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Covid-19 Discussion Covid-19 Discussion

09-17-2021 , 11:10 AM
Ok but help me understand the distinction and what word you might use.

- you are approaching a scene where a body bag is on the floor and it has been confirmed to you only person was hurt and died
- you know a gunman and your loved one were the only two in the room and it is one of them in the body bag
- as you approach you hoping it is not your loved (and thus by default must be the gunman)
- you then confirm it is the gunman, when you see his face and you feel elation knowing that your loved one is therefore alive

As you walk towards the body if you are saying it is wrong or not necessary for you to have a preference for who is in that body bag given the information you know already transpired, what word would you use?
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
09-17-2021 , 11:18 AM
More back on track...


Is this wrong?

One Province turning down help to another to take in, what will inevitably be a preponderance of Muh Freedum derps to their ICU beds and thus denying that care to others in their Province?

Take this to the extreme and ask if one Province (State) full of Derps should be allowed to over flow facilities in many neighbouring Provinces (States) while all the others can do is take them in and suffer the fall out??

Who would agree with that?

Howard Stern takes a much more radical view thinking the Derps should just stay home and die at home secure in their Freedums and convictions.


Howard Stern says anti-vax ‘idiots’ should ‘die with COVID’

...He added, “We have no time for idiots in this country anymore. We don’t want you… stay home, die there with your COVID. Don’t take the cure, but don’t clog up our hospitals with your COVID when you finally get it. Stay home, don’t bother with science, it’s too late.”

Five radio talk show hosts who had urged listeners not to get the COVID-19 vaccine have died in the past six weeks after contracting the coronavirus.

The most recent was Bob Enyart, 62, a Denver radio host and pastor who died earlier this week after he and his wife were hospitalized with severe cases of COVID-19.

Marc Bernier, 65, was a Florida talk show host who called himself “Mr. Anti-Vax.” In his final tweet in July, Bernier, who died August 27, 2021, compared the U.S. government to Nazis because it was recommending that all people get vaccinated.

On August 11, Tod Tucker, a pro-Trump radio programmer, died “following the onset of viral pneumonia as the result of COVID-19,” according to his employer. Tucker had written on Facebook in March: “Please stop bragging that you got your COVID vaccine. What do you want us to say? ‘Congratulations lab rat?!’”

Jimmy DeYoung, 81, was a Chattanooga-based host who published an interview promoting conspiracy theories that the Pfizer vaccine would make women sterile and said that world governments were using the vaccine to control people. He was hospitalized with COVID-19 on August 8 and died August 15, 2021.

On August 4, Newsmax fill-in host Dick Farrel died of “severe damage” from COVID-19. He previously referred to the pandemic as a “SCAMDEMIC” and wrote in a July 3 Facebook post: “Why take a vax promoted by people who lied all along about masks, where the virus came from and the death toll?” Just before he died, one of his close friends, Amy Falardeau, claimed he encouraged her to get the shot, saying COVID-19 “is no joke and then he said: ‘I wish I had gotten [vaccinated]!’”

Phil Valentine, 61, was a Nashville talk show host who recorded a parody song, “Vaxman,” that mocked the vaccine. Last December he claimed on air that he believed his personal odds of dying from COVID-19 were “probably way less than one percent.” He died August 21, 2021 after spending one month in the hospital fighting for his life. His family released a statement asking people to: “PLEASE GO GET VACCINATED!”
This is more an ethical debate type question that really would only be an issue in the extremes where you know taking in the Derps (my Freedum to get sick and take up beds and die) will cost you the lives of some of your local citizens.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
09-17-2021 , 11:20 AM
I answered that in the earlier post.

As for having a preference. There's no requirement to think about preferences at all. You might add it as some description but that doesn't mean it's within the mind of the person. All most are thinking is 'please dont be ...' Many might even invoke deities they dont believe in. This bit might be seen as nitpicking but that depends on how interested we are in mind and morality.
Generally unless there's an actions to decide on then preferences are optional. As they are optional I prefer not to prefer someone else is dead. Also when someone thinks they know that it has to be A or B they are usually wrong.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
09-17-2021 , 11:25 AM
I proundly disagree with Howard Sern

Which is fine as long as no-one insists it's the only correct thought.

Now if he saying we dont want radio talk hosts anymore then that's another matter
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
09-17-2021 , 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
I answered that in the earlier post.
No really, at least as i can follow it.


Generally unless there's an actions to decide on then preferences are optional.
Sure, but in this hypothetical there IS an action and I don't think you can help but take a position.

Do you not agree that in no instances will be neutral here and not care whether it is your family member or the killer who is dead and under the blanket?

As they are optional I prefer not to prefer someone else is dead.
Right. Agreed. Given the option to 'prefer no one is dead' is NOT AN OPTION in this hypothetical. You are standing atop a hill, someone is dead and you can see it.

You enter denial of reality zone if you just keep repeating 'ya but i prefer a reality where no one died, thus I cannot answer that question you keep asking'.

Also when someone thinks they know that it has to be A or B they are usually wrong.
Sure, perhaps.

In this hypothetical they are not wrong though. This hypothetical makes them right by definition and unless you argue hypotheticals are the wrong way to explore ethical questions you should be able to stick to THIS hypothetical.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
09-17-2021 , 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
I proudly disagree with Howard Stern
The linked article is mainly talking about Ivermectin as a bad treatment for C19. You disagree with that?

Stomp your hoof one time for Yes, twice for No.

(((Stern does not list the dead radio jocks...the author does)))
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
09-17-2021 , 12:27 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
I proundly disagree with Howard Sern

Which is fine as long as no-one insists it's the only correct thought.

Now if he saying we dont want radio talk hosts anymore then that's another matter
I do enjoy these type of hypotheticals so I will prompt to explore it, not because I am talking a position...

There is some belief by some that we are entering a new era of Pandemics.

But there is also a strong belief that MRNA technology could empower us like never before to respond quickly with vaccines and thus limit the damage and extent of Viruses and other challenges.

How mRNA Technology Could Change the World
mRNA’s story likely will not end with COVID-19: Its potential stretches far beyond this pandemic.

So what if (in this hypothetical) we are faced with a deluge of Pandemics that in fact MRNA fast response Vaccines could severely limit the damage to societies but the number of anti Vax Derps holds steady at a number that does not allow any herd immunity to take place and they cause consistent failures in the hospital system resulting in all sorts of collateral deaths?

Would not society, at some point have a right to say 'Take the approved vaccines or we won't continue to treat you'? Not out of punishment for them but to preserve the rest of society under threat due to their personal choice to not participate in the vaccines?
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
09-17-2021 , 12:43 PM
This whole thing about "Anti-vaxx nutjobs shouldn't take a hospital bed. Stay home and die!" is so, so gross. No surprise uber-overrated dumb old hack Howard Stern thinks this way.

Are we competing with the Republicans to see who can be the most spiteful and resentful?

Of course, hospitals would not be clogged if we simply instituted a real vaccine mandate. Problem solved. Oh I forgot, that would be infringing upon freedoms, nevermind.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
09-17-2021 , 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by DifferentName
This whole thing about "Anti-vaxx nutjobs shouldn't take a hospital bed. Stay home and die!" is so, so gross. No surprise uber-overrated dumb old hack Howard Stern thinks this way.

Are we competing with the Republicans to see who can be the most spiteful and resentful?

Of course, hospitals would not be clogged if we simply instituted a real vaccine mandate. Problem solved. Oh I forgot, that would be infringing upon freedoms, nevermind.
I don't think the thought process is that black and white TBH.

I have immense sympathy for the Front Line Hospital Workers in particular, who are forced to engage with the anti Vax derps and who will continue to suffer deaths in their ranks and that of their family due to selfish Derp choices.

If this is just one of many future rotating viruses, all of which end up being very treatable in a way that can all but end hospital trips and the collateral death those cause and yet this Derp segment of society says 'NO' to al vaccines, is there not a point where society can say 'we respect your right to opt out' but then 'we also expect you not to flood the hospitals and spread your death to them'??
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
09-17-2021 , 01:23 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
I don't think the thought process is that black and white TBH.

I have immense sympathy for the Front Line Hospital Workers in particular, who are forced to engage with the anti Vax derps and who will continue to suffer deaths in their ranks and that of their family due to selfish Derp choices.

If this is just one of many future rotating viruses, all of which end up being very treatable in a way that can all but end hospital trips and the collateral death those cause and yet this Derp segment of society says 'NO' to al vaccines, is there not a point where society can say 'we respect your right to opt out' but then 'we also expect you not to flood the hospitals and spread your death to them'??
But Nicki Minaj says my balls might get swollen and white?

Interesting stat the NHL says they will have 98% compliancy from their players. Few teams have already confirmed 100% vaccination rate. Hmm what seems to be the common thing among hockey teams
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
09-17-2021 , 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
But Nicki Minaj says my balls might get swollen and white?

Interesting stat the NHL says they will have 98% compliancy from their players. Few teams have already confirmed 100% vaccination rate. Hmm what seems to be the common thing among hockey teams
I think you are trying to be cute but the answers are 1. - 'they are Canadians', 2. - they have been given a mandate of get vax'd or pay a steep price...

NHL unveils COVID-19 protocols for 2021-22 season, which include penalties on unvaccinated players
Health and safety protocols for 2021-22 season state teams can suspend players who do not take vaccine, save for religious and medical exemptions

Many of the rules against unvaccinated players apply to road trips:

- Players who aren't vaccinated will only be able to go to their team hotel, practice facility and arena while being unable to use areas such as bars, restaurants, gyms, and pools
- Unvaccinated players will also be forbidden from having teammates or visitors in their hotel rooms
- Under NHL rules, teams will be permitted to suspend unvaccinated players who are "unable to participate in club activities," whether due to a positive test for COVID-19 or due to an inability to travel because of government restrictions
- Unvaccinated players lose one day's pay for each day they miss, though the league will make exceptions for players who do not take a vaccine due to religious or medical reasons
This is a very big stick hanging over the carrot method.

No hockey player wants to be the one (or few) excluded from doing everything fun on the road. The guys I know who have played live for those side perks.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
09-17-2021 , 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
I think you are trying to be cute but the answers are 1. - 'they are Canadians', 2. - they have been given a mandate of get vax'd or pay a steep price...
Nope not CDN's
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
09-17-2021 , 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
No really, at least as i can follow it.

Sure, but in this hypothetical there IS an action and I don't think you can help but take a position.
I can and I do. I also think it's quite an important part of mind an morality rather than a nitpick but it is fairly philosophical.

Do you not agree that in no instances will be neutral here and not care whether it is your family member or the killer who is dead and under the blanket?
We keep coverign this. I hope, i might even invoke a deity I dont believe in that it's not my loved one. i dont have to go beyond that and I prefer not to. I could if I wanted to.

Right. Agreed. Given the option to 'prefer no one is dead' is NOT AN OPTION in this hypothetical. You are standing atop a hill, someone is dead and you can see it.
Sure I get that.

You enter denial of reality zone if you just keep repeating 'ya but i prefer a reality where no one died, thus I cannot answer that question you keep asking'.
Not denying any reality. I'm just not considering this preference when I have no action. We do it all the time - in fact i's the norm.

Sure, perhaps.

In this hypothetical they are not wrong though. This hypothetical makes them right by definition and unless you argue hypotheticals are the wrong way to explore ethical questions you should be able to stick to THIS hypothetical.
Sure. The only ethical decision is the cognitive one. Very important imo (i.e not a nitpick). It is for moral/ethical reasons (which includes my inclinations) that I prefer not to. I also dont consider preferences of a sohpie's choice nature. I will consider a preference for fillet steak or salmon tonight even though I'm having neither (steak - it's always steak unless we're considering a top restaurant in which case salmon)
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
09-17-2021 , 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by King Spew
The linked article is mainly talking about Ivermectin as a bad treatment for C19. You disagree with that?

Stomp your hoof one time for Yes, twice for No.

(((Stern does not list the dead radio jocks...the author does)))
I'm vaccine and science chap. No inverectin for me unless the UK approves it as a treatment (which seems highly unlikely.)
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
09-17-2021 , 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee

Mississippi health officials said Aug. 20 that 70% of recent calls to its poison control center were from people ingesting ivermectin meant for livestock...


And though it was subsequently removed by social-media platforms for spreading misinformation, Gold and other members made the rounds on conservative media, from Fox News to Alex Jones and Pat Robertson.
Correction: Sept. 13, 2021
An earlier version of this article misstated the percentage of recent calls to the Mississippi poison control center related to ivermectin. It was 2 percent, not 70 percent.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
09-17-2021 , 03:01 PM
Did I miss a post from you chez? Why do you disagree w/Stern who's statement on horse deworming medicine seems to be legit pro-vaccine/pro-science?
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
09-17-2021 , 03:01 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
I can and I do. I also think it's quite an important part of mind an morality rather than a nitpick but it is fairly philosophical....
I just don't believe you.

Or better yet I don't believe you are anwering my question and instead are anwering one you replaced it with in your head.

In our normal pattern we would go 10 pages with me stating over and over 'but i never said or suggested that and YOU replied to my post, so you are replying to my hypothetical and not whatever you replaced it with it' and eventually you say 'fine if that is what you are saying, I agree but I was never discussing that'.

When you say "you can not take a position" I call BS on that. You are wrong.

Walking towards a body where you know there is only two options, a family member and a criminal you cannot help but hope it is not your family member. You will always take that position.

That is all I am saying and while I am sure you agree you would think that as you approached instead you will replace the situation I am talking about with a tangent one and say you would not.

IN this case
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
09-17-2021 , 03:03 PM
Originally Posted by King Spew
Did I miss a post from you chez? Why do you disagree w/Stern who's statement on horse deworming medicine seems to be legit pro-vaccine/pro-science?
It's this i proundly disagree with

Howard Stern says anti-vax ‘idiots’ should ‘die with COVID’

...He added, “We have no time for idiots in this country anymore. We don’t want you… stay home, die there with your COVID. Don’t take the cure, but don’t clog up our hospitals with your COVID when you finally get it. Stay home, don’t bother with science, it’s too late.”
I allow for plenty of hyperbole and I accept it's quite posible that it's more venting than wht he really believes. However it's a sentiment ad attitude towards others than is real and that I profoundly disagree with.

Last edited by chezlaw; 09-17-2021 at 03:13 PM.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
09-17-2021 , 03:07 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
I just don't believe you.
That's about you not me.

Or better yet I don't believe you are anwering my question and instead are anwering one you replaced it with in your head.

In our normal pattern we would go 10 pages with me stating over and over 'but i never said or suggested that and YOU replied to my post, so you are replying to my hypothetical and not whatever you replaced it with it' and eventually you say 'fine if that is what you are saying, I agree but I was never discussing that'.

When you say "you can not take a position" I call BS on that. You are wrong.
I never said I cannot take a position. I explained why I prefer not to.

Walking towards a body where you know there is only two options, a family member and a criminal you cannot help but hope it is not your family member. You will always take that position.
We've agreed on that numerous times

That is all I am saying and while I am sure you agree you would think that as you approached instead you will replace the situation I am talking about with a tangent one and say you would not.
No you're asking me to go beyond hoping it's not my loved one and I dont. It's a morality/mind thing as I thought we making progress on.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
09-17-2021 , 03:15 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
More back on track...Is this wrong?

One Province turning down help to another to take in, what will inevitably be a preponderance of Muh Freedum derps to their ICU beds and thus denying that care to others in their Province?

Take this to the extreme and ask if one Province (State) full of Derps should be allowed to over flow facilities in many neighbouring Provinces (States) while all the others can do is take them in and suffer the fall out??

Who would agree with that?
I dont think the reason for the decision is being portrayed accurately here, if I'm understanding your post correctly. BC is saying no because our resources are stretched a bit now as well. I expect that if AB is in trouble and numbers begin dropping here, we will take Albertans whether they are "derps" or not.

Originally Posted by lozen
Nope not CDN's
That's not right either - Canadians make up the largest % of NHL players by nationality. But if your point is simply that this isn't a huge factor in the vaccination rate, that may well be true. Over 55% of the players are not Canadian.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
09-17-2021 , 05:24 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
It's this i proundly disagree with

I allow for plenty of hyperbole and I accept it's quite posible that it's more venting than wht he really believes. However it's a sentiment ad attitude towards others than is real and that I profoundly disagree with.
Have you been surrounded your entire life by ~half your country thinking you deserve to die for having crazy commie views like being pro m4a?
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
09-17-2021 , 06:36 PM
No. Have you?

In any case I'm very resistant to the idea that becoming something I dont like because some other people I dont agree with are like that, is somehow a good thing.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
09-17-2021 , 07:14 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
Howard Stern takes a much more radical view thinking the Derps should just stay home and die at home secure in their Freedums and convictions.


This is more an ethical debate type question that really would only be an issue in the extremes where you know taking in the Derps (my Freedum to get sick and take up beds and die) will cost you the lives of some of your local citizens.
I doubt Freedum etc. is as big a factor as you're making it out to be since covid deaths as of late are distributed fairly evenly among races/ethnicities.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
09-17-2021 , 08:53 PM
Originally Posted by John21
I doubt Freedum etc. is as big a factor as you're making it out to be since covid deaths as of late are distributed fairly evenly among races/ethnicities.
I think Canada makes for a pretty clear case study.

We really only have one Province with US style Muh Freedums Derps and that is Alberta Canada with its cowboy hat wearing, Texas wannabe religious folk.

Alberta now stands out in Canada with regards to a hospital system on the brink of collapse and looking for other Provinces to take in their continued flow of Covid patients to help them not collapse.


- Since Jan 1, 2021, 0.3% of people with one dose (8,688/2,980,318) were diagnosed with COVID-19 14 days after the first immunization date

- Since Jan 1, 2021, 0.4% of people with two doses (9,777/2,689,686) were diagnosed with COVID-19 14 days after the second immunization date

- 88.9% of cases (154,889/174,293) since Jan 1, 2021 were unvaccinated or diagnosed within two weeks from the first dose immunization date

- 88.1% of hospitalized cases (6,840/7,766) since Jan 1, 2021 were unvaccinated or diagnosed within two weeks from the first dose immunization date

- 81.4% of COVID-19 deaths (805/989) since Jan 1, 2021 were unvaccinated or diagnosed within two weeks from the first dose immunization date


So John you have a Province with 15% the population of the Top 3 but almost as many active cases as those 3 combined when there is very little difference other than the derps. Within the coming days and weeks they may surpass the entire rest of the country for new cases if they cannot bend that curve.

Last edited by Cuepee; 09-17-2021 at 09:16 PM.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
09-17-2021 , 09:40 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
No. Have you?

In any case I'm very resistant to the idea that becoming something I dont like because some other people I dont agree with are like that, is somehow a good thing.
uh yes we have had ~half the country wishing every left-leaning person dead for our entire lives(only good d is a dead d etc). And fighting against things like nat. healthcare etc as Literal communism

I'm not saying it's a great excuse--but I can definitely wrap my head around why some people feel that way with the way things are playing out currently.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
