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PokerStars Sit & Go Changes:  Effective May 6th, 2011 PokerStars Sit & Go Changes:  Effective May 6th, 2011

05-06-2011 , 07:38 PM
Most of this has been stated already, but here goes:

- Early blind structures are indeed slower. The jump from 25/50 to 50/100 was overdue a revamp. But beyond the 100/200/25 stage the steep jumps with short time intervals are just a recipe for destroying the endgame of MTSNGs. Add some more levels post-antes please, perhaps lose some of the early levels (hint: nobody would miss the 10/20 level!).

- While there have been lots of demands for some standardisation of the buyins and % rake contributions, NOBODY wanted an increase in rake! Telling a $16 18-man grinder who's now reduced to playing $10.85 or $21.90 that the rake has dropped for some higher levels so the net effect is actually a reduction, is disingenuous at best and insulting at worst.

- I know it's the first day of the changes but for the love of God, get someone to have a serious look at the SNG lobbies and tidy things up a bit. It's an unholy mess right now and the recreational players must be wondering wtf is going on. Simple is good.
PokerStars Sit & Go Changes:  Effective May 6th, 2011 Quote
05-06-2011 , 07:39 PM
It is pathetic you rake the $1 sngs 20% (and no I don't play those personally)
I understand rake lowers as one moves up in stakes, but would it kill you to set it at 15% for the poorest players on the site?

edit: adding hyper turbos is cool though.

Last edited by Maso777; 05-06-2011 at 07:48 PM.
PokerStars Sit & Go Changes:  Effective May 6th, 2011 Quote
05-06-2011 , 07:42 PM
Originally Posted by Fellony
What happened to Fixed Limit HU S'n'G? Why did you remove 300$ limit? Nonsense.
And new structure is awful. Stars added 100-200 instead of 80-160 and it become more dispersive. But they left useless 10-20 blinds, which doesn't cause any influence on game but take a lot of time to play.
And where is 2k,5k limits?

and please add more tables at one limit, because if u dont want play hu with man who seated on hu sng u can often forget register when table are free.. sorry for my english
PokerStars Sit & Go Changes:  Effective May 6th, 2011 Quote
05-06-2011 , 07:50 PM
Originally Posted by JechtSphere
The Fifty50 blind structure was fine as it was. It was the structure you are all seeing now at other SNG formats, except antes started at t80 rather than t200. Now, the Fifty50 is in the same boat as other formats, with this standardized structure. I, for one, am strongly in favor of antes in my games. It forces action and makes games that much more interesting to play. It's why I transitioned from 9mans to Double or Nothings when they were introduced, and it's why I played the Fifty50s when Double or Nothings were removed.

The games will now last longer than they previously did, and not only does this increased game length not add any element of gameplay but it actually reduces strategic elements due to the removal of antes from the earliest levels. There is less to fight for, thus there is less reason to play hands in these early levels. The Fifty50 format has been one of the very most popular formats on Stars as of late, and will likely continue to be as such despite this change. However the appeal of the format, personally, has been removed. There now exists no format that appeals to me other than the ante-heavy hyper-turbos, which are spread as high as the $5 level.

This change, combined with the absolutely atrocious rake decisions at other formats, has caused me to call into question my own path with poker. I had originally intended to obtain SNE this year, with a goal of 1.5m points in mind. I was well on my way with that path despite the removal of my previous game of choice, but now another fork has been placed in the road.

Stars has, today, made clear to me what their intentions are here on out. The player's voice is no longer echoed in their decisions, which is a sign of decline for all parties involved.

Standardizing rake, had it been the welcome and much needed decrease across the board as many individuals were anticipating, would have unquestionably been a great thing. Instead we are slapped with back-handed suggestions that this is in our best interests.

This is very much on point.
+1 Removing the antes from Fifty50s while keeping the rake will mean less edge and thus games where its breakeven at best 30$+.
PokerStars Sit & Go Changes:  Effective May 6th, 2011 Quote
05-06-2011 , 07:52 PM
how could stars lower the rake, there a business, less rake less profit, more rake more profit, simple. but stars is to greedy they are running a computer game just like EA, but charging casino style rake. you should be able to buy pokerstars just like any other game for 50 dollar and play with no rake.
PokerStars Sit & Go Changes:  Effective May 6th, 2011 Quote
05-06-2011 , 07:54 PM
Originally Posted by LostOstrich
Most of this has been stated already, but here goes:

- Early blind structures are indeed slower. The jump from 25/50 to 50/100 was overdue a revamp. But beyond the 100/200/25 stage the steep jumps with short time intervals are just a recipe for destroying the endgame of MTSNGs. Add some more levels post-antes please, perhaps lose some of the early levels (hint: nobody would miss the 10/20 level!).

- While there have been lots of demands for some standardisation of the buyins and % rake contributions, NOBODY wanted an increase in rake! Telling a $16 18-man grinder who's now reduced to playing $10.85 or $21.90 that the rake has dropped for some higher levels so the net effect is actually a reduction, is disingenuous at best and insulting at worst.

- I know it's the first day of the changes but for the love of God, get someone to have a serious look at the SNG lobbies and tidy things up a bit. It's an unholy mess right now and the recreational players must be wondering wtf is going on. Simple is good.

^^^ Post pretty much nails everything (except for losing the 10/20 level )
PokerStars Sit & Go Changes:  Effective May 6th, 2011 Quote
05-06-2011 , 07:59 PM
Originally Posted by wandramp
how could stars lower the rake, there a business, less rake less profit, more rake more profit, simple. but stars is to greedy they are running a computer game just like EA, but charging casino style rake. you should be able to buy pokerstars just like any other game for 50 dollar and play with no rake.
PokerStars Sit & Go Changes:  Effective May 6th, 2011 Quote
05-06-2011 , 08:00 PM
Originally Posted by Sharpbettor
The blind structure became really awfull - cause when u reach 100-200 no more game here only luck, 80-160 level was much better.
PokerStars Sit & Go Changes:  Effective May 6th, 2011 Quote
05-06-2011 , 08:03 PM
Originally Posted by PrimordialAA
the LARGE majority of high raking / high stakes HU SNG players disagree with you here. The structure is fine, the lowered rake is great
NL HUsngs beautiful changes today (I would kill to be able to play on stars again). That being said these changes clearly f***ed a majority of players (micro-lowstakes sng grinders) and many of these games will probably verge on unbeatable. It also sounds like the FL HUsngs got killed (fellony and dfmb both hating on changes and they're the most notable regs really).

I'm surprised stars would be so disingenuous about these changes for such an extremely large percentage of the playerbase.
PokerStars Sit & Go Changes:  Effective May 6th, 2011 Quote
05-06-2011 , 08:05 PM
Originally Posted by Anssi A
Pokerstars, you should consider that players can easily get 60% rakeback on eu sites. Now that you have increased the rake for smaller limits, what makes you think people will stick with Stars which already has toughest games online?

It was said the other topic, but the way to go would have been something like 1+0.1, 5+0.3, 10+0.6, 20+1, 50+2.5, 100+5, 200+9. All around improvement that would be loved by players and would definately increase the traffic, would also allow people to move up. No one would have reason to play anywhere else. try that for week or two and see what happens.
This is all very noteworthy. Very strange line to take considering Americans are no longer a part of the market and very, very competitive rakeback programs are available almost across the board at smaller .eu sites, where the games stand to be softer as well.

I, too, assumed the new rake structures would look very similar to what Anssi has mentioned above.
PokerStars Sit & Go Changes:  Effective May 6th, 2011 Quote
05-06-2011 , 08:07 PM
Originally Posted by Anssi A
Pokerstars, you should consider that players can easily get 60% rakeback on eu sites. Now that you have increased the rake for smaller limits, what makes you think people will stick with Stars which already has toughest games online?
lol so true, ongame has similiar rake now, 50+4 , 20+2 =~~ 20+1.70, and i get 62.5% rakeback since day one (no need to pay 180k in rake like for SNE), if you do good at rakeraces or smth u can get 80%+

the only thing that keeps me at stars is software, but not going to play a single sng (except hypers if rake is max 2.5%) on pokerstars since today.
PokerStars Sit & Go Changes:  Effective May 6th, 2011 Quote
05-06-2011 , 08:07 PM
Pokerstars countdown to busto: 9, 8...

Next step: Rake 10% on cash games, capped on $15!

PokerStars Sit & Go Changes:  Effective May 6th, 2011 Quote
05-06-2011 , 08:09 PM
Originally Posted by wandramp
how could stars lower the rake, there a business, less rake less profit, more rake more profit, simple.
lol at thinking it's this simple.
PokerStars Sit & Go Changes:  Effective May 6th, 2011 Quote
05-06-2011 , 08:15 PM
I haven't played yet, so no comment on the blind structure, but one thing I am HATING is that in 6max SNGs, there are now multiple lobbies spawning instead of just one at each level. I HATE THIS. For one thing, I am positive that fish notice "hey there are 3 guys sitting in 20 lobbies each, hmm, they must be good maybe I won't play".

Also though, just now there were two $100+7s sitting there for almost 5 minutes not running, because one genius was sitting in one by himself, and the other one was missing one person to start. This is slowing down games filling, please put it back how it was, the wait for games to start has been annoying enough since Black Friday without this extra impediment.
PokerStars Sit & Go Changes:  Effective May 6th, 2011 Quote
05-06-2011 , 08:15 PM
Originally Posted by PokerStars Steve
Thank you all for taking the time to offer your feedback, both positive and negative. As stated in the OP, the intent of these changes is to make rake more consistent with the overall net effect for players being a very slight reduction.

There is significant negative feedback here. PokerStars will take some time to review this feedback in detail with open minds. Please allow some time for analysis but I will post here again to directly address the concerns that have been raised.

Please feel free to continue to post any and all thoughts about the changes as PokerStars will continue to monitor the thread.
Sir, as you can see nobody likes the new level structures + the 45s timebank, at least change these things if you are keeping the same rake.
PokerStars Sit & Go Changes:  Effective May 6th, 2011 Quote
05-06-2011 , 08:17 PM
Originally Posted by wandramp
how could stars lower the rake, there a business, less rake less profit, more rake more profit, simple. but stars is to greedy they are running a computer game just like EA, but charging casino style rake. you should be able to buy pokerstars just like any other game for 50 dollar and play with no rake.
lol I would gladly pay one thousand up front now if it meant never paying any rake again and i think I am not the only one here who would say that.

but the thing is pokerstars has there running costs there staff to pay and there game security etc. You can't buy world of war craft and just never pay again you have to pay a monthly fee. I do feel that the higher charges in tournament fee for sit and goes though puts me off playing on pokerstars. pokerstars has the best game availability and software which makes it attractive but they also have the toughest competition anywhere. Assuming we can find the same game availability else where with worse players we will head there.

Why do players stay loyal to poker stars then. My reason was that on other sites you couldn't get the same game availability. Cannot get 20 tables running at a time. plus there tournament fees were very competitive 40c on a $10 double or nothing was huge news. Thats why pokerstars maintained there edge. If the site now offer something which is the same as all the other sites rather then better than why stay with stars where everything else is equal but the games are harder.

If poker stars wants to keep its competitive edge in the current climate they have to offer significantly better rates otherwise it's in no ones interest to stay.
PokerStars Sit & Go Changes:  Effective May 6th, 2011 Quote
05-06-2011 , 08:18 PM
[QUOTE=LostOstrich;26461518]Most of this has been stated already, but here goes:

- While there have been lots of demands for some standardisation of the buyins and % rake contributions, NOBODY wanted an increase in rake! Telling a $16 18-man grinder who's now reduced to playing $10.85 or $21.90 that the rake has dropped for some higher levels so the net effect is actually a reduction, is disingenuous at best and insulting at worst.

+1 i couldn't have put it better myself. it's just absurd to lower the rake in sit n goes nobody plays and raise the rake in sit n goes everyone plays.

if you don't want to lower it that's fine just don't raise it because as a lot of people have said there's a lot of competition... right now even multitablers should search for another site in case changes stay like this (10 + tables), people that play less than 10 tables should definitely search something else. sites are offering BIG promotions/bonuses/deals because of black friday and you raise the rake?...
PokerStars Sit & Go Changes:  Effective May 6th, 2011 Quote
05-06-2011 , 08:18 PM
Originally Posted by Casatti
Pokerstars countdown to busto: 9, 8...
... 7, 6, 5 ...

PokerStars Sit & Go Changes:  Effective May 6th, 2011 Quote
05-06-2011 , 08:19 PM
Originally Posted by TAKE MANEY

the way the Stars Reps on this board talked about future changes of the rake on SnGs, no one expected that there would be turbos with more than 10% rake any more, maybe not even 8%

But 15 cent on 1$-turbos is pure raping, and 9 cent on 50c-turbos, wtf?
2 cent on 10cent-donkaments, lolol
Should be hard to be a star rep on 2+2. I've seen so much over expectation from every word they write here that is funny. This time people was even guessing about 50% reduction on rake. Delusional at minimal...

About this "nano" limits rake, you should look around and you will see that, they are now, not worse than in a lot of other rooms. I've seen 2c rake on 5c flips...

But I think the new rake will just kill micro limits... Seems to be unnoticed by a lot of 2+2s that micro players improved too. And while its not hard to have edge against most of them, an edge above 15% (to beat rake)is just too much to expect from amateur players...

The rake was competitive on micros as it was, but casual micro players get very little value from the VIP program, prob the worse on market even considering the lower rake... If this new rake is permanent, would be nice to see a change on the VIP program at least.

About the blinds structure, I didn't played this new one, but the one on fifty was just perfect IMHO, and I was expecting this would be the model when the changes were made.

just my $0.02...
PokerStars Sit & Go Changes:  Effective May 6th, 2011 Quote
05-06-2011 , 08:20 PM
Play some micro turbo's 45 (decide that this is fastest way to get "after black friday" bonus - they filled fast and not need much thinking in them). New blinds structure ok for this (i play $0.5 and $1) - actually i like it more than old, but 15-18% rake too big for turbo. Before this changes i saw peoples who build small bankroll playing this microturbo's, now i beleive its not the best way to do it(probably better play on other sites when u have less rake and big rakeback ). There not huge ROI even in micro in this turbo's, so 5-8% rake increase looks pretty thoughtless and unfair.

P.S. Sorry for broken english

P.P.S. 45s timebank in turbo - epic fail.

Last edited by Call4fun; 05-06-2011 at 08:27 PM. Reason: P.P.S.
PokerStars Sit & Go Changes:  Effective May 6th, 2011 Quote
05-06-2011 , 08:21 PM
blind structure for non-turbo sng $5.5/180 & $3.38/180 & $11/180 & $22/180 is awful.
look at the old $4.4/180 and make similar blind structure.
PokerStars Sit & Go Changes:  Effective May 6th, 2011 Quote
05-06-2011 , 08:23 PM
Originally Posted by rainbowsinthesky
Sir, as you can see nobody likes the new level structures + the 45s timebank, at least change these things if you are keeping the same rake.
yeah, way to ruin turbo FTs.

ps just hit multiple nails to the coffin today with increased rake%, slower structures... etc
PokerStars Sit & Go Changes:  Effective May 6th, 2011 Quote
05-06-2011 , 08:29 PM
Just calculated some numbers: To make it easy lets say u r playing a 6max sng, 1 Hand/minute

With the old structure (up to blinds 25/50 or 30/60 now, same amount of hands of course) you would have paid t225$ for the blinds, with the new one u pay t300$. That doesnt seem like a huge differnce...BUT:

Pots getting bigger early on, which means u have not that much room to maneuver as u had before --> less skill involved imo

I guess regs wont like that, and fish wont care about it anyway
PokerStars Sit & Go Changes:  Effective May 6th, 2011 Quote
05-06-2011 , 08:33 PM
Umm, Hi there, and hello.
I dont post here often, or ever for that fact. And I am sure, there are other examples of first time posters today, such as Fellony. I am just here to thank Stars for their changes. Me personally.. I only play HU games, and think the changes have been great thus far. For all of you complaining, I do feel bad on some level, but here is the thing OKKKKKK : Pokerstars does not really care, nor should they about the mid stake grinders who happen to be on 2+2. Do you really think their business model is sustained by the people who come on here once a day? The fact is, this is a multi million dollar company, who would not make said changes unless they knew profit was on the way. Fact is, most people who help Stars with their rake are just fish who comes and go and dont care about changes and just want to play. End of Story.
PokerStars Sit & Go Changes:  Effective May 6th, 2011 Quote
05-06-2011 , 08:36 PM
Pokerstars no longer is paying huge sums for US deposits so you have NO reason to increase rake since your overheads have decreased. The margins on SNGs are tiny as it is for players.

I hope people learn from the french and strike for a few days in protest if stars do the right thing.
PokerStars Sit & Go Changes:  Effective May 6th, 2011 Quote
