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u see Estelle Denis? Says she has aces went all in and dealer folded hand u see Estelle Denis? Says she has aces went all in and dealer folded hand
View Poll Results: Who is at fault in the hand where Estelle Denis' cards were mucked?
Estelle Denis
173 26.05%
The dealer
491 73.95%

10-08-2009 , 08:21 PM
Good god that was terrible. This why I sit far away from the dealer when I play live. Makes it much harder for them to accidentally screw you.
u see Estelle Denis? Says she has aces went all in and dealer folded hand Quote
10-08-2009 , 08:25 PM
oh **** i get it now! IIIII X X X IIIII is the dealer who mucked Estelles cards! loll nice try buddy
u see Estelle Denis? Says she has aces went all in and dealer folded hand Quote
10-08-2009 , 08:28 PM
You're just trolling, IIIII X X X IIIII.
u see Estelle Denis? Says she has aces went all in and dealer folded hand Quote
10-08-2009 , 09:50 PM
Originally Posted by IIIII X X X IIIII
Wrong, obviously.
Do people who fail to protect their cards deserve to have them killed?
u see Estelle Denis? Says she has aces went all in and dealer folded hand Quote
10-08-2009 , 10:03 PM
100% the dealers fault....all her chips were clearly in the middle! ALL on them! And they were no far up front....

What was the dealer thinking? All in without any cards?
u see Estelle Denis? Says she has aces went all in and dealer folded hand Quote
10-08-2009 , 10:08 PM
Originally Posted by tskarzyn
Good god that was terrible. This why I sit far away from the dealer when I play live. Makes it much harder for them to accidentally screw you.
I do that too, I like sitting in the 2/3 seats and the 7/8 seats. But when you are in a live tourny, you don't get to pick where you want to sit. It's just funny the dealer when to the left of her stack to grab the cards of 1 guy, tried to grab her cards, saw the stack was in the way and went to the right of the stack to grab it. His literal thought process was "This stack of chips is in the way, I'll just go around and grab it.". And people like XXX think it's completely her fault. LOL.
u see Estelle Denis? Says she has aces went all in and dealer folded hand Quote
10-08-2009 , 10:46 PM
i think its the players responsibility to protect their hand, and because of that it is totally estelle's fault, obv the dealer should be more carefull in the future (if he gets a job) but imo its the ladys fault. its in the rules, perhaps she should have read the rules before entering the tournament.
u see Estelle Denis? Says she has aces went all in and dealer folded hand Quote
10-09-2009 , 06:06 AM
Dealer should be fired, and Estelle should get a bobblehead Phil Ivey card protector. </case>
u see Estelle Denis? Says she has aces went all in and dealer folded hand Quote
10-09-2009 , 07:08 AM
racist woman hating dealer. pretty obvious ldo.
u see Estelle Denis? Says she has aces went all in and dealer folded hand Quote
10-09-2009 , 07:19 AM
dealers fault not even close. Since when do youve to protect your cards when youre allin? that sounds ridiculous.

i had this dealer this year as well and I remember him doing few mistakes as well.
u see Estelle Denis? Says she has aces went all in and dealer folded hand Quote
10-09-2009 , 07:29 AM
As the dealer with Estelle sittin next to me if I'm grabbin something by mistake its not gonna be her cards...
u see Estelle Denis? Says she has aces went all in and dealer folded hand Quote
10-09-2009 , 07:48 AM
Most replies itt are hilarious. The dealer was sleepin (obv). But she's the one who didn't do what's expected of her.. to protect her hand. Dealer made the mistake, but who did it cost?? Her! HER BAD, HER FAULT. It's in the rules!

Analogy: He caused the "accident". She didn't have "insurance".
Who gets screwed?

Last edited by LVGambler; 10-09-2009 at 07:49 AM. Reason: mistake:his, fault:hers
u see Estelle Denis? Says she has aces went all in and dealer folded hand Quote
10-09-2009 , 08:47 AM
The amounts of idiocy in this thread is remarkable
u see Estelle Denis? Says she has aces went all in and dealer folded hand Quote
10-09-2009 , 10:15 AM
I watched this episode last night and I felt her pain. Whenever you are seated next to the dealer you have to be extra careful to protect your hand. Dealers get on autopilot and will grab your cards if you do not protect them. It is a shame, but it happens. Anyone that has played any amount live has had something similar to this happen to them. Unfortunately for Denis, it happened at a very poor time.

At least they let her take her all in raise back. Now that would have been a fun discussion...
u see Estelle Denis? Says she has aces went all in and dealer folded hand Quote
10-09-2009 , 04:18 PM
The dealer is a ******, I can't believe the floor acted like it was no big deal. I mean this is the ME! No TIP for crappy dealers.

The floor says "you should've protected your hand" but, they should have dealers that know where the action is and know who is all-in!!
u see Estelle Denis? Says she has aces went all in and dealer folded hand Quote
10-09-2009 , 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by Brussels Sprout
Wow at this

Also her accent is so thick she sounds a bit like a deaf person
I would like to hear how ****** you sound trying to speak french
u see Estelle Denis? Says she has aces went all in and dealer folded hand Quote
10-09-2009 , 05:24 PM
^ I must admit my "accident" analogy sucked ^
u see Estelle Denis? Says she has aces went all in and dealer folded hand Quote
10-09-2009 , 05:44 PM
Protect your hand.
That said I hate sitting next to the dealer.

"Did you protect your hand, I dont now"?
Was he being smart or just stupid at this point?

Floor was tripping as well.
Talk about asking the guy to do two different commands.
u see Estelle Denis? Says she has aces went all in and dealer folded hand Quote
10-09-2009 , 06:36 PM
if you seriously think this is her fault, you are a moron.

this is like saying you should always wear your seatbelt when driving across the road, b.c one time a guy got killed 20 years ago.
u see Estelle Denis? Says she has aces went all in and dealer folded hand Quote
10-09-2009 , 07:30 PM
Dealer's fault, obviously.

It's Estelle's responsibility to protect her cards, but it's the dealer's job to properly administer the hand. Fire him and get someone who doesn't suck.
u see Estelle Denis? Says she has aces went all in and dealer folded hand Quote
10-09-2009 , 08:21 PM
Originally Posted by IIIII X X X IIIII
You couldn't be more wrong if you tried...

It's 100% her fault for not protecting her hand. Doesn't matter if she was all-in or not - she could've done something as simple as keeping her cards in her hand. It's 10,000 times more important to protect your hand when in the 1 or 9 seat. Anyone with a decent amount of live experience knows this & understands that these types of mistakes happen.

Yes the dealer here was a moron too but ultimately it's her fault. Now she knows better and I can guarantee it won't happen to her again.
Why do you keep arguing with these half wits, you said it best right here. Amazing how clueless not only some can be, but so many. You can correct them till you are blue in the face but it still wont register. Good luck though, keep fighting the good fight.
u see Estelle Denis? Says she has aces went all in and dealer folded hand Quote
10-09-2009 , 08:37 PM
Why not have a 6inx6in square with FOLD in the center of the box on each end of the poker table. All hands are live until placed in the FOLD box. No dealer will ever muck another hand.
u see Estelle Denis? Says she has aces went all in and dealer folded hand Quote
10-09-2009 , 08:39 PM
Originally Posted by poofinger
Why do you keep arguing with these half wits, you said it best right here. Amazing how clueless not only some can be, but so many. You can correct them till you are blue in the face but it still wont register. Good luck though, keep fighting the good fight.
and if this same thing happened to either one of you, you'd go insane and pull the "are you kidding me, i have to hold my hand?" card on the td, the floor and the dealer. Ya know why? B/c card protectors are not mandatory, and are neccesary about 1 in 4 million hands probably. she pushed her chips in, leaned back as a lot of people would do and kept her cards right in front of her, behind her chips, no one in that situation expects a moron dealer to kill their hand, it's unprecidented.
u see Estelle Denis? Says she has aces went all in and dealer folded hand Quote
10-09-2009 , 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by Conz
and if this same thing happened to either one of you, you'd go insane and pull the "are you kidding me, i have to hold my hand?" card on the td, the floor and the dealer. Ya know why? B/c card protectors are not mandatory, and are neccesary about 1 in 4 million hands probably. she pushed her chips in, leaned back as a lot of people would do and kept her cards right in front of her, behind her chips, no one in that situation expects a moron dealer to kill their hand, it's unprecidented.
You are correct that anyone would be upset about this happening. I had my hand killed by someone mucking their cards when I was in that same seat (position), they flung their cards from seat 4 and one hit my unprotected cards. My cards where stacked like hers and the mucked card was about one inch of one corner under my cards, it was clear which cards where mine but I still was declared to have a dead hand. I pulled the "are you kidding me, I have to hold my hand" routine, and found out that I indeed do have to protect my hand at all times. And you can believe that my cards have never been unprotected since.

Card protectors are not mandatory because the cards can be protected with ones hand, as JC so beautifully illustrates here.

You are also correct that lots of people push in and then sit back to relax, it always makes me cringe and at times protect their hand with one of my chips. You will however NEVER see one of the top players sitting like Estelle with and unprotected hand (look again at JC for reference).

The dealer has lots of things to take care of during a hand, so mistakes will happen. The player only has to protect their cards to prevent this type of situation, and as 11 x 11 pointed out she will not make this mistake again. Too bad it had to be learned at such a bad time.

ps just changed my mind

Last edited by poofinger; 10-09-2009 at 09:43 PM. Reason: saw the above post after tirade
u see Estelle Denis? Says she has aces went all in and dealer folded hand Quote
10-09-2009 , 09:41 PM
Dealer's fault IMO.
u see Estelle Denis? Says she has aces went all in and dealer folded hand Quote
