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Transgender issues (formerly "Transgender/Athlete Controversy") Transgender issues (formerly "Transgender/Athlete Controversy")

06-09-2022 , 10:18 AM
but then you have to understand that this might be an L.A. issue. how crazy is L.A. now? they are all over the news now.

aren't you more concerned with the follow home robberies now? That's a thing I heard i would be far more worried about.
06-09-2022 , 10:20 AM
Originally Posted by washoe
so you never made yourself look better to get in a girls pants? I thought that's what 99% of all men do and then 100% of poker players.

I did not see your post where you said you were tricked by a trans into sex. sorry that it happened.
How can you be sorry for me and not think it was unethical for them not to disclose?
06-09-2022 , 10:21 AM
Originally Posted by washoe
but then you have to understand that this might be an L.A. issue. how crazy is L.A. now? they are all over the news now.

aren't you more concerned with the follow home robberies now? That's a thing I heard i would be far more worried about.
I grew up as a minority in a top ten murder capital of California city. This kind of stuff is nothing new to me.
06-09-2022 , 10:24 AM
I never said it was ethical. there are about a million things not ethical in LA or elsewhere in general.
I think youre trying to saddle the horse from the back though. like I said I think that deceptive trans are an outlier of L.A. where imo pretty much everything is deception. fake blonds fake Hollywood fake everything.
06-09-2022 , 10:28 AM
Originally Posted by washoe
I never said it was ethical. there are about a million things not ethical in LA or elsewhere in general.
I think youre trying to saddle the horse from the back though. like I said I think that deceptive trans are an outlier of L.A. where imo pretty much everything is deception. fake blonds fake Hollywood fake everything.
Even more proof I'm not transphobic. I agree most likely do disclose. All should before sexual acts. For this I've been labeled transphobic, lmao.
06-09-2022 , 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by Eskaborr
I grew up as a minority in a top ten murder capital of California city. This kind of stuff is nothing new to me.
oh. I grew up in the No 1 party city in the world. best parties and clubs? owned and run by trans and gays. ever heard of the hardest door in the world or the best ranked nightclub in the world? It's the berghain in Berlin which is owned and run by gays and trans are everywhere there. I never had problems with them let alone let anyone deceive me. that's all you mate. it would suck if it happened to me though and I feel you there. it must suck I understand that. I'm not worried that It ever will happen to me but don't want to jinx it.

I'm far more concerned getting shot when I make bank in Vegas or anywhere near L.A. hahaaaa.
06-09-2022 , 10:35 AM
Originally Posted by washoe
oh. I grew up in the No 1 party city in the world. best parties and clubs? owned by trams and gays. ever heard of the hardest door in the world or the best ranked nightclub in the world? It's the berghain in Berlin which is owned by gays. trans are everywhere there. I never have problems with them let alone let anyone deceive me. that's all you mate. it would suck if it happened to me though but I'm not worried that It ever will happen.

I'm far more concerned getting shot when I in Vegas. hahaaa
The underground clubs/day clubs are trans/gay hotspots, I'm neither or sexually interested in either one. I've partied a bunch of times at these places they were some of the most fun, that why it's hilarious to me these outraged "you must have sex with this person or else" people are piping up. Total nutcases.

Those parties are not where the incident happened, and of course I would have been more questioning at a place like this.
06-09-2022 , 11:20 AM
Originally Posted by Eskaborr
The underground clubs/day clubs are trans/gay hotspots, I'm neither or sexually interested in either one. I've partied a bunch of times at these places they were some of the most fun, that why it's hilarious to me these outraged "you must have sex with this person or else" people are piping up. Total nutcases.

Those parties are not where the incident happened, and of course I would have been more questioning at a place like this.

The thing is all nightclubs (the good ones) are run my trans and queers. And they rarely cause the problems. The problems are mostly caused by straight land eggs becuase they cant handle the drugs, the alcohol or are otherwise ****tards from outside. (hillbillies from the countryside) They drug and rape the people ie. get into fights, have too big egos, stuff the trans wont do usually.

And they all pilgrim to the big cities like LA because they can live freely and anomynously without being judged, like they would be in their little villages. So expect some problems with them, they are young and dumb.

Last edited by washoe; 06-09-2022 at 11:26 AM.
06-09-2022 , 11:47 AM
Originally Posted by Eskaborr
Even more proof I'm not transphobic. I agree most likely do disclose. All should before sexual acts. For this I've been labeled transphobic, lmao.
Nobody has labelled you transphobic for this or stated that you must sleep with anyone who wants to. Ever. But you're a liar, so you use the same strawmanning bullshit you accuse everyone else of because you seemingly can't afford a mirror to look at your own shitty actions.

I said you were transphobic for one reason, and I stand by it. Claiming that we should legislate deception for trans people and trans people only is HIGHLY transphobic. If you had come in here and said "I think we should make it a legal requirement for trans individuals to disclose prior to sex, and also any man who lies to a woman to get them to sleep with them should also be held accountable in a legally similar way, I would still think thats a really dumb idea, but it wouldn't be transphobic and hateful against a specific group. That's your problem. That is why you're labelled a transphobe. If you don't like it, either change your ways or shut the **** up. Or option three. Keep spouting your **** opinions for everyone to see and live with the fact that people will tell you exactly what you are to your face
06-09-2022 , 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by master3004
Nobody has labelled you transphobic for this or stated that you must sleep with anyone who wants to. Ever. But you're a liar, so you use the same strawmanning bullshit you accuse everyone else of because you seemingly can't afford a mirror to look at your own shitty actions.

I said you were transphobic for one reason, and I stand by it. Claiming that we should legislate deception for trans people and trans people only is HIGHLY transphobic. If you had come in here and said "I think we should make it a legal requirement for trans individuals to disclose prior to sex, and also any man who lies to a woman to get them to sleep with them should also be held accountable in a legally similar way, I would still think thats a really dumb idea, but it wouldn't be transphobic and hateful against a specific group. That's your problem. That is why you're labelled a transphobe. If you don't like it, either change your ways or shut the **** up. Or option three. Keep spouting your **** opinions for everyone to see and live with the fact that people will tell you exactly what you are to your face
You don't think its unethical for a trans to hide it from a sexual partner, correct?

I could 100% get behind anybody claiming to be a natural born gender to deceive others into sex while not being stated gender should be illegal, whether that person is trans or not. It's not only a law against trans, it just so happens they would be the one who break said law the most. I admit any legislation is impractical, I still find it highly immoral. You know, the "fraud" you were talking about before, yeah that should be illegal under the same premise, you had no problem with that.

So how about you shut the **** up, as I didn't say only trans people should be legislated against, you assumed that.

Now apologize for calling me transphobic, since that is the only transphobic thing you thought that I said.

Last edited by Eskaborr; 06-09-2022 at 12:11 PM.
06-09-2022 , 12:08 PM
Originally Posted by Eskaborr
Back to weaponizing something you claim is "normal and identical" and trying to shame me for some imaginary sexual preference that I'm "hiding"

Seems like you are the actual transphobe, as you seem to think it can be used as an insult to imply someone desires sex with them.
I certainly never expected Trolly to be accused of being transphobic. Wow!
06-09-2022 , 12:11 PM
Originally Posted by Eskaborr
Now wanting to be with trans is kinky?

Keep weaponizing it! You're doing great.

Please ban this person for actual transphobia asap.
Of course, Trolly never said or implied such a thing.
06-09-2022 , 12:16 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
This is a case where someone was committing fraud against another. A post-op trans woman is not committing fraud against anyone. They are a woman and not just in a declarative sense (I know a lot of people in this thread get up in arms about declarative trans people, hence my mentioning it here.)

These are different things. You equating them is a YOU problem, not a trans person problem.
Originally Posted by Eskaborr
You don't think its unethical for a trans to hide it from a sexual partner, correct?

I could 100% get behind anybody claiming to be a natural born gender to deceive others into sex while not being stated gender should be illegal, whether that person is trans or not. It's not only a law against trans, it just so happens they would be the one who break said law the most. I admit any legislation is impractical, I still find it highly immoral. You know, the "fraud" you were talking about before, yeah that should be illegal under the same premise, you had no problem with that.

So how about you shut the **** up, as I didn't say only trans people should be legislated against, you assumed that.

Now apologize for calling me transphobic, since that is the only transphobic thing you thought that I said.
I asked you numerous questions about heteros being legislated against when it came to sexual deception and you said no to all of it.

I had no problem with fraud? The case of the lesbian woman claiming to be a man and blindfolding her lover in an attempt to hide it? Um, yeah, I did have a problem with it and said so. (See above.) When I note that fraud and not being upfront with someone about a part of who you are prior to engaging sexually are two different things, Im condemning one (legally) and not the other. So yes, I think the fraud was wrong legally and should be punished. I do not think the other should be punished legally regardless of whether I find it moral or not.

As stated before, once a liar, always a liar.

Again, should people of mixed race be forced to disclose before sex? Should anyone be able to legally lie about their income status prior to sex?
06-09-2022 , 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
I asked you numerous questions about heteros being legislated against when it came to sexual deception and you said no to all of it.

I had no problem with fraud? The case of the lesbian woman claiming to be a man and blindfolding her lover in an attempt to hide it? Um, yeah, I did have a problem with it and said so. (See above.) When I note that fraud and not being upfront with someone about a part of who you are prior to engaging sexually are two different things, Im condemning one (legally) and not the other. So yes, I think the fraud was wrong legally and should be punished. I do not think the other should be punished legally regardless of whether I find it moral or not.

As stated before, once a liar, always a liar.

Again, should people of mixed race be forced to disclose before sex? Should anyone be able to legally lie about their income status prior to sex?
No, you asked me about silly things like race and religion and income status. (a big LOL at those being hetero issues. here, show me one quote that supports this BS you are trying to spread and pin on me right now, show one legitimate question that even slightly makes it look like you are asking if only homosexuals will be legislated with in my ideas. You can't, simply because you didn't try to understand where I was coming from at all, you got hysterical because I refuse to believe an inverted penis is exactly the same as a natural born vagina)

Also wtf ,are you homophobic, are you transphobic? This is not simply a homosexual issue! Heteros would also be legislated against in what I outlined above.

You think I'm lying in my stance that I also don't think a heterosexual man should be able to legally trick a lesbian into thinking they are a girl then having sex with them? Oh really... like the one I linked as precedent? Then you claim I never intended for it to be viewed as not merely a trans issue... lying scumbag.

You're a hysterical nutcase. You are literally the one lying and putting arguments on me that I never made.

By found nothing wrong with it, I meant found nothing wrong with the legislation. It's literally rooted in exactly what I'm asking for/trying to debate we should have. But you're a hetero-cis-maleaphobe and believe they should be excluded from laws protecting them from sexual assault.
06-09-2022 , 12:24 PM
Originally Posted by Eskaborr
But you're a hetero-cis-maleaphobe and believe they should be excluded from laws protecting them from sexual assault.
06-09-2022 , 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by Eskaborr
Just so you know, here I am. I'm a lot of things but a coward or a transphobe is not one of them. Unless me being unwilling to have sex with one makes me a transphobe, or being ok with not being told before sex. Then I'm certainly transphobic....
And for the record there is a very active campaign in the far left to make that the actual default position and that pressure is being brought to bear mainly on young hetero cis men.

There is an attempt to create an acceptance in society that if you are a cis hetero male you must also have attraction to trans women or you are bigoted and transphobic. You will not be welcome on popular SM sites that your peers are on and you may find yourself increasingly isolated in society generally as such stigmatization often does.

You can imagine young, well meaning boys as they enter their sexualality phase dealing with that type of demonization of their own truth with regards to whom they are attracted to and how that could impact their development.

uke would reply to this with 'who cares about cis males, why talk about them' while ignoring that it is things like this on the far left that lead to the far right then over reacting and actually harming issues of genuine protections and needs.

It is the centre and more reasonable left that needs to speak out against wrongs like this and confront it aggressively to stop it so it cannot be used by the far right as a trigger to do worse things. The left needs to not let the far left extremists tell them to not care about such abuse to cis males, as uke says, as that is how this blows up into a culture war that harms all sides worse.
06-09-2022 , 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
Cool. You have no logical points and refuse to take back calling me a transphobe right (something you think is incredibly wrong to call someone)?

Yeah you're actually a scumbag.

The legislation I suggested is not to stop trans people from having sex or comfortably having it, it's to allow people who only want to engage in sexual activities that they choose with the sexual organs they prefer, it's about consent.

I'd be crucified if I as a non trans dressed like a passable woman then had sex with a lesbian without their knowledge. Anybody know if this is actually illegal?

But you're right... WAT
06-09-2022 , 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by lagtight
I certainly never expected Trolly to be accused of being transphobic. Wow!
Originally Posted by lagtight
Of course, Trolly never said or implied such a thing.
he absolutely did imply it.

It is a very common insult tactic, especially if you think the person is right/conservative, to say or suggest they are 'gay', want to actually do various gay sex acts' and should 'just admit it' rather than saying what they are saying.

The implied insult is 'calling them gay' thinking that should really be a good dig against them. And that is what Trolly was doing there.

Not that I care but you are wrong to think he was not playing in that implied area.
06-09-2022 , 12:55 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
he absolutely did imply it.

It is a very common insult tactic, especially if you think the person is right/conservative, to say or suggest they are 'gay', want to actually do various gay sex acts' and should 'just admit it' rather than saying what they are saying.

The implied insult is 'calling them gay' thinking that should really be a good dig against them. And that is what Trolly was doing there.

Not that I care but you are wrong to think he was not playing in that implied area.
Yeah and their intent is to cause you with mental sexual trauma, but they also advocate that some people are so traumatized they shouldn't have to be bound by the same moral and ethical rules as us and get a pass on sexual assault or sex by deception.

So traumatized I can't inform you of my natural gender before body parts start going into eachothers! How dare you!

They also think being homophobic/transphobic should be a social death sentence(some literal! yes I admt these types are "rare'), yet they sling it around cavalierly. They also will rarely take it back if ever, no matter what evidence or logic you present to them.
06-09-2022 , 12:58 PM
Originally Posted by Eskaborr
Cool. You have no logical points and refuse to take back calling me a transphobe right (something you think is incredibly wrong to call someone)?

Yeah you're actually a scumbag.

The legislation I suggested is not to stop trans people from having sex or comfortably having it, it's to allow people who only want to engage in sexual activities that they choose with the sexual organs they prefer, it's about consent.

I'd be crucified if I as a non trans dressed like a passable woman then had sex with a lesbian without their knowledge. Anybody know if this is actually illegal?

But you're right... WAT
I don't think its wrong to call someone a transphobe. If that is how someone is, then I have no problem with someone calling someone else that, or themselves if they are so inclined.

You would be committing fraud in your example, hence, illegal. So yes, that would be a crime.

Trans people aren't pretending anything. Especially post-op. They are what they say, and therefore no fraud is being committed.

You equating them is transphobic, hence, you would be a transphobe in this instance. So no, I absolutely do not apologize for calling you what you are.
06-09-2022 , 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
he absolutely did imply it.

It is a very common insult tactic, especially if you think the person is right/conservative, to say or suggest they are 'gay', want to actually do various gay sex acts' and should 'just admit it' rather than saying what they are saying.

The implied insult is 'calling them gay' thinking that should really be a good dig against them. And that is what Trolly was doing there.

Not that I care but you are wrong to think he was not playing in that implied area.
I didn't interpret what Trolly wrote that way, but you could well be right.

It is kinda fun to see Trolly "get a taste of his own medicine" (as they say). He frequently accuses people of saying and/or implying things that the person never said or implied. Tit for tat.
06-09-2022 , 01:01 PM
I mean, this guy is not exactly subtle about his kinks. It’s like the street preacher who won’t stop screaming about gay people, we all recognize what’s going on there.
06-09-2022 , 01:01 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
I don't think its wrong to call someone a transphobe. If that is how someone is, then I have no problem with someone calling someone else that, or themselves if they are so inclined.

You would be committing fraud in your example, hence, illegal. So yes, that would be a crime.

Trans people aren't pretending anything. Especially post-op. They are what they say, and therefore no fraud is being committed.

You equating them is transphobic, hence, you would be a transphobe in this instance. So no, I absolutely do not apologize for calling you what you are.
I'm not equating it on any other basis except that would be how I'd personally break said law! A trans person would break it in a nearly identical, but textual "different" way!

Try again.

So only hetero's can break said law? LMFAO, you just dug your own grave.

Also of course you don't find it a big deal to call someone a transphobe, but I know for a fact you think it should be a big deal to be labeled one, that's what I was talking about. Of course you aren't careful with throwing that word around even though you believe there should be social repercussions! You're a maniac after all!
06-09-2022 , 01:06 PM
You're literally being and admitted transphobe or cisphobe in this instasnce

You're saying we cant legislate because only trans people have some unique identification that makes them incapable of falling under the same guidelines

06-09-2022 , 01:08 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
I mean, this guy is not exactly subtle about his kinks. It’s like the street preacher who won’t stop screaming about gay people, we all recognize what’s going on there.
There you got lagtight.

Also use of the word kink again, this is actually transphobic and should certainly be bannable, especially if accidently saying "a trans" is transphobic

He is fetishizing trans people. This is very wrong.
