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Joe Rogan Joe Rogan

02-13-2022 , 01:33 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
If the bolded is accurate, it will be interesting to see how Rogan deals with this group going forward.
Well it's definitely true in that someone made the comment on a subreddit devoted to Rogan and a couple hundred people upvoted it. How relevant that is wrt his overall audience is obviously unknown. But but based on that forum, I'm somewhat cautious about just assuming people who listen to the show are "fans" of Rogan personally. The tone of that forum is pretty harsh/mocking towards Rogan even in unfair methods, him being 5'2 or whatever is a running gag. I'd almost describe their opinions of Rogan in similar ways to 2+2 forum's opinion of Mason/David. But that's a few thousand nonrandom people of a group of 10 million.
Joe Rogan Quote
02-13-2022 , 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
I don't recall seeing much of anything about war in that video. Did I miss something?
Yes. Yes you did.

If you could not hear his anti war 'both sides' critique it means you have a subconscious bias that is making you miss it and you do not realize it.
Joe Rogan Quote
02-13-2022 , 01:44 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
If the bolded is accurate, it will be interesting to see how Rogan deals with this group going forward. Allowing yourself to get seduced by that crowd can be lucrative and a huge ego fluff in the immediate term. But it's usually disastrous in the long run. I assume that Cuepee is highly confident that Rogan will resist the temptation.
And again Rococo here you see e_d using the wet work 'more reasonable to believe' slight, which is exactly the shift I said was happening.

The progression is clear and normal.

- he is the most horrible racist
- he is pro war

Wait people are showing all sorts of video footage that don't support that? Ok thn :

- he may not be the most horrible racist but he tends to tip racist
- he may not the most pro war but he definitely tips towards war monger

Oh, ok 'I've never heard anything directly from joe Rogan but I am inclined to believe that since ti seems more moderate.

You are being duped step by step Rococo when you KNOW there are people combing his video history over 20 years, and would post not just every shred of proof but anything they could even suggest was close to proof.

Sad how easy propaganda works, and seeing it play out first hand here with otherwise smart posters. But a reflection, I am certain with how 'sides' work and how people 'want' to believe and align with people they see as generally on their side of issues.
Joe Rogan Quote
02-13-2022 , 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
I don't take big issue with wet work's summary but I think he missed a key few things and I have some questions for him.

I def. could've added plenty more but felt it was already getting kinda long and I generally at least try to avoid writing novels here. It's more just the repeated hammering on CA and kind of the bigger picture/focus. I agree the counter-culture perception is there--and is somewhat justified and I don't entirely disagree with it myself. Maybe how someone sees it is kinda relative to where the person is themselves to some degree. Saying you're against war while bringing the seals etc thru (I still listen/watch them though ) during a war does amount to war propaganda imo. I think that kinda stuff and some other general stuff he promotes(especially while we're in war with an audience of mostly men/young guys) can definitely have that effect whether you intend for it to or not is what I'm getting at there. Anti-war movies can have that effect too. Dude I've been a Rogan(and still am) fan for years before the podcast was a thing(also listened to howard daily for many years too until I got burned out after the sirius switch having it 24/7/artie left) beyond familiar with his content--not forming my opinion off of a few recent clips

Yes I think people can be mis-characterized including on purpose and that sword can cut both ways--I was just tossing out some random stuff not writing my complete and definitive thoughts on him I just said he has mixed views but he generally views himself as left though does tend to vote L. Some people, especially in our age range kinda ended up there because they felt neither of the big2 really represented them--so it's kind of a mixed bag especially prior to the end of the bush years. He can bounce around a bit(like a lot of people) so I didn't want to stick a label on him.
Joe Rogan Quote
02-13-2022 , 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
Sad how easy propaganda works, and seeing it play out first hand here with otherwise smart posters. But a reflection, I am certain with how 'sides' work and how people 'want' to believe and align with people they see as generally on their side of issues.
Do you think you are not on a "side?"
Joe Rogan Quote
02-13-2022 , 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
Its not nonsense in any shape or fashion, its maybe to nuanced for you to grasp but it aint that nuanced.

Even before Vax issues, I had become aware of the right wing love of Rogan through usual suspects in social media constantly linking to his videos and podcasts, mostly on issues revolving around the culture wars.

I would never listen/watch Rogan voluntarily because not that bright in a purely intellectual sense guy ( he obviously has other types of "smarts")who enables his guests and never really ask penetrating and revealing questions is a really frustrating format. However I have encountered plenty of his content, before because those right wing individuals I know online are massive fans of his and often use his broadcasts as cites in debates that blow up on facebook etc.

So I had formed an opinion of his positions through mitigation yes, but on actually taking some time to listen to his content more thoroughly, opinion on him has not really shifted.

Rogan might have left wing views, but Rogan the broadcaster, Rogan the commercial entity is an important and key figure in the formation of derp collective group mind/narrative formation, anyone disputing this is just being naïve beyond belief. Its worth pointing out that Russel Brand is now in much the same boat, its been an interesting journey for RB from actual insightful commentator to derp thought leader, but that is for another discussion.

If Rogan is so left wing, why are not more of his podcasts cited and repeated in left wing social media/ group thought formation?

He seems to be completely lacking any presence in that sense, and its nothing to do with him being blue collar or whatever nonsense reverse snobbery has been tried to be advanced in that regard.

Ultimately I am highly sceptical that anyone so allegedly left wing as he is would allow themselves to become the right wing influence machine that he has.
I reject this entirely.

What you are saying is that if someone is entirely left and has a particular rant that is totally anti gov't, anti authority and that also draws support from a very right wing group that is anti gov't and anti authority then that person is necessarily then defined as being 'right'.

You are deliberately ignoring that policy plank by policy plank Rogan would be far more aligned with Bernie Sanders than Hilary Clinton ( and 90% of Dems in Congress) .

From Left to Right on major policy planks...

Progressives >>> Joe Rogan >>>>World Centre >>>>> Dem Party >>> GOP>>>> Dick Cheney

if you maintain a position that your political position plank by plank are not what define but instead who follows you does, we just need to agree to disagree (vehemently) and move on.
Joe Rogan Quote
02-13-2022 , 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
Lol that is so fitting. That figure could be me.
Joe Rogan Quote
02-13-2022 , 02:05 PM
People on the right are portrayed as quite passive and timid according to that cartoon. Interesting.
Joe Rogan Quote
02-13-2022 , 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by wet work
I def. could've added plenty more but felt it was already getting kinda long and I generally at least try to avoid writing novels here. It's more just the repeated hammering on CA and kind of the bigger picture/focus. I agree the counter-culture perception is there--and is somewhat justified and I don't entirely disagree with it myself. Maybe how someone sees it is kinda relative to where the person is themselves to some degree. Saying you're against war while bringing the seals etc thru (I still listen/watch them though ) during a war does amount to war propaganda imo. I think that kinda stuff and some other general stuff he promotes(especially while we're in war with an audience of mostly men/young guys) can definitely have that effect whether you intend for it to or not is what I'm getting at there. Anti-war movies can have that effect too.
Ok so it is not his positions and what he says, which is almost always anti war, as I have heard him and posted videos of.

You are saying he has some guests who are military (I think ex military) and thus that makes him pro war.

A variant of O.A.F.K's argument that 'I don't care what he says or what his ACTUAL position is. I care about his guest (or listeners)'.

i agree with that. And by agree mean that is now the main slight used against Joe that people are accepting.

The 'it is not his words nor his positions that make him right. Those both may be in fact very left'. 'it is his listeners and guests that make him right'.

It is terrible way to look at things as you want a left leaning to appeal to some right listeners, especially young males and you want them to have on diverse guests. But Joe is being condemned for both. If he is to be considered 'left' he must retreat to a left bubble where he gets no 'right' audience and has no 'right' guests. In other words just be polarized by 'sides' as most others are.

But anyway, that you are admitting you have NOTHING in terms of video evidence or his words to back you up, is something.,

Dude I've been a Rogan(and still am) fan for years before the podcast was a thing(also listened to howard daily for many years too until I got burned out after the sirius switch having it 24/7/artie left) beyond familiar with his content--not forming my opinion off of a few recent clips
I'll take anything from his 20 year history.

Like I said, we have all these slights and characterizations of Joe that fly in the face of any and all video evidence presented. it is a variant on 'what people think' with most admitting they have not even listened to him. At least you have. But the commonality is that despite 20 years of LONG FORM discussions and the perhaps the biggest library of DOCUMENTED flowing long form chats of any perhaps and person on this planet, what they cannot provide is substantiation.

Strange that.

But I am sure guys like Rococo will be 'inclined to accept this' while dismissing the quoted videos as less substantial.

Yes I think people can be mis-characterized including on purpose and that sword can cut both ways--I was just tossing out some random stuff not writing my complete and definitive thoughts on him I just said he has mixed views but he generally views himself as left though does tend to vote L. Some people, especially in our age range kinda ended up there because they felt neither of the big2 really represented them--so it's kind of a mixed bag especially prior to the end of the bush years. He can bounce around a bit(like a lot of people) so I didn't want to stick a label on him.
ONe quoted piece should not be much to ask.

Again the guys has 20 years of long form chat. Good Joe Rogans anti war views and bingo, video's fly up. Google his pro war chats and bingo, Oops, more anti war videos pop up.

And I am not saying he has never said anything that could be considered pro war as it would be rare that anyone over 20 years would not have a couple opinions that tilt that way, at least on a couple issue. But I am saying I have never seen it and I see no posting any clips, even in the Twitter verse where this Pro War accusation is being leveled but no one is providing any clips.
Joe Rogan Quote
02-13-2022 , 02:11 PM
The one thing about the modern right in the US us they never say anything bad about the other side making it easy for middle of the road people who disagree with them on some issues to join them.
Joe Rogan Quote
02-13-2022 , 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
I reject this entirely.
I like and will remember that 'i reject this entirely!' Lol I like it. And as always cuepee is right. The left used to be like this, anti establishment, ranting against foreign politics, anti government, anti mandates, anti Everyhting. But now they took the role of the right, can't rant anymore, follow the queen, everyhting is perfect and if you don't agree then guess what? Your a far right! A derp, a Q-conspiracy nutcase! Jaahahhaa! Wtf did happen with the left? Now they are all system friendly and obbeying everything. How the f did we get here?

Anyways, Rogan is anti war anti violence, and anti bullshit. He is lefter than Hillary and suck my dick Clinton and lefter than most of you guys pretending to be left because it is mainstream now and so cool.

I started watching this clip when a poster suggested me to look into this guy. I keep saving it for later but want to share it with you now. Luckbox I hope you will read this. And of course I'm hoping that Monty is digging this

Apparently this guy worked at area 51 and saw ufos, he is a scientist who put a jet engine inside his car at the age of 20 I think. If he is right this is incredible either way. Joe must dig him because I just saw another Rogan episode with him. That's what people like about Rogan, he hears everybody out and not straight up rejects them like most of today's hypocrates on the left and also Monty.

Joe Rogan Quote
02-13-2022 , 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
Do you think you are not on a "side?"
Humanity will always be on 'sides'.

The question is are you a blind consumer who accepts 'sides' based solely on who you see on each side of the line or are you willing to look for and consider evidence.

If the weight of evidence of Joe being a war monger, racist or anti vaxxers existed I would then be on the other 'side', as I don't give a **** about Joe.

I had this same type of argument back in the early MMA days with a fan of a fighter (GSP) i was also a huge fan of.

He was dog piling on BJ Penn (a hated adversary by many) and I was arguing to clear up the misinformation. This guy, who knew we both were huge GSP fans PM'd me and asked why, if i was such a big GSP fan wold i care and argue against his mistruths. He just expected I should be on his 'side' since we both were huge fans of the same fighter and arguing against fans of the other 'side'.

I was on a side, but not to the inclusion of lies and misinformation for propaganda sake.

People here, are admitting to not watching any videos and taking sides anyway. People here are admitting they have no proof to post and yet taking sides anyway.

That is an important difference and that is when things get dangerous historically. When facts and proofs stop mattering and only 'sides' do, things can get very bad.
Joe Rogan Quote
02-13-2022 , 02:19 PM
I see. You are on a side, but your side never uses what you call propaganda and you will do hundreds of long posts to prove that. OK. Better luck getting your message heard in the future to the side you want to convert.
Joe Rogan Quote
02-13-2022 , 02:38 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
I reject this entirely.

What you are saying is that if someone is entirely left and has a particular rant that is totally anti gov't, anti authority and that also draws support from a very right wing group that is anti gov't and anti authority then that person is necessarily then defined as being 'right'.

You are deliberately ignoring that policy plank by policy plank Rogan would be far more aligned with Bernie Sanders than Hilary Clinton ( and 90% of Dems in Congress) .
Lol at it being one rant.

Its a consistent phenomenon over several years, Joe Rogan the commercial entity is utterly dug in and entrenched in the front lines of derp group think formation.

The planks you talk about might exist in the mind of Rogan, the individual, but they dont exist that much if at all in the phenomenon of his broadcasting.
Joe Rogan Quote
02-13-2022 , 02:41 PM
Yep definitely pretending to be left because its cool.

This will probably win dumbest sentiment of the year, dunno though, its early and Washoe has a whole year left to post in.
Joe Rogan Quote
02-13-2022 , 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
You are deliberately ignoring that policy plank by policy plank Rogan would be far more aligned with Bernie Sanders than Hilary Clinton ( and 90% of Dems in Congress) .
This is true. It would also be far more aligned with Trump than Hillary Clinton
Joe Rogan Quote
02-13-2022 , 02:47 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
Yes. Yes you did.

If you could not hear his anti war 'both sides' critique it means you have a subconscious bias that is making you miss it and you do not realize it.
If you are talking about the video in post 402, which is what I thought you are talking about, there is no mention of war or military or anything like that. I just listened to it again.
Joe Rogan Quote
02-13-2022 , 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
You are being duped step by step Rococo when you KNOW there are people combing his video history over 20 years, and would post not just every shred of proof but anything they could even suggest was close to proof.


But I am sure guys like Rococo will be 'inclined to accept this' while dismissing the quoted videos as less substantial.

Honestly, I'm getting tired of this and you can **** off. I told you that my opinion about Joe Rogan is basically the same as it was six months ago. It is mostly uninformed. When you asked for my opinion about his views on war, I said "I don't know," which is true. I don't take political marching orders from Monteroy, ecriture, Trolly, wet work, or anyone else on 2+2.

At this point, if anyone in this thread is causing me to have a negative view of Joe Rogan, it's you.

You can believe all that or not. I really don't care.

Last edited by Rococo; 02-13-2022 at 03:21 PM.
Joe Rogan Quote
02-13-2022 , 02:57 PM
Sorry guys this is the scientist who worked at area 51 and according to him saw ufos and worked on them and anti gravity.

Joe Rogan Quote
02-13-2022 , 03:00 PM
There don't have to be any clips of Joe saying he's pro-war for some of his content to act as pro-military recruitment etc. It's a pretty simple concept really. We could be sitting in front of a room full of teenagers talking all about the evils of war--but when we ask now who wants to shoot some machine guns and get some? Some kids are gonna be raising their hands
Joe Rogan Quote
02-13-2022 , 03:01 PM
Joe Rogan Quote
02-13-2022 , 03:01 PM
A little known fact is that there are tons of anti-gravity devices in every city and even most towns.


Joe Rogan Quote
02-13-2022 , 03:06 PM
Stop fighting guys, believes/opinions are like religions, you either believe or u don't. You can convince everyone with the right arguemnts, unless(!) they are stubborn.
I think it's important that joe gives certain people a platform. If people don't want to look into him and have an opinion of him then that's ignorant imo. Otherwise just believe us. Or believe hearsay smearing campaigns from people on a payroll.
Joe Rogan Quote
02-13-2022 , 03:07 PM
Joe Rogan's a racist a-hole but that comes as little surprise, considering he basically shills for trial convicted and probably racist sex killers so it's good to see karma catch up with him.

There is absolutely no context-none at all whatsoever- for his Planet of the Apes comments. He's either a racist douchebag or else cynically engages in racism to pander to racist douchebags, which makes him an irresponsible nasty douchebag and I'm quite frankly flabbergasted that Cuepee is defending the little toe rag. I mean I know I disagree with him on pretty much everything but never thought I'd see him giving this kinda crap a free pass. Hopefully he wises up.
Joe Rogan Quote
02-13-2022 , 03:11 PM
Joe Rogan Quote
