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Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here

06-09-2019 , 07:40 PM
Originally Posted by Wilbury Twist
I'll come to your defense a bit and agree with this post and other similar ones: I enjoy the poker part of the vlogs, but I tend to skip through the rest – going to the gym, playing with the dogs, hanging around at home. When he's in the car, I'll shuttle past it unless he's talking about poker.

This year, however, I'm more inclined to watch some of the stuff at home: Amanda and Eddy are pretty entertaining. I couldn't say the same for his GF from the 2017 vlogs.
The only thing entertaining about Amanda is watching how she interacts with Daniel . Obviously it's entertaining to see her half naked . Entertaining to hear Daniel make remarks about her fake can nips. They seem extremely unhappy together in the videos almost as if they are acting. Her especially seems uninterested .
Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here Quote
06-09-2019 , 07:51 PM
no she does some funny **** like yelling "go make that monaaaayhhhh" etc. Definitely a fun person to have in the vlogs.

The Marissa chick was just a mismatch him always saying how she bitches about him being away during WSOP etc. now THAT was unhappy
Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here Quote
06-09-2019 , 08:17 PM
Originally Posted by The Agnoostic
The only thing entertaining about Amanda is watching how she interacts with Daniel . Obviously it's entertaining to see her half naked . Entertaining to hear Daniel make remarks about her fake can nips. They seem extremely unhappy together in the videos almost as if they are acting. Her especially seems uninterested .
Link and time stamp(s) please?
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06-09-2019 , 08:31 PM
The biggest thing I noticed from his podcast was the 'we lost' and 'I won' thing.

Almost like an arrogant golfer.
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06-09-2019 , 08:40 PM
Originally Posted by Tuma
Link and time stamp(s) please?

Around the 3:00 mark she walks in with headlamps on. The other thing I noticed is she definitely is not into him at all. She comes in grabs her stuff and is like I got to go . No kiss , Daniel says I love you she gives the I love you too back with her back turned as she is walking away. Does this seem like a newlywed couple?
Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here Quote
06-09-2019 , 09:27 PM
Slow down there, buddy. How do you know they are fake and not just perfect?
Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here Quote
06-09-2019 , 09:28 PM
Oh they're fake.
Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here Quote
06-09-2019 , 10:43 PM
Originally Posted by WasitacatIsaw?
Slow down there, buddy. How do you know they are fake and not just perfect?
I don't know buddy!

What I do know is in the small sample size presented to the public through his vlogs there is absolutely zero chemistry between them . She comes off as extremely self centered and she knows she has him by the bean bag . He comes off as a guy who is paying to have a semi pretty girl as his arm candy . Her best years are definitely behind her and the stories of her that are known to be 100% true have proven she has been plugged more than a dishwashers sink.

More power to the guy he seems genuinely happy and she seems content living in a million dollar home in Vegas . Win win for both . I'm simply commenting on what I see and there is not much going on in the physical chemistry between them. You don't need to be all that good at reading body language to see it.
Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here Quote
06-09-2019 , 11:09 PM
Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here Quote
06-09-2019 , 11:41 PM
Originally Posted by Kelvis
Oh they're fake.

100% Fake
Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here Quote
06-10-2019 , 02:20 AM
Originally Posted by auralex14
Jay, when everyone is disagreeing with you I suggest you reevaluate your position.

Also, why are you assuming that by late regging a player is doomed to mincash as the best result? Sure, he'll be relatively short when he enters, but if he knows how to play a short stack (let's assume Danny does) then all it takes is one double up and he'll have plenty of chips to work with. There is still so much of a tournament left to be played once the money is reached.

I played an Ignition tourney a few weeks ago and I was the 5th last to enter a field of 800 or so and I finished 2nd.

You're wrong dude, let it go.
In this all or nothing forum, things get exaggerated, so the comment that everyone is disagreeing with me is incorrect.

This is an issue I have thought a lot about in the last month, and explored the situation of late regging, as it is tempting to buy in late, when lots have been knocked out, and the remaining players have a good chance of cashing. And I have been watching how other late reggers do. And I have reached the conclusions that I have posted on this thread.

I think a risk is that is gives one a false sense of success, as one looks as though one has had a longer run in a tournament than one really had, as one is regularly close to the money, or in the money with min cashes. But as we all know, the real money is made from final tables, and the short stack late entry style isn't geared to final tables, as you need so many double ups just to have a threatening stack. But most of the time it is boring short stack with not much room to play creatively.

You are wrong, one double up just before late regging closes makes minimal difference to ones stack, as blinds are so high you will only have won another round of blinds, so you are in a hole it is really hard to get out of.

Short stack works great in cash games, but is a poor strategy in tournaments.

Results prove things conclusively, so I suggest you keep a record of late entries and early entries, and then see for yourself which is more profitable.

In his latest vid he says, “We are not trying to run around and trying to get into as many tournaments as possible… We are not burning up equity.” The problem is, when one is entering three or five tournaments a day, mostly late regging, and is having poor results, the entry strategy looks flawed.

I see the good and bad in everything, and Negreanu is very much an attention seeking person, and he has a blind spot that some of the attention he seeks is not good attention to have, ie his publicly sharing his life with Marissa was a mistake, as it just opened up the door to all the comments that followed, and he is making the same mistake with his wife now, so something that is supposed to be private and personal, like a relationship, just ends up a public mess, shaped by judgemental people that don't even know the two people involved. He is so self absorbed he cant even see she does not like having her privacy invaded in this way. And getting married just before a WSOP, so pretty much being unavailable at the start of the marriage wasn't well thought out timing, so hopefully they can have some quality time together, as at the moment she is just second place to his poker, so no wonder she is not looking too engaged in the vids, as all women like to feel important in a relationship. So a situation when she spend more time with Eddie than her new husband isn't exactly well thought through. And his good side was shown by him taking the time to respond to post I made about his rake stance, where he answered carefully explaining his thinking, so his engagement with the poker community is good for poker, just as long as he thinks about what the benefits actually are for whatever he puts out there.
Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here Quote
06-10-2019 , 05:33 AM
Originally Posted by The Agnoostic
I don't know buddy!

What I do know is in the small sample size presented to the public through his vlogs there is absolutely zero chemistry between them . She comes off as extremely self centered and she knows she has him by the bean bag . He comes off as a guy who is paying to have a semi pretty girl as his arm candy . Her best years are definitely behind her and the stories of her that are known to be 100% true have proven she has been plugged more than a dishwashers sink.

More power to the guy he seems genuinely happy and she seems content living in a million dollar home in Vegas . Win win for both . I'm simply commenting on what I see and there is not much going on in the physical chemistry between them. You don't need to be all that good at reading body language to see it.
First of all this is NOT a normal newlywed couple. They've known each other for some 10 odd years, it's somewhere between friends getting married pragmatically and a long term couple.

Second, it's the ****ing morning lol just look at her thinking about not having makeup on going for chores, not sure how many LTR you had but that's just normal. Look at them when they're up and dressed up

Third - of course their best years are behind them, they both know that and got together to settle and get kids, time's ticking.

Fourth, criticising Dneg's wife being self-centered is just absurd. It's Dnegs we're talking about here, what do you want for him - an altruistic selfless samaritan? You attract people that are close to what you are, for the way Dnegs comes off she seems very well-adjusted
Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here Quote
06-10-2019 , 06:09 AM
this guy is hilarious

More plix <3
Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here Quote
06-10-2019 , 06:27 AM
These were not so good
The first one you didn't link was hilarious
Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here Quote
06-10-2019 , 06:33 AM
Originally Posted by Lemon93PCTSure
First of all this is NOT a normal newlywed couple. They've known each other for some 10 odd years, it's somewhere between friends getting married pragmatically and a long term couple.

Second, it's the ****ing morning lol just look at her thinking about not having makeup on going for chores, not sure how many LTR you had but that's just normal. Look at them when they're up and dressed up

Third - of course their best years are behind them, they both know that and got together to settle and get kids, time's ticking.

Fourth, criticising Dneg's wife being self-centered is just absurd. It's Dnegs we're talking about here, what do you want for him - an altruistic selfless samaritan? You attract people that are close to what you are, for the way Dnegs comes off she seems very well-adjusted

Chores? LMAO!!!

She has one chore. Waking up the rooster

Infact every interaction I've seen them have reminds me of the Will and Grace show .
Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here Quote
06-10-2019 , 08:07 AM
Originally Posted by The Agnoostic
Chores? LMAO!!!

She has one chore. Waking up the rooster

Infact every interaction I've seen them have reminds me of the Will and Grace show .
It's a weird situation.

Daniel decided he was going to get married and have children and then found a person to achieve those goals after spending a little extra time in the gym.

Most people do these things in the opposite order. They first meet someone they fall in love with and then decide they want to marry and have a family with that person.

It's almost as if it's all about Daniel. Of course my view on this could be wrong because I view these events through Daniel's perspective through his vlogs.

Also I am a fan of his poker game and tv appearances but his vlogs often make me squirm!
Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here Quote
06-10-2019 , 08:39 AM
Originally Posted by The Agnoostic
I'm a bit confused ? Why is it in almost all of dnegs wsop videos his ladies are always on the couch under blankets ? He also in the first ten videos of this year focused on or made reference to Amanda's fake cans .
Originally Posted by The Agnoostic
The only thing entertaining about Amanda is watching how she interacts with Daniel . Obviously it's entertaining to see her half naked . Entertaining to hear Daniel make remarks about her fake can nips. They seem extremely unhappy together in the videos almost as if they are acting. Her especially seems uninterested .
Originally Posted by The Agnoostic

Around the 3:00 mark she walks in with headlamps on. The other thing I noticed is she definitely is not into him at all. She comes in grabs her stuff and is like I got to go . No kiss , Daniel says I love you she gives the I love you too back with her back turned as she is walking away. Does this seem like a newlywed couple?
Originally Posted by The Agnoostic
Chores? LMAO!!!

She has one chore. Waking up the rooster

Infact every interaction I've seen them have reminds me of the Will and Grace show .

JFC, enough with the adolescent posts already. What are you, 15?

Give it a rest already and grow the **** up.
Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here Quote
06-10-2019 , 10:07 AM
Originally Posted by Semihat
It's a weird situation.

Daniel decided he was going to get married and have children and then found a person to achieve those goals after spending a little extra time in the gym.

Most people do these things in the opposite order. They first meet someone they fall in love with and then decide they want to marry and have a family with that person.

It's almost as if it's all about Daniel. Of course my view on this could be wrong because I view these events through Daniel's perspective through his vlogs.

Also I am a fan of his poker game and tv appearances but his vlogs often make me squirm!
Well most people do it wrong, who are we to judge him.
When picking a partner you should of course have defined values and life goals and look for someone compatible. Mutual attraction or love just being one of the factors, just like a necessity but not nearly as important as quality of character of aligned values when we're talking children.

Just look at the difference, his last gf seemed like a bum unhappy being on her own , bitching about Dnegs working hard during a few WSOP weeks, he kept saying how hard it is ON HER sounding sad. And Amanda tells him go make that money gets excited when he wins... Love is secondary to making each live's better and more fulfilling than being single and he traded up clearly in that department.
Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here Quote
06-10-2019 , 11:13 AM
Obviously would have to review .. but he seems to be bagging almost every night. (Apparently not last night) Making Day 2 of tournaments on a consistent basis is no stroke of luck. There is skill involved ...

... but to the point of others, perhaps there's an underlying mental or skill issue when these fields start to get narrowed down. He had 'control' of the Shootout table 2-3 times when HU and just lost the flips to double and ultimately lose to that guy.

Putting a twist on the Vlogs every day must be hard as well. He may even be over doing the 'explaining'. I can imagine the backers in the low stakes package might feel a bit less important since it does seem like he's more than wiling to start those tournaments at a disadvantage. He may be slightly discounting the increased skill level of the recs, which makes it harder to run a short stake up these days. GL
Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here Quote
06-10-2019 , 11:36 AM
Originally Posted by The Agnoostic
I don't know buddy!

What I do know is in the small sample size presented to the public through his vlogs there is absolutely zero chemistry between them . She comes off as extremely self centered and she knows she has him by the bean bag . He comes off as a guy who is paying to have a semi pretty girl as his arm candy . Her best years are definitely behind her and the stories of her that are known to be 100% true have proven she has been plugged more than a dishwashers sink.

More power to the guy he seems genuinely happy and she seems content living in a million dollar home in Vegas . Win win for both . I'm simply commenting on what I see and there is not much going on in the physical chemistry between them. You don't need to be all that good at reading body language to see it.

Agree 100%

I mean whatever it’s their life. I def had the impression that he tries super hard and goes out of his way all the time to tell people she is his wife.
And she just doesn’t seem to care.
They seem fake, very fake.

Watching his vlogs I feel like I’ve become less of a fan of his. He doesn’t seem real at all. Only when he gets pissed then tries to act calm, does it show who he is. And I wouldn’t have a problem at all with that... just don’t pretend to be mr happy to lucky if you aren’t.
Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here Quote
06-10-2019 , 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by parisron

Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here Quote
06-10-2019 , 02:31 PM
Read this thread a lot and have never been bothered posting...

But jesus ****ing christ. Daniel and Amanda are starting the process to adopt a child.

Impulse buying a ****ing child. What a joke.

I hope to God they get rejected. They are barely together 5 minutes.
Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here Quote
06-10-2019 , 03:10 PM
I promise you I've been going in with the best I can." Yes, we believe you are going in with the best you think you can.

"'I'm respecting your money", he says, after his 5th rebuy in the same tournament...

I love the unconscious comedy gold.

Do you really think the Haiti adoption agencies would be so heartless as to reject his impulse buy?
Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here Quote
06-10-2019 , 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by Jay Why
I promise you I've been going in with the best I can." Yes, we believe you are going in with the best you think you can.

"'I'm respecting your money", he says, after his 5th rebuy in the same tournament...

I love the unconscious comedy gold.

Do you really think the Haiti adoption agencies would be so heartless as to reject his impulse buy?
I think he is actually overexplaining. Average stakee is doing much less explaining then he is. I believe that he cares about staker's money and its clear he is running bad in midlate stage crucial spots. And 6 rebuys in what i am asuming is fast structure perhaps double rebuying is not that crazy.. Also, lol at POY award. Basically awards whoever has the most money and plays most events, why would he care so much about that award i don't know, my guess he sees POY as something achieveable for him that will make people think how great of a player he is.
Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here Quote
06-10-2019 , 04:13 PM
Daniel's already won WSOP POY twice. So he decided that a goal for the series to aspire to would be to win it a third time, which nobody else has done. Setting that aspirational goal led to a strategy for choosing which and how many tournaments to play, gave him strong motivation to grind, and allowed for fans wanting to buy pieces of his action to do so.

Aspirational goals are different from others. I'm quite sure that Daniel knows his chances of winning POY are slim, and am also sure it won't be ruinous to him financially if he doesn't. He's been very upfront over the years documenting his net wins and losses for the series and, on occasion, for the year, and has had several losing WSOPs in the past that obviously didn't cripple him.

Of course, it's been a long time since he's played the series without having PStars income, but he's made an awful lot of money over the past 15 years and has had plenty of time to save some of it and put it to work.
Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here Quote
