - High Stakes HUNL Challenge Quote
09-30-2013 , 07:58 PM
Originally Posted by David123
give him some action then. easy money :O
you should tell him that
Douglas "WCGRider" Polk vs Ben "Sauce" Sulsky - High Stakes HUNL Challenge Quote
09-30-2013 , 09:09 PM
Originally Posted by Zenzor
pot meet kettle
Douglas "WCGRider" Polk vs Ben "Sauce" Sulsky - High Stakes HUNL Challenge Quote
09-30-2013 , 11:17 PM
This is easily one of the best threads of 2013. Thank you WCGRider (and Sauce). Congrats WCGRider.
Douglas "WCGRider" Polk vs Ben "Sauce" Sulsky - High Stakes HUNL Challenge Quote
10-01-2013 , 02:57 AM
Originally Posted by RBpro
This is easily one of the best threads of 2013. Thank you WCGRider (and Sauce). Congrats WCGRider.
Why is Sauce in brackets? He suggested the challenge.
Douglas "WCGRider" Polk vs Ben "Sauce" Sulsky - High Stakes HUNL Challenge Quote
10-01-2013 , 03:36 AM
Jungle, just out of curiosity, if WCG and Sauce played again hunl for 15K hands (yes I know never happening again), what would you estimate Rider's odds of winning to be?

Before the match WCG went off as a small favorite @ -105. Would he be > -150 in your opinion, if they played the same challenge again?
Douglas "WCGRider" Polk vs Ben "Sauce" Sulsky - High Stakes HUNL Challenge Quote
10-01-2013 , 04:23 AM
Giving everyone a heads up, sauce is busy this week, and im busy for the the week or so after, so we will be concluding the challenge in 2-3 weeks (The original timeline was for mid october regardless)
Douglas "WCGRider" Polk vs Ben "Sauce" Sulsky - High Stakes HUNL Challenge Quote
10-01-2013 , 04:28 AM
Originally Posted by jungleman
lol, why does anyone think wilhasha is good
probably because WGC told in the chatbox that wilasha is a better player than Isildur.
Douglas "WCGRider" Polk vs Ben "Sauce" Sulsky - High Stakes HUNL Challenge Quote
10-01-2013 , 05:22 AM
Originally Posted by jungleman
lol, why does anyone think wilhasha is good
He plays highstakes, gives alot of action, and talks a good game.

Just curious when you insinuate that Wilhasha is not good, what do you consider 'not good'? Unable to beat 5knl... unable to beat 1knl... unable to beat 100nl?
Douglas "WCGRider" Polk vs Ben "Sauce" Sulsky - High Stakes HUNL Challenge Quote
10-01-2013 , 06:27 AM
Originally Posted by jungleman
i think i am better and would love to play him
that's all he says folks..
Douglas "WCGRider" Polk vs Ben "Sauce" Sulsky - High Stakes HUNL Challenge Quote
10-01-2013 , 06:43 AM
I feel big willy is good at 3/4 handed play not so much HU, jungle the otherway around
Douglas "WCGRider" Polk vs Ben "Sauce" Sulsky - High Stakes HUNL Challenge Quote
10-01-2013 , 12:35 PM
hey doug. seeing as you'll get no action on ftp until the completion of the sauce match (can't comment on other sites if your usernames are unknown) i was hoping you could answer some q's. i would've liked to have interviewed you on a podcast (as you bring a lot of personality to the interview) but i dont have 1. so i can't

a) I dont want to tempt fate but it would appear (from the results of all the other sessions) that you will emerge victorious from the challenge with sauce1234. with the best of respect, why were you so confident going in about winning the match? (we know sauce is v good at hunl but has been spending a lot of time playing plo, however we/i thought these skills were transferable between games. you know, you're exceptional at 1 game, you're playing another regularly, you return to your original game, there's no rust. a smooth transition back. it would appear not.)

b) just to follow up on a). if you were so confident in the match, why didnt you tell all of 2p2 so we could've bet on you?

in all seriousness, before the challenge you were some1 we saw shouting his mouth off a lot, talking a good game. i didnt know you were that good(ie. outplaying sauce is all of the sessions). so wrt betting on the match (well sports betting in general), what indicators should we have been looking for to tip us off that you were correctly designated the favourite in early betting?

c) i know you're not an expert but we go into 2x betting shops (im in the uk so it's our odds system, sorry) and we see wcg was originally 1/3 favourite in the 1st shop and 1/25 in the other. now if we were betting on you we would go to the 1st. however how do i (a bad poker player/some1 who's a beginner when it comes to making bets) know what's an 'accurate' price for the event? (i know c) is similar to b) but it's just to elaborate on a salient point for me)

d) post this challenge, on the grapevine its been rumoured the pokerstars all star HU challenge is back for the 2nd year. what stopped you playing last year?

we dont know the format yet but is this (touch wood) likely victory in the 15k hand sauce challenge going to lead into a likely victory of 3x hu matches in the all star showdown?

e) have you watched sauce's vids on r.i.o. prior to this match? or is the information available in the videos at lower stakes/different formats irrelevant to your challenge?

f) i can't really ask you q's about individual hands (cos i dont understand any of them ) as this mini-interview would go on too long but from a meta-game p.o.v. has your strategy changed as the match progressed? or would you consider your 'strategy' a fluid thing where depending on how the opponent is playing affects how you play. so it is expected that you will alter different parts of your game as the match continues?

g) idk if you talk to sauce outside of pokerstars chat. but what would you consider sauce's mindstate to be? (to the best of my knowledge, sauce is down ~$500k (~25 B.I.'s) in this match) and more pertinently, do these thoughts affect how you plan your next session, the upcoming hands against him, or like his training video commentaries are they irrelevant to you?

h) there's been some banter between you and jungle on 2p2 recently. i believe you commented in a prior interview that jungle (to paraphrase you) 'is an ok hu player. though unlikely to be as good as me.'

we/i thought you were deluded. it would appear i was wrong. say you and jungle set up a 15k hand challenge between yourself in the next 3 months, are you v confident about winning? its not that you're not good, it's more the case that people think that great players might be able to adjust to your game and strategy, is that really unlikely with jungle?

i) are you concerned about not getting any hu action in the upcoming future on stars and tilt? (if wcg is your username on stars as well) what can you do?

j) are you as confident in your 6max game as your hunl game? (this is after seeing wcg involved in some swingy v sessions in the malacesia 400/800 game. a v big game for those who aren't aware of it)

k) i need somewhere to stay. i happen to be in vegas soon. can i just turn up at your house? PLEASE!!!!! (for poker reasons. not other )

Last edited by ralph cifaretto; 10-01-2013 at 12:44 PM.
Douglas "WCGRider" Polk vs Ben "Sauce" Sulsky - High Stakes HUNL Challenge Quote
10-01-2013 , 01:33 PM
Rider is off for a week following his challenge? Excellent.

Rider - I have PM'd you a series of questions, if you dont mind (technically, it's eight PM's as I reached the character count maximum). To make it easier to follow, I have sub-divided the sections into categories and I have also included some logic/maths puzzles for the lolz.

Please could you respond with full answers, taking care to understand the questions fully. Thanks.
Douglas "WCGRider" Polk vs Ben "Sauce" Sulsky - High Stakes HUNL Challenge Quote
10-01-2013 , 01:58 PM
Douglas "WCGRider" Polk vs Ben "Sauce" Sulsky - High Stakes HUNL Challenge Quote
10-01-2013 , 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by LiquidSw0rd
probably because WGC told in the chatbox that wilasha is a better player than Isildur.
I was under the impression that he was insinuating isil was bad rather than saying wil was good.
Douglas "WCGRider" Polk vs Ben "Sauce" Sulsky - High Stakes HUNL Challenge Quote
10-01-2013 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by CliffLee
Rider is off for a week following his challenge? Excellent.

Rider - I have PM'd you a series of questions, if you dont mind (technically, it's eight PM's as I reached the character count maximum). To make it easier to follow, I have sub-divided the sections into categories and I have also included some logic/maths puzzles for the lolz.

Please could you respond with full answers, taking care to understand the questions fully. Thanks.
Douglas "WCGRider" Polk vs Ben "Sauce" Sulsky - High Stakes HUNL Challenge Quote
10-01-2013 , 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by ralph cifaretto
poorly written wall o' text
genuinely curious, what on earth goes through your mind writing that?
Douglas "WCGRider" Polk vs Ben "Sauce" Sulsky - High Stakes HUNL Challenge Quote
10-01-2013 , 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by zachvac
I was under the impression that he was insinuating isil was bad rather than saying wil was good.
yes this, he thinks hasha is bad and isildur sucks worse.
Douglas "WCGRider" Polk vs Ben "Sauce" Sulsky - High Stakes HUNL Challenge Quote
