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Joint strike on the 1st–3rd of December .... (REGISTRATION), other Amaya/Stars protests Joint strike on the 1st–3rd of December .... (REGISTRATION), other Amaya/Stars protests

11-30-2015 , 03:03 PM
Hi, I am in. Doctore1414 on stars. PL 5card omaha 100$-600$.
11-30-2015 , 03:05 PM
Originally Posted by timex
As more absolute crushers join this strike, I think it becomes increasingly likely that say a good 3/6 reg gets to go profitably play 1 fish 25/50 lineups where they'd normally be a loser.

I haven't read every detail of this thread but I think it is a moderate annoyance if high stakes players ignore this strike and a MASSIVE problem when players decide to try financially capitalize off of it.
why would they, 3 days won't make up for all the $ they will lose next year if everyone thinks like they do...


SN: MartimC , thisyear-100z/200z/500z

Last edited by MartimC; 11-30-2015 at 03:13 PM.
11-30-2015 , 03:07 PM
Originally Posted by TimStone
Solid 5th poast
Tim, did us join the strike or you u warming up the script for a mammoth 72hr session?
11-30-2015 , 03:10 PM
Sucks to hear about this, I have been away from the game for quite a few years, just getting back into it, was never more than small stakes player, but just knowing Stars would mislead players like this so they bust their hump to hit SNE just to have the rewards taken away at the end, is a ****ing disgrace. Anyways count me me in ofc.

Ccour small stakes Mtt's
11-30-2015 , 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by MartimC
why sould they... if everyone thinks like they do...
The point being that clearly not everyone thinks like they do and individuals can capitalize through being selfish
11-30-2015 , 03:15 PM
im in. 25nl zoom reg and low-mid mtt. user: kiddpok**
11-30-2015 , 03:18 PM
i'm out because of milestone. in next year
11-30-2015 , 03:20 PM
in, purrrr8 nl200 zoom
11-30-2015 , 03:27 PM
Originally Posted by timex
The point being that clearly not everyone thinks like they do and individuals can capitalize through being selfish
As with many things in life we cannot control the actions of others -We can only take the path we believe to be the best for our own peace of mind -whatever that may be & those with a higher profile should be prepared to explain why they are striking and also those that are not should also explain why they are refusing to take part. Would it help to run a "Name & Shame" thread for any grinders that play ? I for one would not support that as to further divide the community helps no one in the end.Good Luck to all those boycotting.
11-30-2015 , 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by vor4mohs
i'm out because of milestone. in next year
do you mean you cant strike because you need to hit a milestone level ?
11-30-2015 , 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by lostinpoker
As with many things in life we cannot control the actions of others -We can only take the path we believe to be the best for our own peace of mind -whatever that may be & those with a higher profile should be prepared to explain why they are striking and also those that are not should also explain why they are refusing to take part. Would it help to run a "Name & Shame" thread for any grinders that play ? I for one would not support that as to further divide the community helps no one in the end.Good Luck to all those boycotting.
I don't think there is any issue with grinders playing to get SNE, pay bills, buy hookers and blow etc. I think the issue is that I fear a decent number of people will specifically capitalize off of this by upping volume, upping stakes etc. There may just be nothing we can do to stop this though
11-30-2015 , 03:36 PM
Originally Posted by timex
3) Likely some degree of shaming to regs within the community who decide to aggressively capitalize off of this (it just feels very unfortunate that some people will get their 3 most +EV days of the year just because they neglect the community)
Cool. If we are onit lets start shaming coaches, videoproducers, strategy poasters, book writers, pg, hudsellers etc. as well. Im fairly pissed that those guys aggressively capitalize off of this...
Ohhhwait, teh irony

Originally Posted by x_ROSH125_x
Tim, did us join the strike or you u warming up the script for a mammoth 72hr session?
Im striking since midseptember and in fact thought about making a comeback those 3 days but i cant be bothered to give them one moar cent of my precious rake so its not happening and on teh brightside i can also avoid all teh hypocritical bs i wouldve gotten if i had put in dat 72 hour adderall session
11-30-2015 , 03:40 PM
in, madNom2709, 3.5+r/15`s 180man
11-30-2015 , 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by timex
I don't think there is any issue with grinders playing to get SNE, pay bills, buy hookers and blow etc. I think the issue is that I fear a decent number of people will specifically capitalize off of this by upping volume, upping stakes etc. There may just be nothing we can do to stop this though
Nothing short of certain its going to happen-Already heard one known pro say so yesterday. But yes cant stop them & other than outing them via social media ,which is pointless as they obv don't care how they are perceived by others,nothing we can do .
11-30-2015 , 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by lostinpoker
do you mean you cant strike because you need to hit a milestone level ?
exactly.. don't have time right now.
11-30-2015 , 03:44 PM
Originally Posted by lostinpoker
As with many things in life we cannot control the actions of others -We can only take the path we believe to be the best for our own peace of mind -whatever that may be & those with a higher profile should be prepared to explain why they are striking and also those that are not should also explain why they are refusing to take part. Would it help to run a "Name & Shame" thread for any grinders that play ? I for one would not support that as to further divide the community helps no one in the end.Good Luck to all those boycotting.
what i was gonna say..

milestones are just excuses...
11-30-2015 , 03:55 PM
It's pointless arguing, Just help and be part of it and spread the word or play if u feel the need to. U can also work half an hour extra to receive your milestone after 3th dec. I like all the attention and willingness to change, great work.
11-30-2015 , 03:57 PM
I'm in
10/20-50/100 LHE
11-30-2015 , 03:58 PM
In, pacanchic, low SNG
11-30-2015 , 04:04 PM

Goldenhanter---low stakes sng´s and spins
11-30-2015 , 04:05 PM
Hi, I'm in.

IFeelNuts (NL z5-10)
(PLO z5)
11-30-2015 , 04:07 PM
How many are participating in this strike? Has it reached the goal of 1000?

Either way I wanna be part of it.

0.5/1 PL and NL omaha hi/lo reg.
11-30-2015 , 04:07 PM
I betrthanphil on pokerstars shall not play MTTs at my stakes (mid to high stakes) from the 1st to the 3rd of December.
11-30-2015 , 04:09 PM
Originally Posted by vor4mohs
exactly.. don't have time right now.
Same here but i will take part anyway and take this time to rest and study the game. I have to collect 27500 vpps to hit 200k and i haven't got this much vpps in a month b4 this year.

This thing here is way more important!
11-30-2015 , 04:09 PM
davidv1213, hs mtts
