Originally Posted by uke_master
Doing a WHATABOUTISM that emptily accuses others of also doing WHATABOUTISMS is peak WHATABOUTISM, lozen.
When choosing which political party to support, it is generally a good thing to choose one that aligns with the values you espouse. I point out that you have a tension between the values you claim to hold (in particular in climate and environmentalism) while supporting the party that is objectively worst at these. That isn't a whataboutism. That is just pointing out the tensions in your political worldview.
lozen is generally terrible in understanding when and when not a 'whataboutism' is appropriate.
But using a whataboutism to address a whataboutism can absolutely be appropriate. This is similar to how I say people misinterpret the word 'discrimination' as always a wrong and simply feel they need to say 'see... discrimination' as if its very presence means they have identified a wrong. That is incorrect. Discrimination, like a whataboutism can be correct and accurate and if a 'wrong' is claimed then you need to make a case and not just cite the word (WHATABOUTiSM) as if that proves a wrong.
In this instance, your claim seems to be lozen's attacks, if he also included Ontario, would be less partisan or better founded which might be true. but that does not mean he is inaccurate, if he chooses a more partisan line to only highlight Trudeau's and Quebec flaws.
this is very similar to people calling me out here for highlighting mostly Left/Liberal failings and asking why I do not call out Right ones more. Conversely i got the opposite in BFI.
When faced with partisan discussion opponents (as you are uke, and even Montreal is generally) who tend to overly highlight the problems of one party and one Province, then using whataboutism can absolutely be appropriate to not allow them to control the narrative and discussion as if they have identified the 'only' bad, over and over.
I would not allow the BFi to only focus on Obama and Dems for covid issues failings no matter if what they said had merit for that instance. I was not going to allow them to control the narrative and blame. I was always going to contrast it with Trump's far more significant failings as they screamed (and they did) it was a whataboutism.
People are not obligated to fall into partisan discussion traps by the way the discussion is framed.