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Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread)

12-19-2021 , 08:45 PM

[ fash-iz-uhm ]

(sometimes initial capital letter) a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.

(sometimes initial capital letter) the philosophy, principles, or methods of fascism.

(initial capital letter) a political movement that employs the principles and methods of fascism, especially the one established by Mussolini in Italy 1922–43.

The above certainly does not apply to the GOP. Nice try, Flush.

Last edited by lagtight; 12-19-2021 at 08:50 PM.
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
12-19-2021 , 08:56 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
Thing is, neither fascism nor Stalinism were that bad for a lot of people. A lot of Russians look back fondly on the Soviet era. A lot of Germans lived just fine from 1932-1943. The US has more people in prison per capita than any country. We lock up and deport 6 figures of people a year who are just looking for a better life. Our cities and schools are filled with police who look like military and a huge segment of the population worships the police, flying flags in support. Patriotism is a religion. People who question the police or the military are heretics. We are fascist or totalitarian or whatever you want to call it. No it's not exactly like 1984, a fictional exaggeration, and it's not the holocaust but there are millions locked up, the wars have led to a million plus deaths and tens of millions of refugees and it's not not a police state and it's not not fascism.

People can argue over the word "fascism" "totalitarianism" and "socialism" but it sucks, and it's not liberty. Someone born in Spain or Iceland or Switzerland or lots of other places are lucky to have not been born in the US. That's obvious, right?
The bolded refutes your whole narrative, in my opinion. People from literally all over the world want to live in America where virtually anyone can succeed at almost anything regardless of religion, ethnicity, gender or nationality.

Last time I checked, a lot more people are choosing to come to America than are trying to escape America.
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
12-19-2021 , 09:02 PM
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
The number of homicides in 2019 in NYC was 558.
YTD in 2021 it's 355.

That's some increase. It flipped around past infinity.
Originally Posted by DonkJr
Where are you getting these numbers from, exactly? Numbers I have seen from official sources state that murders in 2019 were 319 and are at 454 this year. It took thirty seconds to find that by just searching for "2019 NYC murders."

Here is the entirety of my "interjection." You got the wrong data, which you used to demean somebody else's point, and I corrected it. I didn't make any mention regarding Biden's crime rate, Trump's crime rate, or anything of the sort. You even admitted that you made a mistake about it and that you'd "own it." Here we are a few days later, and it is being used as evidence that I am a fascist.

Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
So far you interjected yourself to show me that the crime rate was higher under Biden then under Trump and to say that I'm a lunatic who didn't get enough attention from my mother because I understand, correctly, that Trump is an actual fascist leader.

Nice try hiding behind Goodwin.

That's three strikes. I think we know where your bread is buttered.
You are certifiably insane. I suggest you get off these forums for a couple of days and spend that time looking for a psychiatrist, because who knows where you will end up if this keeps progressing.
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
12-19-2021 , 09:05 PM
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
He was whining about the increased crime rate under Biden too.

Fascism to a conservative is like water to a fish. They just don't notice it.

I'm kind of surprised laggy is all bent over it though. Maybe he doesn't realize how much the religious right has in common with the brown shirts.
I thought the moderator warned you to stop playing the Nazi=GOP card. Hope you enjoy your temp-ban.
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
12-19-2021 , 09:08 PM
Originally Posted by DonkJr
Here is the entirety of my "interjection." You got the wrong data, which you used to demean somebody else's point, and I corrected it. I didn't make any mention regarding Biden's crime rate, Trump's crime rate, or anything of the sort. You even admitted that you made a mistake about it and that you'd "own it." Here we are a few days later, and it is being used as evidence that I am a fascist.

You are certifiably insane. I suggest you get off these forums for a couple of days and spend that time looking for a psychiatrist, because who knows where you will end up if this keeps progressing.
In defense of RFlush, he is often a very good poster with excellent points. He might be a drunkard like d2_e4, which might explain the uneven quality of his posts.
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
12-19-2021 , 09:28 PM
Originally Posted by lagtight
The bolded refutes your whole narrative, in my opinion. People from literally all over the world want to live in America where virtually anyone can succeed at almost anything regardless of religion, ethnicity, gender or nationality.

Last time I checked, a lot more people are choosing to come to America than are trying to escape America.
People from Spain and Iceland and Switzerland don't want to move here. Central America racked by war and our drug war and our imperialist trade has a lot of people looking for work. During the 2008+ recession net migration went negative to Mexico. It's just work they want from the South. If it's not available, they prefer not to be here. And we are more free for wealthy people than China. Congrats.
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
12-19-2021 , 09:35 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
People from Spain and Iceland and Switzerland don't want to move here. Central America racked by war and our drug war and our imperialist trade has a lot of people looking for work. During the 2008+ recession net migration went negative to Mexico. It's just work they want from the South. If it's not available, they prefer not to be here. And we are more free for wealthy people than China. Congrats.
Nice cherry-picking (as they say) of a timeframe that had an atypical economic downturn. What are the stats now?

How many Americans are seeking citizenship in Iceland and Switzerland and Spain? That argument cuts both ways, right?
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
12-19-2021 , 09:49 PM
Originally Posted by lagtight
Nice cherry-picking (as they say) of a timeframe that had an atypical economic downturn. What are the stats now?

How many Americans are seeking citizenship in Iceland and Switzerland and Spain? That argument cuts both ways, right?
"Cherry-picking" is a expression, that's true. The question is whether or not the example I chose demonstrates something or not, not just whether I chose some specific time period that supports my point. I think it does demonstrate that it's work people from Mexico and Central America are looking for, not freedom. Yes, we are a wealthier country with higher paying jobs than El Salvador.

And I "Cherry-picked" China, another country that a lot of people are coming from. And they do find more freedom here (congrats on that) and are generally wealthier people who can take advantage of that.

Dunno how many Americans are seeking citizenship in Switzerland. Life in America sucks for poor people. I don't know that many poor people have the resources to apply for and get citizenship to any of the countries that are far less totalitarian than the US. Rich Americans aren't leaving in droves? Well, like I said, fascism isn't bad for everyone.
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
12-19-2021 , 10:00 PM
Originally Posted by DonkJr
Dude, I didn't respond to you the first time because you are exactly the hyperactive 15-year old on Reddit that screams incessantly at the top of his lungs that America is evil and that Chairman Mao is some kind of ideal hero. The only difference is that you are middle-aged and never grew out of that phase.

There really is nothing to do with your posts except roll one's eyes and let you talk with yourself.
USA is evil yes. that you think otherwise makes you deserving of ridicule.

the rest is just strawman gunna strawman
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
12-19-2021 , 10:01 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
"Cherry-picking" is a expression, that's true. The question is whether or not the example I chose demonstrates something or not, not just whether I chose some specific time period that supports my point. I think it does demonstrate that it's work people from Mexico and Central America are looking for, not freedom. Yes, we are a wealthier country with higher paying jobs than El Salvador.

And I "Cherry-picked" China, another country that a lot of people are coming from. And they do find more freedom here (congrats on that) and are generally wealthier people who can take advantage of that.

Dunno how many Americans are seeking citizenship in Switzerland. Life in America sucks for poor people. I don't know that many poor people have the resources to apply for and get citizenship to any of the countries that are far less totalitarian than the US. Rich Americans aren't leaving in droves? Well, like I said, fascism isn't bad for everyone.
Good thing America doesn't have a caste system that keeps people locked in poverty. Almost anyone sufficiently motivated can have a purpose driven life.

Having said that, I agree 100% that if one values economic security over freedom, then America certainly is worse than Western European countries. America is better for those who are "reaching for the stars, but keeping their feet on the ground", as the late Casey Kasem used to say.

addendum: Lebron James and Oprah Winfrey would almost certainly not be the best in their respective fields if they had lived anywhere else besides America.
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
12-19-2021 , 10:05 PM
economic security is freedom
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
12-19-2021 , 10:11 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
economic security is freedom
Not necessarily. It is freedom for some people, of course. Others would rather risk "losing it all" in order to accomplish something great.

Also, probably most homeless people I have personally engaged prefer not to work. (Maybe they should be called outdoorsmen instead of the homeless ).
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
12-19-2021 , 10:31 PM
Originally Posted by lagtight

[ fash-iz-uhm ]

(sometimes initial capital letter) a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.

(sometimes initial capital letter) the philosophy, principles, or methods of fascism.

(initial capital letter) a political movement that employs the principles and methods of fascism, especially the one established by Mussolini in Italy 1922–43.

The above certainly does not apply to the GOP. Nice try, Flush.
Sure it does. Technically the president isn't a dictator but he's not accountable to the law so....he's the next best thing.
And the GOP doesn't believe in elections (unless they win) or democratic norms and traditions.

You're free to deny it of course. It seems to bother some of the more sensitive posters here, but it is what it is.
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
12-19-2021 , 10:37 PM
Originally Posted by lagtight
In defense of RFlush, he is often a very good poster with excellent points. He might be a drunkard like d2_e4, which might explain the uneven quality of his posts.
I'm a bit of a drunkard but it's been something like 23 years so the hangover is almost worn off.

I'm not sure why my posts on the US being sympathetic to fascism are uneven.
It's a fairly well known state of affairs.

I think you just don't like the idea.
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
12-19-2021 , 10:38 PM
Originally Posted by lagtight
I thought the moderator warned you to stop playing the Nazi=GOP card. Hope you enjoy your temp-ban.
What made you think that ?
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
12-19-2021 , 10:41 PM
Originally Posted by lagtight
Good thing America doesn't have a caste system that keeps people locked in poverty. Almost anyone sufficiently motivated can have a purpose driven life.

Having said that, I agree 100% that if one values economic security over freedom, then America certainly is worse than Western European countries. America is better for those who are "reaching for the stars, but keeping their feet on the ground", as the late Casey Kasem used to say.

addendum: Lebron James and Oprah Winfrey would almost certainly not be the best in their respective fields if they had lived anywhere else besides America.

America is crawling with police, riddled with fences, . Doesn't feel free to me. 1% of people get to reach the stars. It could be anyone!

More people in prison per capita than probably any other country on the planet. That's not freedom.
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
12-19-2021 , 10:42 PM
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
Sure it does. Technically the president isn't a dictator but he's not accountable to the law so....he's the next best thing.
The Supreme Court disagrees with you. For example, many of Mr. Obama's executive orders were struck down.

And the GOP doesn't believe in elections (unless they win) or democratic norms and traditions.
Did Senator McCain deny the validity of the 2008 election? Did Mr Romney deny the validity of the 2012 election? What President other than Mr. Trump deny the validity of an election? Even VP Pence and AG Barr accepted the validity of the election.

You're free to deny it of course. It seems to bother some of the more sensitive posters here, but it is what it is.
I will exercise my freedom to deny it.

Happy trolling!
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
12-19-2021 , 10:43 PM
Originally Posted by lagtight
Not necessarily. It is freedom for some people, of course. Others would rather risk "losing it all" in order to accomplish something great.

Also, probably most homeless people I have personally engaged prefer not to work. (Maybe they should be called outdoorsmen instead of the homeless ).
Maybe their lives would be more like that if the police weren't chasing them around all the time.
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
12-19-2021 , 10:44 PM
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
What made you think that ?
I have sources.

Was Deep Throat mistaken?
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
12-19-2021 , 10:47 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
economic security is freedom
Sure, but how are we going to accomplish that here in the US? If it's to tax the ever loving **** out of Jeff Bezos then I'm right there with the pitchfork.

The issue that seems to go by the way side and is worth discussing but never seems to happen and I know why is that you're going to need that amazon or some level of capitalistic successful biz to generate cash for the govt to create the socialistic utopia that others want or else you're opening a can of worms that at least hasn't been discussed from those advocating it - and I also know why.
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
12-19-2021 , 10:50 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
America is crawling with police, riddled with fences, . Doesn't feel free to me. 1% of people get to reach the stars. It could be anyone!

More people in prison per capita than probably any other country on the planet. That's not freedom.
I agree that we have an utterly evil Criminal "Justice"(lol) System. Probably less than 10% of those presently incarcerated should be in jail/prison, in my opinion.

Having said that, ending up on the wrong end of the Criminal "Justice"(lol) System is almost wholly voluntary. Obey the Ten Commandments, and you're unlikely to get into trouble with the cops.
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
12-19-2021 , 10:51 PM
Originally Posted by DonkJr

You are certifiably insane. I suggest you get off these forums for a couple of days and spend that time looking for a psychiatrist, because who knows where you will end up if this keeps progressing.

So you're saying that you interjected yourself into my posts as an editor and fact checker for no other reason then to control the content of my posts in the forum ?

That's interesting.

What are your qualifications wrt diagnosing my mental state ?

It's odd that you can't compare a group to Nazis (even if they model themselves after them) but you can dole out mental health advice.

Maybe this place is going to **** faster then I thought it would. Sucking the fun out of poker is just what it needs.
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
12-19-2021 , 10:51 PM
Originally Posted by DonkJr
Here is the entirety of my "interjection." You got the wrong data, which you used to demean somebody else's point, and I corrected it. I didn't make any mention regarding Biden's crime rate, Trump's crime rate, or anything of the sort. You even admitted that you made a mistake about it and that you'd "own it." Here we are a few days later, and it is being used as evidence that I am a fascist.
This is a common tactic of his, of course. He projects so much, he probably works at AMC Theaters.

Originally Posted by Victor
USA is evil yes. that you think otherwise makes you deserving of ridicule.
Which country did you expat to?
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
12-19-2021 , 10:52 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
Maybe their lives would be more like that if the police weren't chasing them around all the time.
I agree with you.
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
12-19-2021 , 10:53 PM
Originally Posted by lagtight
I have sources.

Was Deep Throat mistaken?
They just deleted the post. No ban threats at this time.

It upsets some of you but it's not an unreasonable position to take.

But it's best to stifle points of view you don't like, otherwise you might learn something by mistake.
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
