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Joint strike on the 1st–3rd of December .... (REGISTRATION), other Amaya/Stars protests Joint strike on the 1st–3rd of December .... (REGISTRATION), other Amaya/Stars protests

11-30-2015 , 06:37 PM
Im in.

LeSmit, 100-1k hyper 6max, 920k vpp atm
11-30-2015 , 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by sauce123
In for 1st-3rd, Sauce123 high stakes PLO/NL and mix
11-30-2015 , 06:46 PM
Hi guys, I'm a coordinator of the protest in russian community.

We lost TS of this topic

Official date of the protest:

Start: DEC 1 , 00:01 EST
End: DEC 4, 00:01 EST
(3 days, 72h)

Please inform another players and repost this information on the new pages. Thank you!
11-30-2015 , 06:51 PM
In. Dpeters17, Hsmtts, 300k vpps
11-30-2015 , 06:57 PM
In. milkybarkid. 1-10k PLO
11-30-2015 , 06:58 PM
In, goodeh99, HSMTTS 500z+,
11-30-2015 , 07:02 PM
In. Lrslzk, SNE, HSPLO.
11-30-2015 , 07:04 PM
List update pls?

2,000 yet?
11-30-2015 , 07:12 PM
Im in. Bullment, nl50 + mid stakes tourney
11-30-2015 , 07:16 PM
In. Anthonybond2. Up to $55 mtts and up to $15 sngs.
11-30-2015 , 07:16 PM
Yeah I'm in, not a huge addition but definitely willing to fight against greed.

ehpyX (10NL)
11-30-2015 , 07:19 PM
Wouldn't have played much regardless as traveling but count me in for the cashout

t8ofdiamonds - MTTs 60$ ABI
11-30-2015 , 07:25 PM
Hi all. I live i spain, and I want also to add my two cents. I just have read the thead now and I want to add myself to the strike, though I am amazed reading the list of players that have joined, not only for the quantity, but for his level. But I want to join also, at least symbolically (because I dont play high-stakes, neither I am so good) and to support an iniciative that touchs me very close, because just now my all earnings come from poker.

In Spain the thing was a lot worse (and I said "was", because now it will be the same in all the world), because since the new game regulation came in, the rake grew in a abusive way (substracting also rakeback, that is not equivalent to that of you can obtain in the .com site). This, in adition to de absurd idea of our goverment to permit only to play between spaniards, did that the big traffic became a very little traffic (ridiculous if we compare). That have influenced directly in the ROI, even now we cant play some games (in spain forget omaha, forget sits turbo, high-stakes, and now with the spins, you can forget in long term all the hypers). In this moment I play Hypers 6-max. In the .com I played 7$, but now I play 1€-5€, as normally you can find only 3-5 tables of each, if you are lucky, and the ROI is lower than before because of the reduced rakeback (and with more regulars per table).

The case in spain is that there was no union between players. The thing that is going here in your forum, and I am telling this because I woundnt like that it occurs the same to you, was the same that happened in spain when the regulation arrived. The spaniard players "joined" themselves in a spanish forum to convocate a strike as protest for the new adjust of the rake and the new VIP structure (and the whole regulation itself). The objective was that the traffic were minimum in the re-opening, and so, the site woudnt be even viable (that was that of happened with the other poker sites in fact: most of them wont renove their licences). But when it came the time of truth, since the first day, the site was plagued with regulars. The opening was a total success, even they exceeded the number of players in, that was opened earlier). Now I have read this by chance, and too late for to try to replicate this initiative in spain. Anyway, Im afraid that it would have been useless. The ones that support the last strike and would win a respectable amount, all of them have left the country, and those who stayed, didnt support the strike. I see clear that if any regular had not played, ps would have rectified (though we cant forget that then, they were not the same owners) and the situation now would be far better. Even it exists the posibility that they would be able to have pressed to the goverment (with not renewing the license) to open the border and to join to the international site (it woundnt have been a bluff, they come to earn money and we can see the result in several pokersites that will leave for the little traffic). But most of the regulars were salivating thinking that they would be alone against all the fishes, and so they were fishing in a barrel. Result: Zero success, absolute riduculous as the strike was announced in the forums, and the worse: they now know that they can do whatever they want, because the people recs+regs+pros will shut up their mouths and they will continue playing.

I only wanted to warn you about what happened here, with all respects, and that the same dont happen to all of you, as you from now will have a VIP similar system to spain, with a lower rakeback, and because of that, with games more diffucult to beat. Besides that, seeing that they won the battle, worse things will come. They can limit the number of tables, eliminate the hand history of some games (I read this in a spanish forum, that in a 2+2 post is rumored thet they can supress the hand history in hypers. I have search and I didnt find anything of this. Can someone clearing that?). And next year, we can be ready for a new rakeback cut, and many other things they will think along the way. Because they will know that all people, or the most, will continue playing anyway.

If players are united, of course that they can get things or greatly improve the situation, as in the past happened. Also a big group of joined players can achieve that another site give an aditional benefits for other players that want join to the room, as it could have a very large migration of players from now, and they wont know where to play. However, I want to add my opinion about the strike, despite I will support it, because I think that its not the whole solution.

If I am not welcome in a place, the solution is get out, as though I am going to earn money, I dont want even that the room earn money at my expense, while they are doing the life impossible for me until I leave. Because of that, the solution in mid term is, at least for me, to play in another place (and all of you have a much better situation, because you can play in much more sites. In spain, the other rooms have a ridiculous traffic)

There is a very clear thing: pokerstars, or i mean pokeramaya, it is not the same poker room. They are now in other hands, and the current owners have a very different ideas than previous. Before, they were careful with the regular player, or the winning player. And in fact, all of they got in the past is because of them. Now, the reg player, or anyone doing a cashout, is not welcome (and if he was playing for long time, it is time to show him the door). Whether is a wise idea or not, they already have decided it. Their objective is to retain all the recreational players (preferably sick gamblers) and to become the life impossible to the regular player in their pokerroom until he decide leave away. What we have seen so far is nothing (spins, casino+sportbetting, rakeback reduction, fraud and theft to the SN & SNE, breaking the agreement and taking away the promised for the next year, HUDs banned, software that now charh or lag, very slow and inefficient support, as the customer now doesnt matter...), all of this is only the beginning. But we can see what are now the points importants for them and which doesnt matter.

What amaya wants, is to convert the poker in a totally-gambing game and to appropiate of all recreational players, while helping them to lose his money faster in the slots-machines, and that ALL the regular players going to play to the rival rooms, because thinking that in that way, they will sink more, while retaining the piece of cake they are interested. They forget that this was precisely their success in the past, but that doesnt matter because they already have already taken a decision that they believe the right (of course, the right for a short-term): a player that make cashouts doesnt interest (dont mention a SNE, please). I hope that they not be right, and if the regs go away, the traffic will qrow a lot in other sites, and the brilliant minds of ps will sink themselves. Remember the Partypoker era, they were the pokerroom with more traffic, and in only a few years, all changed and spun around. Certainly that to be today in the top not means that tomorrow will be the same. Lets think also in the next american game regulation: since the online games be allowed, possibly will exist a much bigger cake, and that can change very much the scene. Lets think in Winamax, as in France is rumored that they can open the borders, becoming international to one site that in this moment, has a traffic of 40% bigger than Lets trust that another room placed in second or third (888, ipoker, party, ...) want to positioning in the top, with time, and bet for to care the regular players with a good VIP system. They only have to watch the past success of pokerstars and to do the same, besides having the advantage that the new owners have spun 180º their policy, so they wont have a competitor. And last but not least, if not the most important in my opinion, lets hope that all the winning players join themselves to achieve this common objective, and that they think in a long term, not thinking in short term (as in spain; yes, as a little defense of them, I know that they dont want revenge or problems with the ONLY room where we can play now in spain. I am not going to put my nick for that, but the solution is not remain quiet and doing nothing).

Because of that i am going to support the strike, and all of them in the future from now, but having the objective in mind that I will leave pokeramaya as soon as possible, or when there be more possible options (if I could play in another room, I would leave tomorrow). I would like that when the list of players be very large, we use the influence to get that another pokersite became as pokerstars was (and Im afraid that never more will be).

I would like to propose we can enumerate the conditions that we would be willing to accept. That will help us if we have success and if there is some kind of negotiation if they rectify (dreams are free), but even more important, for to propose it to other rooms. We can tell them, through a representative, that if they make a VIP system of type X (that of the players agreed, included a sort of SNE), there are a group of thousands of players ready to go right NOW to play in his site. I dont know if I am dreaming too much, but lets remember that all of us play multitable, and we are talking about one huge amount of daily rake. Lets remember also that in ripstars there wont be high-stakes (because no rakeback = no players) and many rooms would want to have high-stakes tables (and high-stakes rake). Also, if the rumour of a sort of VIP-elite in another site spreads, would cause a chain reaction between the players (not only the ones that now are SNE, there are many more that would want to be). I know that this is not something that is achieved overnight or tomorrow, or the next week. But I am convinced that if the players remain united, we can propose changes to other pokerrooms. They have nothing to lose and all to win, because the top room just now, probably wont be there in the future, if they, as appears, do the opposite that they did in the past. And the market can change a lot.

Last, I want to put a related example: the Merge rooms. I know them because it is one of the very few pokerrooms that permit spaniard players and it had a decent traffic. As in pokerstars in the past, they cared very much to the regular player, even they have sponsored some important spanish players in some of their skins. As a minimum, you was able to get a 35% of rakeback, but if you signed through a sponsored player, the deal was the 50%. In addition they had a very bad players in general, so the games were perfectly beatables. But all changed overnight, because they had the brilliant idea of COMPLETELY SUPRESS the VIP system. I hope thaw they are very happy with the minuscule traffic that they have now, after so interesting measures (before that, they were a site constantly growing). I mean with this that, though it can be other sites that join to that "new policy", there is already a case with catastrophic results. Maybe some other can do the opposite, after to see the consequences of who tried the same, and above all, if the same thing happens to pokerstars.

Thanks for reading and for the initiative.
Have a nice day (I mean, a nice THREE days)

In. ************ (hypers 6max 1-5€)
11-30-2015 , 07:26 PM
I'm In.


mid/high stakes mtt's
11-30-2015 , 07:30 PM
Originally Posted by hello1
make sure u withdraw your roll guys, and deposite on the 3rd using skrill/netteler, pokerstars get charged 3% on whatever u deposoite via skrill/netteler
for some reason i can only withdraw to my EUR account from my USD tab and vice versa. da **** is this?

wp amaya
11-30-2015 , 07:30 PM
I'm in.


PLO200 zoom

Supernova - 100% recreational, not a pro.
11-30-2015 , 07:31 PM
I am in. Borys313, 8.5M VPP lifetime, SNE 8 years in a row. Currently playing PLO 400-2k.
11-30-2015 , 07:34 PM
I am IN! Quitapesares (Pokerstars). Playing tournaments from 2005.

I love this game!!
11-30-2015 , 07:36 PM
Originally Posted by Borys313
8.5M VPP lifetime, SNE 8 years in a row.
That is ****ing sick
11-30-2015 , 07:39 PM
kalamitsis in over 1M vpps lifetime
11-30-2015 , 07:44 PM

mid/high stakes PLO
11-30-2015 , 07:47 PM
In, bagguz low-mid tourney rec player
11-30-2015 , 07:48 PM
In, luckbox47 (plo 50-200)
11-30-2015 , 07:49 PM
In, ba********, MTTs and NL 100 Zoom
11-30-2015 , 07:59 PM
In. zee-d0nk
