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FTP bans 5 players without giving reasons.  3 are regulars,2 are beginners at poker (long post) FTP bans 5 players without giving reasons.  3 are regulars,2 are beginners at poker (long post)

08-03-2009 , 07:25 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
I'm curious if Europeans are getting the same scrutiny. Seems like with the future of US poker much more in doubt, running off a few US sharks would make a lot more sense than anyone in the European poker economy.
You are giving FTP way too much credit IMO if you think this is some sort of big conspiracy against sharks.

It's just them blundering about as usual.
FTP bans 5 players without giving reasons.  3 are regulars,2 are beginners at poker (long post) Quote
08-03-2009 , 07:43 PM
Could it be when the two players of the same stakes get into a pot with one another, they play each other extra hard and sometimes squeeze another player out of the pot, thus possibly FTP thinks that collusion is possible, but not definite? Therefore, banned, but can cashout cause they are not 100% sure if they are colluding or w/e but suspect it sometimes.

Although if I could see that they both play like 10/9 w/e and 24 table I'd believe it's near impossible for them to collude.
FTP bans 5 players without giving reasons.  3 are regulars,2 are beginners at poker (long post) Quote
08-03-2009 , 08:39 PM
Originally Posted by vlee89
Could it be when the two players of the same stakes get into a pot with one another, they play each other extra hard and sometimes squeeze another player out of the pot, thus possibly FTP thinks that collusion is possible, but not definite? Therefore, banned, but can cashout cause they are not 100% sure if they are colluding or w/e but suspect it sometimes.

Although if I could see that they both play like 10/9 w/e and 24 table I'd believe it's near impossible for them to collude.
Yeah but many of the regs that we all know SNs on 2p2 try to do that too and they arent even friends, other than knowing eachother here. But how hard is it for FT to just say hey this is why.
FTP bans 5 players without giving reasons.  3 are regulars,2 are beginners at poker (long post) Quote
08-04-2009 , 09:34 AM
Originally Posted by PlayingWithStyle
you seem to be thinking in FTP's shoes a lot when you obv have no idea what you are talking about. Can you answer this question? Why would FTP think we are "teams"?

Also who said anything about anyone being involved in anyone's action? The FTP pros are friends and yet they play at the same tables as each other.

Can i ask you a personal question? What stakes do you play? And how long have you been playing online poker?
50nl and 100nl ftp and winrate of 11ptbb and playing 2-3 years, my big point is that i dont think they are cheating but all im saying is from ftp point ofview they may think they are a team of cheaters, im speaking hypothetical, let me guess your a better player than me and im a noob and im an idiot, dont make assumptions. if you wanna compare graphs or stats or whatever lets roll.
FTP bans 5 players without giving reasons.  3 are regulars,2 are beginners at poker (long post) Quote
08-04-2009 , 12:13 PM
No I didnt read all the replies, someone forwarded me this post...

My account was frozen pending an investigation also and I was reinstated in June, I reread the rules and saw what I did wrong. So lets go down the list of reasons you were banned.

#1 instant messenger open
#2 Pokerstove open
#3 Table ratings open
#4 short stacker analysis program open
#5 chatting while playing
#6 playing soft vs friends
#7 opening new tables with friends
#8 spadeeye with datamine open
#9 IM chatting while playing with friends at tables

I saw why they investigated me and I wasnt cheating? But you had to be doing something that didnt fall within the rules and too much of it. Perhaps we were all under the same investigation as a large group because I know I played with some of you?

"comprehensive security review" usually means they reviewed your play and if they closed your accout it was due to colluding, probably soft playing.

And yes they can see whats on your PC, not that hard to do. Yes they can track your IP with the right software to see if you are on

They will never reveal how they know because it comprimises their security detection. I used to be in IT and I know that there is spy software capable of watching youon any networked system like the internet or a private network. GL at Pokerstars its tougher than FTP @ $200 NL and up
FTP bans 5 players without giving reasons.  3 are regulars,2 are beginners at poker (long post) Quote
08-04-2009 , 12:50 PM
Originally Posted by winky51
"comprehensive security review" usually means they reviewed your play and if they closed your accout it was due to colluding, probably soft playing.
how can you possibly know this?
FTP bans 5 players without giving reasons.  3 are regulars,2 are beginners at poker (long post) Quote
08-04-2009 , 02:03 PM
Originally Posted by TheNatural25
50nl and 100nl ftp and winrate of 11ptbb and playing 2-3 years, my big point is that i dont think they are cheating but all im saying is from ftp point ofview they may think they are a team of cheaters, im speaking hypothetical, let me guess your a better player than me and im a noob and im an idiot, dont make assumptions. if you wanna compare graphs or stats or whatever lets roll.
LMAO, I will go ahead and call the bluff here. Uhm...NO ONE has a 11ptbb winrate at NL100 or NL50, ESPECIALLY in 2-3 years. Please just go away now with your tail between your legs. Its so apparent that you are new and any expereinced player knows it, because your winrate quote isnt plauasable. Please leave the discussion to players that know.

PS - I have enough stats that I can verify without looking at PTR, so PM me your SN and I will verify it, dont give the excuse that you don't want it public, as your post count proves you dont post strategy so it doesnt matter.
FTP bans 5 players without giving reasons.  3 are regulars,2 are beginners at poker (long post) Quote
08-04-2009 , 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by winky51
No I didnt read all the replies, someone forwarded me this post...

My account was frozen pending an investigation also and I was reinstated in June, I reread the rules and saw what I did wrong. So lets go down the list of reasons you were banned.

#1 instant messenger open
#2 Pokerstove open
#3 Table ratings open
#4 short stacker analysis program open
#5 chatting while playing
#6 playing soft vs friends
#7 opening new tables with friends
#8 spadeeye with datamine open
#9 IM chatting while playing with friends at tables

I saw why they investigated me and I wasnt cheating? But you had to be doing something that didnt fall within the rules and too much of it. Perhaps we were all under the same investigation as a large group because I know I played with some of you?

"comprehensive security review" usually means they reviewed your play and if they closed your accout it was due to colluding, probably soft playing.

And yes they can see whats on your PC, not that hard to do. Yes they can track your IP with the right software to see if you are on

They will never reveal how they know because it comprimises their security detection. I used to be in IT and I know that there is spy software capable of watching youon any networked system like the internet or a private network. GL at Pokerstars its tougher than FTP @ $200 NL and up
1, nothing says you can not have AIM running, that would be dumb anyway as we all have friends that dont play poker.

2,3,4, no duh, we all know this, and frankly I dont think anyone of us used them anyway

5, again nothing in TOS about this, and if colluding happened then we would end up doing #6

6, hand histories would prove softplay, go ahead show the hands whwere it happened, it didnt.

7, didnt happen

8, old news we already discusssed this, he used spade eye light

9, again not against TOS, and btw no way FT could verify that anyway.

The software can see what programs are running, it can not however see your key strokes in other programs, it can not read your other software. They dont need to ""track your IP", to see if you are on PTR. They know your IP the second you logon, and they can see through proxy what website you go to.
FTP bans 5 players without giving reasons.  3 are regulars,2 are beginners at poker (long post) Quote
08-04-2009 , 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by tvstealer

you don't see these kind of threads about pokerstars.
But you see this:
FTP bans 5 players without giving reasons.  3 are regulars,2 are beginners at poker (long post) Quote
08-04-2009 , 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by Gim_Mick
When you learn someone to speak, you teach them not to say that they "learned someone"
Maybe in your regional dialect, but in other areas this is accepted usage.
FTP bans 5 players without giving reasons.  3 are regulars,2 are beginners at poker (long post) Quote
08-04-2009 , 05:17 PM
it is incorrect english, no definition defines learn as "to teach".
FTP bans 5 players without giving reasons.  3 are regulars,2 are beginners at poker (long post) Quote
08-04-2009 , 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by abstractls
1, nothing says you can not have AIM running, that would be dumb anyway as we all have friends that dont play poker.

2,3,4, no duh, we all know this, and frankly I dont think anyone of us used them anyway

5, again nothing in TOS about this, and if colluding happened then we would end up doing #6

6, hand histories would prove softplay, go ahead show the hands whwere it happened, it didnt.

7, didnt happen

8, old news we already discusssed this, he used spade eye light

9, again not against TOS, and btw no way FT could verify that anyway.

The software can see what programs are running, it can not however see your key strokes in other programs, it can not read your other software. They dont need to ""track your IP", to see if you are on PTR. They know your IP the second you logon, and they can see through proxy what website you go to.
You still havent answer if you told everybody at the table that you were playing with friends/family. You still havent answer why you must play with your friends/family at FTP.
FTP bans 5 players without giving reasons.  3 are regulars,2 are beginners at poker (long post) Quote
08-04-2009 , 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by PKR680317
You still havent answer if you told everybody at the table that you were playing with friends/family. You still havent answer why you must play with your friends/family at FTP.
Does anyone read the first post anymore? I've already said tnn431 and tulegit play at nl100 stakes nobody else plays together...and abstract is not part of the group being banned......
FTP bans 5 players without giving reasons.  3 are regulars,2 are beginners at poker (long post) Quote
08-04-2009 , 11:18 PM
Originally Posted by PKR680317
You still havent answer if you told everybody at the table that you were playing with friends/family. You still havent answer why you must play with your friends/family at FTP.
Yeah FT will in no way tolerate you ever having friends on the same site

I'm sure Durrr doesnt hang out with anyone he plays with regularly

(Yeah my entire post is a level if you didn't guess that already)
FTP bans 5 players without giving reasons.  3 are regulars,2 are beginners at poker (long post) Quote
08-04-2009 , 11:19 PM
There’s no limit to the number of friends that you’re allowed to refer – even if you’ve already referred other friends to Full Tilt Poker, you can still earn cash bonuses through the Refer-A-Friend program as often as you like.

quoted from FTs site
FTP bans 5 players without giving reasons.  3 are regulars,2 are beginners at poker (long post) Quote
08-05-2009 , 03:11 AM
Originally Posted by ProudDonkey
I think the OP is leaving some out.
This, and I think that we should run a book in these threads on what the OP actually did.

The OP was utter bull****, and anyone who's read a few of these threads can see that straight away. I don't know what you did, dude, or your friends did, but I'm damned sure you do. The whole "I'm trying to find out what I did wroooooong" thing is bollocks. You know. Even if you just went close to the line, you'd know which line it was.
FTP bans 5 players without giving reasons.  3 are regulars,2 are beginners at poker (long post) Quote
08-05-2009 , 03:20 AM
Originally Posted by abstractls
Yeah but many of the regs that we all know SNs on 2p2 try to do that too and they arent even friends, other than knowing eachother here. But how hard is it for FT to just say hey this is why.
You know why. No one gets banned for having a banned program open. No one gets banned for playing in games with their friends. FTP are not driving off sharks, nor do they just randomly ban regular players.

You know what it is. Even if -- and it so isn't -- it was just one of you, you'd all know. You'd talk, and you'd figure it out. It wouldn't be hard. It's not "oooh maybe it's because we chatted it up about a hand we were both in". FTP are bad, but they're not ******ed.

And btw dude, you seem to be very well informed about what poker sites can and can't see on your machine.
FTP bans 5 players without giving reasons.  3 are regulars,2 are beginners at poker (long post) Quote
08-05-2009 , 04:45 AM
Originally Posted by drzen
You know why. No one gets banned for having a banned program open. No one gets banned for playing in games with their friends. FTP are not driving off sharks, nor do they just randomly ban regular players.

You know what it is. Even if -- and it so isn't -- it was just one of you, you'd all know. You'd talk, and you'd figure it out. It wouldn't be hard. It's not "oooh maybe it's because we chatted it up about a hand we were both in". FTP are bad, but they're not ******ed.

And btw dude, you seem to be very well informed about what poker sites can and can't see on your machine.

I'm not even going to start with you, as you are completely misinformed on who these guys are.

However, I don't have to know anything about poker sites to now how software works. In fact most virus protection would pick up a keylogger. They simply cant see everything you do on a computer, it just doesnt work that way.
FTP bans 5 players without giving reasons.  3 are regulars,2 are beginners at poker (long post) Quote
08-05-2009 , 08:12 AM
Originally Posted by abstractls
LMAO, I will go ahead and call the bluff here. Uhm...NO ONE has a 11ptbb winrate at NL100 or NL50, ESPECIALLY in 2-3 years. Please just go away now with your tail between your legs. Its so apparent that you are new and any expereinced player knows it, because your winrate quote isnt plauasable. Please leave the discussion to players that know.

PS - I have enough stats that I can verify without looking at PTR, so PM me your SN and I will verify it, dont give the excuse that you don't want it public, as your post count proves you dont post strategy so it doesnt matter.
I am not going to post anything with my screen name because i dont need to verify to you my winrate, how about you tell me your sn and il meet you for heads up and then you can check my winrate etc, but by no means am I going to pm some random dude who has a chip on his shoulder and is a typical internet player who thinks hes better than he actually is any information. So if you want to play lets do it, why do people like you feel the need to try insult peopke who you know nothing about, just cos u can click your mouse and bring up google then twoplustwo does not make you clever,

anyhow my offer is there for you to play me
FTP bans 5 players without giving reasons.  3 are regulars,2 are beginners at poker (long post) Quote
08-05-2009 , 08:14 AM
Originally Posted by drzen
This, and I think that we should run a book in these threads on what the OP actually did.

The OP was utter bull****, and anyone who's read a few of these threads can see that straight away. I don't know what you did, dude, or your friends did, but I'm damned sure you do. The whole "I'm trying to find out what I did wroooooong" thing is bollocks. You know. Even if you just went close to the line, you'd know which line it was.
end of thread!
FTP bans 5 players without giving reasons.  3 are regulars,2 are beginners at poker (long post) Quote
08-05-2009 , 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by TheNatural25
I am not going to post anything with my screen name because i dont need to verify to you my winrate, how about you tell me your sn and il meet you for heads up and then you can check my winrate etc, but by no means am I going to pm some random dude who has a chip on his shoulder and is a typical internet player who thinks hes better than he actually is any information. So if you want to play lets do it, why do people like you feel the need to try insult peopke who you know nothing about, just cos u can click your mouse and bring up google then twoplustwo does not make you clever,

anyhow my offer is there for you to play me
Shocker he wont let anyone verify his non existent winrate. Ok sure, want to keep it comfortable levels? NL100 3 hours, winner takes what he won at the tables plus $500 on top. Name the time we will set it up, I prefer Sun-Wed nights,but I could do Mon-Thurs Days too. We will pick a random HU table. Of course then I will verify your winrate and tell everyone the truth.

BTW - YOU are the one insulting people you know nothing about. I'm not some random dude, in fact I am the guy that saved the 2p2 community and let them have their card mods back when FT screwed up the update. I was the first guy in with the solution. I'm no stranger around these parts.
FTP bans 5 players without giving reasons.  3 are regulars,2 are beginners at poker (long post) Quote
08-05-2009 , 01:28 PM
ftp banned my account in december. I am apparently a bot. I played 8 tables and never requested more. I played FR and i played to a chart so yeah i did play pretty robotic. But 1 - 2 months before i was banned i switched to playing SH. No chart for that all adaptation. I played NL10.

So FTP beleive i would make a bot, to grind NL10 and make a profit of $2 a f***ing day.

FTP is a joke - like there software and the traffic is ok. Apart from that going to stars was the best decisian i ever made. Well i didnt make it, ftp did it for me.
FTP bans 5 players without giving reasons.  3 are regulars,2 are beginners at poker (long post) Quote
08-05-2009 , 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by abstractls
Shocker he wont let anyone verify his non existent winrate. Ok sure, want to keep it comfortable levels? NL100 3 hours, winner takes what he won at the tables plus $500 on top. Name the time we will set it up, I prefer Sun-Wed nights,but I could do Mon-Thurs Days too. We will pick a random HU table. Of course then I will verify your winrate and tell everyone the truth.
1st,,,sorry for the ban Style....but you were a pain to play against so lucky me. Same goes for tulegit

As for the quoted above...OMG, I'll bankroll this one for ya, abstractls. I WANT action on this one.
FTP bans 5 players without giving reasons.  3 are regulars,2 are beginners at poker (long post) Quote
08-05-2009 , 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by King Spew
1st,,,sorry for the ban Style....but you were a pain to play against so lucky me. Same goes for tulegit

As for the quoted above...OMG, I'll bankroll this one for ya, abstractls. I WANT action on this one.
LOL, I am pretty sure anyone would bankroll me on this one, could possibly be the easiest $1k a made all month.
FTP bans 5 players without giving reasons.  3 are regulars,2 are beginners at poker (long post) Quote
08-05-2009 , 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by abstractls
LOL, I am pretty sure anyone would bankroll me on this one, could possibly be the easiest $1k a made all month.
lol why dont we do 3 bets

1. seen as your physic you tell me my winrate at 50nl , if its lower than my winrate I will post my sn and everything you people want and then verify it, I will bet $500 bucks on this for a start.

2. 6max my winrate vs your winrate 50nl - $500 or any other player who has replied above claiming im a noob when you dont know me

3. Aftef this we will then proceed to play heads up and I will take action for $500 per man who wants to bet against me, up to five people though as you may have a good day and cooler me. Like you said we play for 3 hours 4 or 6 tables winner takes profit etc and $500 on top.

Deal or No Deal Mr FTP

And I would hazard a guess that at 50nl on fulltilt I am in the top 1% winners at 6max, true story.
FTP bans 5 players without giving reasons.  3 are regulars,2 are beginners at poker (long post) Quote
