Originally Posted by caseIIclosed
The studies I have seen seem to indicate that raising min wage does not impact unemployment.
It's not hard at all. Just don't provide tax cuts to rich people. If anything, raise taxes on them. We know trickle down economics is a scam.
Working class people are the most productive, not the wealthy. Come on.
Studies and facts do not matter for baham and its cohort .
And even worst they just can’t provide any studies that what they say it’s true !
It’s all about the narrative of what they want to be true instead of what it is true .
Hence u end up with the classification of the reality of what works and what’s not which republicans OWN ( not dominate but literally owns ) the bottomless of income in the US .
Republicans policies end up much poorer than other policies they are against of.
I guess they still didn’t eat ***** enough to pursue bad policies to this day , shrug .
At one point a light bulb might lighten up .