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u see Estelle Denis? Says she has aces went all in and dealer folded hand u see Estelle Denis? Says she has aces went all in and dealer folded hand
View Poll Results: Who is at fault in the hand where Estelle Denis' cards were mucked?
Estelle Denis
173 26.05%
The dealer
491 73.95%

10-12-2009 , 10:04 PM
OMFG this shyt happened to me at a final tbl of some mini tournament 4 handed. wow that is so dirty. in my case the guy said i call to my all in, and i was knocked out of the tournament. lukily for her she was still in
u see Estelle Denis? Says she has aces went all in and dealer folded hand Quote
10-13-2009 , 01:26 AM
wtf the dealer grabbed the cards from RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER. DO NOT take a players cards that are clearly still in front of the player unless they clearly state their intention to fold, i don't care what seat you're in.

Obv. she should be protecting them but she's probably somewhat new to poker and i'm sure this is her first accidental muck incident. Some things aren't so obvious to people, especially when they're new to something and expecting the PROFESSIONAL to do his job...

The actions of the dealer are inexcusable imo
u see Estelle Denis? Says she has aces went all in and dealer folded hand Quote
10-13-2009 , 02:06 AM
Originally Posted by rawt
Could you see the same outcome happening to a name pro in this scenario? Imagine Hellmuth in his all-in pose, face buried in his palms after a shove and the dealer proceeds to muck his cards. You can GUARANTEE the ensuing hissy-fit would result in a different outcome. Now THAT would have been awesome TV.

Dead dealer

Incarcerated Hellmuth
u see Estelle Denis? Says she has aces went all in and dealer folded hand Quote
10-13-2009 , 02:08 AM
I wonder how often dealers "accidentally" do this to players they don't like.
u see Estelle Denis? Says she has aces went all in and dealer folded hand Quote
10-13-2009 , 07:30 AM
Originally Posted by ludacris
wtf the dealer grabbed the cards from RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER. DO NOT take a players cards that are clearly still in front of the player unless they clearly state their intention to fold, i don't care what seat you're in.

Obv. she should be protecting them but she's probably somewhat new to poker and i'm sure this is her first accidental muck incident. Some things aren't so obvious to people, especially when they're new to something and expecting the PROFESSIONAL to do his job...

The actions of the dealer are inexcusable imo

Shows how little you know.
u see Estelle Denis? Says she has aces went all in and dealer folded hand Quote
10-13-2009 , 09:07 AM
less talk, more pics:

u see Estelle Denis? Says she has aces went all in and dealer folded hand Quote
10-13-2009 , 09:17 AM
The poll question does not address the responsibility of "the floor" ruling of the situation. The floor went ahead and looked at the top 2 cards in the muck, but why? Suppose the top two cards in the muck were aces as Estelle Denis said they were....would her cards of been now in play?

Upon replaying the video of the event, it is clear that when the dealer mucked Denis' cards, that they were not the top two cards to the right side of the muck as her cards were placed under the card (or cards) of the previously mucked hand.

Does the floor have the capability of rewinding a video to observe the situation? Does each table at the WSOP have a camera taping the action? If so, the floor could seen the action and retreived Denis' cards.

In my opinion, everyone involved in this situation made an error, including the floor. If the floor is going to try to pull Denis' card out of the muck, then they should investigate the vidieo tape of the event, ask the player before Denis what his hand was, then look at the four cards to the right side of the muck to reconstruct the situation. If that acton does not take place, then the floor should not have tried to pull Denis' cards out of the muck.

So, everyonoe involved made a mistake. Of course Denis' mistake was the worse one. The dealer was sleeping and pulling cards on automatic pilot carefully mucking cards around the all in stack in front of Denis and the floor compounds the mistake by incorrectly trying to reconstruct the hand.
u see Estelle Denis? Says she has aces went all in and dealer folded hand Quote
10-13-2009 , 09:28 AM
Originally Posted by David123
racist woman hating dealer. pretty obvious ldo.
please tell me more,most of the time people that work in the sport buisiness are not racist ,that would incoherent ,especially her ,cause she's a soccer tv commentator and her boyfriend is the french national team coach, knowing that the french national team is composed essentially by black persons i guess she would be a total sociopath choosing that job and beeing a racist
btw the racists in france totally hate sport and especially soccer because they think that mixing up people is bad
so dude you might be levelling but i don't think so , so...... you FAIL
and here for you
think a little bit before making false accusations
so long
u see Estelle Denis? Says she has aces went all in and dealer folded hand Quote
10-13-2009 , 09:29 AM
That chick is hot, who cares whose fault it is. All that matters is she got some extra TV time
u see Estelle Denis? Says she has aces went all in and dealer folded hand Quote
10-13-2009 , 10:16 AM
total angle shoot...she didn't have aces.
u see Estelle Denis? Says she has aces went all in and dealer folded hand Quote
10-13-2009 , 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by LVGambler
Shows how little you know.
very constructive imo
u see Estelle Denis? Says she has aces went all in and dealer folded hand Quote
10-13-2009 , 02:47 PM
Originally Posted by CanYouBetOnThat
That chick is hot, who cares whose fault it is. All that matters is she got some extra TV time
she dont need extra tv time she has a tv show in france. about soccer.( her husband is the national soccer team trainer.)
u see Estelle Denis? Says she has aces went all in and dealer folded hand Quote
10-13-2009 , 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by Psycho Boy Jack
she dont need extra tv time she has a tv show in france. about soccer.( her husband is the luckiest man in football to keep his job as manager of France as he is completely useless and all the players hate him.)

u see Estelle Denis? Says she has aces went all in and dealer folded hand Quote
10-13-2009 , 10:13 PM
Originally Posted by David123
racist woman hating dealer. pretty obvious ldo.
Originally Posted by piccoro
please tell me more,most of the time people that work in the sport buisiness are not racist ,that would incoherent ,especially her ,cause she's a soccer tv commentator and her boyfriend is the french national team coach, knowing that the french national team is composed essentially by black persons i guess she would be a total sociopath choosing that job and beeing a racist
btw the racists in france totally hate sport and especially soccer because they think that mixing up people is bad
so dude you might be levelling but i don't think so , so...... you FAIL
and here for you
think a little bit before making false accusations
so long
Lack of punctuation FTL

Calm down dude, he was joking about the DEALER not her, as in:

racist, woman-hating dealer
u see Estelle Denis? Says she has aces went all in and dealer folded hand Quote
10-14-2009 , 01:37 AM
Dealer should had noticed she was all-in and not mucked her cards: Yes
Dealer spaced out, saw unprotected cards and mucked anyways: Yes
Floor make an attempt to retrieve cards as they should: Yes
Cards retrievable: Absolutely Not
Floor made correct decision afterwards: Yes

The dealer spaced out, effed up, and destroyed her WSOP ME. No matter how badly the dealer effed up, it was her 100% responsibility to protect her cards and she paid the price for not doing so.
It doesn't seem right or fair..... But that is the way it is.
Anyone who thinks it was any less than 100% her responsibility should go back to Poker School

A similar situation happen to me at a final table of a $25,000 guaranteed tournament.

6 players remaining, in Seat five (Facing the dealer) I raise with KK, folds to seat 8 who was upset with my raise. He angrily flicks his cards to the muck, but his aim was off and they shot right down the line directly at my cards.

I don't think much about protecting my cards sitting in seat 5, but still I unconsciously had them stacked with my index finger resting on top...The cards heading my way stayed together, hit my finger and rested on top of my cards, almost completely covering them.

I nearly panicked and frantically brushed them off like they were diseased, while keeping my finger on my cards.
I looked up towards the TD who happened to be watching from one of the empty seats at the table.... "Play on" he said..... Phew....

I asked him afterwards what would had happened if I didn't have my cards protected...
"If I couldn't be 100% sure which cards were yours, your hand would had been declared dead and the money stays in the pot"
u see Estelle Denis? Says she has aces went all in and dealer folded hand Quote
10-14-2009 , 01:42 AM
How is this poll not 100% in favor of the dealer being at fault?
u see Estelle Denis? Says she has aces went all in and dealer folded hand Quote
10-14-2009 , 02:26 AM
Originally Posted by domda
The title of the poll should be "who is most at fault the dealer or the player?" because they both are clearly wrong.She did not protect her cards and he was not paying sufficient attention.Unfortunate situation but ultimately I would say she is more responsible.However flaky a dealer is ,this would never happen to a top pro they would never leave their cards exposed like that.
Not true. As mentioned earlier, players sometimes stand up when they are all in--we've all seen that. Most players, even pros, do NOT protect their cards at all times.
u see Estelle Denis? Says she has aces went all in and dealer folded hand Quote
10-14-2009 , 02:37 AM
Originally Posted by David123
racist woman hating dealer. pretty obvious ldo.
He is also probably also a homophobe who gets in his gas-guzzling SUV, shoots defenseless animals on his way home, and eats them (after his subjugated wife does the cooking).
u see Estelle Denis? Says she has aces went all in and dealer folded hand Quote
10-14-2009 , 02:46 AM
Originally Posted by PokerStarSteve
Dead dealer

Incarcerated Hellmuth
Nah, dead Hellmuth. He would have stroked out and fallen across the table.

And a new YouTube sensation is born.
u see Estelle Denis? Says she has aces went all in and dealer folded hand Quote
10-14-2009 , 02:49 AM
Agree that the dealer should be fired! Does anyone know if he was?
u see Estelle Denis? Says she has aces went all in and dealer folded hand Quote
10-14-2009 , 04:38 AM
u see Estelle Denis? Says she has aces went all in and dealer folded hand Quote
10-14-2009 , 05:01 AM
Dealer made a mistake, but it's her fault no question about it. Dealers make mistakes all the time (lol at firing a dealer for mucking an unprotected hand). Players have everything to lose by not protecting their hand, dealers - nothing. Guess who the burden is on?

I always protect my hand when playing live. I put a chip on top of my cards every time after they're dealt to me, before I look at them. Every single time. I'm certainly not letting go of my cards or let the dealer anywhere near them when all-in on seat 1 or 9.
u see Estelle Denis? Says she has aces went all in and dealer folded hand Quote
10-14-2009 , 07:31 AM
Originally Posted by triplikate
Agree that the dealer should be fired! Does anyone know if he was?
Originally Posted by mr_tricks
lol at firing a dealer for mucking an unprotected hand
Do you even play live poker triplikate?!
u see Estelle Denis? Says she has aces went all in and dealer folded hand Quote
10-14-2009 , 03:25 PM
Surely when you stump up an entry fee you are paying for dealers to be properly trained? If this happened to me I would be claiming reimbursement. The player is in NO WAY to blame for this. If an average joe walks in off the street to play in the WSOP, at what point is he informed that he is required to protect his hand because the dealers don't know what they're doing? Casino is 100% liable.. or should be.
u see Estelle Denis? Says she has aces went all in and dealer folded hand Quote
10-14-2009 , 03:29 PM
It's too easy to be pedantic and somekind of rule nit in situations like this but really a little common sense could be used.

She's all in. Dealers fault.

"but she didn't protect her hand?"
so what. people move in and then stand up all the time.

next time im in a tourney im gonna turn to the person next to me grab their hand and throw it in the muck, "sorry you didn't protect ur hand" I win.
Gives the game a new edge imo, contact poker. Last person who's left with cards takes it down.

"whats that over there...MUCKED!"

Last edited by SpeedLimiter; 10-14-2009 at 03:35 PM.
u see Estelle Denis? Says she has aces went all in and dealer folded hand Quote
