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I have reason to believe that Holisterb22 and  "hollisterb22BF" are the same player I have reason to believe that Holisterb22 and  "hollisterb22BF" are the same player

02-13-2012 , 01:52 PM
no way dude not clicking
I have reason to believe that Holisterb22 and  "hollisterb22BF" are the same player Quote
02-13-2012 , 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by dhcg86
does this show

I know some of you guys are super sleuths, so Ill ship 10 bucks on paypal/BCP/lock/stars for the first person who can do some research and show me if/how these two accts are the same person.

yes, i think it's clear and convincing evidence that those random sharkscope stats and graphs provide sufficient evidence to conclude the players are the same. 100% fo sho
I have reason to believe that Holisterb22 and  "hollisterb22BF" are the same player Quote
02-13-2012 , 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by tyson219
yes, i think it's clear and convincing evidence that those random sharkscope stats and graphs provide sufficient evidence to conclude the players are the same. 100% fo sho
easily as accurate as DNA testing
I have reason to believe that Holisterb22 and  "hollisterb22BF" are the same player Quote
02-13-2012 , 03:00 PM
Were you being sarcastic, or does Merge NOT ban multiple accounts from same IP playing in the same games?

If they don't ban it, that's f-ing absurd
I have reason to believe that Holisterb22 and  "hollisterb22BF" are the same player Quote
02-13-2012 , 04:46 PM
Originally Posted by AirborneSapper9845
Were you being sarcastic, or does Merge NOT ban multiple accounts from same IP playing in the same games?

If they don't ban it, that's f-ing absurd
The same IP can play in MTTs, not SNGs or cash. That's not ****ing absurd, because I sometimes have a few people at my place on the same IP, it would be silly if only 1 of us can play in each tournament.
I have reason to believe that Holisterb22 and  "hollisterb22BF" are the same player Quote
02-13-2012 , 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by McG_STL
The same IP can play in MTTs, not SNGs or cash. That's not ****ing absurd, because I sometimes have a few people at my place on the same IP, it would be silly if only 1 of us can play in each tournament.
You are wrong. It is absurd. I understand these days sometimes people 'have to' share same or similar IP addresses. Dorm rooms, apt buildings, roommates, frat houses, schools, etc.

However, pretend you're playing a WSOP tournament this summer. You are 4 friends are each in the same event. Any any time, can you call your 4 friends over to see your cards, give advice, share notes and HUD stats, etc? Hell no. So why should any network give a green light for this to online players?
I have reason to believe that Holisterb22 and  "hollisterb22BF" are the same player Quote
02-13-2012 , 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by AirborneSapper9845
You are wrong. It is absurd. I understand these days sometimes people 'have to' share same or similar IP addresses. Dorm rooms, apt buildings, roommates, frat houses, schools, etc.

However, pretend you're playing a WSOP tournament this summer. You are 4 friends are each in the same event. Any any time, can you call your 4 friends over to see your cards, give advice, share notes and HUD stats, etc? Hell no. So why should any network give a green light for this to online players?
How is that any different from regs talking/chatting on Skype mid session? Whether it's live discussion in the same apartment or via virtual methods, it's going to happen one way or the other if people want to do it. Blocking IPs doesn't solve the problem.
I have reason to believe that Holisterb22 and  "hollisterb22BF" are the same player Quote
02-13-2012 , 05:05 PM
Originally Posted by dhcg86
there is also hollisterboy22 which Im sure is related
Nice find dhcg. oh my, I am truly shocked at this blatant ma'ing. Damning facts ITC if i ever saw them.

Hollisterboy22, a fish that plays on average $2 SNGs, shares the word hollister with hollisterb22, someone who plays MTTs and on average $16 sngs -- BOTH on the Merge network. If that's not evidence, I don't know what is.

HOLY ****. Sharkscope says hollisterboy22 has a SNG ability rating of 50 and hollisterb22 has a SNG rating of 55. Coincidence? I think not.
I have reason to believe that Holisterb22 and  "hollisterb22BF" are the same player Quote
02-13-2012 , 05:08 PM
Originally Posted by tyson219
How is that any different from regs talking/chatting on Skype mid session? Whether it's live discussion in the same apartment or via virtual methods, it's going to happen one way or the other if people want to do it. Blocking IPs doesn't solve the problem.
People talking/chatting during live sessions is BS too. Yes, I understand it is a reality of online poker, and this sort of thing happens, but yea. What ever happened to the old adage of "one player per hand"? If we just say overall, yes, let's all use Teamviewer and share HHs, HUD stats, player notes, BR histories, etc, it's just all bad. I know, I know, if I don't like it, don't play online. Yadda yadda yadda. But c'mon people, look at the recent Lock scandal. Hell, look at the FTP Cardrunners pro Isildor hoopla.

Sigh. If only I could multitable live in a B&M......
I have reason to believe that Holisterb22 and  "hollisterb22BF" are the same player Quote
02-13-2012 , 05:26 PM
Originally Posted by AirborneSapper9845
You are wrong. It is absurd. I understand these days sometimes people 'have to' share same or similar IP addresses. Dorm rooms, apt buildings, roommates, frat houses, schools, etc.

However, pretend you're playing a WSOP tournament this summer. You are 4 friends are each in the same event. Any any time, can you call your 4 friends over to see your cards, give advice, share notes and HUD stats, etc? Hell no. So why should any network give a green light for this to online players?
Originally Posted by tyson219
How is that any different from regs talking/chatting on Skype mid session? Whether it's live discussion in the same apartment or via virtual methods, it's going to happen one way or the other if people want to do it. Blocking IPs doesn't solve the problem.
^Exactly, they don't have to be in the same room to do this, and just because people are in the same room doesn't mean they do.

This doesn't mean people don't do it, but scum bags are gonna find a way to be scummy no matter what. The sng and cash restrictions are enough IMO

Edit: And I love stacking my roommate, I get to laugh at him afterwards.
I have reason to believe that Holisterb22 and  "hollisterb22BF" are the same player Quote
02-13-2012 , 05:30 PM
Wish other software would implement letting people from their own account multi-buy in to the same MTT like FTP used to. Then they could ban same IPs from MTTs too. Easy peazy.

Too bad the best software in the industry belonged to one of the most corrupt inept companies.
I have reason to believe that Holisterb22 and  "hollisterb22BF" are the same player Quote
02-13-2012 , 05:39 PM
Originally Posted by dhcg86

BTW OP, what clue first gave you the suspicion that holisterb22 and holisterb22bf might be the same person?
I have reason to believe that Holisterb22 and  "hollisterb22BF" are the same player Quote
02-13-2012 , 05:39 PM
Not sure if it's the same guy but they have the exact same stats on my hud. Their style of play is identical.

It can easily be gf and bf playing together sharing strats etc. so it ends up being the same style of play.
I have reason to believe that Holisterb22 and  "hollisterb22BF" are the same player Quote
02-13-2012 , 05:49 PM
Its pretty clear the 2 accounts in question are the same person, and i thought this for quite some time. The sad thing is once the site request a ID then the guy just ships in the girls ID too, but its definately not her playing, its him. This girl has bailed a few differnt occasions at meeting at public places, and refused for verbal talk, but the guy was always up for a chat.

Also, on p5s on the"girls profile" every single picture there was added on the EXACT same date, who does that? would you add pictures 1 at a time when they are taken or somethin?not just 10 at once, this case will never be proven because its impossible to prove sadly but its obvious whats going on, even a picture of her holding a "its me 2+2 sign" doesnt prove ANYTHING. Get her on webcam and play 1 mtt and see her play and then we'll be somewhere. girl prob doesnt even know how to play cards lol
I have reason to believe that Holisterb22 and  "hollisterb22BF" are the same player Quote
02-13-2012 , 06:04 PM
Sounds like PeachyMer
I have reason to believe that Holisterb22 and  "hollisterb22BF" are the same player Quote
02-13-2012 , 06:07 PM
whoa way too much serious stuff is being said

1) it is not obvious they are same person at all

2) i highly doubt anyone is getting scammed

3) chill out

4) that sharkscope crap posted earlier means absolutely nothing

5) barring multiple tournament entries from the same ip is so indescribably stupid

Last edited by bs_jayhawk; 02-13-2012 at 06:10 PM. Reason: and i'm still waiting for this to be a joke
I have reason to believe that Holisterb22 and  "hollisterb22BF" are the same player Quote
02-13-2012 , 06:09 PM
Originally Posted by Mark275
Its pretty clear the 2 accounts in question are the same person, and i thought this for quite some time. The sad thing is once the site request a ID then the guy just ships in the girls ID too, but its definately not her playing, its him. This girl has bailed a few differnt occasions at meeting at public places, and refused for verbal talk, but the guy was always up for a chat.

Also, on p5s on the"girls profile" every single picture there was added on the EXACT same date, who does that? would you add pictures 1 at a time when they are taken or somethin?not just 10 at once, this case will never be proven because its impossible to prove sadly but its obvious whats going on, even a picture of her holding a "its me 2+2 sign" doesnt prove ANYTHING. Get her on webcam and play 1 mtt and see her play and then we'll be somewhere. girl prob doesnt even know how to play cards lol
I don't understand how this is enough evidence for you but there isn't enough evidence in the ajb case...
I have reason to believe that Holisterb22 and  "hollisterb22BF" are the same player Quote
02-13-2012 , 06:12 PM
lol wrong gunth i think ajb is multing for sure, its obv.but its somsething you CANT prove, you just cant, cuz he has the IDS to send it so hes home free.
I have reason to believe that Holisterb22 and  "hollisterb22BF" are the same player Quote
02-13-2012 , 06:15 PM
I like how he didnt even try to debate this with me on skype, just deleted me
also, he hasnt commented ITT; even more of an issue.

Does anyone know what skin this is on?
I have reason to believe that Holisterb22 and  "hollisterb22BF" are the same player Quote
02-13-2012 , 06:29 PM
Originally Posted by Mark275
lol wrong gunth i think ajb is multing for sure, its obv.but its somsething you CANT prove, you just cant, cuz he has the IDS to send it so hes home free.
The point of the thread was that Merge CAN prove it, but they DON'T.
I have reason to believe that Holisterb22 and  "hollisterb22BF" are the same player Quote
02-13-2012 , 06:38 PM
lol gunth, HOW can they prove it? they get the IDS saying 2 different people right? it CANT be proven
I have reason to believe that Holisterb22 and  "hollisterb22BF" are the same player Quote
02-13-2012 , 06:38 PM
I didn't click any of the links she cute at least? lol
I have reason to believe that Holisterb22 and  "hollisterb22BF" are the same player Quote
02-13-2012 , 06:44 PM
I've played with both of them on multiple occasions and I came to the conclusion that Hollisterb22 coaches hollisterb22smanobv and is probably in the same room while they are grinding wether they are at the same table or not. When I've played with manobv he seems a lot fishier. I would imagine that those were times when hollisterb22 was not sitting behind him. I just figured that hollisterb22 was teaching her boyfriend the game of poker and most likely backing him in the process.
I have reason to believe that Holisterb22 and  "hollisterb22BF" are the same player Quote
02-13-2012 , 06:44 PM
It's pretty much impossible to prove anything unless you call the bf and the gf and ask them poker questions that someone that is not playing constantly as a reg wouldn't be able to answer. I doubt Merge security has the resources or the time available to do that.
I have reason to believe that Holisterb22 and  "hollisterb22BF" are the same player Quote
02-13-2012 , 06:51 PM
you'd think this dude would come up with more creative names
I have reason to believe that Holisterb22 and  "hollisterb22BF" are the same player Quote
