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Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included) Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included)

04-15-2011 , 08:06 PM
Originally Posted by TiredOfWorking
Default Server: home

Server: home

Non-authoritative answer:

Server: home

Non-authoritative answer:

Whois return Isle of Man. I guess the website aren't based in the USA.

Question is now :

How USA can block an ISLE of MAN website to a CANADIAN user ?

It looks like a DNS redirection to me. How in hell can USA do that ? Who can have this power ? If China declare illegal can they redirect their adress for the whole world ?
Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included) Quote
04-15-2011 , 08:06 PM
anyone want to move to canada with me? seriously.

Just live in a poker bro house together.

dead serious.
Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included) Quote
04-15-2011 , 08:07 PM
Please upvote this story on Reddit to bring more attention to it.
Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included) Quote
04-15-2011 , 08:07 PM
Sounds like the government just wants its money. If that wasn't the case, why would Bodog, cake and other sites have been left off the hit list? Probably because there isnt enough money there to make it worthwhile.

Another thing Im curious about is, why not UB if AP got hit?
Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included) Quote
04-15-2011 , 08:08 PM
Zorfox, you are my hero
Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included) Quote
04-15-2011 , 08:10 PM
Originally Posted by GetMoney86
Also on the boy genius page........SEE ALSO "10 NFL players arrested since lockout"......

Will there a be a headline in the near future that says " Xnumber online poker pros arrested since FBI seizure"?
If they wanted to make a point and arrest US players, they would have grabbed someone like Cada or Moneymaker by now.
Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included) Quote
04-15-2011 , 08:12 PM
Damn FTP. Their support just told me my cashout of $850 was frozen.

I am still able to play on PokerView without any issues. Anyone else play on there?
Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included) Quote
04-15-2011 , 08:13 PM
panicked and made a few snap withdrawals. none of them have processed yet. would it be safer to just email them and cancel it??
Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included) Quote
04-15-2011 , 08:13 PM
Originally Posted by am_man
Sounds like the government just wants its money. If that wasn't the case, why would Bodog, cake and other sites have been left off the hit list? Probably because there isnt enough money there to make it worthwhile.

Another thing Im curious about is, why not UB if AP got hit?
makes sense considering that bodog is a sportsbook and has repeated told the us govt to go **** themselves
Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included) Quote
04-15-2011 , 08:13 PM
Originally Posted by iopq
I'm moving out of this ****hole country
I'm with ya. Where are we going?? Australia? Canada? Switzerland?
Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included) Quote
04-15-2011 , 08:15 PM
Originally Posted by Masq
They're not based in the US, i'm in UK. I don't see what jurisdiction they have. But I really don't know what to make of it, maybe they're going to get fined so big and go bankrupt in which case I should take the money off. Any other opinions on this? I'm not generally one to err on the side of caution but i'd rather not have money locked up.
I think the rest of the worlds money is safe but I don't know this and unless you know your money is safe on stars it would be wise to cash a portion of it because you can always redeposit it.
Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included) Quote
04-15-2011 , 08:15 PM
At least the repubs never enforced the law. This is Eric Holder, OBAMA'S boy in the justice dept. Be sure and send OBAMA your thank you note next election.
Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included) Quote
04-15-2011 , 08:16 PM
Originally Posted by okuaptoh
This is what happens when conservatives make decisions they think are best for you. LOL Telling us what to do and how we can or can't spend our money. What a bunch of hypocrites.
This +1,000,000.

Any poker player who ever votes Republican does so with the full knowledge they are voting for the people who are outlawing you. And maybe the PPA should take that into consideration for being trotted out at CPAC and other conservative shindigs. Sure, those folks love to hang with Raymer and the rest, but they will never vote against their base to make online poker regulated and legal.
Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included) Quote
04-15-2011 , 08:17 PM
Originally Posted by okuaptoh
This is what happens when conservatives make decisions they think are best for you. LOL Telling us what to do and how we can or can't spend our money. What a bunch of hypocrites.
Conservatives? This statement is so dumb it's almost not worthy of a response, but...

I don't believe that President Obama or his justice dept. are filled with conservatives. If Obama didn't want this pursued (no matter when the case was actually started) he could kill it in a second. Please take a wider view of this.

Also, let's not forget that we all knew this was coming. If you didn't you were fooling yourselves. That doesn't mean by any means am i happy about this, just realistic.
Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included) Quote
04-15-2011 , 08:18 PM
Originally Posted by chrisj_bsc
I think the rest of the worlds money is safe but I don't know this and unless you know your money is safe on stars it would be wise to cash a portion of it because you can always redeposit it.
does anyone here remember Noriega and Escobar like at all?
Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included) Quote
04-15-2011 , 08:18 PM
In the UK and cashed out some money. Left a bit on the site.
Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included) Quote
04-15-2011 , 08:19 PM
Okay...I cashed out $5,000 on the 8th. On the 13th is said it was been processed and will appear withing my bank accountin 3-5 days. What are the odds I see this money? Hopefully a good chance since it was been "processed" instead of "processing"
Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included) Quote
04-15-2011 , 08:19 PM
Originally Posted by TimM
If you can't get to the site's website, some functions of the client may not work.

Maybe there is some way to edit your hosts file to override the DNS hijack. Does anyone know the last good IP addresses for the sites?
Using a web proxy, I got to the site. The main page replaced the logo banner with the one, which is very disheartening. The rest of the site, blogs, etc, still have the logo. It kinda looks like they are going to throw us under the bus here.
Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included) Quote
04-15-2011 , 08:19 PM
Originally Posted by pensivity1
Long-time reader, figured i'd chime in on the big news today.

First, I don't like the precedent being set, that is, the government can just come in and shut down access to specific content. I've seen this happening a lot lately, and I don't like it. Makes me think I'm living in China or some other country where freedoms aren't as heralded.

Second, good and finally! These companies have been operating outside the law for a long time now. And while i'm not expressing my opinion on whether the gambling laws are right or even apply here, I have to say I'm glad this happened. This forum is LITTERED w/ problems relating to Pokerstars and Fulltilt confiscating money and treating its customers like dirt. Why? B/c, by default they have an enormous market presence due to compliance by the other major players (i.e. Partypoker). Pokerstars have been treating their players like dirt because they KNEW they could. I am empathetic to those who have money tied up, but, as for the sites themselves, well deserved.

The major winners in this are sites such as Party Poker. They were the big players before the laws took effect and i think by complying have demonstrated they can operate w/in a regulated framework. The sites that exited had great customer service, were honest, accountable (to some extent), and in my opinion, were what made online poker great. Hopefully, at some level, online poker will be regulated. But, for the time being, let us rejoice.
Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included) Quote
04-15-2011 , 08:19 PM
for what its worth i was able to cashout just a few minutes ago, not that i am confident i will see the funds anytime soon, like many others,my bank informed me yesterday and today that all the checks i have deposited in last 14 days have bounced.
does anyone have any thoughts about the viability of setting up a bank account outside the states but still playing online while physically inside the us on the international account?
Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included) Quote
04-15-2011 , 08:20 PM
And what was their explanation of the frozen state?
Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included) Quote
04-15-2011 , 08:20 PM
Originally Posted by tgrshark13
This +1,000,000.

Any poker player who ever votes Republican does so with the full knowledge they are voting for the people who are outlawing you. And maybe the PPA should take that into consideration for being trotted out at CPAC and other conservative shindigs. Sure, those folks love to hang with Raymer and the rest, but they will never vote against their base to make online poker regulated and legal.

This isn't the Republicans doing this, or conservatives. UIGEA was passed when Frist slipped it in to the Port bill, after Harrahs bought him off.

This is the Obama Justice dept deciding to prosecute all of a sudden. They don't prosecute the Black Panthers in an open and shut voter intimidation case, yet they prosecute this.

Anyone who votes for that knucklehead is an idiot.
Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included) Quote
04-15-2011 , 08:20 PM
"Wynn pulls out of alliance with PokerStars, while Fertittas says theirs was contingent on Full Tilt getting a gambling license." -@oskargarcia
Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included) Quote
04-15-2011 , 08:23 PM
Originally Posted by tgrshark13
This +1,000,000.

Any poker player who ever votes Republican does so with the full knowledge they are voting for the people who are outlawing you. And maybe the PPA should take that into consideration for being trotted out at CPAC and other conservative shindigs. Sure, those folks love to hang with Raymer and the rest, but they will never vote against their base to make online poker regulated and legal.
FYI, this is OBAMA's Justice Department that is doing this, be sure and thank your great messiah Barack, who I am sure you voted for with your bleeding heart, for this mess.
Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included) Quote
04-15-2011 , 08:24 PM
i did an echeck cashout at like 4pm from pokerstars, it went through at that time & its pending now. im in illinois. i wonder what the odds are itll ever actually get to my bank acct and remain there. of course this blockage has to come when i was destroying people online & actually making decent money.

the somewhat unusual thing is that when i made my last withdrawal like 4-6 weeks ago i only had a physical check option, and today when i did it the echeck was available. the check i deposited hasnt been reversed or anything, so if these checks are being reversed at some banks, or something, maybe i got mine in before that started happening.

hopefully at worst this will be like the neteller situation where people eventually got their money, i cant remember now how long it finally took.

on a curiosity note, i wonder what the entrant # for the wsop will be this year, like 1/2 or less than previously? are all the online pros that make a complete living from online poker going to move overseas asap. anyone from dwan down to someone who makes like 5k a month online. how can they stay in the usa otherwise.

the casinos have to be loving this, this weekend im sure will have a record turnout for them, and for the foreseeable future.
Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included) Quote
