Originally Posted by lozen
No what I point out is that your cute as a button Climate Change Prime Minister really isnt doing much. Lots of promises about 2040, 2050, 2032 . The carbon tax is doing very little.
A big slew of the measures are ramping up over the next 7 years to 2030 (including ones you care about a lot like ending the harper era thermal coal exports and passthroughs). Then there is another bunch by 2035. These are reasonable time-frames, even if I want more and faster.
But the point is YOU don't want more and faster. The funny part is, you should really be a huge Trudeau supporter. You want Canada to do, basically, nothing about climate change. You believe Trudeau is doing, basically, nothing about climate change. You like pipelines from Alberta. Trudeau likes pipelines from Alberta. You like to talk a big game about how climate change is important. Trudeau likes to talk a big game about how climate change is important. If that trip-wire in your brain hadn't flipped that makes you seethingly hate the man, he would be your best buddy.