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Big News: PokerStars Purchases FTP(?) Cliffs in OP Last update 4/24 1:02PM PT Big News: PokerStars Purchases FTP(?) Cliffs in OP Last update 4/24 1:02PM PT

04-26-2012 , 08:21 AM
Originally Posted by SKEEZ
its crazy what money can make governments do or people in general
yes, a totally new historical developement, unique to our times, but you are right also
04-26-2012 , 08:21 AM
Originally Posted by PokerXanadu
But it doesn't have to come out of capital
I think it does come out of capital. Don't the funds have to be segregated as owned by the players? That's as good as a cash outlay. It doesn't belong to PS anymore.
04-26-2012 , 08:29 AM
Originally Posted by KingKongGrinder
I think it does come out of capital. Don't the funds have to be segregated as owned by the players? That's as good as a cash outlay. It doesn't belong to PS anymore.
The way FTP and AGCC did things and the way PS and Isle of Mann does things concerning player money IS different, so you have that to support your idea IMHO
04-26-2012 , 08:30 AM
Originally Posted by KingKongGrinder
I think it does come out of capital. Don't the funds have to be segregated as owned by the players? That's as good as a cash outlay. It doesn't belong to PS anymore.
Matter of semantics and viewpoint. If I said to you that as part of a bigger deal you have to put $5000 cash into an account that you can't touch and will eventually be withdrawn, but it will earn you $5000+ over the next year or two that you wouldn't otherwise earn, would you think of it as money spent on the deal?

But I don't disagree with you from the viewpoint of true accounting. I'm just making the point that this deal is a bargain for PS, all things considered. (And a godsend for players.)
04-26-2012 , 08:31 AM
ps buying ftp will be better for ftp2

ppl will trust ps over gtb by a factor of 1/100.

roll on opening day if works out.
04-26-2012 , 08:34 AM
Originally Posted by kikadell
I really hope they have records of some kind. I did a cashout of $750 about 12 hours before it went down, and I got a confirmation letter that the funds had been transfered.
You should have an email of the transaction. Start looking for it.

Originally Posted by Star Wolf 64
Any idea what would happen to the ~150mil the DoJ has seized if no deal is ever reached?

-Does it go back to FTP owners?
-Does it go straight to pay US Players in full and **** everybody else?
-Does it go to partially pay back everyone?
Does the DoJ just pocket it?

This one.
04-26-2012 , 08:47 AM
Originally Posted by gimmepilotwings
You should have an email of the transaction. Start looking for it.
I didn't even think about that, thanks.
04-26-2012 , 09:07 AM
Originally Posted by runLOLArun
Not trying to be a nit, but the phantom deposits made by US players are not and never will be recoverable. They can never be legally collected so that's a loss.

Also, good luck to ever collecting what the pro's owe. Not sure about the law there, but I somehow doubt there are any solid promissory notes.
A lot of it wont be recoverable but if any of the money from these deposits is still in that player's account it can be deducted. So aside from the money that was deposited and then cashed out or lost to other players, the money can be recovered.
04-26-2012 , 09:13 AM
I totally admit to grunching a bit here, as I have been busy, but some people have suggested I reply to a few posts involving me. Sorry for the length.

Originally Posted by NEMplsJW
What about Diamond Flush? She was adamant that the deal with gbt was going through and we all had to be patient. It goes to show you that you cannot believe anyone, especially those who supposedly have all of these connections and inside information. I'M not picking on DF, just proving a point.
This is not true, please provide proof.

Originally Posted by andyg2001
I don't thinks she said that.
Originally Posted by NEMplsJW
Pretty sure she did. I will have to look once im at a pc.
Have you been to a pc yet? Please provide proof of your allegation.

Originally Posted by Hash1982
I always look out for Diamond's post and she has never used the word 'adamant' in talking about GBT's potential accusation of FTP. Good journalists are very careful in their choice of words. Being patient as their are many steps to be completed for the (now dead) deal to go through, yes. Adamant that the deal would go through, no.
Originally Posted by NEMplsJW
I never said she used the word "adamant". I used the word to describer her actions on the deal. My point remains.
Your point remains? So does my request for proof.

Originally Posted by NEMplsJW
Wat? I should be happy DF is misleading people with her "inside knowledge"? okay sir. My point sailed right over your head. Do you need me to spell it out?
I would like you to spell it out.

Originally Posted by shpanko
How exactly has she been "misleading people with her inside knowledge?" please provide proof of any points you make
Originally Posted by NEMplsJW
Did you read any of her posts? omg....
I have read them all Still waiting to hear how I mislead anyone.

Originally Posted by NEMplsJW
Her words are there for you to read. Read them or don't.
Originally Posted by NEMplsJW
If you're too lazy to look through her posts thats your problem. Everything shes said or eluded to turned out false...What other proof do you need?
Please provide proof of what I printed that turned out to be not true on my part?

Originally Posted by NEMplsJW I'm wrong...when is GBT opening up FTP2 again? DF said sometome in May right? Interesting this recent news is in fact just a lie and Tapei is still purchasing and hiring for ftp2.

I wasnt and am not out to get her....its blind defenders like you that cannot grasp a simple point attracting more attention that what she told us was incorrect...Should I still be patient and let tappie to their thing?
I never said FTP2 via GBT would open in May, do not try to quote me out of context.
Again, please show me anything I posted or published that was incorrect.

Originally Posted by NEMplsJW
I just get so tilted when journalist come out that they have all this info but cannot site their sources and when they turn out to be wrong(which seems to happen a lot in the poker world) and people defend them with nonsense about how they were trying to help theres nothing in it for them ...If people want to come off as being legit journalist then they need to take ownership when they are wrong. not just a whoops....shrug shoulders and tell us you were being mislead. Also very annoying df was telling us to be patient like it was locked up and how these things take time......ergh Um, Isnt finding credible sources kind of important? shakes head.

If DF is doing her work pro bono then I take back some of my harsh crticism but defintiely not all of it.
Frankly, I dont care if you get tilted, you are free to never open one of my posts or any of my articles. If I was able to publicly cite my sources, I would. Most times in this saga, I have agreed not to. This is not some minor little case sir, the government is involved and there are significant criminal and civil charges alleged and not only money, but liberty is at stake for some. There are potentially thousands of sources of information in this whole mess. Their livelihoods may be at stake, or worse, if their identities were revealed. Just because I don't name them publicly, does not mean that I didn't do my own due diligence in vetting them and their information. I do not publish, as fact, any anonymous whispers I hear, I take what I try to put out there very seriously. In the end, it's "I can tell you/get you this if you promise to protect my identity". I make the judgment call whether I can verify the information and go with it. To date, I like my track record.

I would like you, again, to point out where I was wrong, or where I said something and then said "oops, sorry I was mislead".
I will admit that could certainly happen, as things are not always as they seem. Luckily, so far it has not. If it does, I will be the first person to admit I was conned/fooled/mislead.

As for my patience remarks, I agree, I have said it too many times to count. I don't think I EVER said "be patient, your money is on the way", it was always, be patient for info on the next steps expected to happen. If you read something else than what is written, perhaps it is your mistake and not mine.
I have said a million times that I don't get paid for writing or investigating any of this, neither did anyone at Subject: Poker. In fact, it's been costly, and both sites survive(d) only on donations thru the generosity of others. Neither site even runs any ads or is/was hosted on other sites that do. I am beholdin' to no one to write one word. But, that shouldn't matter to you, and it shouldn't change your view. Either you think I've failed and mislead you or I haven't.

Either way, I will nicely ask you, as others have, to either provide your proof, or stop slandering me.
04-26-2012 , 09:19 AM
Well said diamond, the majority here appreciate your hard work don't let the trolls get to you
04-26-2012 , 09:24 AM
can anyone comment on the validity of the stars buyout? is this strictly conjecture, or is there actually something in the mix...
04-26-2012 , 09:35 AM
Originally Posted by ConquerorWorm
Sorry bro, but in the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king. And you are blind, DF has one eye but she doesn't see it all.
I see plenty, including your agenda.

Originally Posted by ConquerorWorm
She has been pi$$ing in the dark just like everyone else who thought they had teh scoop. Fact is she's been gobbling up crumbs that have been fed to her just like everyone else.

How do you think a journo gets their news, uh? Do they use a secret command on netscape navigator and it reveals teh TRUTH? Or is it "leaked" to them.

Ax yourslef this - what has DF published recently that hasn't been officially or 'ninja' released? Shall I tell you? - nothing.
I wish this "job" was as easy as people feeding me information. It's not.

Originally Posted by ConquerorWorm
pleeease tell me you have been impressed with the journalism so far!!! Not one site, Washington post (all teh presidents men) included has done anything more than quote the speculation-mongers on 2+2.

please tell me you have some faith in the press.
While I do not claim to be in the class of the Washington Post as far as journalistic quality, I am pretty confident I have already forgotten more about this particular case than they will ever know. That is not a dig, just emphasizing the fact that this subject is not the priority of the mainstream media, which is why poker news sites exist.

I also have never published any article that was reliant on quoting "the speculation mongers on 2+2".

Please bring your facts to this thread, or go back to posting under your normal screenname, you know, the one you likely used before creating one just to try to take readers interests away from the facts at hand.
04-26-2012 , 09:38 AM
Originally Posted by demonday
Well said diamond, the majority here appreciate your hard work don't let the trolls get to you
TY sir and ty to everyone that posted and saw this nonsense for what it was.
04-26-2012 , 09:38 AM
Originally Posted by sqwerty12
I might be naive but I've never understood how the American government can keep money taken from non-Americans playing on a non-American website in a non-American country. Is it an American company?
The money was sitting in American banks.
04-26-2012 , 09:43 AM
Originally Posted by Kirbynator
do we know if there are funds in limbo? dont think we ever had a confirmation or not.

Like for example I tried to do a big cashout a couple days before BF and obviously it didnt go through, where is that money now?
Sources have told me that "in limbo" funds that never actually reached their destinations were addressed/returned as part of the account balances. Naturally I have no way of knowing if this has been accurately done, but I do believe it was the plan. When the time comes, players will individually have to confirm that their balance is correct.
04-26-2012 , 09:44 AM
D_F u dont have to even respond to the troll, dont think that the rest of us dont have judgement and cant see what amazing job you are doing, i really hope u keep it up
04-26-2012 , 09:44 AM
diamond:dont bother urself with trolls.keep up good work !
04-26-2012 , 09:46 AM
Kudos to Diamond Flush for the hard work and diligence.

Because of all of the shadiness in the poker world, we have become conditioned to be suspicious of just about everybody. Your transparent scrupulousness has earned you the trust of the community in a very tough environment. That's not easy to do.

Well done, and thanks for all of your hard work.
04-26-2012 , 09:51 AM
Anyone of when we are supposed to hear some more news? Or just "when they are ready still?"
04-26-2012 , 09:55 AM
Originally Posted by What A Fun Time!
You know, it has always been a complaint among political minds that it is a problem that the DOJ is so politicized. But in this case, I can imagine how it could be a good thing. What if the DOJ tried to influence the White House, who in turn would influence congress to get something passed on an expedited basis, to coincide with FTP coming back online?

I mean, we are talking about billions of $$$ in tax revenue here, this scenario must be a possibility.

DOJ becoming politicized refers to the DOJ acting on the political wishes of whomever is running the executive branch, not the other way around.

Also, suggesting the current White House has any influence over the current Congress is lol.
04-26-2012 , 09:55 AM
Hey D_F, if you got some time left:

I know you're under DNA or other confidential bindings, but can you tell us what your impression is on whether the new party to buy FTP will or will not be faster than GBT in completing the deal? And if so, by how much? Maybe even, what makes you come to that conclusion?
04-26-2012 , 09:57 AM
04-26-2012 , 09:58 AM
Originally Posted by Huskermoney00
Anyone of when we are supposed to hear some more news? Or just "when they are ready still?"
Any official statement from Pokerstars about the pending acquisition is a few weeks away minimum. IMHO
04-26-2012 , 09:59 AM
Originally Posted by Huskermoney00
Anyone of when we are supposed to hear some more news? Or just "when they are ready still?"
We probably were never even supposed to hear this news, obviously they weren't quite ready, but with Tapie about to announce their deal fell through this was probably leaked for suicide prevention purposes.
04-26-2012 , 10:00 AM
Originally Posted by Huskermoney00
Anyone of when we are supposed to hear some more news? Or just "when they are ready still?"
keep in mind that "we have no comment at this time" is significantly better then hearing "we are not affiliated with the pending purchase of FTP's assets". At any point no news is good news as weird as that is. A 750mil deal doesn't just happen to work itself out overnight. Be patient poker community. This sounds like the best option to restore some faith in the FTP brand by the "more trustworthy rival taking over its mismanaged rival. Its a very profitable venture in the long run and it should be done from a business perspective.
