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Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here

06-12-2019 , 03:00 AM
In before Today's Vlog starts with : "first of all i want to clear this out, i am not a bisexual gay"
Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here Quote
06-12-2019 , 07:02 AM
Honestly if the guy was just straight up "I like to su** d***s, **** bitches, and play poker, **** yeah" then nobody would bat an eye. It's 2019. It's the whole fakey-fakey business that causes people's skin to crawl.
Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here Quote
06-12-2019 , 09:57 AM
Hoorah for Daniel. His liberal nature appears to extend in equality in his sexual preferences towards men and women, and adoption from anywhere quick in the world.

Having said that, Haiti has the following adoption eligibility requirements on marriage Status: Married couples are eligible to adopt if they are age 30+ and have been married at least 5 years. Couples that have not been married for a full 5 years, but have been cohabitating for at least 5 years may qualify(certificate from relevant authorities must prove this and consent needed from both parents). Adoption from Romania is less restrictive, and has more personal relevance than Haiti!

Actually although there are tons of things one can find fault with Negreanu, that is the case with pretty much everyone else too.

And in the middle of all this mid-life crisis madness of his, it is easy to overlook his good sides. I live in London, playing exclusively online, so the videos he makes about the Vegas WSOP give me, and others like me, a unique, fascinating and honest insight into the highs and lows of the professional poker.

It is easy to take pot shots at his bad series so far, but then I have noticed there are other big names in the poker world like Chris Ferguson and Phil Hellmuth having equally disappointing series, the difference is they are less keen on public discussion of their series, and these guys’ results cumulatively show just how hard this game can be.

It is 11 years since he last won a bracelet in Vegas, poker is such a funny, silly, unpredictable game, that with his bad series last year and so far this year, it wouldn’t be a surprise for him to win a bracelet this year (on his 5th or 6th rebuy in a tournament!)
So good luck to Daniel! And his wife! And his male lover! And his two little dogs! And to their hair plugs!

Stay tuned for more drama in the exciting new series, “Oh Gawd, Whatever Now? It’s the Negreanus!”.
Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here Quote
06-12-2019 , 09:57 AM
What I’ve taken from recent pages is folk are upset that this man is having sex with Amanda.
Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here Quote
06-12-2019 , 10:49 AM
Originally Posted by The Agnoostic
Since you are in the loop
Lmao why do you think he's in the loop? Because he says he is? Don't be so ****ing gullible.

If that's all it takes then I'm Phil Ivey.
Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here Quote
06-12-2019 , 12:01 PM
I for one think it's sweet a bi-sexual man can have a great career in a male dominated industry and not many people even care.
It's like Ronaldo in football also with surrogate mothers with some arrangement they came to. If he chooses to keep that private that's totally up to Daniel.

And Jay nobody her at least is commenting on his series, it's been 10 days a bunch of bubbles and just a few punts. Insignificant sample. You are like the only one, people commented just on some spewy plays and rebuys not how "bad" his series is
Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here Quote
06-12-2019 , 12:54 PM
Originally Posted by bearer
What I’ve taken from recent pages is folk are upset that this man is having sex with Amanda.
Ha ha! So true, dude.
Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here Quote
06-12-2019 , 12:55 PM
Originally Posted by Lemon93PCTSure
I for one think it's sweet a bi-sexual man can have a great career in a male dominated industry and not many people even care.
So he slept with you, is that it? Because if not, then you're just making things up as you go along. You know, you thought something and so it became true.
Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here Quote
06-12-2019 , 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by GazzyB123
Lmao why do you think he's in the loop? Because he says he is? Don't be so ****ing gullible.

If that's all it takes then I'm Phil Ivey.

Hi Phil: How's baccarat treating you?
Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here Quote
06-12-2019 , 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by Lemon93PCTSure

And Jay nobody her at least is commenting on his series, it's been 10 days a bunch of bubbles and just a few punts. Insignificant sample. You are like the only one, people commented just on some spewy plays and rebuys not how "bad" his series is
Lemon, it's glaringly obvious you are not near a pro.
Nobody judges after such a small sample it's just variance.
Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here Quote
06-12-2019 , 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by Jay Why
Having said that, Haiti has the following adoption eligibility requirements on marriage Status: Married couples are eligible to adopt if they are age 30+ and have been married at least 5 years. Couples that have not been married for a full 5 years, but have been cohabitating for at least 5 years may qualify(certificate from relevant authorities must prove this and consent needed from both parents).
Gotta keep this one in the brain repository. Probably most useful if I ever make it on Jeopardy. Besides that, seems very austere imho. Who would've ever thought that Haiti is very socially conservative (at least in this facet of life)? How do they reconcile that with all the voodoo that they doo? Go figure!
Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here Quote
06-13-2019 , 12:17 AM
I will say, the WSOP vlogs this year have been excellent. At least, everything from when he gets out of the car right up to the end. Everything before that is godawful but the rest makes up for it. Truly entertaining and the videos make my jam-packed morning train commute more bearable. I'll be sad when they're over.
Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here Quote
06-13-2019 , 12:53 AM
Originally Posted by NorsteinBeckler
I will say, the WSOP vlogs this year have been excellent. At least, everything from when he gets out of the car right up to the end. Everything before that is godawful but the rest makes up for it. Truly entertaining and the videos make my jam-packed morning train commute more bearable. I'll be sad when they're over.
I agree. A fake news poster here said I had been talking negatively about the content of the video blogs, but I hadn't, and in fact think they are top quality - the camera work captures what is going on, the editing is tight, the contents honestly reflect whatever is on his mind, so all in all it gives a clear reflection on the lifestyle of a poker pro living the life so many would love to be living, and showing it isn't as easy and attractive as it may seem at first glance. More like tough and frustrating.

He has 300K followers on his site, 100K views on average, so lots of others also value what he does.

Poker is such a bitchy world, with unsuccessful players jealous of other more successful players, that sorting out the truth can be hard.

So Negreanu is an easy target, as he does so many things wrong, but now that he is free of the limitations that came with his Pokerstars relationship, it is interesting to see some of the real Negreanu for the first time, ie having to live in the real world without paid buy ins.
Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here Quote
06-13-2019 , 04:14 AM
last few pages of the thread are aids.
Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here Quote
06-13-2019 , 04:17 AM
Originally Posted by bombonca
last few pages of the thread are aids.
Coulda chosen a different metaphor
Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here Quote
06-13-2019 , 04:35 AM
Yeah vlogs are great
last one was like Highstakes poker episode lol

One table with Elezra + Freddy Deeb
cameo of Ivey in the hallway

I've not watched anyone else on youtube ever vlogging, just first Marle ones, Doug
and almost all Dnegs because say what you want he's entertaining
Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here Quote
06-13-2019 , 04:40 AM
Originally Posted by DCJ001
Now that it is 12 years old, do you still call it "it?"
Well, you know, freaking California... need to respect the gender by being ambiguous until it decides to identify as X, Y or Z.
Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here Quote
06-13-2019 , 04:47 AM
I just want to remind everyone of this amazing prediction , unf. there was no bets involved, which makes being right extremely tilting and is a constant jinx for all real bets. BTW, i am on GSW tonight.

Originally Posted by bombonca
if i was a betting man, i would probably bet that he doesnt make money this WSOP, so overall negative package at 1,5/1 and that he doesn't finish 5th or higher in any remaining event he plays at 3/1
Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here Quote
06-13-2019 , 07:17 AM
Is that like 'liking' your own post on FB?

He has two key events coming that can turn around the Series .. $10K 2-7 3x and the $50K PPC. Without some major cash in those events I think we could see a major tailspin unless he starts to focus on each tournament and not the POY goal.

You could easily debate the 'validity' of seriously playing to protect the interests of the investors and chasing the POY via the 'clear intention' concept. I think they conflict but in one VLog this year there were comments about 'since the ultimate goal is POY I can explain away all this aggressive play (marginal spots) at any time'. Obviously not his exact words, but it was along those lines.

Not sure how they tweaked the point system for this year, but Mike Leah caused a stir in both the POY race and the $25K fantasy league by just using the Allen Kessler approach to poker .. min cash, min cash , min cash your way to profits/points.

We don't see every hand, but one can easily speculate that if Daniel had just sat on his hands until he cashed during this stretch of bubbling that we'd be looking at this Series in a completely different light ... with very little profit to warrant the drastic change of tone, assuming the same bust outs soon followed. He speaks the truth, that's not what we sign up for with a Player like him. Even he stated it after that early FT .. confidence in poker is paramount. So you'd think that just maybe he would change the narrative and just coast to a cash instead of the 'balls to the wall' bubble approach.

I know in my cash play when I'm not hitting my draws ... I don't play draws for a while. That's 'wrong' thinking for sure, but it certainly soothes the pain until you start to see a few hit or just wait for the monsters to come back around. GL
Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here Quote
06-13-2019 , 07:51 AM
Originally Posted by bombonca
I just want to remind everyone of this amazing prediction , unf. there was no bets involved, which makes being right extremely tilting and is a constant jinx for all real bets. BTW, i am on GSW tonight.
There are 89 wsop events, 31 have started, so with him rebuying up to five times per tournament he has literally hundreds of chances yet to reach a final five!

When he made his vids announcing his backing packages he mentioned he was budgeting for up to three rebuys in tournaments, so no one can blame him for not giving sufficient advance notice of his determination to resolutely follow his short stack approach to the bitter end.

And as it is all about the pride of being POY, to hell with the actual cost to others of him getting it!

Anyway, enough talk, there are more buy ins to be bought, more investments to burn up, the night is still young, and there are hundreds of chances waiting for Negreanu to turn his 0% returns into at least something - anything! - back.
Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here Quote
06-13-2019 , 08:23 AM
Originally Posted by Airblaze
Allen Cunningham is married to a woman.
"So was I."--Rock Hudson
Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here Quote
06-13-2019 , 03:05 PM
I watched all last year's vlogs. They were very good but I was critical of two things. He was sometimes quite annoying to other players at the table who were trying to concentrate, and he was overly obsessed with his "intention" to win x number of bracelets and his intention to finish the day with roughly a certain size stack. These intentions, although good positive thinking, were irrational because of the factors that were out of his control, i.e. what cards he was being dealt and the strength or otherwise of his opponents.

On this year's vlogs, which I am also greatly enjoying, credit to him as he has toned down things when recording snippets of action and interaction at the table, and he is not obsessed with "intentions" but simply executing a pre-determined game plan for the series.

However, this game plan is quite flawed in my opinion.

Yes there are some tournaments where late regging is not a huge disadvantage ICM wise and there are some debatable viewpoints that sometimes it might be a small ICM advantage to late reg in some specific formats with specific structures, although often the trade off for an increased ICM value is a decrease in the chances of finishing in the top few prize heavy places.

However, all the evidence of the vlogs so far, and using basic poker common sense points towards his often late regging strategy being quite a big disadvantage.

It is a disadvantage because most of the field are not late regging, so the players already there are very tuned in to the game, the game flow, how other players have been playing and are generally way more "in the zone" than Daniel is. Plus for many of the players playing say a $1500 2-7, it might be one of only 5 or 10 comps they are playing in total at WSOP, so they are going to be more determined and probably more precise of mind and thought than any player who is late regging and playing a much larger number of comps than them in the series.

He is arriving "cold" at the table, often having just busted another comp, and frankly the players are probably licking their chops, expecting there to be a good chance that he will be donating his chips to them.

Also add to this that in many of the comps he is playing (I am talking about non NLHE comps, or a mix of games) the players he is up against are specialists or at the bare minimum competent in those games.

So he is arriving with 3 natural disadvantages: he is not as in the zone as them, he has often just busted another comp, and he is a short stack so his plays and strategy are often constricted by this.

Apart from a very fast structure (possibly with rebuys available as well) NLHE or PLO comp, the vast majority of the time that Daniel is late regging in almost every other comp apart from those just stated, he is at a disadvantage.

My other criticism of what he is doing this year is that he is showing a general lack of respect for money and he appears to base how dismissive he is of the value to him/his backers of a tournament based only on its buy in and is not looking at the prize pool.

He might think that "only being down $100K" is no sweat (when comparing it to his own net worth) but perhaps to some backers who invested $100, $200, $500 or more dollars him being in a hole so early in the series is more of an issue, they are less relaxed about it and they wished that he knuckled down a bit more to grind the money back, which in my opinion should probably involve rethinking his strategy and early regging the comps that he has the biggest edge in and late regging the ones where his edge is much smaller. Within all of this he should also in my opinion look more at the total prize pool for some of the comps and enter those comps even if the buy in seems small to him, as they are the comps where his natural advantages of skill, experience, reading people, determination and stamina are more likely to shine through, rather than in a $10K non NLHE with a small field that he late regs short stacked against a field comprised of old people who've been playing that game for 30 years plus combined with young pros who specialise in mixed games.

Changing his strat will mean that he occasionally "wastes" 2 or 3 days on a lower buy in that he min cash or cashes small in, but his current strategy isn't working and is negating the many advantages that he has, such as a trailer outside, being fit, happy and healthy, lots of experience, great at live tells and player profiling, unlimited bankroll etc etc.

He can still do an amount of late regging, and maybe by changing strat he will have to have some days where he doesn't have much sleep or rest, but this is normal IMO, playing any poker professionally and especially such a long and pretigious series is often going to be a degen type grind and battle, a war even, at times. It is the nature of the beast, it is poker not flower arranging.

I think he has tried to plan things too perfectly...... the exact amount of rest, number of cups of coffee, type of T-Shirt he's wearing, and lost some sight of some of the fundamentals of what is needed to be profitable and of the optimal strategy to convert one's skill and other advantages into good results.

I wish him well in turning the results around whether he does it using his current strategy or decides to tweak it.

Last edited by Mikey_D; 06-13-2019 at 03:19 PM.
Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here Quote
06-13-2019 , 03:38 PM
Why do otherwise smart, funny, gorgeous women wind up with idiots who'll pimp them out on youtube for subs?
Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here Quote
06-13-2019 , 04:18 PM
Originally Posted by parisron

Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here Quote
06-13-2019 , 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by inmyrav
Why do otherwise smart, funny, gorgeous women wind up with idiots who'll pimp them out on youtube for subs?
Money, stability...maybe some other stuff that only two of them do you think people end up together . love?
Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here Quote
