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The costs of trans visibility The costs of trans visibility

08-22-2024 , 07:14 AM
Originally Posted by checkraisdraw
Why should I accept that the baseline should be zero? And you guys keep using the terms mutilated and sterilized as some type of gotchya. This is more of an underlying issue of whether you think trans is even a thing in the first place and less about any particulars of the types of interventions. Or it’s a matter of scale and how often this has happened compared to past rates.

Otherwise it’s just hyper-obsessing over getting some irrational/pathos based optics win.
I don't think you know what a "gotcha" is. I use the terms "mutilated" because that's the correct term to describe things like "MtF" procedures. I use "sterilized" because many of the victims of this "care" are rendered permanently sterile. There's a reason people dress it up in language that hides the true reality of what's going on. People don't call it a "Frankenpenis" (NSFW) to be funny. Google for images, dude. You don't think this is mutilation? Please defend this kind of thing. Go read the horror stories from the people in the linked Detrans subreddit. How can you call this "care" with a straight face?

You don't think we should have serious data on the cognitive decline that stunting someone's puberty results in, too? What little data we have is NOT good, but we shouldn't even need that data -- we already KNOW that puberty is a natural process HUMANS BENEFIT FROM GOING THROUGH! Children with mental health issues are having their puberty paused, which is obviously extremely UNNATURAL, under the guise of "care." How in the hell can you justify this AT ALL? Especially when multiple studies backup that going THROUGH PUBERTY actually IS the panacea to gender-stress in a huge percentage of pre-pubescent children. Shocker: they just wind up being gay most of the time. There's 10+ studies that all affirm this if you'd like to Google. But this is never highlighted by any of the "gender-affirming care" community. Meanwhile, you have insane surgeons on TikTok promoting this with PPC ads, talking about, "Today I get to yeet 4 teets!" like some lunatics. This is the true obfuscation and it's horrifying. You will justify it no matter what, though.

Hyper-obsessing? Bro. We are sterilizing gay and autistic children, removing healthy body parts, all while ignoring the elephant in the room: THIS IS A MENTAL HEALTH ISSUE, LARGELY EXACERBATED BY DANGEROUS IDEOLOGY PROMOTING PSEUDOSCIENCE AS REALITY! Again, this isn't some high-level thought experiment we need to run studies on. From your insane takes, I assume you'd be fine with gastric bypass on anorexic patients, too?

I am facepalming so hard at every single post of yours ITT. Moving along nicely with the timeline I outlined. It doesn't happen, but if it does, it's rare, and if it's not rare or if it's actually increasing, who cares because it's obviously good!

Last edited by Phresh; 08-22-2024 at 07:20 AM.
08-22-2024 , 07:49 AM
Originally Posted by Luciom
eh? trans exist, and when adult they will make their choices. It's not an healthcare issue though so any treatment or body modification they want as adults to pursue shouldn't be mandated to be covered by insurance.

And until they are adults they shouldn't be allowed to permanently modify their bodies that much, what's complicated about this?

If the claim is that some trans people are so much in pain with their condition, they need body modifications as a treatment for a mental illness that arises from their condition, then i completly disagree with the notion that we should sterilize or mutilate people for ANY mental health condition, no matter what. It's horrific even to write down.

Activists use "affirming" to deny the reality of sterilization and mutilation. Sterilization and mutilation should never even be contemplated to try to cure a purported mental illness.

An adult should be allowed to self sterlize or self mutilate, or to find people who want to sterilize or mutilate him, on body autonomy grounds, for my ethics. But not with taxpayers paying for it obviously.

But being trans per se isn't a mental health condition at all.
Trans is not the mental health condition by the way, gender dysphoria is.

I don’t see why you think that surgeons can do top or bottom surgery and doctors for prescribe hormones for any reason whatsoever but psychiatrists are committing some moral atrocity for allowing patients to seek it to treat pervasive gender dysphoria. Your rhetoric seems out of place in that line of thought.

And you don’t believe taxpayers should rightly pay for any medical treatment whatsoever I assume, so I don’t know why you’re singling out a particular medical condition to exclude.

Activists don’t use affirming to hide the horrors of trans surgery, they use it because they are cringe and like to make up new terms, and also because that’s kind of supposed to be the point of these treatments. You just like to use sterilize and mutilate because you think those words have powerful emotional appeal which I mean whatever it’s your right, but you’re just basically using it as a pejorative for trans surgery, puberty blockers, and hormones. Nice trick but logically adds nothing to your argument.
08-22-2024 , 08:04 AM
Originally Posted by checkraisdraw
Trans is not the mental health condition by the way, gender dysphoria is.

I don’t see why you think that surgeons can do top or bottom surgery and doctors for prescribe hormones for any reason whatsoever but psychiatrists are committing some moral atrocity for allowing patients to seek it to treat pervasive gender dysphoria. Your rhetoric seems out of place in that line of thought.

And you don’t believe taxpayers should rightly pay for any medical treatment whatsoever I assume, so I don’t know why you’re singling out a particular medical condition to exclude.

Activists don’t use affirming to hide the horrors of trans surgery, they use it because they are cringe and like to make up new terms, and also because that’s kind of supposed to be the point of these treatments. You just like to use sterilize and mutilate because you think those words have powerful emotional appeal which I mean whatever it’s your right, but you’re just basically using it as a pejorative for trans surgery, puberty blockers, and hormones. Nice trick but logically adds nothing to your argument.
? i think that surgeons shouldn't be legally allowed to do top or bottom surgery to a minor to treat a mental illness, i wrote exactly that.

It is not a medical condition they are treating, those organs they modify or remove, aren't unhealthy. If you are mentally ill you cannot be treated by modifying external organs. If somebody thinks he is Napoleon so much that he suffers because he is too tall, you do not shorten him with surgery do you? no matter how much he suffers from his mismatch of his internal identity to his exterior body. [NOTE: this isn't to claim trans people are like that, this is to claim OTHER different mental illnesses that are predicated on a mismatch of identity and body aren't treated with body modifications]

Being trans as i wrote and i repeated many times isn't a mental illness. Feeling really bad , as a trans , because you dislike your body might reach the point of being a mental illness. In no cases anyway, treatment should include damaging healthy organs or body parts.

I don't use it as a pejorative because i think adults should be allowed to sterilize themselves and mutilate themselves, just not on taxpayers money. Vasectomy is a (often reversible, but that's another topic) self sterilization procedure, widely used, and saying it is sterilization isn't pejorative. We must use clear words to convey clear messages.

People mutilate themselves with piercings, tatoos, and other stuff. It's not necessarily pejorative, it depends on the end result aesthetically for me, and in some cultures/religions some mutilations are actually holy/sacred or any case a moral positive (like in judaism circumcision is).

Still mutilations though. In circumcision case, it's a very small mutilation that doesn't functionally alter the organ for it's main purposes, and can have some added hygienical benefits, so for many people it can actually be seen as a positive mutilation.

Some people remove tonsils even if not unhealthy because they are a useless organ and removing them beforehand can reduce risks, or improve sleep. Tonsillectomy can be beneficial for your health, still a mutilation.

You find it pejorative when the word is used about healthy breasts in physically healthy girls because it is. Removing healthy organs is absurd, especially when it leaves you with horrible visible scars
08-22-2024 , 11:37 AM
Originally Posted by checkraisdraw
Why should I accept that the baseline should be zero? And you guys keep using the terms mutilated and sterilized as some type of gotchya. This is more of an underlying issue of whether you think trans is even a thing in the first place and less about any particulars of the types of interventions. Or it’s a matter of scale and how often this has happened compared to past rates.

Otherwise it’s just hyper-obsessing over getting some irrational/pathos based optics win.
Let’s answer the question whether it’s possible to transition. I’m a man. I have XY sex chromosomes, a massive penis, testes that produce sperm. I have the potential to impregnate a female if my pull out game is weak or some other form of birth control is not used. No amount of surgeries and/or hormones would ever make me a fully functional female. I’ll never have XX chromosomes, the capacity to become pregnant and carry a child to term.
The opposite is true for a woman wanting to “transition” into a man.
08-22-2024 , 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by originalgangster
Let’s answer the question whether it’s possible to transition. I’m a man. I have XY sex chromosomes, a massive penis, testes that produce sperm. I have the potential to impregnate a female if my pull out game is weak or some other form of birth control is not used. No amount of surgeries and/or hormones would ever make me a fully functional female. I’ll never have XX chromosomes, the capacity to become pregnant and carry a child to term.
The opposite is true for a woman wanting to “transition” into a man.
You say all this yet Coordi and UKE would tell you that men can in fact get pregnant. Are you sure you won't be able to get pregnant?
08-22-2024 , 12:13 PM
Originally Posted by Betraisefold22
You say all this yet Coordi and UKE would tell you that men can in fact get pregnant. Are you sure you won't be able to get pregnant?
There is no need to do this act where you pretend to not understand basic things. Obviously some trans men can still get pregnant as they have a uterus etc. Some can't. The whole HAR HAR HAR UKE THINKS MEN GET PREGANT ARE YOU SURE YOU WON"T BE ABLE TO?!??!!? gimmick seems neither funny nor clever.
08-22-2024 , 12:16 PM
Originally Posted by originalgangster
Let’s answer the question whether it’s possible to transition. I’m a man. I have XY sex chromosomes, a massive penis, testes that produce sperm. I have the potential to impregnate a female if my pull out game is weak or some other form of birth control is not used. No amount of surgeries and/or hormones would ever make me a fully functional female. I’ll never have XX chromosomes, the capacity to become pregnant and carry a child to term.
The opposite is true for a woman wanting to “transition” into a man.
Ya buddy precisely zero people think that transitioning means changing ones chromosomes.
08-22-2024 , 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by Phresh
I use the terms "mutilated" because that's the correct term to describe things like "MtF" procedures.
Lol this trio today. Obviously "mutilated" is choosing the most emotionally charged word possible for what is a doctor-supported medical procedure. I guess my surgeon mutilated me when they removed my cancerous thyroid. You can oppose gender-affirming surgeries if you must, but maybe drop the act where you pretend you can't figure out why your word choices are silly.
08-22-2024 , 12:26 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
There is no need to do this act where you pretend to not understand basic things. Obviously some trans men can still get pregnant as they have a uterus etc. Some can't. The whole HAR HAR HAR UKE THINKS MEN GET PREGANT ARE YOU SURE YOU WON"T BE ABLE TO?!??!!? gimmick seems neither funny nor clever.
Haha you never fail to amuse.
08-22-2024 , 12:36 PM
Originally Posted by Betraisefold22
Haha you never fail to amuse.
Still keeping up the act?

You can stubbornly refuse to call trans men "men" if you like but there is no need to pretend to not understand that these people can get pregnant.

The big ask of you here is not to stop being a transphobe - that's your right. The big ask is to at least be clever about it.
08-22-2024 , 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
Still keeping up the act?

You can stubbornly refuse to call trans men "men" if you like but there is no need to pretend to not understand that these people can get pregnant.

The big ask of you here is not to stop being a transphobe - that's your right. The big ask is to at least be clever about it.
I don't think anyone claiming men can get pregnant should accuse anyone of not being clever.
08-22-2024 , 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
Still keeping up the act?

You can stubbornly refuse to call trans men "men" if you like but there is no need to pretend to not understand that these people can get pregnant.

The big ask of you here is not to stop being a transphobe - that's your right. The big ask is to at least be clever about it.
Saying men can't get pregnant or have periods is not transphobe its science Though you are correct trans men can get pregnant as they are biologically female but I am sure many of the drugs they consume to maintain that status will have an effect on that as well
08-22-2024 , 12:57 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
There is no need to do this act where you pretend to not understand basic things. Obviously some trans men can still get pregnant as they have a uterus etc. Some can't. The whole HAR HAR HAR UKE THINKS MEN GET PREGANT ARE YOU SURE YOU WON"T BE ABLE TO?!??!!? gimmick seems neither funny nor clever.
FYI, you are referring to females.
08-22-2024 , 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
Still keeping up the act?

You can stubbornly refuse to call trans men "men" if you like but there is no need to pretend to not understand that these people can get pregnant.

The big ask of you here is not to stop being a transphobe - that's your right. The big ask is to at least be clever about it.
Some women who think they are men and live in some sense like men can get pregnant if they have intercourse with "people with a dick" and those people come inside without a condom and they didn't take too many hormones sterilizing them yes.

Still women (XX individuals who ovulate) getting pregnant
08-22-2024 , 02:43 PM
Originally Posted by Luciom
Some women who think they are men and live in some sense like men can get pregnant if they have intercourse with "people with a dick" and those people come inside without a condom and they didn't take too many hormones sterilizing them yes.

Still women (XX individuals who ovulate) getting pregnant
''women with a dick''

Or my personal favorite

''HER penis''
08-22-2024 , 03:48 PM
Originally Posted by checkraisdraw
Please share the source. Sorry if I don’t take people at their word when it comes to the trans issue, because lying is prevalent in this space on both sides.
you're telling on yourself, this has been posted recently and often

also, can you please try posting without including personal insults in most of them?
08-22-2024 , 03:59 PM
Originally Posted by rickroll
you're telling on yourself, this has been posted recently and often

also, can you please try posting without including personal insults in most of them?
No I won’t stop insulting people who use insanely inflammatory language to try to moralize their way into winning conversations. It’s cringe and r*tarded. It would be like me coming in here and saying that they want trans kids to die and commit suicide or that they’re trying to genocide trans kids or some stupid lefty idpol bullshit. The rhetorical tactics are so transparent and dumb.
08-22-2024 , 03:59 PM
I personally find it extremely offensive and problematic because the whole "lady dick" thing has been used to pressure lesbians into having sex with "trans-lesbians." The idea that young lesbians acquiesce to pressure from males with penises in fear of being labeled a bigot really upsets me.

If you go to any lesbian on subreddit, females have been all but run off. The mods there are all Crossnerd types and now lesbians have no place to discuss their issues. Whenever a lesbian speaks out, they're banned and their posts are deleted. I had a reddit account banned for speaking up for them. I had a few PM me, talking about how they're forced to "pretend" they're okay with it just to not get their accounts nuked. It's seriously not okay.

Here's a page that uses the reddit API to show overlap between subreddit subscriptions). Check the overlap between LesbianActually, sapphoandherfriend, and ActualLesbians. They've all been completely overtaken by trans-identified males. It's seriously distressing to me that we're supposed to validate this level of rapey coercion because a man can now just declare himself a lesbian. Women are no longer allowed to be same-sex attracted, I guess? It doesn't sit right with me. I'd punch a dude in the face for pestering one of my lesbian friends to give him a try because she "just hasn't had the right dick yet" or something. People are allowed a sexual orientation without being coerced into trying the other side. I find it ridiculous that I even need to state this.

Why am I expected to turn a blind eye to this? There are no two ways about it: this ideology is inherently homophobic. To those of you who support gender ideology, how do you justify this? Presumably you'd support gay rights, so how do you expect gay rights to exist when this ideology is founded upon eliminating the demarcation line between the sexes? If men can be women and vice versa, there's no such thing as homosexuality. Some things are exclusionary by design, such as dating. And some things must remain exclusive in order to exist, such as same-sex attraction.

Plus what other group is allowed to say **** like this without ANY pushback whatsoever?

We're just allowing violent misogyny to exist out in the open like this because the targets are (largely lesbian) women?

insanely inflammatory language
It’s cringe and r*tarded

Last edited by Phresh; 08-22-2024 at 04:11 PM.
08-22-2024 , 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by checkraisdraw
Ok groomer. Stop trying to groom young kids into a fake sexual ideology of homosexualism you pervert. Stop with this fake problem of metaphysical claptrap like sexual ideology and fake oppression like homophobia. You disgust me that you want to sexualize children into throwing their life away by removing themselves from the gene pool. All to advance your disgusting sexual degeneracy. Why do you want to teach children to have anal sex which leads to higher levels of aids and stds?

Can’t believe you hate kids, Phresh.
This comes across as a bit strange.
08-22-2024 , 04:09 PM
Originally Posted by checkraisdraw
No I won’t stop insulting people who use insanely inflammatory language to try to moralize their way into winning conversations. It’s cringe and r*tarded. It would be like me coming in here and saying that they want trans kids to die and commit suicide or that they’re trying to genocide trans kids or some stupid lefty idpol bullshit. The rhetorical tactics are so transparent and dumb.
enjoy your time out once a mod sees that
08-22-2024 , 04:39 PM
Originally Posted by checkraisdraw
No I won’t stop insulting people who use insanely inflammatory language to try to moralize their way into winning conversations. It’s cringe and r*tarded. It would be like me coming in here and saying that they want trans kids to die and commit suicide or that they’re trying to genocide trans kids or some stupid lefty idpol bullshit. The rhetorical tactics are so transparent and dumb.
checkraise i actually like you , you are far better than the avg leftist, i suggest you delete with apologies to avoid banning
08-22-2024 , 04:57 PM
If they take any action against him, it'll be used as cover to ban me for a month or longer for mentioning that lesbians are same-sex attracted females. Anyway, I'm still casting my vote for less "mod" involvement altogether. He's just making himself seem more and more unhinged, which eventually solves itself. Holler.
08-22-2024 , 04:57 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
There is no need to do this act where you pretend to not understand basic things. Obviously some trans men can still get pregnant as they have a uterus etc. Some can't. The whole HAR HAR HAR UKE THINKS MEN GET PREGANT ARE YOU SURE YOU WON"T BE ABLE TO?!??!!? gimmick seems neither funny nor clever.
There are only two genders, bro: male and female. “Transmen” is not a gender. So, what you’re really saying is, “women can get pregnant if they haven’t yet sterilized themselves.” Thanks captain obvious.
08-22-2024 , 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
Ya buddy precisely zero people think that transitioning means changing ones chromosomes.
I’ve encountered radical leftists who believe just that.
08-22-2024 , 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
Lol this trio today. Obviously "mutilated" is choosing the most emotionally charged word possible for what is a doctor-supported medical procedure. I guess my surgeon mutilated me when they removed my cancerous thyroid. You can oppose gender-affirming surgeries if you must, but maybe drop the act where you pretend you can't figure out why your word choices are silly.
Removing a malignancy that will kill you if that isn’t done is not even close to chopping off penises or boobies. Those are not procedures necessary to sustain life.
