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Daniel Negreanu buying in 100k Aussie challenge 5 times and Isaac Haxton 6 times? Daniel Negreanu buying in 100k Aussie challenge 5 times and Isaac Haxton 6 times?

02-09-2014 , 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by Loctus
It's called having trunks and trunks of money.
Originally Posted by DontStep
FYP It's called having endless trunks and trunks of money.
its called not using your OWN money
Daniel Negreanu buying in 100k Aussie challenge 5 times and Isaac Haxton 6 times? Quote
02-09-2014 , 06:37 PM
But how much did he lost?
Daniel Negreanu buying in 100k Aussie challenge 5 times and Isaac Haxton 6 times? Quote
02-09-2014 , 06:53 PM
If they can beat highrollers, they probably have the bankroll for it and/or people who will stake them. If I had the funds, I would buy shares in either of those guys in those tournaments.
Daniel Negreanu buying in 100k Aussie challenge 5 times and Isaac Haxton 6 times? Quote
02-09-2014 , 07:07 PM
Pretty sure timex had a marketplace thread for it which was pretty cool, 2p2'ers who bought in would be pretty stoked right now!
Daniel Negreanu buying in 100k Aussie challenge 5 times and Isaac Haxton 6 times? Quote
02-09-2014 , 07:11 PM
I have always liked DN. He is good with his words and seems straight up. Ive come to believe that he has a silver tongue and shocked nobody else is on to this. Once he got those hair plugs and started on about that peanut butter mix in his hair doing it come on....

This man will clearly lie about whatever and he will tell the truth a lot too. Its hard to tell if he his saying truth or lies. I think its best to just not listen to him.
Daniel Negreanu buying in 100k Aussie challenge 5 times and Isaac Haxton 6 times? Quote
02-09-2014 , 07:18 PM
Originally Posted by The Bukafax
I have always liked DN. He is good with his words and seems straight up. Ive come to believe that he has a silver tongue and shocked nobody else is on to this. Once he got those hair plugs and started on about that peanut butter mix in his hair doing it come on....

This man will clearly lie about whatever and he will tell the truth a lot too. Its hard to tell if he his saying truth or lies. I think its best to just not listen to him.
wtf kinda drugs r u on?

also in general: i like how ppl still r talking about how DN pieces out and wonder about his BR/pkstars buying him in etc when he's clearly stated it's all him(and yes hes paid by Pokerstars, so indirectly blablabla). broke ppl just can't fathom how winning players can have lots of cash.
Daniel Negreanu buying in 100k Aussie challenge 5 times and Isaac Haxton 6 times? Quote
02-09-2014 , 07:21 PM
Originally Posted by David123
wtf kinda drugs r u on?

also in general: i like how ppl still r talking about how DN pieces out and wonder about his BR/pkstars buying him in etc when he's clearly stated it's all him(and yes hes paid by Pokerstars, so indirectly blablabla). broke ppl just can't fathom how winning players can have lots of cash.
What are you on mate? He made a very good point in his post.

Seriously you're one of the worst posters on this forum.
Daniel Negreanu buying in 100k Aussie challenge 5 times and Isaac Haxton 6 times? Quote
02-09-2014 , 07:21 PM
Originally Posted by betgo
If they can beat highrollers, they probably have the bankroll for it and/or people who will stake them. If I had the funds, I would buy shares in either of those guys in those tournaments.
People really overestimate the edge you can have in a 40-player turbo live tournament full of world class players and a few wealthy amateurs. Pretty sure nobody is over 10% ROI in this and they are all just degening.

There are just much more profitable and more low variance investments out there. And Daniel Negs doesn't have a 10 % ROI in this.
Daniel Negreanu buying in 100k Aussie challenge 5 times and Isaac Haxton 6 times? Quote
02-09-2014 , 07:28 PM
Originally Posted by iquitafter100k
People really overestimate the edge you can have in a 40-player turbo live tournament full of world class players and a few wealthy amateurs. Pretty sure nobody is over 10% ROI in this and they are all just degening.
i agree in general, but the SHR specializing germans (quoss/kurganov/philbort) might actually have a bigger expected ROI there, as they are almost as good at poker in general as likes of ike, ragen, alti and wcgrider, but also have devoted themselves mostly to tournaments, meaning they have a better grasp of icm and, generally speaking, most sophisticated aspects of tournament play. Just a wild guess, though, we'll never get a sample size big enough to actually estimates players' ROIs.
Daniel Negreanu buying in 100k Aussie challenge 5 times and Isaac Haxton 6 times? Quote
02-09-2014 , 07:35 PM
Originally Posted by SuperSwag
What are the payouts for the 250k?
Last year was $2m, $1.25m, $750k and $500k for an 18-player field ... since this year its already doubled at 37 (and most likely going to hit 40 with a few last minute re-entries) ... I wouldn't be surprised if 1st was $3m-plus and they paid top 6 or 7.
Daniel Negreanu buying in 100k Aussie challenge 5 times and Isaac Haxton 6 times? Quote
02-09-2014 , 07:38 PM
Originally Posted by David123
wtf kinda drugs r u on?

also in general: i like how ppl still r talking about how DN pieces out and wonder about his BR/pkstars buying him in etc when he's clearly stated it's all him(and yes hes paid by Pokerstars, so indirectly blablabla). broke ppl just can't fathom how winning players can have lots of cash.
Clearly you are a moron who does not pay attention. When that shocking hair transformation happened he thanked it to some peanut butter mix he created. As time goes on the hair has thickened and became more full in the front. The signs of hair transplant. When he was lying about that he came off as quite truthful even though everything is against that.

Just grew like a chia pet....
Daniel Negreanu buying in 100k Aussie challenge 5 times and Isaac Haxton 6 times? Quote
02-09-2014 , 08:02 PM
Originally Posted by iquitafter100k
People really overestimate the edge you can have in a 40-player turbo live tournament full of world class players and a few wealthy amateurs. Pretty sure nobody is over 10% ROI in this and they are all just degening.

There are just much more profitable and more low variance investments out there. And Daniel Negs doesn't have a 10 % ROI in this.
Yeh, I am sure nobody has that big an edge. However, these guys don't have a negative expected ROI in these, so I don't see why they shouldn't. They probably have people buying some of their action at at least par.

Now there is another question if they are playing reckless in the reentry and reentering. That probably would be spewy at those stakes.
Daniel Negreanu buying in 100k Aussie challenge 5 times and Isaac Haxton 6 times? Quote
02-09-2014 , 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by The Bukafax
Clearly you are a moron who does not pay attention. When that shocking hair transformation happened he thanked it to some peanut butter mix he created. As time goes on the hair has thickened and became more full in the front. The signs of hair transplant. When he was lying about that he came off as quite truthful even though everything is against that.

Just grew like a chia pet....
While I have to agree that he did clearly say those things about the hair. I kind of interpreted it as a tongue-in-cheek statement with a quick, lets just move on and not talk about the obvious hair plugs. But that's just me!
Daniel Negreanu buying in 100k Aussie challenge 5 times and Isaac Haxton 6 times? Quote
02-09-2014 , 08:20 PM
Originally Posted by nutflopper
While I have to agree that he did clearly say those things about the hair. I kind of interpreted it as a tongue-in-cheek statement with a quick, lets just move on and not talk about the obvious hair plugs. But that's just me!
Yeah, its a win win lie. Liars use those quite frequently. If the victim believes the lie, the liar wins and the victim knows no better. If the victim does not believe the lie, the liar can capably turn around and go "Come on, it was an obvious joke, you are an idiot to believe that". This allows the liar to make the victim to appear stupid and yet the liar wins again because the lie was simply a joke.

He said it elsewhere too. I was watching a tourney where he was on the feature table. Somebody came to the table and was like woha, hair. DN AGAIN stuck with his peanut butter nonsense.

The thing that ties this back to the main thread is, how can we believe what he says in that interview. Do you think he would actually fess up and say, yeah it is probably a bad move to buyin a redic number of times and spew but PS pays a lot of it.
Daniel Negreanu buying in 100k Aussie challenge 5 times and Isaac Haxton 6 times? Quote
02-09-2014 , 08:27 PM
Yeah, I can agree with most of that.

I don't think these guys are walking around with hedge fund manager money or anything. And to rebuy enough to only give yourself a possible ROI of 400-500% for winning the tourney I wouldn't think is ever the "right" move.

But its their money, or someones money, and clearly they aren't too concerned about it. To each his own.
Daniel Negreanu buying in 100k Aussie challenge 5 times and Isaac Haxton 6 times? Quote
02-09-2014 , 08:33 PM
The best live mtt players could realistically have a much higher roi than 10% in a 40 man re entry. Without knowing how shallow the structure is, it can't be as turbo as a 45 man online sng where u could probably hold higher than 10%.

Some players could have specific live abilities that gives them an edge that others aren't picking up on, dneg is prob 1 of them that gets his edge from his table talk and how others perceive him. That alone could amount to higher than 10%, even with his fundamentally flawed number game. So it's possible the best players in the field could hold >40%
Daniel Negreanu buying in 100k Aussie challenge 5 times and Isaac Haxton 6 times? Quote
02-09-2014 , 08:36 PM
In response to

What a load of crap? Please don't call these unlimited re-buy tournaments 'tournaments'.
Daniel says the tournament has nothing do with bankroll , when the ability to rebuys multiple times in a tournament gives one player an unfair advantage of another not based on skill but how much money you have behind. The structure of this 250k tournaments is a donkfest with 10k starting stacks and fast blinds in the early levels.
I have no trouble with these events being run but NO bracelet should even go the winner.
The great thing about tournament poker is that it tries to make a level playing field for ‘everybody’.
This is how Chris Moneymaker won and showed the non playing poker public why poker is great and started the poker boom in 2006.
IMO In many cases Daniel is a good spoke-person for the poker community but you have to remember that he is representing himself and other high stakes poker players rather what is better for the wider poker community.
Daniel Negreanu buying in 100k Aussie challenge 5 times and Isaac Haxton 6 times? Quote
02-09-2014 , 08:46 PM
lol people care about bracelets?
Daniel Negreanu buying in 100k Aussie challenge 5 times and Isaac Haxton 6 times? Quote
02-09-2014 , 08:49 PM
Originally Posted by David123
wtf kinda drugs r u on?

also in general: i like how ppl still r talking about how DN pieces out and wonder about his BR/pkstars buying him in etc when he's clearly stated it's all him(and yes hes paid by Pokerstars, so indirectly blablabla). broke ppl just can't fathom how winning players can have lots of cash.
this might be the stupidest thing i've ever read. how much money do you think DN has? 15 million? he can't possibly have 20. i think it's you who can't fathom how much money it is to go off for 5 bullets. even if he has 15 million, which i don't believe, going off for 5 buy-ins is ****ing crazy. insanely irresponsible, terrible money management.

personally i assume he's got some rich dude who stakes him a little bit for favors and lets DN tell the world whatever story he wants
Daniel Negreanu buying in 100k Aussie challenge 5 times and Isaac Haxton 6 times? Quote
02-09-2014 , 09:35 PM
Dnegs just sold some action per his twitter account:

"@RealKidPoker Just insane how many people are buying into the $250k with 12.5 blinds today. I'm one of them! Sold 20% to the luckiest guy I know!"
Daniel Negreanu buying in 100k Aussie challenge 5 times and Isaac Haxton 6 times? Quote
02-09-2014 , 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by ShaneG
The best live mtt players could realistically have a much higher roi than 10% in a 40 man re entry. Without knowing how shallow the structure is, it can't be as turbo as a 45 man online sng where u could probably hold higher than 10%.

Some players could have specific live abilities that gives them an edge that others aren't picking up on, dneg is prob 1 of them that gets his edge from his table talk and how others perceive him. That alone could amount to higher than 10%, even with his fundamentally flawed number game. So it's possible the best players in the field could hold >40%
Daniel Negreanu buying in 100k Aussie challenge 5 times and Isaac Haxton 6 times? Quote
02-09-2014 , 09:50 PM
3 Milli for 1st??
Daniel Negreanu buying in 100k Aussie challenge 5 times and Isaac Haxton 6 times? Quote
02-09-2014 , 09:51 PM
For every man winning at 40% ROI there is a man losing at -45% ROI (with the rake) so LOL thinking people are winning with this ROI in such a short and sharky field.

Even the businessmen in this thing are probably ok poker players (otherwise they would probably play a random 10k EPT, WSOP or PCA if they want to have fun).
Daniel Negreanu buying in 100k Aussie challenge 5 times and Isaac Haxton 6 times? Quote
02-09-2014 , 09:55 PM
LOL at someone claiming that anyone can have more than 10% roi in structures like that. Let's also not forget that in this kind of format 50-100 buy-in downswings are normal. So there won't be enough high-rollers to even out variance. And people still buy-in for 250k to get 12,5 blinds.

I mean, it's good for poker image among general public, but not sure if it's a healthy trend among poker pros.
Daniel Negreanu buying in 100k Aussie challenge 5 times and Isaac Haxton 6 times? Quote
02-09-2014 , 09:57 PM
What a busy body circle jerk this atrocity of a thread is. It would do people a lot of good to start minding their own business once in a while and to stop worrying about what other people are doing with their own money.
Daniel Negreanu buying in 100k Aussie challenge 5 times and Isaac Haxton 6 times? Quote
