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Coronavirus has caused the postponement of the WSOP 2020! (Coronavirus quarantine thread) Coronavirus has caused the postponement of the WSOP 2020! (Coronavirus quarantine thread)
View Poll Results: Will the Corona Virus will alter their plans to attend WSOP this Summer (if it's not canceled)
Never planned on attending.
177 32.48%
Definitely wont attend.
112 20.55%
Probably wont attend.
93 17.06%
Probably will attend.
71 13.03%
Definitely will attend.
92 16.88%

03-19-2020 , 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by whosnext
I will only respond to your repeated comments on the job that Trump has done. You are quite delusional and insulting when you say that he has followed scientific and expert advice during this crisis. Trump is well-known and quite proud of his "anti-science", "anti-information", and "anti-experts" worldview. He called the crisis a hoax after it was apparent that something serious was happening worldwide.

The US federal government has been painfully slow in responding to the crisis, especially given that the US had a fair amount of "lead time" as other countries were forced to deal with the crisis first. Trump has relied upon the views of family members rather than experts. The testing rollout was slow, way too small, and an abject failure in many other ways. And everyone knows that Trump closed down various government agencies tasked with monitoring and responding to global pandemics.

Please stop saying how great a job the Trump administration has performed during this crisis since that is objectively incorrect. Of course, we can all hope that the US federal government will do a much better job going forward.
People always say objective but are being subjective. So I shall look at this subjectively and say to me it looks like he acted very quickly in closing borders relative to other countries. If politicians act too quickly they are often accused of knee jerk reactions which damage the economy. If an economy becomes damaged that can lead to poverty and poor health, poor everything. Trump was originally criticised for acting too quickly in closing borders. As early as the beginning of February, Trump ordered quarantine for US citizens returning from China, and denied entry to foreigners who had been there.

Subjectively again, Fox News says the proposed budget cuts (proposed for 2021) never happened and were intended to be reverses to Obama's proposed increases, and anyway the money to fight this virus comes from a congressional fund created for health emergencies. According to Snopes the decline in budget for health and disease preparedness started before Trump came into office. Trump has requested that funding for the Centers For Disease Control for global disease protection be increased in 2021 to 225m etc etc.

People believe what they believe. Me, I believe he is doing a great job, and so is Boris Johnson, in a very difficult situation. It also depends on what you read and your political perspective. It's all opinion, it's all subjective, but I really like what they are both doing, and am so grateful they, and not the opposition, are in control.
03-19-2020 , 06:06 PM
I'm in Toronto, and Canadians are allegedly an obedient bunch. But so many people are being so stubbord abt distancing that this will get much worse before it gets better. UK for sure is a candidate for most botched response so far though. You got the good ol boys who won't let a flu get them down
03-19-2020 , 06:12 PM
Originally Posted by TheSquirrel1
People always say objective but are being subjective. So I shall look at this subjectively and say to me it looks like he acted very quickly in closing borders relative to other countries. If politicians act too quickly they are often accused of knee jerk reactions which damage the economy. If an economy becomes damaged that can lead to poverty and poor health, poor everything. Trump was originally criticised for acting too quickly in closing borders. As early as the beginning of February, Trump ordered quarantine for US citizens returning from China, and denied entry to foreigners who had been there.

Subjectively again, Fox News says the proposed budget cuts (proposed for 2021) never happened and were intended to be reverses to Obama's proposed increases, and anyway the money to fight this virus comes from a congressional fund created for health emergencies. According to Snopes the decline in budget for health and disease preparedness started before Trump came into office. Trump has requested that funding for the Centers For Disease Control for global disease protection be increased in 2021 to 225m etc etc.

People believe what they believe. Me, I believe he is doing a great job, and so is Boris Johnson, in a very difficult situation. It also depends on what you read and your political perspective. It's all opinion, it's all subjective, but I really like what they are both doing, and am so grateful they, and not the opposition, are in control.
jfc you can't make **** like this up
03-19-2020 , 06:19 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
Got these videos sent to me and trying to figure out if he is right or not.
He is wrong. The genome of SARS-CoV-2 has been mapped and is being tracked vigorously:

It is not the same as any other virus (but close to the original SARS virus). There is no inborn immunity to SARS-CoV-2 in any human and no built-up immunity in any human except possibly in those that have recently been infected and recovered.
03-19-2020 , 06:20 PM
Originally Posted by tgiggity
jfc you can't make **** like this up
It's from The Washington Times, Fox News, and Snopes. That doesn't mean it's true, but it is in the public domain.

I'm merely commenting from a foreign perspective comparing US to some European countries and Asia. I'm also going on how Johnson and Trump handle an untrustworthy media, what they say and how they say it. Just a personal and subjective thumbs up, about their response to this crisis. It doesn't mean I support everything they say or do, I just like what they are saying and doing on this occasion.

I shall add Katie Hopkins observation of Trump which went "I would rather have a president who grabbed my pussy than a pussy for president."

Last edited by TheSquirrel1; 03-19-2020 at 06:26 PM.
03-19-2020 , 06:24 PM
Yes, you are now done commenting on things you know nothing about.

Thank you for your cooperation.
03-19-2020 , 06:28 PM
Originally Posted by Frenbar
This is probably the dumbest thing I have ever heard.

You think any businesses are paying unproductive people out of the goodness of their hearts because they are concerned for the financial welfare of their unproductive employees? That suddenly they will no longer feel the moral obligation to subsidize unproductive employees because the government has stepped in? The financial well being of employees is literally the last thing a business considers.
Do you believe Cuban was ONLY speaking of large businesses and corporations where the bean counters don't know the employees? I don't. I believe him to have been speaking of the businesses with fewer than 25-50 employees who have now been idled because of over-reaction. Those employees who continue to draw a paycheck (see actually places like Wynn/Encore that pledged to keep paying) because the business had the means to do so or was willing to take the loans necessary to do so are NOT productive at present.

Viewed in that context, yeah, I agree with Cuban and CAN see a company deciding not to take on the debt load of paying people to stay home once government checks enter the equation.

But I guess you are one of those who believes 'business' or 'corporation' ONLY includes those 'evil' empires that you probably fap to every time the stock price declines...
03-19-2020 , 06:33 PM
Originally Posted by Xenoblade
soooo many fat people in the USA though I wonder if its related with high blood pressure or diabetes type 2
Numbers are still small...

"The true percentage of young people who require hospitalization is likely much less, because many remain asymptomatic.

Between 2 percent and 4 percent of confirmed cases among people that young are admitted to intensive care units. The fatality rate is low, only 0.1 percent to 0.2 percent."

The good thing about the celebrities and athletes announcing their positive tests has been just how many of them were asymptomatic or had next to NO issues.

The article linked and from which I quote offers further illustration of the small impact upon younger people, which is consistent with the sub half-percent fatality rates in the under-50 demographic that has appeared in a number of other articles.
03-19-2020 , 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by eobmtns
You want actual information from real scientists? The Imperial College of Medicine says 2.2 million will die in the USA between April and August 2020.
Actually, that claim (at page 7) is in the same section that began on Page 6 with a paragraph that starts "In the (unlikely) absence of any control measures or spontaneous changes in individual behaviour,"

Thus to claim that 2.2M will die is more useless fear-mongering.
03-19-2020 , 07:04 PM
Originally Posted by michelle227
Numbers are still small...

"The true percentage of young people who require hospitalization is likely much less, because many remain asymptomatic.

Between 2 percent and 4 percent of confirmed cases among people that young are admitted to intensive care units. The fatality rate is low, only 0.1 percent to 0.2 percent."
These things you quote have tunnel vision. Just refer to this:
Originally Posted by PokerXanadu
The math is more like this if we did nothing:

Population: 327.2M
Number become infected: About 240 Million
Number requiring hospital Care: approx 50 million
Number of hospital beds in US: appox 1 million
Number of CoVID-19 serious cases who can't get proper care: 49 milion
Number of other serious cases of disease and injury who can't get care: all of them.
Death toll guesstimate of CoVID-19 victims plus collateral damage due to the collapse of the health system: 5 to 10 times the current apparent mortality rate of 1% = 12 to 25 million people in the U.S.

BTW, "mostly elderly" means maybe 60-80% of deaths are elderly. That's still a lot of younger people dying, including babies:

Okay, now do your cost/benefit analysis...
and you'll see that this directly impacts care of young people if there's no reaction or a minimalist approach taken
03-19-2020 , 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by .isolated
These things you quote have tunnel vision. Just refer to this:
and you'll see that this directly impacts care of young people if there's no reaction or a minimalist approach taken and we let the virus spread throughout because of businesses.

and yes this is hilarious clickbait for a real situation.
You’re just countering numbers that one poster made up with numbers another poster made up.

It may well be true that for every positive case we’ve tested of a symptomatic person, there are 10 positive cases that are untested and unsymptomatic.

We just have no idea because we aren’t testing.

We should be prioritizing testing everyone. I can’t fathom how this wouldn’t be much less burdensome and costly than the current draconian quarantines that don’t even seem to be working.
03-19-2020 , 07:14 PM
So here is what the Seminole Indians (Hard Rock Tampa and South Florida) are doing.
They do not have to follow directives from the Governor but generally do for the most part.

No Response From Casino To State Rep's Coronavirus Concerns

"TAMPA — After receiving pleas from casino employees, State Rep. Jackie Toledo, R-Tampa, hosted a news conference Wednesday outside the Seminole Hard Rock Casino in Tampa in the hopes of pressuring the casinos to close during the coronavirus outbreak.

But she said casino officials have not responded to her request to shut down.

"We have reports from inside the casino of sick and pregnant employees who are being told by upper management that they are not allowed to leave work, disregarding doctors notes, saying they need to continue working," said Toledo. "The casino is not accepting any requests off for the week of March 16 and are forcing employees to buy PTO (paid time off). This is wrong."

small credit to them for voluntary shut down of their poker rooms and spacing slots and 3 chairs per table on gaming, etc. more in the article.
03-19-2020 , 07:16 PM
Any posts about moderation should go in the NVG Moderation thread or in the About The Forums forum.
03-19-2020 , 07:20 PM
Originally Posted by TheSquirrel1
People always say objective but are being subjective. So I shall look at this subjectively and say to me it looks like he acted very quickly in closing borders relative to other countries. If politicians act too quickly they are often accused of knee jerk reactions which damage the economy. If an economy becomes damaged that can lead to poverty and poor health, poor everything. Trump was originally criticised for acting too quickly in closing borders. As early as the beginning of February, Trump ordered quarantine for US citizens returning from China, and denied entry to foreigners who had been there.

Subjectively again, Fox News says the proposed budget cuts (proposed for 2021) never happened and were intended to be reverses to Obama's proposed increases, and anyway the money to fight this virus comes from a congressional fund created for health emergencies. According to Snopes the decline in budget for health and disease preparedness started before Trump came into office. Trump has requested that funding for the Centers For Disease Control for global disease protection be increased in 2021 to 225m etc etc.

People believe what they believe. Me, I believe he is doing a great job, and so is Boris Johnson, in a very difficult situation. It also depends on what you read and your political perspective. It's all opinion, it's all subjective, but I really like what they are both doing, and am so grateful they, and not the opposition, are in control.
Boris Johnson is doing a lousy job, letting people carry on meeting in public places, leaving the schools open, ignoring the medical advice that the rest of Europe is following, then falling into line once there is public and media pressure to do so, doing nothing to stop the stockpiling shoppers. Look at him, he is a rabbit in car headlights, he hasn't a clue.
03-19-2020 , 07:21 PM
Originally Posted by whosnext
Any posts about moderation should go in the NVG Moderation thread or in the About The Forums forum.
Hey, those posts weren’t about moderation, they were about your posts.
03-19-2020 , 07:36 PM
Originally Posted by NickMPK
You’re just countering numbers that one poster made up with numbers another poster made up.
Gov. Cuomo speech/article

This doesn't reflect the exact #s that poster gave but it does reflect what I'm trying to illustrate to Michelle.
03-19-2020 , 07:37 PM
Originally Posted by parisron
So here is what the Seminole Indians (Hard Rock Tampa and South Florida) are doing.
They do not have to follow directives from the Governor but generally do for the most part.

No Response From Casino To State Rep's Coronavirus Concerns

"TAMPA — After receiving pleas from casino employees, State Rep. Jackie Toledo, R-Tampa, hosted a news conference Wednesday outside the Seminole Hard Rock Casino in Tampa in the hopes of pressuring the casinos to close during the coronavirus outbreak.

But she said casino officials have not responded to her request to shut down.

"We have reports from inside the casino of sick and pregnant employees who are being told by upper management that they are not allowed to leave work, disregarding doctors notes, saying they need to continue working," said Toledo. "The casino is not accepting any requests off for the week of March 16 and are forcing employees to buy PTO (paid time off). This is wrong."

small credit to them for voluntary shut down of their poker rooms and spacing slots and 3 chairs per table on gaming, etc. more in the article.
If the casinos will not close, it is the responsibility of state officials to block all roads into said casinos on state lands. Simple as that.
03-19-2020 , 07:39 PM
Originally Posted by Eponymous
Hey, those posts weren’t about moderation, they were about your posts.
Yes they were and I was about to quote you.
03-19-2020 , 07:46 PM
Originally Posted by TheSquirrel1
Yes they were and I was about to quote you.
Well mine was about how he called his own post objective and he said the other poster didn’t know what he was talking about. I wasn’t commenting on his mod action.
03-19-2020 , 07:49 PM
Sorry havent read the thread but is covid 19 having much effect on online poker currently?
03-19-2020 , 07:49 PM
Originally Posted by Eponymous
Well mine was about how he called his own post objective and he said the other poster didn’t know what he was talking about. I wasn’t commenting on his mod action.
Yes I know and these posts too will be removed because he/she can't handle a discussion.

I was going to say something along the lines of none of us really knows what we're talking about or what the truth is. Did the UK pay in 200 billion more than they got out of the EU? Was our trade deficit several billions a year? Did I count it? How would I know? None of us really knows much, we have to go on what we're told from all sources, and most of those are politically biased and unreliable. It's all just opinion, no right, no wrong, just depends on perspective.

Last edited by TheSquirrel1; 03-19-2020 at 07:54 PM.
03-19-2020 , 07:58 PM
Originally Posted by digforplenty
Sorry havent read the thread but is covid 19 having much effect on online poker currently?
Remember when everyone said there would be a second poker boom? Well it might be here. At least until everyone runs out of money.
03-19-2020 , 08:00 PM
Originally Posted by digforplenty
Sorry havent read the thread but is covid 19 having much effect on online poker currently?
Yup. There's even a thread about it:
03-19-2020 , 08:04 PM
Nevada casino closures impact 206,000 workers, AGA finds

"About 206,000 direct casino employees in Nevada are without work after Gov. Steve Sisolak’s Tuesday mandate, according to the American Gaming Association.

The mandate closed all 219 commercial casinos in the state for at least 30 days to help slow the spread of the COVID-19 outbreak.

Each month that the Nevada gaming industry is shut down leads to $4.7 billion in lost economic activity, according to the national trade group representing the U.S. casino industry."

"In all, about 95 percent of the country’s commercial casinos and about three-fourths of its tribal casinos have shuttered their doors in recent days.

If mass casino closures were to continue for eight weeks, the total U.S. economy would lose roughly $43.5 billion in economic activity, according to the report."
03-19-2020 , 08:13 PM
My local card rooms have laid off all employees.

Would this be a good time to implement digital dealers/felts??
