Originally Posted by AlsknBulWm
Hi Chris,
I don't have an opinion on the font size, but the new font (nicknames, chip counts, rank/stack metrics in bottom left) are really fuzzy with the new bold font. I tried to take a screenshot of what I'm talking about, but the tables disappear when using either the "Print Screen" function or the Snipping Tool (Windows 10).
Can we have an option to go back to the old font? I thought my eyes were just tired but every window I have open in other applications looks perfectly fine.
You probably have scale DPI enabled after chico Update.
I heard some people have this issue, it randomly enabled.
Go to Settings/Video/Scale DPI scroll down and make sure you have `System/100%` not smth like 150% or whatever enabled there at the bottom in video section.
Shrift fonts need to be larger tho as default. So again please do that.