Originally Posted by beauvanlaanen
$500k cash game on twitch.tv/pokercentral
coverage is very ****ty, they don't show hole cards or even the winning hand, but lots of money at the table
bright (old businessman)
jen tilly
johnny chan
thanks for this
Any chance u can add a link to the Cash game beauvanlaanen. ty in advance.
Gotta rail this live cash game until Phil H reaches the F.T of the one drop.
Got to say i woulden't normally want Phil to take it down, but i do this time for some reason.
And the 2nd table in the Ones Drop is scary. So if not Phil then my 2nd pick is sauce cos hes just such a Nice Dude.
Last edited by smacc25; 06-29-2015 at 07:14 PM.
Reason: It ok Beauvanlannen i found it in stream thread ;)