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FTP bans 5 players without giving reasons.  3 are regulars,2 are beginners at poker (long post) FTP bans 5 players without giving reasons.  3 are regulars,2 are beginners at poker (long post)

08-10-2009 , 09:28 AM
Originally Posted by abstractls
Ok sure, want to keep it comfortable levels? NL100 3 hours, winner takes what he won at the tables plus $500 on top. Name the time we will set it up, I prefer Sun-Wed nights,but I could do Mon-Thurs Days too. We will pick a random HU table.
Originally Posted by abstractls
Anytime anyone says let's play HU you already know its a child. Even if I accepted it cuts into my hourly, 4 tables of NL50 or even NL100 doesn't do it when we're used to 12-16 of FR or 6max full of fish. I don't need to have a "who's penis is larger" contest, I have a life.
Does not compute.
FTP bans 5 players without giving reasons.  3 are regulars,2 are beginners at poker (long post) Quote
08-12-2009 , 06:52 PM
June 15- I played 12 hours straight non-stop. Saw 9613 hands and lost $861 dollars. The next morning when I tried to log onto my account, I wasn’t able to log in. I check my email and this is what FTP sent me.

June 16

Please be advised that Full Tilt Security has temporarily suspended your Full Tilt Poker account, pending a full review.

Automated systems have discovered indicators of possible account misuse, which violates the Full Tilt Poker Site Terms and End User License Agreement.

Specifically, your account is under investigation for the use of prohibited software. Please see the information below regarding our policies on prohibited programs:

More information on prohibited programs can be found in the Full Tilt Poker Site Terms and EULA:
Full Tilt Poker is committed to maintaining the fairest poker games available anywhere. We do not permit or condone any conduct that could diminish the integrity of our games. Misuse of such programs can result in a permanent loss of playing privileges, and possible forfeiture of account funds, depending on the severity of the offense.

No action is required by you at this time. However, if you send a complete list of poker-related programs you have ever downloaded, installed or used while playing on Full Tilt Poker and the circumstances of their use, it would assist us in resolving the matter more quickly

You will be informed of the results of the review when it is complete. We understand your desire to have this matter resolved quickly, but please understand that investigations require extensive data collection, analysis, and the cooperation of various other parties, all of which affect the amount of time required.

Thank you for your patience while this required review is conducted.

Full Tilt Poker
I get this email from FTP so I responded to them with the list of programs that they requested.

To whom it may concern,

I have read the information regarding Full Tilt's policies on prohibited programs and understand the contents. However at the present time I am unsure of what prohibited programs I have used or which violations I have broken, if you could please inform me as to which infractions I have incurred I would greatly appreciate that so that I will be able to fully comply with Full Tilt's regulations in the future. Currently, I am using spade eye light, and Doug has approved its use. The other program that I am using is holdem manager and Full Tilt shortcuts. I hope that Full Tilt can offer me a quick resolution on this matter as my Iron man Midyear bonus is definitely jeopardized by this current account closure. I thank you in advance for taking the time to read this letter and put forth a speedy effort to resolving this issue.

Then a week later…

June 24


We are writing to inform you that your Full Tilt Poker account has now been closed.

As a result of a comprehensive security review we have taken the decision to exclude you from the site. We have taken this decision as a precautionary measure to protect the integrity of our site. Whilst we understand that this decision will be frustrating we are exercising our authority to close any account as outlined under Term 3 of our End User License Agreement:

?Full Tilt Poker retains authority over the issuing, maintenance, and closing of players' accounts at Full Tilt Poker. The decision of Full Tilt Poker management, as regards any aspect of a player's account, use of the Software, or dispute resolution is final.?

Which can be seen here:

The remaining balance of your account is $xx,xxx.xx and you are free to cash-out this amount. You are currently cleared for withdrawals via check. We will initiate a full balance withdrawal upon acknowledgment of this email.

You are not permitted to set up any more accounts with Full Tilt Poker. Should you do so, any further accounts will be closed and their balances may be forfeited.


Full Tilt Poker

First off, in their first email, they were saying that my account was suspended and was under investigation for the use of prohibited programs. I emailed them back and a week later, I get the same generic message that all my buddies got, and that our accounts has been closed. After all the hard work that I have put into this site, I would at least think, they would give me a legitimate reason why they closed my account. If I use illegal software or cheated somehow, please let me know what I did wrong.
They also took over 600,000+ points, over 6000+ bonus medals (1200 value) , and $325 in midyear bonus that I had been saving up. That is something that I earned, they owe it to me to at least get my value from that as it wasn't easy saving all those points and medals. I consistently made this site at least 10k in rake every month for the past 2 years and all I’m asking for is an explanation to what I did wrong.


FTP bans 5 players without giving reasons.  3 are regulars,2 are beginners at poker (long post) Quote
08-13-2009 , 07:03 AM
(the testosterone's so thick in here you can slice it with a knife!)

lesson here, folks: always read the tos for services, and eula for software. understand your expectations and responsibilities.

ftp has full authority to close accounts at their whim, for no reason. they also have the ability and legal pull to confiscate winnings if research shows players were colluding.

you guys can always pool some money together and check into legal options if you're not getting your money from ftp.
FTP bans 5 players without giving reasons.  3 are regulars,2 are beginners at poker (long post) Quote
08-20-2009 , 09:38 AM
Stylistic i have seen for a long time at ftp at same limits i play at and i would like to know the reason why him adn his friends were banned. i will write an email to ftp to ask myself adn others should do the same as how cna we just allow to ftp to start closing accounts without some sort of explanation as they asked us to invest our time and effort into playing at their site and lots have and now they are just banning people without reason. Start another thread and i will sign it. I play for a living adn i remember when party poker froze my account a few years ago over a simple issue about software i was using(pokeracehud) in which at time they were less organized i guess with thsoe thigns. i freaked out though but after a week they apologized and unfroze my account. cant imagine if they froze it adn without reason and y would i want to continue to play at ftp if they are using a policy of guessing adn freezing.
FTP bans 5 players without giving reasons.  3 are regulars,2 are beginners at poker (long post) Quote
08-20-2009 , 09:56 AM
Nice bump of a **** thread
FTP bans 5 players without giving reasons.  3 are regulars,2 are beginners at poker (long post) Quote
08-27-2009 , 07:59 AM
Just read this whole thread and I have to say that I have rarely seen a better owning on this forum than the one dished out by Natural25 to astractls. Abstract started off well and got in a few nice jibes, and seemed more than willing to put an uppity fish in his place with a HU challenge. But then when said fish shows that he is more than willing to put his money where his mouth is, surprise, surprise it turns out to be abstract who lacks the balls required for the job. I expected this HU4ROLLZ challenge to end with "newbie" Naturla25 dissappearing off the thread and not coming back, I didn't expect it to end with this gay-ass excuse for an excuse from abstract -

Originally Posted by abstractls
I already blocked him, he's a lying teenager, was apparent after first post. Don't have time for these idiots. Anytime anyone says let's play HU you already know its a child. Even if I accepted it cuts into my hourly, 4 tables of NL50 or even NL100 doesn't do it when we're used to 12-16 of FR or 6max full of fish. I don't need to have a "who's penis is larger" contest, I have a life.
And after all your talk about how great you are abstract, thats the best excuse you could come with? You were the big man when you thought the challenge wouldn't happen but when you found out you bit off more than you could chew you showed your true colors. I just want to congratulate Natural25 for an unexpected but solid owning.

As for the issue itself, FTP's account banning/locking policies are the only reason Ive never played on the site, and never will. Always wanted to give it a go, but after reading dozens of threads over the last few years on this issue I decided not to bother. Strange how there aren't so many Stars/iPoker locked my account without reason threads?
FTP bans 5 players without giving reasons.  3 are regulars,2 are beginners at poker (long post) Quote
08-27-2009 , 08:13 AM
Originally Posted by abstractls
I already blocked him, he's a lying teenager, was apparent after first post. Don't have time for these idiots. Anytime anyone says let's play HU you already know its a child. Even if I accepted it cuts into my hourly, 4 tables of NL50 or even NL100 doesn't do it when we're used to 12-16 of FR or 6max full of fish. I don't need to have a "who's penis is larger" contest, I have a life.
This is gold, just to highlight what I think is so great about it
1) You don't have time for these idiots. Yet you spent about 4 or 5 pages arguing with him.
2) You say you wont do cos it cuts into your hourly, yet a couple of pages back you had set out a detailed arrangement and schedule lol -
Originally Posted by abstractls
Ok sure, want to keep it comfortable levels? NL100 3 hours, winner takes what he won at the tables plus $500 on top. Name the time we will set it up, I prefer Sun-Wed nights,but I could do Mon-Thurs Days too. We will pick a random HU table. Of course then I will verify your winrate and tell everyone the truth.
3) And this was the best of all - I don't need to have a "who's penis is larger" contest. This coming from the guy who in every single, challenge dodging, reply to Natural25 had to explain how he was such a big swinging cóck and how he was better than Natural at poker, DJing, life, etc.....Obviously, in the end you came a distant second in the "who's penis is larger contest" but at least you can take solace in the fact that you are definitely a bigger cóck than Natural.
FTP bans 5 players without giving reasons.  3 are regulars,2 are beginners at poker (long post) Quote
08-27-2009 , 09:33 AM
BS FTP not giving any reason for banning 5 players.

LOL at Abstractis for dodging HU challenge as well as other bets. Got to give that one to Natural.
FTP bans 5 players without giving reasons.  3 are regulars,2 are beginners at poker (long post) Quote
09-01-2009 , 01:00 AM
Originally Posted by Stevecunn
BS FTP not giving any reason for banning 5 players.

LOL at Abstractis for dodging HU challenge as well as other bets. Got to give that one to Natural.
agreed abstract should be embarassed
FTP bans 5 players without giving reasons.  3 are regulars,2 are beginners at poker (long post) Quote
09-01-2009 , 01:11 AM
LOL at the 98 and 9 count posters, not embarassed at all. Been on 2p2 for years and 95% of the time the HU challenge never happens, the 2 I setup before never showed, and I could care less about proving myself, only inadequate men with no self esteem need to prove themselves in a HU poker challenge. LOL at any of you thinking your opinion is going to sway me and make me go, wahhh i need to prove myself now. The thread got off track and we dont need to deter from the original problem. I PMed Natural weeks ago and I never got a reply, in fact he hasnt even signed on in 3 weeks, so the baby ran off. If he wants to he can PM me, but he won't.
FTP bans 5 players without giving reasons.  3 are regulars,2 are beginners at poker (long post) Quote
09-01-2009 , 01:17 AM
LOL at caring about a HU challenge when FTP is just randomly closing accounts to "protect" the site.

gl with that
FTP bans 5 players without giving reasons.  3 are regulars,2 are beginners at poker (long post) Quote
09-01-2009 , 02:25 AM
I'm shocked no one has threatend to kick Howard L, Chris F. and Ray B in the nuts?

I'm selling nut cups at a escalated price to all ftp employees.
FTP bans 5 players without giving reasons.  3 are regulars,2 are beginners at poker (long post) Quote
09-01-2009 , 04:00 AM
I've seen this post floating so I decided to read most of it...This DJ/HU challenge is BS and stupid and doesn't belong anywhere near this extremely relevant post. All players have a right to know why their accounts are been banned. And websites have no problem telling players that they cheated with so and so....or they laundered/chip dumped so and so's charge back Visa. These 5 players took their game seriously and I'm guessing depended on this money to take care of themselves/family. This is not a joke.
I'm guessing it's likely illegal software but I can't see why this should ban even 1 of you let alone all of you. I feel bad for all of you as we all have the right to face our accusers and hear some this case they lacked them. GL to you all on stars or where ever you end up.
FTP bans 5 players without giving reasons.  3 are regulars,2 are beginners at poker (long post) Quote
09-01-2009 , 04:49 AM
Originally Posted by Sect7G
I've seen this post floating so I decided to read most of it...This DJ/HU challenge is BS and stupid and doesn't belong anywhere near this extremely relevant post. All players have a right to know why their accounts are been banned. And websites have no problem telling players that they cheated with so and so....or they laundered/chip dumped so and so's charge back Visa. These 5 players took their game seriously and I'm guessing depended on this money to take care of themselves/family. This is not a joke.
I'm guessing it's likely illegal software but I can't see why this should ban even 1 of you let alone all of you. I feel bad for all of you as we all have the right to face our accusers and hear some this case they lacked them. GL to you all on stars or where ever you end up.
+1. Seriously--it's amazing how many threads get side tracked with some stupid dick waving contest. Most of us could care less about these stupid HU challenges. If you are going to make them, please make a new thread. Don't hijack important issue threads.

On topic, I'm still extremely concerned about why FTP banned these accounts, yet refuses to give us any kind of explanation. Why can't FTP at least give the basic reason for the bannings? It would go a long way if they did.
FTP bans 5 players without giving reasons.  3 are regulars,2 are beginners at poker (long post) Quote
12-30-2009 , 01:36 PM
All the sites have monopoly since we cannot do anything to them..they are overseas base but they probabbly frozen millions dollar like that. i know they dont need to do that since they already make more than enough...
FTP bans 5 players without giving reasons.  3 are regulars,2 are beginners at poker (long post) Quote
12-30-2009 , 01:53 PM
This sux especially because I owned TNN's soul on the regular
FTP bans 5 players without giving reasons.  3 are regulars,2 are beginners at poker (long post) Quote
12-30-2009 , 02:09 PM
you would think a ftp rep wouldve responded itt by now especially after a bunch of regs have come forward and vouched for OP
if this was stars ud have gotten a reason and especially with a huge thread like this ud have gotten them to look more extensively into your situation. seems like ftp could care less about this thread, whether they were wrong or not and wat impact this has on the community....

seriously tho i wonder how many full tilt regs know stuff like this is going on? i only just started reading the internet poker forum like a week ago and now im like wtf wow.... at least u got to cashout ur money, most of the other people i read about just got slapped with the ban stick and money swiped =S
FTP bans 5 players without giving reasons.  3 are regulars,2 are beginners at poker (long post) Quote
