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Transgender issues (formerly "Transgender/Athlete Controversy") Transgender issues (formerly "Transgender/Athlete Controversy")

06-08-2022 , 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
So, only trans people then? Should others have to "disclose" things prior to sex? Age, height, weight, marital status, tax bracket, political affiliations, sharkscope ranking, lifetime WSOP winnings, insurance status, living will declarations, retirement fund balance?

Where do you draw the line? If the answer is "Only trans people" you should be able to see the potential problem there, right?

Doubt you will see too many verdicts for non sharkscope declarers.

But yeah sample size/laws are not always correct. Just happens to be a time I think they are/should be.
06-08-2022 , 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by YeahOkAnd
No, I don't see the problem or see any of that as similar.

I think people with HIV should declare, is that a slippery slope too?
So are you equating transgender people to disease carriers?

The problem is that you are legislating against one very specific minority. Should I have to disclose my racial makeup to someone prior to engaging in sex? They may not be attracted to black people, and I may be 40% black. Is that fair to the person I'm going to engage in sex with?
06-08-2022 , 01:17 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
So are you equating transgender people to disease carriers?

The problem is that you are legislating against one very specific minority. Should I have to disclose my racial makeup to someone prior to engaging in sex? They may not be attracted to black people, and I may be 40% black. Is that fair to the person I'm going to engage in sex with?
No I am not. Simply stating the slippery slope doesn't always have to happen. Yes I'm aware it would be legislation to a specific minority, doesn't inherently make it immoral.
06-08-2022 , 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by YeahOkAnd

Doubt you will see too many verdicts for non sharkscope declarers.

But yeah sample size/laws are not always correct. Just happens to be a time I think they are/should be.
This is a case where someone was committing fraud against another. A post-op trans woman is not committing fraud against anyone. They are a woman and not just in a declarative sense (I know a lot of people in this thread get up in arms about declarative trans people, hence my mentioning it here.)

These are different things. You equating them is a YOU problem, not a trans person problem.
06-08-2022 , 01:19 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
I'm sorry, but in a thread about trans issues there are only so many hundreds of times that I'm willing to hand-holding the anxieties of cis people centering the conversation about every possible way that cis people are the victims of trans people.
Translation: Check your privilege Chad!
06-08-2022 , 01:19 PM
Originally Posted by YeahOkAnd
No I am not. Simply stating the slippery slope doesn't always have to happen. Yes I'm aware it would be legislation to a specific minority, doesn't inherently make it immoral.
Answer my question from that post. Should i be required, by law, to disclose my racial makeup to anyone I am going to engage in sexual relations with. If the answer is no, explain the difference.
06-08-2022 , 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
Answer my question from that post. Should i be required, by law, to disclose my racial makeup to anyone I am going to engage in sexual relations with. If the answer is no, explain the difference.
06-08-2022 , 01:24 PM
Ohhhh, so close. Unfortunately that is only a half answer to my question. You know in geometry tests where you have to show your work? My question requires the same to be a complete answer.

If I look and present as a white man, am 40% some other race, and engage in sexual activity with a woman who is only attracted to white guys, why exactly is that different than a trans woman having sex with a man who is only attracted to cis women? Why is the woman in the above not entitled to the same level of disclosure as the man sleeping with the trans woman in the example?
06-08-2022 , 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
Answer my question from that post. Should i be required, by law, to disclose my racial makeup to anyone I am going to engage in sexual relations with. If the answer is no, explain the difference.
I believe it comes down to intent and consent.

It magically not coming up before penetration is certainly an attempt to obfuscate their ability to consent when it comes to post op trans. They do it because they believe consent would not be given if they told them the truth about their sexual organs.

I don't find this to be the same with race, I believe the number of people whose consent would be rescinded is close to zero in your hypothetical.

I do agree laws are tough to make and enforce, but the intent of this law seems clear and harmless.

I also don't agree or subscribe to your belief about "attraction" that you tried placing on QP, it's perfectly fine to want to only have sex with people of your preferred sex organs, whatever they may be, even if they are medically created trunks! Visual attraction aside, saying oh you thought they were hot! Is not a "got ya!" and an invitation to have them endure an experience they wouldn't had they been given all the information.

Last edited by YeahOkAnd; 06-08-2022 at 01:33 PM.
06-08-2022 , 01:35 PM
Answer me this, who does this law hurt? Does this law protect anyone?

Seems to me it literally only hurts people who are attempting to trick people that don't want to have sex with them into having it with them.

So far the only thing you've seen "wrong" with it is some hypothetical slippery slope where you demand we agree with your definition and similarity of things.
06-08-2022 , 01:44 PM
Ahhhhh, so its the "Sneaky trans people" issue and not the "we want to be treated like women just like every other woman" trans issue.

Any chance that trans women just want to be treated like women since that is what they are, rather than wanting to be sneaky and conniving?

Not in YOA land! If you want to experience sex like any other woman but are trans, you are a deceitful whore!
06-08-2022 , 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
Ahhhhh, so its the "Sneaky trans people" issue and not the "we want to be treated like women just like every other woman" trans issue.

Any chance that trans women just want to be treated like women since that is what they are, rather than wanting to be sneaky and conniving?

Not in YOA land! If you want to experience sex like any other woman but are trans, you are a deceitful whore!
Well yeah, the only reason to break said hypothetical law is if you plan on being deceitful, or (sneaky)

What other reason is there to object to it besides your slippery slope?

I love how you demand every absurd question you ask be answered but then refuse to answer mine, then take everything I said out of context and add words like "sneaky trans" and "whore".

As per usual their feels are more important than objective reality or the trauma they may put on someone else, do you realize how ****ing wrong it is to **** someone when they are under the impression you are a different natural gender?

The cis woman sexual experience usually begins with a degree of honesty and trust, hiding your born gender to knowingly trick a person automatically disqualifies you from the typical sexual experience.

Thanks for playing though.

Bonus: Imagine wanting to have sex with someone you know doesn't want to have sex with you if you reveal something like that about yourself. What kind of maniac do you have to be lmao.

Last edited by YeahOkAnd; 06-08-2022 at 02:05 PM.
06-08-2022 , 02:02 PM
Originally Posted by YeahOkAnd

What other reason is there to object to it besides your slippery slope?.
I literally answered this in the above post. Transwomen are women and want to be treated as such. Having a law created SPECIFICALLY against them, makes it so they are unable to be so. Were you cool with Jim Crow laws too? Separate but equal still means equal, amiright guys?
06-08-2022 , 02:03 PM
here is an assignment for you:

you collect all the data you can find of trans people deceiving and harming sexual cis partners and then you can back up your sqibble with facts and data. that's how it's done on the interwebs around here.

and then you realized this is just a small scale issue that only occupies and applies to yourself.

nobody will make a law for la underground club goers, because underground clubbing is illegal to begin with. maybe stop hanging out with losers and crackheads. boom- problem solved!
06-08-2022 , 02:07 PM
oh and making laws would affect everything. you are only able to see the tip of the iceberg! u punk! That's why a society has freedoms. the less art and culture the less freedoms u donk. like in russia. you should immigrate to russia. they take care of those harmful trans there! You might like it.
06-08-2022 , 02:12 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
I literally answered this in the above post. Transwomen are women and want to be treated as such. Having a law created SPECIFICALLY against them, makes it so they are unable to be so. Were you cool with Jim Crow laws too? Separate but equal still means equal, amiright guys?
But it's not specifically against them. It's unlawful to lie about birth control status and hiv status then have sex with someone as well. Omission will do it for HIV as well.

Nah and I'm a minority myself.
06-08-2022 , 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
here is an assignment for you:

you collect all the data you can find of trans people deceiving and harming sexual cis partners and then you can back up your sqibble with facts and data. that's how it's done on the interwebs around here.

and then you realized this is just a small scale issue that only occupies and applies to yourself.

nobody will make a law for la underground club goers, because underground clubbing is illegal to begin with. maybe stop hanging out with losers and crackheads. boom- problem solved!
You literally have trans rights activists and trans people themselves arguing for their right to lie or omit to be able to have sex with people! What more proof do you need that it happens? Man you are truly stupid.
06-08-2022 , 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
oh and making laws would affect everything. you are only able to see the tip of the iceberg! u punk! That's why a society has freedoms. the less art and culture the less freedoms u donk. like in russia. you should immigrate to russia. they take care of those harmful trans there! You might like it.
They don't really like my kind in Russia in general afaik. Rest of your post is random words and makes absolutely no sense.
06-08-2022 , 02:19 PM
why am I stupid?? you're the one who is barking at the clouds like an old man. you're the one who is claiming something and can't back it up with sources and proof.

you need to cite, the ball is in your court chief.
06-08-2022 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by YeahOkAnd
You literally have trans rights activists and trans people themselves arguing for their right to lie or omit to be able to have sex with people! What more proof do you need that it happens? Man you are truly stupid.
sources? Where are the victims?
06-08-2022 , 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
I literally answered this in the above post. Transwomen are women and want to be treated as such. Having a law created SPECIFICALLY against them, makes it so they are unable to be so. Were you cool with Jim Crow laws too? Separate but equal still means equal, amiright guys?
Just answer me this, forget legally.

Is it reasonable for the unknowing partner to be upset? Past their partner not being "open" with them.
Do you believe it would be common for it to have caused "trauma"?
Do you believe it to be transphobic to be angry after finding out they were trans after they hooked up with them?
Are you transphobic (in the hateful sense) if you refuse to have a relationship/sexual encounter with a trans fullstop?
06-08-2022 , 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
cite or ban! Where are the victims?
Where did I say anything about victims... look at what you quoted numbskull then look at the thread, several pro trans rights people here have argued they shouldn't have to disclose, not even ethically. One implied they know of a trans person who has sexual encounters with people and don't tell them! So wtf are you talking about?

If they always disclosed before hand nobody would care if there was a law that said you must, except for the slippery slope stuff/abuse of said law by bad actors.

You think they are trying to preserve their right/moral high ground because they think nobody executes it? Uh... ok.

The literal trans person in the thread disagrees with you, but sure pal.

Also they are claiming they are NOT victims, even if this happens to them! So how can I provide you victims sir.
06-08-2022 , 02:25 PM
that you are pumping the pot when there is no need for it. maybe see a shrink. you seem to see problems where the average guy doesn't see it. maybe it's all u.
06-08-2022 , 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
that you are pumping the pot when there is no need for it. maybe see a shrink. you seem to see problems where the average guy doesn't see it. maybe it's all u.
Once again the literal trans person disagrees with you, apparently they think it's a big deal because they say they and most of their friends declare before sex! Huh... who woulda thought.

Apparently violence often happens if they don't.

You're right though nobody cares.

You can tell people care because nearly every single one of them has implied or outright said I'm a homophobe(edit: transphobe) simply because I think they should be informing and promoting consent with their prospective lovers. Seems like a hot topic.
06-08-2022 , 02:43 PM
Originally Posted by YeahOkAnd
Once again the literal trans person disagrees with you, apparently they think it's a big deal because they say they and most of their friends declare before sex! Huh... who woulda thought.

Apparently violence often happens if they don't.

You're right though nobody cares.

You can tell people care because nearly every single one of them has implied or outright said I'm a homophobe(edit: transphobe) simply because I think they should be informing and promoting consent with their prospective lovers. Seems like a hot topic.
No, you're being transphobic because you ONLY care about trans people informing and promoting consent. You seem not to care about it in literally any other situation than that one, as I demonstrated above. You don't hold the same level of care for issues such as race, or hell, even someone lying about their status in order to seal the deal. To you, the deception that matters is ONLY from trans people. That is why you are being transphobic.

To answer your above questions.

1. Yes
2. No, because its not the 80s and I didn't just watch "The Crying Game"
3. Yes
4. No
