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Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands)

02-04-2021 , 09:01 PM
Originally Posted by Mike Femton
When Doug said he's probably top-10 heads-up did he mean with or without his 50 strong army of data analysts?

Not saying he is or isn't but obviously makes a huge difference.
Without. Because you also heard him say that 60% of the way through he almost told them "don't bother" because they weren't bringing him much that he didn't already know about the sessions.
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
02-04-2021 , 09:20 PM
Originally Posted by threeflight87
Agree. I was often astounded at how often Doug was betting huge on river with nothing. I bet he blew a easy $MILLION doing that alone.

Considering how bad of a player I think Dnegs is, imo a top 10 HU player would have won $2-3 million easily.

I still love you Doug.....but I don't think you played all that well in this.

embarrassing post.

After 25k hands and all the the free high level HU strat Doug and others have been sharing it is amazing people who have followed this from the beginning still think like this. Poker not dead Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands)
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
02-04-2021 , 10:02 PM
Originally Posted by threeflight87

Which is why I get such a laugh out of people talking how 'brave it was' for DN to take on Doug.

Get out.
Meh, I get it. A lot of people use "brave" any time someone voluntarily takes on a challenge that is inherently harmful in some way. So there is a fine line – or more accurately – a significant amount of overlap between what is "brave" and what is dangerous or even reckless.

It goes the other way, too. Suppose one person accused me of being too chicken to free-climb El Capitan. Then another person then said, no, he's smart enough not to attempt it. I'd say they're both correct, because those two things aren't mutually exclusive.
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
02-04-2021 , 10:18 PM
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
02-04-2021 , 10:22 PM
Every time Daniel mentioned luck during his final post-session interview:

Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
02-04-2021 , 11:03 PM
Thanks Doug for showing your cards during the last session.

So much more fun to observe.
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
02-04-2021 , 11:26 PM
Originally Posted by Mike Femton
When Doug said he's probably top-10 heads-up did he mean with or without his 50 strong army of data analysts?

Not saying he is or isn't but obviously makes a huge difference.
Did Polk say he had 50 data analysts? He had analysts, but 50?

Dnegs was obviously using coaches too and that is partly how he improved from the beginning of the challenge.
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
02-05-2021 , 01:29 AM
lol at Dnegs bringing up the Stones cheating incident and saying he wants Veronica to review all of the hands. I know he was just joking, but adding that to the multiple times he's said, "I know it's not rigged, but..." it's just a bad look for poker.
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
02-05-2021 , 04:57 AM
Originally Posted by threeflight87
Exactly this.

Which is why I get such a laugh out of people talking how 'brave it was' for DN to take on Doug.

Get out.

How many people do you call brave for betting a million on a 100 to 1 shot at Santa Anita? Or do you call that person an idiot?

Ego ego ego. DN has plenty of it.
Poker players don't necessarily want to berate fish and discourage them for losing money
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
02-05-2021 , 05:04 AM
Thanks to both DP and DN for doing this, great event for the poker community.
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
02-05-2021 , 05:08 AM
Originally Posted by garbagetime
two things:

(1) everyone saying Dnegs is a better poker player than Doug is IMO vindicated

(2) Did Doug break WSOP rules by collecting stats on his opponent?
LMAO this is either a massive troll or a massive cope.
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
02-05-2021 , 07:50 AM
It's been said before in this thread but I don't think people truly understand how "unlucky" or "lucky" they can be until they start putting in high volume. I think the resilience to become a true online professional comes from accepting the things DN talks about as "bad luck".

The flip side is we never, ever talk about how lucky we are for long stretches. For most people there is "running normal" and "running bad". I know with the benefit of hindsight that I've had 5,000 game stretches at spins where I ran really good. I just didn't realise it at the time.
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
02-05-2021 , 07:58 AM
Originally Posted by David Sklansky
But not so much if its not heads up.

Or games besides holdem or draw

Or even head up games if the opponent is weak.

Or even head up holdem games against tough opponents if you add some extra rules. Suppose for example before you act on the turn, you have the option to match the pot which forces the opponent to expose a card (but of his choosing). Let's see the University of Alberta come up with near GTO for that little wrinkle
Think we are on a countdown to where the online game will collapse once a poker gto app is available to the masses.

As a recreational player the reasons I play is for fun, a challenge, and earn a little money from my hobby.

Those 3 reasons will no longer exist when the pros can play like super computers.

If anyone is out there with the funds and creativity to create an entirely new card game (where it can't be solved to a high degree) they should get to work on it. Will be a space in the market soon for all the players like myself looking for something to fill the poker void.
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
02-05-2021 , 08:17 AM
Originally Posted by ChaosTSubO
Think we are on a countdown to where the online game will collapse once a poker gto app is available to the masses.

As a recreational player the reasons I play is for fun, a challenge, and earn a little money from my hobby.

Those 3 reasons will no longer exist when the pros can play like super computers.

If anyone is out there with the funds and creativity to create an entirely new card game (where it can't be solved to a high degree) they should get to work on it. Will be a space in the market soon for all the players like myself looking for something to fill the poker void.
How do you do that and keep skill in the game? What im asking is wouldn't an unsolvable game be all luck. Besides with enough computing power probably any game can be solved no matter how complicated. unless we're talking solving abstract numbers like grams number or tree3
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
02-05-2021 , 08:39 AM
Originally Posted by ChaosTSubO
Think we are on a countdown to where the online game will collapse once a poker gto app is available to the masses.

As a recreational player the reasons I play is for fun, a challenge, and earn a little money from my hobby.

Those 3 reasons will no longer exist when the pros can play like super computers.

If anyone is out there with the funds and creativity to create an entirely new card game (where it can't be solved to a high degree) they should get to work on it. Will be a space in the market soon for all the players like myself looking for something to fill the poker void.
If that happens all we need to do is #BringBackTheJoker
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
02-05-2021 , 08:40 AM
There is no such thing as an unsolvable game. You can keep adding stuff to the game to make it more complex but the bots will catch up, especially when we get quantum computers.

At some point we'll have to stop playing for real stakes online because of the risk, or find some reliable way to validate that players are not using RTA.

Heck, if cybernetics keep improving at a pace we might even have to stop playing for real stakes live.
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
02-05-2021 , 08:50 AM
Originally Posted by deuceblocker
Did Polk say he had 50 data analysts? He had analysts, but 50?

Dnegs was obviously using coaches too and that is partly how he improved from the beginning of the challenge.
I think Doug said it was a group of Upswing members who monitored hands and updated a spreadsheet with standard stats to track basic frequencies. Doug also said that DN agreed to allow this, so it's reasonable to assume that DN's team did the same type of tracking on Doug. It would be very inexpensive, especially relative to what DN probably dished out to pay his coaches.

Also lol @ the guy labeling these button pushers as data analysts. Yes, it's such skilled labor to track whether Dnegs cbet the flop or missed the flop cbet at each opportunity. Probably reqs at least an ivy league university degre in quantum statistics. If WSOP allowed tracking software it wouldn't have been necessary.
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
02-05-2021 , 10:16 AM
Originally Posted by dude45
How do you do that and keep skill in the game? What im asking is wouldn't an unsolvable game be all luck. Besides with enough computing power probably any game can be solved no matter how complicated. unless we're talking solving abstract numbers like grams number or tree3
Was thinking, have a lower percentage (25-33%?) of the game skill based and the rest luck based. That way the solver part can't dominate the results.

Perhaps where the skill and luck of each hand fluctuates.

Last edited by ChaosTSubO; 02-05-2021 at 10:25 AM.
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
02-05-2021 , 10:27 AM
Originally Posted by Wolfram
There is no such thing as an unsolvable game.
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
02-05-2021 , 10:36 AM
Originally Posted by ChaosTSubO
Was thinking, have a lower percentage (25-33%?) of the game skill based and the rest luck based. That way the solver part can't dominate the results.

Perhaps where the skill and luck of each hand fluctuates.
Coin flipping
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
02-05-2021 , 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by George Rice
Women are the rake, so yeah.
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
02-05-2021 , 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by WCGRider
Pre challenge people were talking about 1-3 evbb/100 winrates and stuff. Now 9.5 or whatever is not exactly great. Some pretty wildly different expectations itt
Last time I checked, people were ridiculed for 1evbb/100 winrates in general, let alone playing heads-up against opponents who have never won a dime playing heads-up online in their life.

But hey, congrats, you took a guy who clearly has serious mental issues for $1.2m, employing a full squad of rocket scientists in the process, constantly humiliating your opponent to the max at every opportunity and when you were done, you even made an "acceptance speech" like you cured cancer lmao

I don't even like Negreanu, but you sir are the clown of all clowns.
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
02-05-2021 , 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by dingdongdonkey
Last time I checked, people were ridiculed for 1evbb/100 winrates in general, let alone playing heads-up against opponents who have never won a dime playing heads-up online in their life.

But hey, congrats, you took a guy who clearly has serious mental issues for $1.2m, employing a full squad of rocket scientists in the process, constantly humiliating your opponent to the max at every opportunity and when you were done, you even made an "acceptance speech" like you cured cancer lmao

I don't even like Negreanu, but you sir are the clown of all clowns.
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
02-05-2021 , 12:36 PM
Originally Posted by Wolfram
There is no such thing as an unsolvable game. You can keep adding stuff to the game to make it more complex but the bots will catch up, especially when we get quantum computers.

At some point we'll have to stop playing for real stakes online because of the risk, or find some reliable way to validate that players are not using RTA.

Heck, if cybernetics keep improving at a pace we might even have to stop playing for real stakes live.
Chess does OK mostly.

If multi-way NLHE were effectively solved it is probably complex enough where playing with anywhere near engine accuracy would be extremely suspicious and be addressed by a controlled environment test to see if accuracy suffers. Most mid-stakes cheaters wouldn't be slick enough to not be obvious. High stakes games would probably need more front end scrutiny. Like back in the day when stars started offering 100/200 FLHE (astronomical stakes at the time) and you had to be pre-cleared to play.

This would of course requires sites to be very active. Which lol no we are doomed.
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
02-05-2021 , 12:42 PM
Originally Posted by dingdongdonkey
Last time I checked, people were ridiculed for 1evbb/100 winrates in general, let alone playing heads-up against opponents who have never won a dime playing heads-up online in their life.

But hey, congrats, you took a guy who clearly has serious mental issues for $1.2m, employing a full squad of rocket scientists in the process, constantly humiliating your opponent to the max at every opportunity and when you were done, you even made an "acceptance speech" like you cured cancer lmao

I don't even like Negreanu, but you sir are the clown of all clowns.
Someone is salty...
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
