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Coronavirus has caused the postponement of the WSOP 2020! (Coronavirus quarantine thread) Coronavirus has caused the postponement of the WSOP 2020! (Coronavirus quarantine thread)
View Poll Results: Will the Corona Virus will alter their plans to attend WSOP this Summer (if it's not canceled)
Never planned on attending.
177 32.48%
Definitely wont attend.
112 20.55%
Probably wont attend.
93 17.06%
Probably will attend.
71 13.03%
Definitely will attend.
92 16.88%

06-11-2020 , 05:25 PM
I'd like to point out that all of November and the majority of December are indeed in the fall.

Its funny that Winter is perceived as the last season of the year, when the first ~quarter of the year is Winter.
06-11-2020 , 05:29 PM
Yes, that's very true, but I didn't want to make BuddyGuy feel even worse.
06-11-2020 , 05:59 PM
Originally Posted by HailtotheRedskins
Do a little homework before spazzing. WSOP planning for Nov/Dec live tournies in addition to online events on July.

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Bobo. What’s that say there tough guy? Keep running your mouth. Yet Buddy Guy has yet to see anything official from WSOP conforming that. I’ll bet you money, cash money, right now that there will be no live WSOP this year. How’s $50? Too rich for your blood?
06-11-2020 , 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by Bighurt52235
I'd like to point out that all of November and the majority of December are indeed in the fall.

Its funny that Winter is perceived as the last season of the year, when the first ~quarter of the year is Winter.
Hey, I grew up on the South Side of Chicago, winter there effectively starts by Thanksgiving then lasts at least past opening day of the next baseball season. Many a home opener has been cancelled because of snow.
06-11-2020 , 06:21 PM
Originally Posted by Gzesh
Hey, I grew up on the South Side of Chicago, winter there effectively starts by Thanksgiving then lasts at least past opening day of the next baseball season. Many a home opener has been cancelled because of snow.
The weather doesn't determine the date. Baseball games get snowed out in Spring.
06-11-2020 , 06:43 PM
Originally Posted by BuddyGuy
Bobo. What’s that say there tough guy? Keep running your mouth. Yet Buddy Guy has yet to see anything official from WSOP conforming that. I’ll bet you money, cash money, right now that there will be no live WSOP this year. How’s $50? Too rich for your blood?
Right now we all have the same info from the official announcement in April:

There, they said target date was in the Fall. If that's going to happen or not is a different issue, but at least they did announce plans to hold it in the Fall.

Besides that, I thought you were done with the 3rd person stuff? I don't think anyone needs that in here. Thank you.
06-11-2020 , 06:47 PM
For the time being PtLou wants BuddyGuy to post more. Just for the lolz.

I think we all know where it ends up, but yeah temp lolz.
06-11-2020 , 06:51 PM
Chase Thunder vs Buddy Guy - Hardcore March. Vegas wsop 2020

Loser has to buy a Howard Lederer book and read its entirety within 7 days.
06-11-2020 , 06:52 PM
Originally Posted by PTLou
For the time being PtLou wants BuddyGuy to post more. Just for the lolz.

I think we all know where it ends up, but yeah temp lolz.
PT. I’ll respect the wishes of authority figures and retire the third person. Is there a fourth person?
06-11-2020 , 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by BuddyGuy
Is there a fourth person?
Let me know if you find one. We might give it a catchy nick name like "temp ban".

FWIW, looks like starting 06/15 most EU countries remove the 2 week quarantine for travelers coming from the US. I started looking for flights in mid July.
06-11-2020 , 08:45 PM
Originally Posted by Bighurt52235
The weather doesn't determine the date. Baseball games get snowed out in Spring.
"The weather doesn't determine the date"

Boy, are you obtuse. You apparently really need a calendar in the middle of a blizzard to tell you whether it is effectively winter.

If it is snowing enough to cancel a baseball game, I think it is winter where that game is scheduled , Same if the temperature were below zero Fahrenheit.

Keep in mind, on the same date, it is Summer way below the Equator at the same time is is Winter way above the Equator.

The weather doesn't care about the calendar, it is a natural phenomenon that happens, whether or not you looking at a date in the Julian Calendar, the Hebrew calendar, a Mayan calendar (extended version) or any others listed in this link:
06-11-2020 , 08:51 PM
"Winter" is not weather, but a time period.
06-11-2020 , 10:03 PM
Originally Posted by Gzesh
If it is snowing enough to cancel a baseball game, I think it is winter where that game is scheduled , Same if the temperature were below zero Fahrenheit.
So if it snowed in the Rocky Mountains tomorrow, you would call that winter?
06-11-2020 , 10:08 PM
Originally Posted by BuddyGuy
Bobo. What’s that say there tough guy? Keep running your mouth. Yet Buddy Guy has yet to see anything official from WSOP conforming that. I’ll bet you money, cash money, right now that there will be no live WSOP this year. How’s $50? Too rich for your blood?
Well BG let us bet that you have already been provided a quote from a WSOP official stating the target timing of Nov/Dec.

You can send me the $50 or just go away. Your choice. Below is a quote from the WSOP director.

hope just yet, however. WSOP Executive Director Stewart indicated nothing has changed as far as the planned running of a live 2020 WSOP later in the year.

"We are still hopeful the traditional WSOP may be played November-December and for all of our partners are considering this a brand extension versus a pure replacement,” he told PokerNews. He also revealed that all official ITM statistics (cashes, final tables, etc.) will be tracked and reported, and that player identities would be validated.“

So certainly the live WSOP might be canceled but current best evidence is they plan to hold it this FALL in Nov/Dec. now that your fall fixation evidence has been provided just auietly leave.
06-11-2020 , 10:13 PM
Originally Posted by Gzesh
Hey, I grew up on the South Side of Chicago, winter there effectively starts by Thanksgiving then lasts at least past opening day of the next baseball season. Many a home opener has been cancelled because of snow.
But the reason you say effectively is because you know when winter officially is. Plus we are talking Vegas not Chicago and for us snowbirds winter in Vegas is never.
06-11-2020 , 10:42 PM
Originally Posted by Fore
"He also revealed that all official ITM statistics (cashes, final tables, etc.) will be tracked and reported, and that player identities would be validated.
Well they already know who the players are from when they signed up for the accounts. But how and when are they going to validate who is actually playing and that nobody is ghosting?
06-11-2020 , 10:46 PM
Originally Posted by Fore
Well BG let us bet that you have already been provided a quote from a WSOP official stating the target timing of Nov/Dec.

You can send me the $50 or just go away. Your choice. Below is a quote from the WSOP director.

hope just yet, however. WSOP Executive Director Stewart indicated nothing has changed as far as the planned running of a live 2020 WSOP later in the year.

"We are still hopeful the traditional WSOP may be played November-December and for all of our partners are considering this a brand extension versus a pure replacement,” he told PokerNews. He also revealed that all official ITM statistics (cashes, final tables, etc.) will be tracked and reported, and that player identities would be validated.“

So certainly the live WSOP might be canceled but current best evidence is they plan to hold it this FALL in Nov/Dec. now that your fall fixation evidence has been provided just auietly leave.

That $50 offer was for me. Didn’t accept bc he needs that $ for copay for mental health specialist.

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06-11-2020 , 10:52 PM
Originally Posted by HailtotheRedskins
That $50 offer was for me. Didn’t accept bc he needs that $ for copay for mental health specialist.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The $50 was for Bobo. Man you guys have horrible reading comprehension. No wonder you wander the world in a state in perpetual confusion.
06-11-2020 , 11:02 PM
Originally Posted by BuddyGuy
The $50 was for Bobo. Man you guys have horrible reading comprehension. No wonder you wander the world in a state in perpetual confusion.

It will be ok Skippy. Deep breath. We are rooting for you. Get that help!

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06-11-2020 , 11:22 PM
Originally Posted by BuddyGuy
The $50 was for Bobo. Man you guys have horrible reading comprehension. No wonder you wander the world in a state in perpetual confusion.
BuddyGuy i dont know what all the hates about lol. You made some friendly type jokes and got jumped on by all kinds of people lmao.
Im with ya BuddyGuy.
Always will be.
06-12-2020 , 01:13 AM
Originally Posted by BuddyGuy
Bobo. What’s that say there tough guy? Keep running your mouth. Yet Buddy Guy has yet to see anything official from WSOP conforming that. I’ll bet you money, cash money, right now that there will be no live WSOP this year. How’s $50? Too rich for your blood?
Can this guy be banned please? Major troll and not the least bit funny either.
06-12-2020 , 01:30 AM
Originally Posted by BuddyGuy
Bobo. What’s that say there tough guy?
Tough guy? LOL, what??

You're the one starting arguments about...nothing. I replied to your post about WSOP not having said anything about the fall, and you did some weird pivot about Nov/Dec, something I hadn't mentioned.

Actually, it seems that's about all you've been doing in this thread - arguing and derailing.

Originally Posted by BuddyGuy
I’ll bet you money, cash money, right now that there will be no live WSOP this year. How’s $50? Too rich for your blood?
I've never said a word in our discussion about what I think will or will not happen.

However, I have been on record in this thread for a number of months saying that WSOP isn't going to abandon putting on some form of the World Series unless they absolutely have to. Will they succeed, and will it be live? I have no idea for certain, but I'd say there's a pretty decent chance they'll have *something* live.

As for betting with you, LOL, no I'll pass. Betting with strangers on the Internet is one thing - betting with some previously banned poster, I'll pass on.

Originally Posted by BuddyGuy
The $50 was for Bobo. Man you guys have horrible reading comprehension. No wonder you wander the world in a state in perpetual confusion.
LOL @ you of all people calling others out for reading comprehension. On top of what I've mentioned above, you quoted someone else, but addressed the post to me.

Time to move along - you've derailed this thread enough. I don't mod NVG so I rarely mod for content here even as an admin, and especially not for conversations that involve me, but you're on a short leash here given a previous ban, so it's time for you to move along. Seriously.
06-12-2020 , 01:44 AM
Now that Vegas is getting unleashed they might have to change their slogan to:

What Happens In Vegas, Doesn't Stay in Vegas.
06-12-2020 , 01:51 AM
Originally Posted by BuddyGuy
Bobo. What’s that say there tough guy? Keep running your mouth. Yet Buddy Guy has yet to see anything official from WSOP conforming that. I’ll bet you money, cash money, right now that there will be no live WSOP this year. How’s $50? Too rich for your blood?
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
previously banned poster

Hey Buddy,

Get the **** out of here.

Always wanted to say that.
06-12-2020 , 07:13 AM
Originally Posted by R*R

Get the **** out of here.

Always wanted to say that.


PTLou does not accept the authority of R*R. PTlou was just getting OK with R*R

PTlou missed BuddyGuy
