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Antifa Antifa

08-27-2019 , 04:26 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Your turn buddy. Quote someone.
You think the Antifa protestors who attacked Ngo should be investigated and prosecuted for their crimes?
08-27-2019 , 04:26 PM
Christ Suzzer, stifling/halting the exercise political speech in this country through the use of violence such as throwing cement chunks at the back of people's head is the threat they pose. GTFOH with your "they only those milkshakes" crap. Call it vigilantism or whatever. It is not their job or right to shut down political speech they don't like - even if it's a bunch of scumbag Nazi or alt right morons saying stupid and wildly offensive ****.

Violence is not viewed as an acceptable tool to effect political change in this country. I doubt anyone disputes it is an effective tool to make people stop declaring unpopular opinions in public forums, but use on either side should not be celebrated as fly does or minimized as you do.

It is a fact that Antifa engages in violent counter protests. You seem to understand this fact about as well as you understand what "I am leaving and never coming back" means.
08-27-2019 , 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
Context from the ADL MrWookies post is derived form:
Throwing a brick is not a crime per se.
08-27-2019 , 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
Their entire purpose is vigilantism.
Yes, specifically vigilantism against far-right groups. They are not just arbitrarily taking random aspects of the law into their own hands. Talking about antifa without talking about the groups they are protesting against is entirely meaningless.
08-27-2019 , 04:29 PM
Struggling to define what are the forums seems to have nothing to do with anti-fascism, but the struggle to define anti-fascism does.
08-27-2019 , 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by Kelhus999
You think the Antifa protestors who attacked Ngo should be investigated and prosecuted for their crimes?

Who told you they are anti-fascists and what did they do which resembles protesting?
08-27-2019 , 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by Willd
Yes, specifically vigilantism against far-right groups. They are not just arbitrarily taking random aspects of the law into their own hands. Talking about antifa without talking about the groups they are protesting against is entirely meaningless.
You can pretend the target of vigilantism is relevant, but most people who oppose vigilantism do not hold that view, especially when its done on purported moral/political grounds. That type of argument is essentially an end justify the means-type argument, and can, and will be used to justify violence against people.
08-27-2019 , 04:39 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
You can pretend the target of vigilantism is relevant, but most people who oppose vigilantism do not hold that view, especially when its done on purported moral/political grounds. That type of argument is essentially a end justify the means-type argument, and can, and will be used to justify violence against people.
Fwiw I personally don't agree with the vigilantism and think peaceful protest should always be preferred. However the idea that talking about Proud Boys in response to the OP of this thread is creating a straw man is ridiculous. The OP was an attempt to paint antifa as the only party in the wrong when the actions were a direct response to the Proud Boys march. It was an attempt to draw equivalence between antifa and far-right hate groups. As the ADL piece that you keep bringing up puts it:

That said, it is important to reject attempts to claim equivalence between the antifa and the white supremacist groups they oppose. Antifa reject racism but use unacceptable tactics. White supremacists use even more extreme violence to spread their ideologies of hate, to intimidate ethnic minorities, and undermine democratic norms.
Not pointing out that the actions were in response to the Proud Boys march would be accepting that attempted equivalence.
08-27-2019 , 04:41 PM
Originally Posted by Kelhus999
"although the militia wing of the group the aforementioned Fraternal Order of the Alt-Knights did attend.[20]"

Ok. Here is the quote he is referring to. I didn't realize "the group" being referred to was the Proud Boys. Wasn't a "lie" on my part, but fair enough.
Then you're lacking in reading comprehension since it was attached to the same sentence you had already posted. You literally cut off the end of the sentence, posted it, then claimed you didn't know that "the group" was referring to the Proud Boys.

Originally Posted by Kelhus999
It definitely seems the Proud Boys were tied into the Alt Right up to 2017, and have since disavowed white supremacy (at least in voice) and gone through a rebranding effort, mostly after the fallout from the Unite the Right rally.

So I guess there is a question whether this is genuine or sufficient, especially given their violent activism predominantly against Antifa. And if you think it isn't that is completely fair.

I just dont think JV posting his work or WN allowing him to post it is supporting white supremacy.
Anyone trying this hard to apologize for the Proud Boys or to paint them as anything other than racist white supremacists is either absurdly naive, incredibly stupid, or racist themselves. Which one are you?
08-27-2019 , 04:42 PM
Trump made a tweet about Antifa and now his minions are a bunch of little McCarthys. God help us if Trump wins 2020.
08-27-2019 , 04:44 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Democrats shouldn't condemn violence, Republicans sure as **** endorse it.
Originally Posted by MrWookie
I'm not going to feel sorry for someone who promotes openly violent people getting a taste of his own medicine, no. "Violence for me, but not for thee," is not a principle I respect.
Originally Posted by Victor
I cant believe chez is siding with the right and chastizing the left here. 1. he proly started the fight. 2. he barely got a scratch. like, this is not a big deal and does not need "condemned". it should be ridiculed.
Originally Posted by tomdemaine
Ultimately the question is do you believe in 3rd party self defence. Should I be able to intervene violently against an attacker in order to save someone elses life? These Nazis are causing innocent children to die in camps. Is it morally acceptable to intervene in 3rd party self defence on behalf of those who can't defend themselves?
This is from looking at just a couple pages. None of these posters ever explicitly stated they opposed political violence when directly asked either.
08-27-2019 , 04:46 PM
Originally Posted by Kelhus999
You (Wookie) think the Antifa protestors who attacked Ngo should be investigated and prosecuted for their crimes?

If anyone wants to set the record straight, and say they oppose Antifa attacking Ngo, and think the perpetrators should be prosecuted for their crimes, now is as good a time as any.
08-27-2019 , 04:46 PM
Originally Posted by Willd
Fwiw I personally don't agree with the vigilantism and think peaceful protest should always be preferred. However the idea that talking about Proud Boys in response to the OP of this thread is creating a straw man is ridiculous. The OP was an attempt to paint antifa as the only party in the wrong when the actions were a direct response to the Proud Boys march. It was an attempt to draw equivalence between antifa and far-right hate groups.
This is ridiculous. These two violent groups go looking for each other. Does not really matter who throws the first punch, in a long history of fist throws against each other (figurative). Not too many right wing folks have an issue condemning the proud boys. However, it is without question, people bring up proud boys to distract away from antifa's actions. suzzer99 tried to do it to me, a few minutes ago, and now you are trying to do it to me.

Everyone should condemn antifa's actions, as they really are counter-productive and toxic, irrelevant of the purported racist they target (ADL says they attack non-racist right wing gatherings). That's not what you get though, or is it what you are doing. Do you really think it's needed that people constantly have to yell "racist people are the worse thing in the world" in every thread, and that be the only important message?
08-27-2019 , 04:48 PM
By the way, the take here that Antifa is the real problem and Proud Boys, et al, are a distraction is ****ing hilarious. Like, if we could just get rid of these milkshake throwers who occasionally punch somebody, everything would be fine and it would clear out the space for the people who are just a distraction to churn out a few more mass shooters.

But, hey, they're mostly shooting at brown people so I guess the white people defending the white supremacists who they swear aren't actually white supremacists aren't too scared about that, nor are they too upset by it.

Not nearly as upset as they are over milkshakes being thrown, or Andy Ngo getting punched.

What a ****ing cesspool.
08-27-2019 , 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
Not too many right wing folks have an issue condemning the proud boys.
LOL that's a good one. You're a funny guy.
08-27-2019 , 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by Kelhus999

If anyone wants to set the record straight, and say they oppose Antifa attacking Ngo, and think the perpetrators should be prosecuted for their crimes, now is as good a time as any.

Why? Who made you boss of any of that?
08-27-2019 , 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
Why? Who made you boss of any of that?
Probably the same person that asked Cuse to come in here and separate the absurdly naive from the incredibly stupid and the actual racists. Nobody.
08-27-2019 , 05:04 PM
Originally Posted by Kelhus999

If anyone wants to set the record straight, and say they oppose Antifa attacking Ngo, and think the perpetrators should be prosecuted for their crimes, now is as good a time as any.
I am unconvinced that Ngo was, in fact, a victim of a crime. You're begging the question.
08-27-2019 , 05:05 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
This is ridiculous. These two violent groups go looking for each other. Does not really matter who throws the first punch, in a long history of fist throws against each other (figurative). Not too many right wing folks have an issue condemning the proud boys. However, it is without question, people bring up proud boys to distract away from antifa's actions. suzzer99 tried to do it to me, a few minutes ago, and now you are trying to do it to me.

Everyone should condemn antifa's actions, as they really are counter-productive and toxic, irrelevant of the purported racist they target (ADL says they attack non-racist right wing gatherings). That's not what you get though, or is it what you are doing. Do you really think it's needed that people constantly have to yell "racist people are the worse thing in the world" in every thread, and that be the only important message?
So you disagree with the ADL then? Is it not fair to reject the equivalence being drawn when someone says this with regards to antifa:

The mirroring of violent outbursts from incels

The mirror of far left and right ideology resulting in intolerance escalating to violence
That is from the first post in this thread and is very explicitly attempting to draw the equivalence that is mentioned in that ADL piece. Should we have just left JV to continue going down that path?

As I already stated, I don't agree with some of the actions taken by antifa but anyone trying to lump them together with far-right groups can't go unchallenged.
08-27-2019 , 05:16 PM
Originally Posted by Kelhus999
I have certainly made a lot of posts in this thread, but it isn't because I see Antifa as some sort of existential threat. Most of my criticism has been towards posters ITT who support political violence and the city of Portlands seeming antipathy towards it.
It's weird that someone so woke about how the elite are using these issues to pit us against each other would be so adamant that the people people make public proclamations about these distractions.
08-27-2019 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by Willd
Since you make such a big deal about the specifics of JV's posts earlier I assume you can quote examples of people saying this?
Originally Posted by MrWookie
I am unconvinced that Ngo was, in fact, a victim of a crime. You're begging the question.

There are a significant number of posters in this thread who are completely sympathetic to the violence perpetrated against Ngo and see nothing wrong with it. It is what it is. The claim I made to Suzzer is completely justified.
08-27-2019 , 05:33 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
It's weird that someone so woke about how the elite are using these issues to pit us against each other would be so adamant that the people people make public proclamations about these distractions.
Your holding water for your "tribemates" who are sympathetic towards political violence, which you have already said you don't approve of, is noted.

Tribalism all the way down.

1 million years of evolution and nothing has really changed. Human nature is undefeated.
08-27-2019 , 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by Kelhus999

There are a significant number of posters in this thread who are completely sympathetic to the violence perpetrated against Ngo and see nothing wrong with it. It is what it is. The claim I made to Suzzer is completely justified.
It seems like you're doing exactly what you criticising everyone for doing with regards to JV earlier. None of those posts say that anyone who committed an assault shouldn't be prosecuted. You're making an assumption about their position because they aren't sympathetic to the victim, in basically the same way that people assume JV agrees with far right groups because he's sympathetic to the propagandist who supports them.

Personally I don't have any sympathy for Ngo but I do think anyone the people who assaulted Ngo should be tried if he wants to press charges, which isn't clear at the moment.
08-27-2019 , 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by Kelhus999

There are a significant number of posters in this thread who are completely sympathetic to the violence perpetrated against Ngo and see nothing wrong with it. It is what it is. The claim I made to Suzzer is completely justified.
Ngo sat outside while his Patriot Prayer buddies plotted an unprovoked attack on a bar that left a woman's neck broken. That makes him an accomplice. He should be arrested and charged with assault. Black kids get sent up the river for life for much less.

Here's the video, which was apparently enough to get him fired at a racist newspaper (although they say it was just a coincidence):

Then he doxxed that woman on top of it. I can understand why some of her friends wanted to beat the **** out of him when they got the chance.

I'm never going to cry about him getting punched - any more than you cry about someone in antifa getting attacked with a hammer out of the blue. You see antifa as the enemy so you don't care if they get attacked. I see it the other way around.

Last edited by suzzer99; 08-27-2019 at 05:48 PM.
08-27-2019 , 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by Willd
It seems like you're doing exactly what you criticising everyone for doing with regards to JV earlier. None of those posts say that anyone who committed an assault shouldn't be prosecuted. You're making an assumption about their position because they aren't sympathetic to the victim, in basically the same way that people assume JV agrees with far right groups because he's sympathetic to the propagandist who supports them.

Personally I don't have any sympathy for Ngo but I do think anyone the people who assaulted Ngo should be tried if he wants to press charges, which isn't clear at the moment.
This has nothing to do with sympathy to NGO or not. It has everything to do with sympathy towards the political violence and belief it is justified.

The posters I brought up have made it very clear they are sympathetic to the violence and don’t condone it at all.
