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Alobar's "Who's coming with me?" thread (moving out of the US to play online) Alobar's "Who's coming with me?" thread (moving out of the US to play online)

04-22-2011 , 02:49 AM
Originally Posted by soah
fwiw, I wrote to the Canadian embassy a while ago to ask what I could do to ensure that I would not be turned away at the border and explained all of my circumstances, and this was all that I got in reply:

and there have been multiple stories on 2p2 of poker players getting turned away
Come on guys really? There are at least thousands and likely tens of thousands of Americans that are let into Canada to vacation every year. We're an asset to their economy, why would they turn us away?
Alobar's "Who's coming with me?" thread (moving out of the US to play online) Quote
04-22-2011 , 02:52 AM
Originally Posted by piranha
Who says I'll need a job to cross the border, since when is that a requirement?

They *can* ask that you show that you can support yourself for the time that you're in Canada and generally 1K a month is acceptable. I'm bringing a bank check for 10K with me to open a Canadian bank account and will pack a bank statement showing more than enough to support myself in the unlikely event they ask for it.

Keep in mind I'm a 35 year old, with my wife and two dogs, driving a $110K Mercedes.
Make sure you bring the rabies certificates.
Alobar's "Who's coming with me?" thread (moving out of the US to play online) Quote
04-22-2011 , 02:54 AM
Originally Posted by Michael Davis
Make sure you bring the rabies certificates.
Thanks yeah we're getting them from the vet next week.
Alobar's "Who's coming with me?" thread (moving out of the US to play online) Quote
04-22-2011 , 03:08 AM
Paint that black S series white.
Alobar's "Who's coming with me?" thread (moving out of the US to play online) Quote
04-22-2011 , 03:17 AM
Originally Posted by piranha
Come on guys really? There are at least thousands and likely tens of thousands of Americans that are let into Canada to vacation every year. We're an asset to their economy, why would they turn us away?
Tourists are an, generally, an asset.

Freeloaders, spongers and people who would take scarce jobs are not.

So, yes, they are going to turn some away. (And, because humans are fallible, some of those will probably be in error).
Alobar's "Who's coming with me?" thread (moving out of the US to play online) Quote
04-22-2011 , 03:25 AM
Originally Posted by piranha
Come on guys really? There are at least thousands and likely tens of thousands of Americans that are let into Canada to vacation every year. We're an asset to their economy, why would they turn us away?
I am not trying to argue with you. I am a Canadian with a U.S green card and cross the border all the time. I know how much of a pain in the ass it can be. You will have less problems if you pack very light and say you going to XXX for a week vacation. If you pull up with your $110K car with no employment and saying you're staying for 5 months, it looks suspicious. Going to Vancouver for 5 months to play online poker isn't a vacation. Going for a couple weeks to a few different tourist stuff is. Either side can turn away any non-citizen for any reason.
Alobar's "Who's coming with me?" thread (moving out of the US to play online) Quote
04-22-2011 , 03:32 AM
I'm looking to move somewhere like costa rica for at least a few months and possibly longer depending on what is going on with poker in the us/how much I like costa rica.

I'm a pretty avid fly fisherman so good places to fish are high on my list of places to live
Alobar's "Who's coming with me?" thread (moving out of the US to play online) Quote
04-22-2011 , 03:48 AM
Originally Posted by thejayman
I am not trying to argue with you. I am a Canadian with a U.S green card and cross the border all the time. I know how much of a pain in the ass it can be. You will have less problems if you pack very light and say you going to XXX for a week vacation.
Isn't it kind of a bad idea to lie to a border agent? His next question will be "Where will you be staying?" Do you lie again?

Last edited by __hope__; 04-22-2011 at 03:49 AM. Reason: I originally wrote "poker agent" instead of border agent :)
Alobar's "Who's coming with me?" thread (moving out of the US to play online) Quote
04-22-2011 , 03:51 AM
anyone interested in setting up a poker house in Vancouver?
Alobar's "Who's coming with me?" thread (moving out of the US to play online) Quote
04-22-2011 , 03:53 AM
Originally Posted by __hope__
Isn't it kind of a bad idea to lie to a border agent? His next question will be "Where will you be staying?" Do you lie again?
Book a hotel online. Print out the reservation and cancel it.
Alobar's "Who's coming with me?" thread (moving out of the US to play online) Quote
04-22-2011 , 04:36 AM
Nicklas doesn't understand that Stars has only indicated that if you do everything right, they will "review" your case. That's hardly an endorsement, but certainly encouraging. Doubtful anyone who can fork over "€3500 + our Fees" will make such a decision without clarity. IMO a migration lawyer will charge less and give more value.
Alobar's "Who's coming with me?" thread (moving out of the US to play online) Quote
04-22-2011 , 04:43 AM
Originally Posted by lengthy
Hey fwiw, I sent an email to Party Poker asking about playing on their site while out of country and using a non US bank account. This is what I got back:

There will be no problems to open a real money account and play while you are in Canada and you have a Canadian bank account.

Since they started following the law when it was immediately passed, I'd assume they consulted their lawyers about this. If they are able to do it I would see no reason why Stars/FTP be different.
This is what I have been wondering about. How much due diligence in general does Party do, now, since they've been out of the U.S. for a while? If just having a Canadian bank acct and IP is enough then it isn't much (still leaves open though the question of what they require to cashout). It might shed some light on the next question I wonder about, which is:

How diligent will FTP and PS be after the cases settle and they've been out for a while? If they don't plan on entering the market explicity again, then what incentive do they have to devote a LOT of resources to make sure that a small minority of resourceful people can't find workarounds? Even if they are somewhat lax (which I'm not saying they wil be), it's hard to see them getting into this kind of trouble again as long as they aren't knowingly sending/receiving money to/from the U.S and letting U.S. residents play.
Alobar's "Who's coming with me?" thread (moving out of the US to play online) Quote
04-22-2011 , 04:48 AM
Originally Posted by mark100net
This is what I have been wondering about. How much due diligence in general does Party do, now, since they've been out of the U.S. for a while? If just having a Canadian bank acct and IP is enough then it isn't much (still leaves open though the question of what they require to cashout). It might shed some light on the next question I wonder about, which is:

How diligent will FTP and PS be after the cases settle and they've been out for a while? If they don't plan on entering the market explicity again, then what incentive do they have to devote a LOT of resources to make sure that a small minority of resourceful people can't find workarounds? Even if they are somewhat lax (which I'm not saying they wil be), it's hard to see them getting into this kind of trouble again as long as they aren't knowingly sending/receiving money to/from the U.S and letting U.S. residents play.
Party's shield is the legitimate processors for now. IMO they do enough to protect their business, but give the burden of enforcing the regulations to others.
Alobar's "Who's coming with me?" thread (moving out of the US to play online) Quote
04-22-2011 , 04:50 AM
Originally Posted by BigPoppa
OK, now I've got to decide between big cosmopolitan city (Montreal) and outdoorsy town with beautiful surroundings and a lot of students (Victoria).

Leaning Victoria because I was going to spend the summer in Boulder before Uncle Sam trainwrecked my plans.

If I was moving to one place, I'd snapcall Montreal; but for a fun summer either would work (but in totally different ways).
heard the ratio there in Victoria is 3-1 woman:men
Alobar's "Who's coming with me?" thread (moving out of the US to play online) Quote
04-22-2011 , 04:54 AM
Originally Posted by reidrab
I am about 60 miles out side of the united states in Mexico. Untill this morning I was able to play. now I am getting the us player message when I sit at a table? Any one else have this problem?
Where in Mexico are u at right now, Monterrey?
Alobar's "Who's coming with me?" thread (moving out of the US to play online) Quote
04-22-2011 , 10:23 AM
I'm going to Ukraine, since I'm a citizen. I'm fluent in Russian so that helps too. I hope that FTP/Stars let me play on their sites when I move. If not, I can still grind all the euro sites.
Alobar's "Who's coming with me?" thread (moving out of the US to play online) Quote
04-22-2011 , 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by cashedout
Nicklas doesn't understand that Stars has only indicated that if you do everything right, they will "review" your case. That's hardly an endorsement, but certainly encouraging. Doubtful anyone who can fork over "€3500 + our Fees" will make such a decision without clarity. IMO a migration lawyer will charge less and give more value.
Hi, i would say this is the right way as you can proof everything that you are living in another country with all rights you will gain.

It isnt cheap, but I need to say, the €3500 is only for the lawyer company, if you find a cheaper one who is as good as they are and with people who know Malta ..than ofc go for it, if u think thats brings your more value.

If someone wants less hassle and everything ready than he can send me a PM and we will get everything done.

Alobar's "Who's coming with me?" thread (moving out of the US to play online) Quote
04-22-2011 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by __hope__
I spent some time in Costa Rica and everywhere I went all the windows had bars on them. It's odd considering how gentle the ticos are in general and their low level of violent crime.
CR is very safe, the reason places have bars or high gates is because there is a good amount of theft down there. The place doesnt have much violent crime.
Alobar's "Who's coming with me?" thread (moving out of the US to play online) Quote
04-22-2011 , 02:51 PM
Why not Greece? We have beautiful girls, sun and plenty of fish.. Very safe to live here and if you would like to play live there are some of the softest games available in casinos.

Cost of living is normal I guess when compared to other EU countries.

Also, the summer is near..
Alobar's "Who's coming with me?" thread (moving out of the US to play online) Quote
04-22-2011 , 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by Azalin
Why not Greece? We have beautiful girls, sun and plenty of fish.. Very safe to live here and if you would like to play live there are some of the softest games available in casinos.

Cost of living is normal I guess when compared to other EU countries.

Also, the summer is near..
Food's good, too.

Plus it is the cradle of Western democracy.
Alobar's "Who's coming with me?" thread (moving out of the US to play online) Quote
04-22-2011 , 03:30 PM
Originally Posted by killereagle09
heard the ratio there in Victoria is 3-1 woman:men
But a counterbalancing demographic fact to be aware of is this (from Wikipedia):

Victoria is notorious for its disproportionately large retiree population. Some 6.4 percent of the population of Victoria and its surrounding area are more than 80 years of age—the highest proportion for any of Canada's metropolitan areas. The city also boasts the country's third-highest concentration of people 65 and older (17.8 per cent), behind only Peterborough, Ontario, and Kelowna, British Columbia. Retirees throughout Canada are drawn to Victoria's mild climate, beautiful scenery, year-round golf season, and generally easy-going pace of life. A historically popular cliché referring to the city was that it is for "the newly wed and nearly dead".
Alobar's "Who's coming with me?" thread (moving out of the US to play online) Quote
04-22-2011 , 04:07 PM
This is the email i got back from stars asking about using my US identification and a foreign proof of residency (utility bill, bank statement, etc):

Dear xxxx,

Your nationality in this case is not the issue, as far you provide proofs that you are living outside US or any US territory you will be able to play.

So to confirm we will be able to accept your US issued identification document.

We appreciate your cooperation and understanding.


Jose P
Alobar's "Who's coming with me?" thread (moving out of the US to play online) Quote
04-22-2011 , 04:32 PM
I asked literally the exact same thing a couple days ago and got a "we cannot assist you u at this time" response, silly support people.
Alobar's "Who's coming with me?" thread (moving out of the US to play online) Quote
04-22-2011 , 04:33 PM
good news though, makes things a bit easier
Alobar's "Who's coming with me?" thread (moving out of the US to play online) Quote
