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Transgender issues (formerly "Transgender/Athlete Controversy") Transgender issues (formerly "Transgender/Athlete Controversy")

06-08-2022 , 11:34 AM
if you want to make sure check the hands.

they can operate everything except the hands.

hand size or men is bigger so that's a dead giveaway imo. Adams Apple forget it. some don't even have one and it can be operated. hands it is...
06-08-2022 , 11:35 AM
if you end up in a situation where you sleep with trans and don't know it you're a dummy. or drunk.
06-08-2022 , 11:37 AM
Originally Posted by tame_deuces
If this is your logic, then obviously those "cis dudes on the internet" are allowed to talk about how they would like to be treated.

When someone pursues a potential sexual or romantic interest, it will almost always be the case that sex, gender identity and sexuality matters. It becomes almost hilariously impractical to not be upfront about this.
I'm sorry, but in a thread about trans issues there are only so many hundreds of times that I'm willing to hand-holding the anxieties of cis people centering the conversation about every possible way that cis people are the victims of trans people.
06-08-2022 , 11:57 AM
Originally Posted by master3004
So what exactly is your point? People who aren't up front with people in sexual situations suck? Great, we agree, but that extends far past trans people. Anyone deceptive in a sexual situation sucks. We agree. Why is this in the trans thread?
This. Maybe start a dating etiquette thread where we can hash out the details of when exactly people into any specific type of sexual kink are supposed to reveal all the information morally and legally?

You know what group of people have probably thought most about the nuances and sensitivities of revealing that you are trans to potential partners? Trans people. They don't need to be told by you guys. You don't have to figure it out for them. You don't have to cis-splain it to them. They already know. I guess you all can cis-splain it to each other if this is some brand new fear you've never thought of before, but maybe - just maybe - throw in some trans issues that could actually harm trans people and not just yourself into the mix to balance your range.
06-08-2022 , 12:00 PM
Just wear a shirt that says “Super Straight Biowomen Only” and that will clear things up.
06-08-2022 , 12:02 PM
yeahokand you're on a burner account sounding very **** and transphobic hahahahaaaa.

who else do you want to insult now? You managed to insult the trans on this forum and then some more.

and then all you do it complain and that while the wsop is going.

option one: you are sour and broke
option two: you watched too much Alex Jones

not that alex Jones is always wrong. he is right too sometimes.

06-08-2022 , 12:03 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
Cool, I agree with both of you. Communication amongst sexual partners is important.

The problem is YOA mentioned LEGISLATING this, which is absurd to me for many reasons. Not the least of which is that you don't have any way to define How, Where, and When this applies. Should people be open about who they are with their sexual partners? Yes! Should they be required to by law? I don't think so, but if you do, then it goes WAYYYYYYY past just trans women who need to disclose. Men who lie about how much money they make to get a girl in bed? Get right the **** in line. People using a 3 year old picture on a dating site? Into the line with you, the DA will see you shortly. Using an alias to keep from being doxxed until you are comfortable with someone? Thats a night in the pen, baby.

Where does it end?

Edit - My mistake, QP has seemingly NOT suggested legislation. Corrected my error.
Thank you for the correction.

Not only would I not support legislation, I am not going to cry an crocodile tears for any young man who finds out, after he would like, that the person is trans.

Young men historically going back to when Adam told Eve, "I will all you", have lied, held back and used very subterfuge to get sex, with women they have had no intention to follow up with.

So if a trans women is able to deceive and that is her choice to do so, I am not going to cry for the man but i hope she realizes the risk she takes with the wrong guys, as there are many men out there, sadly, who would kill or do serious harm to her.
06-08-2022 , 12:06 PM
what do you want exactly, how is this law applied to anything. it's not applicable. you can't put a sign or armband on every trans. that's only something the nazies would have done. that's why this discussion of laws is fruitless.
06-08-2022 , 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
I'm sorry, but in a thread about trans issues there are only so many hundreds of times that I'm willing to hand-holding the anxieties of cis people centering the conversation about every possible way that cis people are the victims of trans people.
Yes, understanding is certainly the last thing we need to navigate sexuality and gender identity.
06-08-2022 , 12:07 PM
Stop pretending that if I had asked the question in a new topic, that it would not have been moved here and that somehow it is some ulterior motive to demonize trans people. Ute you really are an S tier gaslighter.
06-08-2022 , 12:09 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
what do you want exactly, how is this law applied to anything. it's not applicable. you can't put a sign or armband on every trans. that's only something the nazies would have done. that's why this discussion of laws is fruitless.
Could be on their official ID....
06-08-2022 , 12:17 PM
ohh now you wanna go full Nazi bahahaha

that's impossible. you are asking for the impossible.
06-08-2022 , 12:18 PM
cuepee here is binski in thailand:

Last edited by washoe; 06-08-2022 at 12:28 PM.
06-08-2022 , 12:25 PM
washoe, how about:

1. place every video you post in a Spoiler
2. include a short synopsis of the video.
3. thx
06-08-2022 , 12:25 PM
That'll show me that I'm the homophobe! Send videos with derogatory terms in it that you have watched, you did it Washoe!
06-08-2022 , 12:26 PM
Originally Posted by YeahOkAnd
Stop pretending that if I had asked the question in a new topic, that it would not have been moved here and that somehow it is some ulterior motive to demonize trans people. Ute you really are an S tier gaslighter.
I have no idea what your ulterior motive is with a brand new account that made 80 posts in a day and seems rather familiar with a lot of the people ITT is. All I know is that your post fits a pattern of posts ITT whereby people center the conversation on "trans issues" about ways that trans people are harming cis people.
06-08-2022 , 12:27 PM
Originally Posted by King Spew
washoe, how about:

1. place every video you post in a Spoiler
2. include a short synopsis of the video.
3. thx
good idea. done!
06-08-2022 , 12:32 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
I have no idea what your ulterior motive is with a brand new account that made 80 posts in a day and seems rather familiar with a lot of the people ITT is. All I know is that your post fits a pattern of posts ITT whereby people center the conversation on "trans issues" about ways that trans people are harming cis people.
I've never posted in this thread before. Not even sure if I've posted in politics before. I believe born gender should dictate if you play in a men or womans league and I feel both ethically and legally trans people should disclose before sex. Other than that we probably agree on most trans issues(Going to edit this to say other than that I believe I'm considered "pro trans").
06-08-2022 , 12:41 PM
Originally Posted by YeahOkAnd
I've never posted in this thread before. Not even sure if I've posted in politics before. I believe born gender should dictate if you play in a men or womans league and I feel both ethically and legally trans people should disclose before sex. Other than that we probably agree on most trans issues(Going to edit this to say other than that I believe I'm considered "pro trans").
Ok. Are you really worried people might end up having sex with a person with a penis and just...uh....not realize?
06-08-2022 , 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
Ok. Are you really worried people might end up having sex with a person with a penis and just...uh....not realize?
Nah I've literally specified bottom surgery, but of course you wouldn't pay attention to that.
06-08-2022 , 12:55 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
Notice how once again you are centering the conversation around the 'victims' being cis hetero people? In a thread about trans issues? I'm not sure why on topic after topic after topic the side you take is to really get to the bottom of the harm being caused to cis people by trans people.

It's ****ing weird, man.
What the far left, activist left does not understand is how pushing and defending blatant hypocrisies like this and using them to shame, blame or demonize other then feeds the far right equal and greater response.

Issue after issue raised your go to is to hand wave them away if by trans people or the people who Ooboo for them while having an unflinching focus on issues that impact trans.

Now you might legit believe 'who cares, they are cis, hetero males', so if a few of them get slandered, etc, no biggie and that is your right, but understand others will not just accept that and will react.

Again there is a tendency on this forum and in the left generally to say 'Cancel culture is fake', but it is not, and lying about it only gives the right fodder.

We will always see you cry when the far right pushes back and over reacts and does something like banning the use of gender identification, but you need to understand how that flows out of issues such as the far left saying any cis hetero man, who merely speaks his truth about his attraction to cis hetero women only is a bad person, a bigot and a trans phobe.

That is when the far right sees the far left is actually running an agenda to both shame and silence cis hetero men from being able to participate and it gives them great fodder they can use to whip up others, because it is TRUE, and the far left needs to see that and stop it. Or stop complaining when the far right reacts to it.
06-08-2022 , 01:01 PM
Originally Posted by YeahOkAnd
Could be on their official ID....
Should we legislate that ID's must be exchanged before sexual contact?
06-08-2022 , 01:05 PM
Originally Posted by YeahOkAnd
I feel both ethically and legally trans people should disclose before sex.
So, only trans people then? Should others have to "disclose" things prior to sex? Age, height, weight, marital status, tax bracket, political affiliations, sharkscope ranking, lifetime WSOP winnings, insurance status, living will declarations, retirement fund balance?

Where do you draw the line? If the answer is "Only trans people" you should be able to see the potential problem there, right?
06-08-2022 , 01:07 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
Ok. Are you really worried people might end up having sex with a person with a penis and just...uh....not realize?
Of course that has and will continue to happen. And not just with Post Op.

Put aside drunk guys suffering from less than perfect vision which would allow them to otherwise discern and acknowledging that a percent of trans women simply cannot be discerned with just a simple eye test.
06-08-2022 , 01:07 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
So, only trans people then? Should others have to "disclose" things prior to sex? Age, height, weight, marital status, tax bracket, political affiliations, sharkscope ranking, lifetime WSOP winnings, insurance status, living will declarations, retirement fund balance?

Where do you draw the line? If the answer is "Only trans people" you should be able to see the potential problem there, right?
No, I don't see the problem or see any of that as similar.

I think people with HIV should declare, is that a slippery slope too?
