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The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition
View Poll Results: Is Online Poker Rigged?
3,525 34.92%
5,627 55.75%
942 9.33%

02-15-2010 , 02:38 AM
Originally Posted by Sn8keChaRmer
For someone who knows alot about math you sure lack alot of common sense. Not uncommon though.

My game doesnt matter. Its not about me. Its about what these sites are doing. Im not here for my personal gain. Im here because I believe the sites are screwing over the good players in general. And we need as many people to stand up for it as possible. Therefor I will pursue this unwavered by your childish remarks. Poker is not my main dream. I have other aspirations. If poker doesnt work out then Im happy to move on but I also believe that me and alot of other players arent being givin a fair shot to succeed to out potentials

Keep responding to my beliefs with sarcasim though. Its really classy and gives you alot of credit
Ok, well despite the fact that you have consistently ignored my non-sarcastic replies to you, I'll try again.

You've stated that you believe the sites are handicapping longshots. You have been told that this would be impossible to do without being easily detectable in a detailed review of a large sample of hands. Unless you can devise a manner in which such a skew could be done without being detectable, this scheme that you are proposing is almost certainly NOT being done on the major sites.

You have made no attempt to address this point other than throwing out that the sites are so smart that they can come up with such a scheme. You may be satisfied with such an explanation, but most people shouldn't be. Certainly the players who uncovered the Ub/AP scandals would not have been.

There, another substantive reply to you, without sarcasm. I suspect your response will once again be:

The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
02-15-2010 , 02:51 AM
Just wanted to stop by once again to find out how that video is coming? Seriously, make it and I'll judge it fairly. If you play good, I will say so; if you play bad, I'll identify those leaks for you. What do you have to loose (sic)?
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
02-15-2010 , 03:02 AM
Originally Posted by banonlinepoker
FT would literally lose 30-40k players the second the deal was legit because the idiot that overplays weak aces and constantly is 30% in a big showdown will just get destroyed.
It's just precious how you say things like this. I bet if you looked up any of those players on PTR you'd see that they are in fact getting destroyed.

Just because you see some 92/4 drooler build up a 500 BB stack doesn't mean they're not down massive amounts of money overall.
Bring those sites to the US and let us see the hardware boys. They you can say we are wrong because nobody has seen those machines. Source code doesn't count.
Do you even have a basic grasp of how computers work? You want to look at the physical hardware, and think that software would have nothing to do with any "rigging" going on?

The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
02-15-2010 , 03:06 AM
What happens once poker is regulated in the US and has the same beats? What happens then? Just curious.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
02-15-2010 , 03:53 AM
Harrah's is definitely rigged. I know, I've played in their casinos
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
02-15-2010 , 04:11 AM
For those of you trying to identify the gimmick troll, it's really no mystery, he already told us:

Originally Posted by Sn8keChaRmer

This was fun guys

Rupert Pumpkin strikes again

I usually always get Juk to troll my thread pretty early but its not till I get Bobo to stop in with his "hatemylife" posts that I know Ive finally made it. gg mods
Apparently lives an empty life, as he keeps creating new troll accounts. You might recognize some of them:

Rupert Pumpkin
I love poker
Juk iz a hypocrite
Ur Mom is a troll

And there's lots more. He seems to have a lot of anger over many issues.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
02-15-2010 , 04:20 AM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
For those of you trying to identify the gimmick troll, it's really no mystery, he already told us:

Apparently lives an empty life, as he keeps creating new troll accounts. You might recognize some of them:

Rupert Pumpkin
I love poker
Juk iz a hypocrite
Ur Mom is a troll

And there's lots more. He seems to have a lot of anger over many issues.
And I also seem to get banned everytime for voicing my opinion which is called trolling just because it isnt always the popular opinion. meanwhile others act 10x worse than me and 2+2 overlooks there actions because they are agreeing with the click. Its all hypocritical BS. Just like josem posting in here under a regualr screen name when he works for PokerStars and then making posts putting words into my mouth like deep down I think this or that. Its a big joke how one side of the coin is allowed to act on here meanwhile the other is allowed to be harrased and flaimed repeatedly.

So the lesson on here is if you dont wanna constantly get banned then you need to agree with everyone else and walk that line. Its all a big joke to me. Throughout history its always been the people that are willing to stand up for their beliefs through the scrituiny of the masses who have changed the world. Its how its always been and how it most likely always be. This whole thread is people like me against a few others from the poker sites and then a bunch of their followers who havent had an original thought in their lifetimes.

Continue to ban me for voicing my opinion. God knows we cant let the truth run free

Answer this question honeslty though BoBo. Why dont you ban people like qfw or monteroy or LVGambler or the hord of others who hardly ever post anything but flames. Why dont they get banned or called trolls when thats all they do? Meanwhile I get called a troll for voicing my opinion and then defending it to everyone who bashes me for it.

How about you define troll. Then Ill point out 200 of them and we go over them one by one an find out why they slip past your radar. I can tell you why now if you'd like

Last edited by Sn8keChaRmer; 02-15-2010 at 04:30 AM.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
02-15-2010 , 04:43 AM
Originally Posted by Sn8keChaRmer
And I also seem to get banned everytime for voicing my opinion which is called trolling just because it isnt always the popular opinion. meanwhile others act 10x worse than me and 2+2 overlooks there actions because they are agreeing with the click. Its all hypocritical BS. Just like josem posting in here under a regualr screen name when he works for PokerStars and then making posts putting words into my mouth like deep down I think this or that. Its a big joke how one side of the coin is allowed to act on here meanwhile the other is allowed to be harrased and flaimed repeatedly.

So the lesson on here is if you dont wanna constantly get banned then you need to agree with everyone else and walk that line. Its all a big joke to me. Throughout history its always been the people that are willing to stand up for their beliefs through the scrituiny of the masses who have changed the world. Its how its always been and how it most likely always be. This whole thread is people like me against a few others from the poker sites and then a bunch of their followers who havent had an original thought in their lifetimes.

Continue to ban me for voicing my opinion. God knows we cant let the truth run free

Answer this question honeslty though BoBo. Why dont you ban people like qfw or monteroy or LVGambler or the hord of others who hardly ever post anything but flames. Why dont they get banned or called trolls when thats all they do? Meanwhile I get called a troll for voicing my opinion and then defending it to everyone who bashes me for it.

How about you define troll. Then Ill point out 200 of them and we go over them one by one an find out why they slip past your radar. I can tell you why now if you'd like
Now you call yourself a matyr ^ and you compare yourself to great hostorical figures?

I mean history is full of great matyrs. Nathan Hale, Jesus Christ, St. Stephen, Martin Luther King and now Sn8keChaRmer.

You got some real problems.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
02-15-2010 , 04:46 AM
@ F8keChaRmer: Nothing on this planet will ever get you to look at poker for what it is. We've all tried to explain to you that most of us (I can't speak for everyone individually) do NOT think it's impossible for online poker sites to rig their games. We just don't think it's going on because there is no proof that it's happening. And NO, bad beats don't mean SHT! They are part of what poker is.. A GAME.. where some people win and others lose.

With all the smart people who play online poker (and have been playing for YEARS), don't you think someone would have come forward with some proof that online poker is rigged?! Hey, go find one! Just one! And please don't bring up the "already solved" cases of Pitbull, UB or Absolute Poker. Those were cases where individuals, NOT the poker sites, were cheating people. There's a HUGE difference between individuals cheating and the sites doing it. What you're proposing is that sites are cheating you (personally) and others by rigging their deal. And you have no evidence, nor will you try and find evidence on your own.

Read this guy's site. He talks about the real ways people cheat online:

| /.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
02-15-2010 , 04:47 AM
Originally Posted by banonlinepoker
Of course they are. They exist in a world untouchable by regulation and prosecution. It's like knowing there are no more police and the kids will just go into the store and take as much candy as they want. Rigging the outcomes keeps player levels up. FT would literally lose 30-40k players the second the deal was legit because the idiot that overplays weak aces and constantly is 30% in a big showdown will just get destroyed. The sites can't have this and due to the fact nobody can catch them or properly fine and imprison them they do it and will continue to do it as long as they can. What is laughable is how they lobby the US to legaize them. Which if it ever happens. (It won't) then you can forget it. The US government is not stupid. Bring those sites to the US and let us see the hardware boys. They you can say we are wrong because nobody has seen those machines. Source code doesn't count.
Good post but I dont agree with the ending that the US is some kind of righteous true nation where all corporate wrongs are righted.

I've said this once and this is the last time I will say it. You think the online poker sites are a law unto themselves right now?

Well most of the world think the U.S governement are a law unto themselves. They always have been. If anything online poker is more at risk of being crooked when an immoral government starts making money by taxing it. Your xenophobia is unbelievable

Corporations are the problem. See "The Corporation" on You tube. Many have grown so large that when things go wrong they axe x thousand jobs. How can this be healthy. Toyota being a good recent example, they know about about faulty accelerators but do nothing until a whole family is wiped out in California. Like Tyler Durden says in Fight Club " If the cost of a recall is greater than the cost of settlements then they dont do one".

What have Governments done about Toyota? Nothing.

What do we do about this? I dont know.

My point is we live in a world where the Corporation is King protected by a powerful army of lawyers and Government the puppets so dont expect any help from the authorities.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
02-15-2010 , 04:48 AM
Can I be the Martin Luther King of online poker? God that would be halarious to hear Mike Sexton say that on TV someday.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
02-15-2010 , 04:51 AM
In before he rants about my attitude or switches to bot talk!
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
02-15-2010 , 04:51 AM
Originally Posted by arcticbeatle
Now you call yourself a matyr ^ and you compare yourself to great hostorical figures?

I mean history is full of great matyrs. Nathan Hale, Jesus Christ, St. Stephen, Martin Luther King and now Sn8keChaRmer.

You got some real problems.
[ ] called himself a matyr
[ ] compared himself to great historical figures
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
02-15-2010 , 04:51 AM
Originally Posted by LVGambler
In before he rants about my attitude or switches to bot talk!
You couldnt matter less
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
02-15-2010 , 04:52 AM
Originally Posted by Sn8keChaRmer
Can I be the Martin Luther King of online poker? God that would be halarious to hear Mike Sexton say that on TV someday.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
02-15-2010 , 04:56 AM
Originally Posted by Sn8keChaRmer
You couldnt matter less
Good one bro
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
02-15-2010 , 05:16 AM
Originally Posted by Sn8keChaRmer
And I also seem to get banned everytime for voicing my opinion which is called trolling just because it isnt always the popular opinion. meanwhile others act 10x worse than me and 2+2 overlooks there actions because they are agreeing with the click.

10x worse than you. Um, OK. How many people in this thread have started accounts with names like "Poster X is a hypocrite"?

I don't think I banned any of those accounts, and I'm not going to judge the actions of others. I can tell you, though, that you've been banned my multiple different people. It's not like there are one or two mods out to get you.

As for whether you're trolling or being trolled, I haven't looked back ITT to see how it all started, and I don't plan on doing so. It's quite likely you took some abuse at the start because you come in here with a new account, guns ablazing with all sorts of accusations and nothing to back it up with, just like so many other riggies. Lots of people here try to reason with the riggies at first, but of course that gets them nowhere. It seems a pretty common theme with your accounts that you will come out with some kind of radical stance on an issue (because every one of your accounts seems to not be here to engage in discussion on many topics, but instead has a single "issue"), and when you take a little abuse because you don't provide much in the way of sound reasoning, you get your back up and it becomes a ridiculous flame war. This is just a quick assessment based on the samples I've seen of your different accounts, but I think it's fairly accurate.

I know Arouet has been trying for the last few days to politely engage you in a civil discussion, but most of his points go largely ignored by you. That's always been my frustration trying to debate with many riggies; they pick and choose what they respond to, and ignore the points they have no response for.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
02-15-2010 , 05:21 AM
What have Governments done about Toyota? Nothing.
Why do we want the government intefering with business, nobody is going to buy a Toyota product for a long time and they will lose millions and possibly take years to recover, that is how it works. We don't need communism.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
02-15-2010 , 05:21 AM
Originally Posted by Riff Raff
Can I ask your age and profession? I have read a lot of this thread and seriously do not have a clue as to your motives in it, why you take such an interest in trying to prove something you know you can't prove and your constant references to "lizard people" as if it means anything.

BTW have you even read a David Icke book? Without getting into detail I think that you are the person who needs to read what he writes. We don't all live in your fluffy little world where everything is how you have been told it is. David Icke encourages people to ask questions and do research for themselves. As far as I am aware he has never told people to take his point of view as the gospel truth.

Back to the point I was trying to make - you contribute nothing but drivel, you hang onto the coat tails of people like Josem and Spadebidder who actually take the time to research and write comprehensive and polite replies, and you constantly belittle people. For what??

You have to be one of the weirdest people on this site, and, if you are not getting a financial reward for all this effort you (and qpw) put in, you are weirder still.
No riff-raff on this thread, please.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
02-15-2010 , 05:26 AM
Your post is 62.546% right. I do have some faults. As does everyone. And Im sure there is someone in this thread I neglected to see because I was being bombarded by 10 others all at once. Im gonna read back through his posts honeslty. And yes my opinions are sometimes radical and passionate. Thats me. No matter what Im guily of Im not guilty of some of the antics others in here resort to. One thing you notice about me is many longer posts explaining in detail my views. As far as I know thats better than reading someones opinions and posting a slanderish picture. I dont know how modding works by think they are all aware of me and as soon as they research to find out its me they ban right away. And this is all because of the mods thread 22 accounts ago where I times acted like a jerk but apologized for it. Since then its just me voicing my opinions and getting banned for them.

With that said riggies havent proved theyre right yet. But the shills cant prove theyre wrong. Therefor the shills cant be referred to as people trying to talk sense because they are in the same boat. Just on the side of the debate that you are on. You cant prove that poker isnt rigged can you BoBo? So to me you saying its not rigged when I think it is the same way me saying it is sounds to you. Does that make sense?
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
02-15-2010 , 05:30 AM
Originally Posted by Sn8keChaRmer
Does that make sense?
No because i can say you're wrong for saying its rigged without proof and at the same time say i have on proof its not rigged.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
02-15-2010 , 05:32 AM
Originally Posted by batair
No because i can say you're wrong for saying its rigged without proof and at the same time say i have on proof its not rigged.

Let me be more clear
I think its rigged. I dont have proof yet

You think it isnt rigged
You cant prove it

Therefore when BoBo says people get irritated when riggies come in here and dont let the shills convince them its not, is irrational because he doesnt think I should get upset for them not agreeing with me.

What Im saying is Neither of us should be held to higher standard then the other because niether of us currently have proof. Therefor the shills should be showing respect because they are in the same boat as the people they are debating. Its a hypocritcal theme to this thread that one side is assumed right without having the proof to back it up.

So why dont we all show respect for eachothers opinions and debate this like adults until the facts come out?

Last edited by Sn8keChaRmer; 02-15-2010 at 05:38 AM.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
02-15-2010 , 05:35 AM
Originally Posted by Sn8keChaRmer
It pretty clear and others have pointed it out. Almost no one is saying with certainty poker is not rigged. They just dont like people who say it is without proof.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
02-15-2010 , 05:39 AM
Originally Posted by banonlinepoker
Why do we want the government intefering with business, nobody is going to buy a Toyota product for a long time and they will lose millions and possibly take years to recover, that is how it works. We don't need communism.
There should be some form of punishment for those who have sat in a boardroom and decided that making money is more important than peoples safety.

Not interferance just punishment otherwise whats going to stop the next major car company CEO from allowing another family to be wiped out because of the cost of the recall.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
02-15-2010 , 05:39 AM
Originally Posted by Xevoius
I wanted to post this one last time since I seemed to not get the feedback I was hoping for from the members who firmly believe that online poker is not rigged.

I would particulary like to hear some feedback from qpw and Josem (Monteroy you already had your turn).

QUESTION (pertaining to the YouTube PokerStars videos):

If you had the same exact results as him day after day with that many river and runner runner beats in big pots for that many sessions, (looks to be about a little over 50) would you chock it up to pure variance of the game or would you think there was a slight possibility something else is effecting the outcome of the hand?
I've already answered.

When I did I was asked by two people for further information which I gave.

This was (surprise, surprise) ignored.

And people wonder why I occasionally don't bother and just tell idiots that they're idiots.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
