Originally Posted by Karl_TheOG_Marx
I'm cool with anybody that wants to go ahead and vote for Democrats. All good. Again, I freely admit they're slightly less evil than the GOP. I just don't want to be lectured at (you're not doing this; I'm speaking in general) if I do not personally choose to cast one symbolic, solitary vote that has a 99.999% chance of having no impact on... anything.
This happens every cycle. Personally, I'm eagerly awaiting a time in which the upcoming election is not "THE MOST IMPORTANT ELECTION OF OUR LIVES".
On a related note, all the Republicans, right-wing Democrats, general contrarians/cranks, and others who are rending their garments at the idea of Trump destroying American democracy, while THE LAST GOP PRESIDENT BEFORE HIM USED THE SUPREME COURT TO STEAL THE ELECTION, is the height of hypocrisy. We still had votes after ol' Dubya got them to stop the count in 2000.
Originally Posted by caseIIclosed
This kind of talk just trivializes reality. It's a way for you to insulate yourself from having to actually deal with what's happening.
Shitty little one-liner that doesn't address any point. You're killing it.
So, how am I supposed to "actually deal with what's happening"? I'm just a random citizen with no power. Do you share the Republican idea of "oh, all you randos should just STOP PAYING ATTENTION to politics and focus on yourself and your family. You'll be happier not checking the news every day!"
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
These guys would be so much happier as soccer hooligans or something. The world needs a space for tribal middle-aged guys to vent their frustration and the boring adult world of retail politics is a poor fit for them.
What tribe am I in? I'm not a Democrat, or a Republican. I'm not a member of any political party. I'm kind of a Marxist; I admit I identified myself as such, but I don't interact with Marxists much at all, it's just the ideology that is closest to mine. The person ITT with the closest ideology to mine is Victor, and I disagree with him plenty, including some of the stuff he's saying here.
All the people who vote straight line ticket for decades on end, they're not tribal, no way, I'm sure we can agree on that. I'm much more tribal than them. Nevermind that I have no tribe to begin with.
Don't feel the need to address any of these points which refute your dumb little Bill Maher-style quip. I get that substantive discussion isn't your bag.