Originally Posted by lozen
Hey I am old enough to remember those 12-14% mortgages and myself a 21% car loan
The folks with the Variable rate mortgages feel the pain. 1 % point can be $200 for many now imagine food, gas, utilities. Tons of mortgages are coming due this year as well.
Saw in the news Food Bank demand has never been higher and its folks with jobs .
I'm old enough to remember the mortgage rates jumping to 20%+ in the early 80's as a child as my Father had built up a portfolio of rental homes as his side hustle in our home town.
He had about 8 or so homes he had bought and retrofitted for University students because, as a fast growing uni town such housing was in high, constant demand. he did coming to Canada with nothing but saving the down payment for the first home and then using the cash flow and leverage to keep ratcheting up.
then the 80's hit and that was wiped out. Rent controls plus 20+% interest rates meant personal bankruptcy. My parents tried to shelter us kids from what was going on but we could see their panic. They raced off to the bank to transfer our primary home in to my mom's name only and some other assets to protect them from bankruptcy (not sure that would work today) and it worked as only my dad, personally went bankrupt.
that is why I say 'Timing' plays a bigger part in business than actually good management skill does. Because you can do everything right and according to best practices and if you do in the wrong time period (20+% mortgages) you will lose and conversely in buoyant forgiving, ever rising markets people can do a lot of things wrong and yet still win. The best combination for success is doing everything right while enjoying good markets.