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The 2k20 debates thread! The 2k20 debates thread!

10-01-2020 , 10:26 AM
Originally Posted by Rococo
Of course not. If anything, that was Chris Wallace putting the ball on a tee for Trump. If I had been Trump, and Chris Wallace had asked me before the debate whether I wanted him to ask that question, I would have said, "please do." Trump's inability to make contact when the ball is sitting on a tee isn't some sort of victory for Biden supporters. It's a loss for the entire country.

Trump's inability to do think of anything in terms of what's good for the country has been on display for his entire presidency. He's not even capable of faking empathy.
10-01-2020 , 10:27 AM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
Chris Wallace doesn't even bother me that much. He's a far cry from the Fox opinion people. But yeah, it's absolutely absurd to characterize him as some sort of puppet for the Democratic party, much less the progressive wing of the Democratic party.
10-01-2020 , 10:27 AM
Originally Posted by lozen
The funny thing about everyone not American watching the debates. We all watched it as we new it be entertaining as a whole. America is a reality series and you just keep adding new twists and turns.
We all get that Trump was gonna be Trump But when your other candidates best expectations is that he is coherent and does not screw up. We go that is your best after you had Hilary given a slam dunk easy lay up and blew it.
Its almost as if you deserve 4 more years of Trump.
I watch UK sessions of parliament streams, especially Prime Minister's questions sessions, with the same kind of fascination.
10-01-2020 , 10:34 AM
Originally Posted by Rococo
Chris Wallace doesn't even bother me that much. He's a far cry from the Fox opinion people. But yeah, it's absolutely absurd to characterize him as some sort of puppet for the Democratic party, much less the progressive wing of the Democratic party.
Chris Wallace is by far one of the best news guys out there and unless they change the rules that will be the best you get.

Its not like CNN has its Tuckers and Hannity's
10-01-2020 , 10:37 AM
Originally Posted by grizy
I watch UK sessions of parliament streams, especially Prime Minister's questions sessions, with the same kind of fascination.
Man, I miss Bercow. Highly recommend Bercow compilations on youtube.
10-01-2020 , 11:19 AM
Originally Posted by bundy5
Does the asking of the question in itself be viewed as a victory for the biden supporters?
There's was a whole section of the debate about "violence and racism in American cities" which could be viewed as a win for Trump since it's basically setting up law and order on a tee, and Biden went along with it and did reasonably well. The 'got to cover both sides' of that was always going to be "whatabout Trump and white supremists?" So Trump gets to talk about how violence in the streets and feckless Democratic mayors for a good 15 minutes in exchange for answering one softball question, and he whiffs on it.
10-01-2020 , 01:03 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
The funny thing about everyone not American watching the debates. We all watched it as we new it be entertaining as a whole. America is a reality series and you just keep adding new twists and turns.
We all get that Trump was gonna be Trump But when your other candidates best expectations is that he is coherent and does not screw up. We go that is your best after you had Hilary given a slam dunk easy lay up and blew it.
Its almost as if you deserve 4 more years of Trump.
Every once in a while dad doesn't come home drunk and slap ma around.

It's always a good day.
10-01-2020 , 01:22 PM
As evil is the fact Trump could not even denounce the proud boys . Why can't Biden denounce Antifa? The FBI has them on a watch list as well.
10-01-2020 , 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
The funny thing about everyone not American watching the debates. We all watched it as we new it be entertaining as a whole. America is a reality series and you just keep adding new twists and turns.

We all get that Trump was gonna be Trump But when your other candidates best expectations is that he is coherent and does not screw up. We go that is your best after you had Hilary given a slam dunk easy lay up and blew it.

Its almost as if you deserve 4 more years of Trump.
Throw Sanders in there as a very close 2nd candidate behind Biden and we have an even more humdinger of an election this time around.
10-01-2020 , 01:33 PM
Originally Posted by Shifty86
Has Joe Biden disavowed the endorsement from Richard Spencer yet?
Yes. Within hours of it being made

And even Spencer was saying “obviously republicans align well with me on race issues but they are just too incompetent to handle things like healthcare or covid that aren’t just about race, immigration etc.”
10-01-2020 , 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
As evil is the fact Trump could not even denounce the proud boys . Why can't Biden denounce Antifa? The FBI has them on a watch list as well.
There is no "them". Trump's own FBI director literally said 2 weeks ago that antifa is an ideology not an organization.

Which really messes with Trump because drumming up fear of the antifa boogeyman is absolutely crucial to his and the far-right's strategy.
10-01-2020 , 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by bundy5
Throw Sanders in there as a very close 2nd candidate behind Biden and we have an even more humdinger of an election this time around.
Sanders wasn’t a close 2nd. He was much closer in 2016 (though still not all that close) and Clinton was a much closer second in 08. He got about as close as Cruz did in 2016.
10-01-2020 , 02:23 PM
The ANTIFA website now redirects to Bidens campaign page with the option to donate and my Facebook feed is full of Republicans calling this out as Biden being shady and full of **** when ANTIFA is guaranteed to endorse the not-Trump candidate and Biden likely has nothing to do with it at all
10-01-2020 , 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
Sanders wasn’t a close 2nd. He was much closer in 2016 (though still not all that close) and Clinton was a much closer second in 08. He got about as close as Cruz did in 2016.
Talking about having two old guys as the democrats main contenders for the nomination.
10-01-2020 , 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by coordi
The ANTIFA website now redirects to Bidens campaign page with the option to donate and my Facebook feed is full of Republicans calling this out as Biden being shady and full of **** when ANTIFA is guaranteed to endorse the not-Trump candidate and Biden likely has nothing to do with it at all
What antifa website? I feel 99% sure antifa does not have a website.
10-01-2020 , 02:39 PM

Benghazi: Bullshit Mountain's finest hour.
10-01-2020 , 02:43 PM
~350yrs of oppression vs Couple white people get uncomfortable and it's the end of the world/reverse racism and this needs to stop--immediately
10-01-2020 , 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
Sanders wasn’t a close 2nd. He was much closer in 2016 (though still not all that close) and Clinton was a much closer second in 08. He got about as close as Cruz did in 2016.
Sanders lost the rigged primary. The Dems then lost then WH.

10-01-2020 , 03:01 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
What antifa website? I feel 99% sure antifa does not have a website.
Then someone is spreading propaganda by having antifa com direct to
10-01-2020 , 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by coordi
Then someone is spreading propaganda by having antifa com direct to

Breaking down the domain's history

A search through the digital internet archive Wayback Machine reveals the domain has existed since 1999, although no content appears until Dec. 4, 2000. It is unclear who registered the domain, but the content appears to be a predominantly European anti-fascist newsletter available in English and Dutch.

The domain lapsed. It was renewed April 24, 2002, according to domain registration databases and the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers Lookup. It was never made into an active website.

On Nov. 21, 2008, the domain was offered for $14,410 and remained on sale until May 6, 2017, at which point, a blank page replaced the sale offer. The blank page persisted until another "domain for sale" notice appeared Aug. 10, 2019.

The website was probably bought before or around May 31. Twitter user The Rude Pundit noticed the domain's sale price was nearly $37,000.

"We Are Antifa: Join Us & Take Action," declares text at the top of the home page. Hashtags sympathetic to George Floyd and the Black Lives Matter movement are also visible. Below, a symbol used by the original anti-fascist group, Antifaschistische Aktion, founded by the Communist Party of Germany in 1932, appears in red, black and white.

Biden's site gets tied to antifa

Traffic redirecting to began around Aug. 8 before stopping Aug. 13.

On Aug. 16, the domain resumed but forwarded instead to a website called "It's Going Down."

On Aug. 21, traffic redirected to, which was being forwarded to On Aug. 22, it went back to "It's Going Down"; and on Aug. 28, it returned to before settling on on Aug. 31.
Pretty much - sounds like the domain has never been in use and could very well be some kind of false flag right now. Pretty sure no one in antifa has $37k. They are some broke MFers.
10-01-2020 , 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by John21
I doubt race relations factors much into the calculus of potential swing voters. Trump's good at throwing out diversionary red herrings he knows the left will obsess over but carry little weight for those who may or may not vote for him. He did the same thing back in 2016 with immigration, which is basically a non-issue in this election. Trump's handling of COVID is his main liability with those voters. So he's probably thinking as long as the media is talking about something those voters don't really care that much about even though they might say they do (race relations) and not about the things they do (dying), all the better his chances.
I'm not really making a prediction about how undecided voters are likely to break. Rather, I'm saying that pollster likely voter models are probably less accurate this cycle because of the potential for the lockdown to change voter behavior. Thus, an 8-point polling lead for Biden is less predictive of him actually winning than it would be in a normal election because of the greater variance.

As for whether specific issues like COVID, the economy, race relations, crime etc becoming more salient is likely to push undecided voters towards one or the other candidate - sure, there are plausible stories there, but I tend to be more of a random walk guy with a bias towards reversion to the mean regarding future changes in polling. I'm skeptical that pundits or regular people have any special insight here that overcomes confirmation bias this close to an election. More relevantly, I have no reason to think these specific issues would cause polls to be less accurate than normal (unlike with the lockdown).
10-01-2020 , 03:29 PM
A play, in three acts:

"Biden is cancelling the debates. I won the debate. I should cancel the debates"

lmao imagine being dumb enough to support this guy
10-01-2020 , 03:35 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
There is no "them". Trump's own FBI director literally said 2 weeks ago that antifa is an ideology not an organization.

Which really messes with Trump because drumming up fear of the antifa boogeyman is absolutely crucial to his and the far-right's strategy.
To say antifa is not an organization is not to say it doesn't exist, but that it doesn't have a clear hierarchy or leadership structure. If Biden thinks it is an ideology, then Wallace should press him on what this ideology says and whether its permissive attitude towards lawlessness and violence is justified.
10-01-2020 , 03:40 PM

Apparently, lots of voters don't actually know who the President of the United States really is and are immediately turned off when forced to watch him in his element
10-01-2020 , 04:28 PM
Originally Posted by Original Position
To say antifa is not an organization is not to say it doesn't exist, but that it doesn't have a clear hierarchy or leadership structure. If Biden thinks it is an ideology, then Wallace should press him on what this ideology says and whether its permissive attitude towards lawlessness and violence is justified.
Seems like Biden covered all bases with a blanket condemnation of violence when protesting.
