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Coronavirus has caused the postponement of the WSOP 2020! (Coronavirus quarantine thread) Coronavirus has caused the postponement of the WSOP 2020! (Coronavirus quarantine thread)
View Poll Results: Will the Corona Virus will alter their plans to attend WSOP this Summer (if it's not canceled)
Never planned on attending.
177 32.48%
Definitely wont attend.
112 20.55%
Probably wont attend.
93 17.06%
Probably will attend.
71 13.03%
Definitely will attend.
92 16.88%

07-01-2020 , 09:32 PM
Here's a July 1st article published by the New York Times.

Researchers Debate Infecting People on Purpose to Test Coronavirus Vaccines

"The technique, called a human challenge trial, has been used to evaluate other vaccines..."

"One way to quickly see if a coronavirus vaccine works would be to immunize healthy people and then deliberately expose them to the virus, some researchers are suggesting..."
07-01-2020 , 10:05 PM
Originally Posted by dhubermex
Here's a July 1st article published by the New York Times.

Researchers Debate Infecting People on Purpose to Test Coronavirus Vaccines

"The technique, called a human challenge trial, has been used to evaluate other vaccines..."

"One way to quickly see if a coronavirus vaccine works would be to immunize healthy people and then deliberately expose them to the virus, some researchers are suggesting..."
I can’t fathom why they haven’t started doing this already. I signed up as a volunteer at 1DaySooner at least a month ago.
07-02-2020 , 12:35 AM
07-02-2020 , 02:48 AM
Better late than never
07-02-2020 , 04:09 AM
Originally Posted by ArtyMcFly
I tried following the money, but I got confused when I learned that almost every country in the world is entering a recession, and the countries forecast to have the biggest reductions in GDP are those in Western Europe. Since this recession is going to be global (i.e. it will negatively affect every country on earth), I've come to the conclusion that it's been engineered by space aliens from another planet whom particularly hate the Spanish, French, Italians and Brits.

Source: OECD Economic Outlook.
You cannot be blinded by facts like that, that’s what they want you to think so you think you know something but in fact you only know what they want you to know. It’s pretty obvious what’s going on to anyone who thinks for himself if you know what I mean
07-02-2020 , 04:11 AM
Don't be blinded by facts...well that's rich
07-02-2020 , 04:25 AM
Obvious joke is...not so obvious, apparently.
07-02-2020 , 05:04 AM
Sarcasm meter lagging
07-02-2020 , 06:16 AM
Originally Posted by PTLou
In your opinion, what is the motivation for the govt in wanting to shut down your life?

1) They are bored and have nothing else to do?

2) While we are tucked away in our homes and not watching, they can finally clean up Area 51 of all the alien bodies and spacecraft?

3) Something else?

p.s. and yeah totally agree with @madlex. The pending bubble of economic pain has barely even begun. The largest economy in the world, based largely on consumer demand cannot absorb 40M people losing their jobs virtually overnight.
Never ascribe malice to that which can adequately be explained by incompetence.
07-02-2020 , 07:13 AM
Originally Posted by '-'_@_
Never ascribe malice to that which can adequately be explained by incompetence.
You are mixing things up. Ganigi's post was not about incompetence. It was economic catastrophe being engineered, which means on purpose. I simply wanted to know more, because if our government is working behind the scenes to purposefully damage the economy I certainly want to know about that so I can call the media with this Breaking News.

on another topic. given last few posts I am not sure what level of sarcasm we are on or who is leading the sarcasm meters.

Arty's post did have me wondering if Space Aliens have there own conspiracy theories and if so what would they look like?
07-02-2020 , 08:32 AM
Originally Posted by ArtyMcFly
I tried following the money, but I got confused when I learned that almost every country in the world is entering a recession, and the countries forecast to have the biggest reductions in GDP are those in Western Europe. Since this recession is going to be global (i.e. it will negatively affect every country on earth), I've come to the conclusion that it's been engineered by space aliens from another planet whom particularly hate the Spanish, French, Italians and Brits.

Source: OECD Economic Outlook.
Hint: I wasn't singling out the US Gov't, nor do I care to engage further because, well....the bolded. I know, I'm just a crazy idiot. Whatever makes you feel better.
07-02-2020 , 08:35 AM
Originally Posted by PTLou
You are mixing things up. Ganigi's post was not about incompetence. It was economic catastrophe being engineered, which means on purpose. I simply wanted to know more, because if our government is working behind the scenes to purposefully damage the economy I certainly want to know about that so I can call the media with this Breaking News.
I obviously don’t believe that’s the case. But in the alternate universe where the pandemic was engineered, you probably would have to look who’s benefiting the most from it and who the big losers are. From the top of my head, winners: Amazon, China, internet companies. Losers: Oil producing countries like Saudi-Arabia, Western economies, Donald Trump. Those winners and losers haven’t been best friends in recent years. That’s how people come up with their stupid conspiracy theories.
07-02-2020 , 08:52 AM
Originally Posted by madlex
winners: Amazon, .
Bezos !! I knew it. double win for him. AMZN stock goes up. Trump goes down. He kills two birds with one virus. Genius.

p.s. watched a great documentary on Amazon. One thing that stuck out was back when they were start up, all new employees' first task on day 1 was to build there own desk (design it, go to store buy materials, build it yourself). That fostering of innovation (still alive today) is one of the reasons they took over the internet and retail.

Originally Posted by RichGangi
nor do I care to engage further because, well....the bolded. .
Cmon Rich, are you sure that's the reason you don't care to engage.

Is it maybe because you were asserting something quite substantial that has no basis in fact, that you cannot provide one shred of evidence, and oh by the way was pretty much bat chit crazy.
07-02-2020 , 09:01 AM
Originally Posted by PTLou
Cmon Rich, are you sure that's the reason you don't care to engage.

Is it maybe because you were asserting something quite substantial that has no basis in fact, that you cannot provide one shred of evidence, and oh by the way was pretty much bat chit crazy.
Originally Posted by RichGangi
I know, I'm just a crazy idiot. Whatever makes you feel better.
Have a great weekend, all. Happy 4th!
07-02-2020 , 09:05 AM
Originally Posted by PTLou
You are mixing things up. Ganigi's post was not about incompetence. It was economic catastrophe being engineered, which means on purpose. I simply wanted to know more, because if our government is working behind the scenes to purposefully damage the economy I certainly want to know about that so I can call the media with this Breaking News.

on another topic. given last few posts I am not sure what level of sarcasm we are on or who is leading the sarcasm meters.

Arty's post did have me wondering if Space Aliens have there own conspiracy theories and if so what would they look like?
TL;DR: I never replied to Gangi; I replied to you.

The "motivation for the gov't wanting to shut down my life" is not motivation, it's an incompetent response to life. There is no conspiracy. Nobody understands enough about the world to know what's going to happen, what we should do, or what the consequences of that are going to be.

We had some dire predictions and models of a disease that at one point was going to kill millions of people per year in the US. We had doctors from the CDC and/or WHO suggesting things like never shaking hands again or having a large (10+) gathering again. We had panic and incompetence in the government response to it, and we had saturation coverage through the media along with random twitter and facebook idiots along the way, myself included more or less.

So we have uncertainty over an unknown and largely unknowable virus foe. Economies began to shut down. Stock markets went haywire in anticipation/response to the potential ramifications. Millions of people were out of work overnight. The government stepped in to stabilize liquidity. The market heaved a sigh of relief, and is steadily pricing in new realities without the blind panic swings. I'm not taking any position whether this is right or wrong. Things could have gotten worse or stabilized eventually anyway.

In addition to the corporate lifeline we have stay-at-home pay that is better for most recipients than working ever was. This has helped to stabilize some localized spending, but the music will stop eventually, probably July 31 because there isn't enough panic left for the government to agree on any next step. The lost jobs are disproportionately in the service sector and low-paying, and really nobody cares enough to continue direct spending in that direction even if the money is available. The rich always get richer; for the poor even what little they have will be taken away.

Some of the long term consequences as mentioned are inevitable and haven't yet begun. Supply chain disruptions aren't going to be fixed overnight. As tax receipts decline more and more infrastructure projects will be postponed or abandoned, and damage will percolate up through the income spectrum of laborers, designers, teachers, leaders, professionals, etc. as demand decreases. The retail, service, travel and leisure sectors may never recover. Without daycare and schools, if there is a difference, more and more families are going to be stuck without means to do much if anything about it. All because we can't stand that some people might get sick.
07-02-2020 , 06:53 PM

07-03-2020 , 01:14 PM
Be smart , Be safe this weekend

He noted the spike of increased COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations that came almost exactly 14 days after Memorial Day.

"We cannot withstand another surge two weeks after Fourth of July," he said.
As of Wednesday, hospitals were still under high stress, with 1,019 patients with COVID-19, up 53 from the day before. Of those patients, 324 were in intensive care and 175 were on ventilators. Capacity has been decreasing in recent weeks. As of Wednesday, 27% of staffed beds and 57% of ventilators were available.
07-03-2020 , 06:28 PM
Sadly you can make whatever enforcement you want, people will not listen. Nothing would have closed down unless the gov stepped up and forced them to. I completely understand, people need to work, get out, do whatever but times like these is not the best of time to be out vacationing and doing social things. Believe it or not, you will survive not having social life for a bit, but poor abuelita wouldn't appreciate you passing on a deadly virus to her over a stupid beer or two. There is sooooo much you can still do outdoors etc. and keep up with not spreading the virus.

I'm still standing by my hypothesis that it's our fast food/eating out culture spreading this like wildfire in the states. Eating out is a luxury and certainly not an essential. I've seen these (most of them likely asymptomatic) employees handle food. These stupid businesses should of been the first to shut down. Get off your fat ass and learn to cook.

I wish everyone the best and please be smart and realize each and every single one of us has a role in this thing. God speed.

tldr: Life sucks, but it can always be worse. Be well amigos.

Last edited by mrunholy; 07-03-2020 at 06:34 PM.
07-03-2020 , 07:48 PM
Originally Posted by mrunholy
Sadly you can make whatever enforcement you want, people will not listen. Nothing would have closed down unless the gov stepped up and forced them to. I completely understand, people need to work, get out, do whatever but times like these is not the best of time to be out vacationing and doing social things. Believe it or not, you will survive not having social life for a bit, but poor abuelita wouldn't appreciate you passing on a deadly virus to her over a stupid beer or two. There is sooooo much you can still do outdoors etc. and keep up with not spreading the virus.

I'm still standing by my hypothesis that it's our fast food/eating out culture spreading this like wildfire in the states. Eating out is a luxury and certainly not an essential. I've seen these (most of them likely asymptomatic) employees handle food. These stupid businesses should of been the first to shut down. Get off your fat ass and learn to cook.

I wish everyone the best and please be smart and realize each and every single one of us has a role in this thing. God speed.

tldr: Life sucks, but it can always be worse. Be well amigos.
"The virus is not transmitted through foods, it’s not a food-borne pathogen like the viruses and bacteria that cause what we often refer to as “food poisoning”"

Minimize contact at the drive-through and this seemingly should be no more risky than going to buy groceries and then preparing food at home ....
07-03-2020 , 10:01 PM
Originally Posted by mrunholy
I'm still standing by my hypothesis that it's our fast food/eating out culture spreading this like wildfire in the states.....
No chance: I eat every meal out, I'd be dead if you were right.

To date, there have not been any reports of transmission of SARS-CoV-2 virus through food.

This is an airborne transmission issue.
07-04-2020 , 10:13 AM
A simple cough on your food and it's gg. This **** spread to every corner of the earth in weeks. It's very likely spreading in ways we have no clue of. Biggest killer is the asymptomatic aspect. Have you taken an antibody test?
07-04-2020 , 10:21 AM
Originally Posted by mrunholy
A simple cough on your food and it's gg. This **** spread to every corner of the earth in weeks. It's very likely spreading in ways we have no clue of. Biggest killer is the asymptomatic aspect. Have you taken an antibody test?

Please stop just making things up.
07-04-2020 , 11:03 AM
What Japan did during corona is amazing.
They have the eldest population and also one of the densest populations in tokio for example and yet they didn't close borders or businesses like we did.
What's going in with japan?
07-04-2020 , 11:23 AM
Isn't Tokyo one of the cleanest / most hygienic cities in the world. Japanese culture is known for cleanliness and hygiene vis a vis other cultures (e.g. no handshakes, not as much in other peoples space) .

Also masks were already normal and socially accepted.

US Deaths of 125,000 to Japan's 1,000 is an amazing stat especially since Japan didn't shutdown

(p.s. flubros incoming with more claims 'that it was a mistake for US to shutdown)
07-04-2020 , 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by PTLou
Isn't Tokyo one of the cleanest / most hygienic cities in the world. Japanese culture is known for cleanliness and hygiene vis a vis other cultures (e.g. no handshakes, not as much in other peoples space) .

Also masks were already normal and socially accepted.

US Deaths of 125,000 to Japan's 1,000 is an amazing stat especially since Japan didn't shutdown

(p.s. flubros incoming with more claims 'that it was a mistake for US to shutdown)
i, like many other statists here, can't wait until the government mandates that more of our natural bodily processes are criminalized...

i long for a day where this happens with our that one day we may all walk around with earmuffs......

i even long for a day where this happens with our that one day we may all walk around with blindfolds.....

i'm not sure how each of these scenarios will play out.....but i am hopeful that 'health experts' are on it as we speak....

and now we play plexi-glass poker, while making fun of the nutters in the corner...
