Originally Posted by corpus vile
Again, none of this is anything new and potential motives for such people have also been covered itt.
Hmm. You say you've covered and digested these things but your presentation is woefully disingenuous.
i mean, god yes, no, I can't be bothered to have that argument forever either. It’s very circular and ultimately you just don’t believe them which is totally fine. But you have conveniently left out all the parts where they've verified themselves in some convincing and extremely hard to fake fashion. Zondo is on the official tic tac footage withdrawal slip, is mentioned as AATIP/AWSAP head on official internal IOPC complaint forms, has been repeatedly vouched for by all the key players above him - Senator Harry Reed, Colm Kelleher, Mellon - and other tangential key players such as Fravor, Dietrich, Graves, many others who were introduced to him under that role; and lets be real there is ZERO chance NASA snap him up without the authorisation of DoD given his public profile as a whistleblower. That would be ludicrous if he was lying.
Mellon, as I'm sure you know, has famously and repeatedly recanted those statements in his blog and personal appearances many times claiming to have been shown exactly how those programs could be hidden in plain sight after all by those who might know about it.
Mellon is so rich he doesn't have to breathe if it doesn't please him. The idea he's doing this for a grift or as some late stage senile ego drive seems physically impossible given his super straight nerdy personality and already spotless reputation.
Semivan and Ramirez alright, they always looked sketch to me too but they
are ultimately all telling us the same story. It matters. You can disbelieve them of course and I get it truly - they are proven disinformation agents and the claims are particularly wild - but it's wrong to say they don't count. We can't just throw selective high level witnesses away, esp if your argument is that there could be no central 'conspiracy' to make us believe such extraordinary things.
Cogs matter. And that's before we get to the NIDS, Puthoffs and Eric Davis' and Kit Greens and all that gang of contracted science boffs who all corroborate this sequence of events and have spilled the beans to that effect. Not to mention the what? dozen+ direct first hand witnesses to Nimitz that have come forward since 2004? All 'available' to question and annoy on twitter. You make it sound like disclosure is being led by a very small uncontactable collection of unrelated misfits and, sure, if it was just one or two 'characters' like Richard Doty I'd be right alongside you. But that just isn't the case anymore. To discount
any of these guys you basically have to discount the whole thing because they are all very messily entangled and if one gets busted the whole ship sinks rapidly. Even Obama parroted this 'we don't know what they are' line.
I've said this for some time: that the Wilson document will make or break this entire modern disclosure wave. Today it looks like we may not even need it.