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Big News: PokerStars Purchases FTP(?) Cliffs in OP Last update 4/24 1:02PM PT Big News: PokerStars Purchases FTP(?) Cliffs in OP Last update 4/24 1:02PM PT

04-24-2012 , 11:12 AM
Interesting.. If and I mean IF they purchased Tilt, it would have been via a settlement with the DOJ and Stars received control over tilt via a settlement with the DOJ. (which could make sense) and that is why it would be 750m. But I seriously doubt this number.

I knew a investor that was interested in purchasing FT, and they were for sale for 75m ext ext.

If this cheers you up at all, I reached out to someone really close to FT and he did not deny that Stars purchased FT. Typically he would. But that also could mean this is bs...
04-24-2012 , 11:13 AM
Can't understand why Stars would do this unless it helps them come back into the US market.
It seems that most business decisions Stars make seem to be pretty smart.
04-24-2012 , 11:13 AM
i dont like stars :/
04-24-2012 , 11:13 AM
crazy times....
04-24-2012 , 11:13 AM
04-24-2012 , 11:13 AM
Originally Posted by foldacedeuce
This is mega, but cannot understand how it works with Tapie??? Why would PS buy FTP, the players are almost the same no? I play on both sites (or used to)

PLEASE SOMEONE explain why PS would buy FTP?
Not sure if serious
04-24-2012 , 11:13 AM
Endless story of companies buying FTP...
04-24-2012 , 11:13 AM
Originally Posted by Pajak666
TBH I think competition between two big rooms is best for players.
One big company... it's called monopoly and it's never been good.
More competition on the market equals more promotions, rake reductions and special offers.
GO GO Bernard Tapie Group!
There's a big difference between a coerced monopoly and one where there is no barrier to entry into the market.
04-24-2012 , 11:14 AM
Can I coin Tuesday Triumph?
04-24-2012 , 11:14 AM
if thats true :

me gusta

if not


04-24-2012 , 11:14 AM
Originally Posted by epix-
i dont like stars :/
That's ok... Most of us do....
04-24-2012 , 11:15 AM
Posting in a potentially legendary thread.

Pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeease be real!!!
04-24-2012 , 11:15 AM
no ****ing way
04-24-2012 , 11:15 AM
Originally Posted by bbfg
You shouldn't base your expectations about reentry to the US market based on weird wording in a post.
Thought does not equal expectation
04-24-2012 , 11:15 AM
Originally Posted by IWEARGOGGLES
Can I coin Tuesday Triumph?
#triumphanttuesday IMO
04-24-2012 , 11:15 AM
Originally Posted by IWEARGOGGLES
Can I coin Tuesday Triumph?
04-24-2012 , 11:15 AM
Originally Posted by Mr.mmmKay
How can such a stupid OP actually be true?
hahaha this
04-24-2012 , 11:16 AM
the real truth is :

McDonald is buying FTP, all US players with money locked will get coupons related to the money they had inside.

so few players can have lifetime cheesburgers
04-24-2012 , 11:16 AM
I have refreshed 300 times
04-24-2012 , 11:16 AM
04-24-2012 , 11:16 AM
Originally Posted by foldacedeuce
PLEASE SOMEONE explain why PS would buy FTP?
Not unusual in business. For example, Southwest acquired AirTran. Gives them a greater market share. If both sites are successful, why wouldn't the bigger company want to own all or a piece of the smaller?
04-24-2012 , 11:16 AM
Originally Posted by Picasso
this makes a ton of sense now that i think about it. the $750mm includes a settlement with the DOJ and making players whole, Dik**** paid $300mm to settle with them, i could easily see this as stars saying "look, we will make all players whole from FT and pay XXX if we can settle the charges against us." while the DOJ cant guarantee them access to US markets, they can make the settlement favorable enough so that it greatly increases the chances of them entering, and PS looking like the savior makes the chances even more likely.

PS isnt paying all this money because they think FT is worth it, they are paying to settle the case so that they can eventually enter the US market. and not having a competitor [re]launch is worth a lot of money as well
My thoughts exactly. This deal only makes sense if PS believed they can re-enter the US market at some point. There could also be some validity that Steve Wynn is tied into PS.
04-24-2012 , 11:16 AM
Originally Posted by wsmp
embedded that for ya

also this

is how I imagine those sweating FTP money feel right now
04-24-2012 , 11:17 AM
04-24-2012 , 11:17 AM
Black Friday.

(Credit Mersenneary)
