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Transgender issues (formerly "Transgender/Athlete Controversy") Transgender issues (formerly "Transgender/Athlete Controversy")

06-08-2022 , 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
What the far left, activist left does not understand is how pushing and defending blatant hypocrisies like this and using them to shame, blame or demonize other then feeds the far right equal and greater response.

Issue after issue raised your go to is to hand wave them away if by trans people or the people who Ooboo for them while having an unflinching focus on issues that impact trans.

Now you might legit believe 'who cares, they are cis, hetero males', so if a few of them get slandered, etc, no biggie and that is your right, but understand others will not just accept that and will react.

Again there is a tendency on this forum and in the left generally to say 'Cancel culture is fake', but it is not, and lying about it only gives the right fodder.

We will always see you cry when the far right pushes back and over reacts and does something like banning the use of gender identification, but you need to understand how that flows out of issues such as the far left saying any cis hetero man, who merely speaks his truth about his attraction to cis hetero women only is a bad person, a bigot and a trans phobe.

That is when the far right sees the far left is actually running an agenda to both shame and silence cis hetero men from being able to participate and it gives them great fodder they can use to whip up others, because it is TRUE, and the far left needs to see that and stop it. Or stop complaining when the far right reacts to it.
Do you think the "far right" has a pattern of centering the conversations about trans issues on subjects where trans people harm cis people? That "issue after issue raised" with an "unflinching focus on issues that impact [cis people]"?
06-08-2022 , 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
No, you're being transphobic because you ONLY care about trans people informing and promoting consent. You seem not to care about it in literally any other situation than that one, as I demonstrated above. You don't hold the same level of care for issues such as race, or hell, even someone lying about their status in order to seal the deal. To you, the deception that matters is ONLY from trans people. That is why you are being transphobic.

To answer your above questions.

1. Yes
2. No, because its not the 80s and I didn't just watch "The Crying Game"
3. Yes
4. No
...zzz... once again not true, hiv positive must disclose and you can get in trouble for lying about birth control. Once again no they are not the same thing, I'm not calling trans disease carrying liars, but there is a precedent to truth before sex and it's influence on consent.

But I see there is no point discussing anything with you, you somehow think there is a reason to hide it but it won't cause trauma. This would certainly traumatize most straight men, it's why they are prone to violence after finding out. (not the ones who knew all along and lied)

You also think its hateful to be angry afterwards no idea how you can coalesce number 3 and 4.

Obviously we will never agree on anything. Your logic sentence to sentence doesn't even agree with itself.

Imagine this was any other context and not trans or whatever left group, demanding sex from people and that they like it under false pretenses. Amazing.
06-08-2022 , 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by YeahOkAnd
Nah I've literally specified bottom surgery, but of course you wouldn't pay attention to that.
So your big worry here is you literally have sex with someone who is both passing so well that you can't tell even when having sex with them and is aiming to deceive you. And you are so quivering in your boots over this nightmare scenario you need politicians to pass laws banning it?

My goodness.
06-08-2022 , 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
So your big worry here is you literally have sex with someone who is both passing so well that you can't tell even when having sex with them and is aiming to deceive you. And you are so quivering in your boots over this nightmare scenario you need politicians to pass laws banning it?

My goodness.
Tell that to the people who killed trans after finding out they were tricked. Yeah I never said I was quivering, although I have said multiple times it may have happened to me. But I know my trauma doesn't count because im a cis male interested in cis females, par for the course.
06-08-2022 , 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
Of course that has and will continue to happen. And not just with Post Op.

Put aside drunk guys suffering from less than perfect vision which would allow them to otherwise discern and acknowledging that a percent of trans women simply cannot be discerned with just a simple eye test.
We're supposed to worry about *checks notes* blind people who can't see the giant cock the trans person just whipped out? My goodness the nightmare scenarios you people come up with!
06-08-2022 , 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
We're supposed to worry about *checks notes* blind people who can't see the giant cock the trans person just whipped out? My goodness the nightmare scenarios you people come up with!
Giant cock huh... Keep acting like bottom surgery doesn't exist. And keep acting like trans have never sucked a dick before revealing cock to the cis.
06-08-2022 , 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by YeahOkAnd
Tell that to the people who killed trans after finding out they were tricked.
Do you normally blame the victims of murders or is this a trans only kinda thing?
06-08-2022 , 02:59 PM
They have literal goals to be ultra passable, indistinguishable from a cis woman, now you are trying to shame cis men they have tricked, hypothetical or not. You are all seriously nut cases.
06-08-2022 , 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by YeahOkAnd
Tell that to the people who killed trans after finding out they were tricked. Yeah I never said I was quivering, although I have said multiple times it may have happened to me. But I know my trauma doesn't count because im a cis male interested in cis females, par for the course.
Maybe the dude who flipped out and killed someone isn’t the person you should have sympathy towards here?
06-08-2022 , 03:00 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
Do you normally blame the victims of murders or is this a trans only kinda thing?
I didn't blame the victim. I like how trans people can't commit rape via deception though, because they are trans!
06-08-2022 , 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Maybe the dude who flipped out and killed someone isn’t the person you should have sympathy towards here?
Never said I had sympathy for them, and I can have sympathy for something that happened to them and disagree with them killing the person. The person should have went to jail instead if it was provably malicious, but you all want to argue for no recourse and then wonder why violence is seen as an option by some people.

I'm guessing a good amount of people believe it to be rape.

How many times have you called for the death of rapists? Or how often have you sympathized with someone who has been raped "flipping out" and harming their attacker?

Nah you'll just keep twisting and lying literally everything I'm saying. I love how you all ignore everything else then cherry pick something out of context hoping it will stick. You are pathetic. Literally only chiming in when you think you hit me with the "got ya".

You all literally believe it is not morally wrong to commit what I imagine most people would consider a form of sexual assault/rape. That is how unhinged you are. This is why far right people REFUSE to work with you at all.

Even if you disagree that its sexual assault, the mere fact that a good portion of people likely believe it IS, that alone should make it unethical to not inform them before ****ing them. You know the same way is expected to be polite and call people born men: "women" when they identify as trans? Disgusting behavior.

Last edited by YeahOkAnd; 06-08-2022 at 03:08 PM.
06-08-2022 , 03:03 PM
What is the deal with rape and retroactive withdrawal of consent.

If a women sleeps with a man and the man says he is not married and the women finds out he is married later and she would not have slept with him if she knew, is that rape?

This is a question that has no sub text, just asking.
06-08-2022 , 03:03 PM
Originally Posted by YeahOkAnd
Giant cock huh... Keep acting like bottom surgery doesn't exist.
Ya know, now that we are down this delightful rabbit hole of the bad trans people deceiving the innocent cis people, I gotta say if someone is so passing that you got it up and had penetrative sex with them without a clue they were trans....i dunno....if a tree falls in a forest and nobody hears it, did it really make a sound?
06-08-2022 , 03:04 PM
sorry bro didn't see this. so you might have a point there.

how does this affect you personally though?

did you ever fall in love with a trans and then had a surprise? Are you a victim you say?
06-08-2022 , 03:06 PM
Originally Posted by YeahOkAnd
Never said I had sympathy for them, and I can have sympathy for something that happened to them and disagree with them killing the person. The person should have went to jail instead if it was provably malicious, but you all want to argue for no recourse and then wonder why violence is seen as an option by some people.
Violence is seen as an option because people like you are hysterical and completely out of control.
06-08-2022 , 03:07 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
Ya know, now that we are down this delightful rabbit hole of the bad trans people deceiving the innocent cis people, I gotta say if someone is so passing that you got it up and had penetrative sex with them without a clue they were trans....i dunno....if a tree falls in a forest and nobody hears it, did it really make a sound?
The subtext is that he’s terrified he might enjoy the experience.
06-08-2022 , 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by YeahOkAnd
Never said I had sympathy for them, and I can have sympathy for something that happened to them and disagree with them killing the person. The person should have went to jail instead if it was provably malicious, but you all want to argue for no recourse and then wonder why violence is seen as an option by some people.

I'm guessing a good amount of people believe it to be rape.

How many times have you called for the death of rapists? Or how often have you sympathized with someone who has been raped "flipping out" and harming their attacker?

Nah you'll just keep twisting and lying literally everything I'm saying. I love how you all ignore everything else then cherry pick something out of context hoping it will stick. You are pathetic. Literally only chiming in when you think you hit me with the "got ya".

You all literally believe it is not morally wrong to commit what I imagine most people would consider a form of sexual assault/rape. That is how unhinged you are. This is why far right people REFUSE to work with you at all.

Even if you disagree that its sexual assault, the mere fact that a good portion of people likely believe it IS, that alone should make it unethical to not inform them before ****ing them. You know the same way is expected to be polite and call people born men: "women" when they identify as trans? Disgusting behavior.
What is your real screenname, coward? I don't consent to conversing with a deceitful lying coward
06-08-2022 , 03:11 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
The subtext is that he’s terrified he might enjoy the experience.
No it's not. Sex is often enjoyable. I still think people shouldn't be lying via omission about their sexual organs when they know its likely to cause trauma and/or the revocation of consent.
06-08-2022 , 03:12 PM
Also, Lol at the mask coming ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL the way off.

But sure, I am confident I can expect your support when bills are introduced to punish men who attempt to get in a woman's pants by lying about their income or status.
06-08-2022 , 03:12 PM
Originally Posted by YeahOkAnd
Sex is often enjoyable. .
How often?
06-08-2022 , 03:13 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
What is your real screenname, coward? I don't consent to conversing with a deceitful lying coward
Hahaha look how mad they are because I think people should have definitive consent before sex. Amazing.
06-08-2022 , 03:13 PM
Originally Posted by YeahOkAnd
No it's not. Sex is often enjoyable. I still think people shouldn't be lying via omission about their sexual organs when they know its likely to cause trauma and/or the revocation of consent.
How would they possibly know it would lead to revocation? Do most causal conversation between potential sex partners include "Are you a disgusting transphobe" in the line of questioning?
06-08-2022 , 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by YeahOkAnd
Hahaha look how mad they are because I think people should have definitive consent before sex. Amazing.
You got it buddy. My number is got. Its exactly why I'm hiding behind a fake screen name so nobody knows my real stance...

oh wait.
06-08-2022 , 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
The subtext is that he’s terrified he might enjoy the experience.

Another way for gays/trans to demand sex from everyone! Amazing!
06-08-2022 , 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
You got it buddy. My number is got. Its exactly why I'm hiding behind a fake screen name so nobody knows my real stance...

oh wait.
Then when I give you that what do you ask for next, my full name? My address? So you can take all my quotes out of context and add all this bigoted **** you try to pin on me?

You think I'm scared to say that people deserve to know that they are having sex with their preferred cis partner and give consent if otherwise not from my other screename? Lmao... nutcase.
