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ok ive gotta protect my roll better so ill stick to -50 min buyin here in vegas ok ive gotta protect my roll better so ill stick to -50 min buyin here in vegas

06-19-2008 , 09:27 PM
Originally Posted by Dark_Mace
"Im not a loosing player, ive been playing for 15 years...."

Oh ok. Well after 15 years you must be playing some decent stakes games, with decent buyin.

"I buy in for 40 min, and 100 min and shortstack"

I dont see anything wrong with those statements....does anyone else?
I didn't know "winning" poker players after 15 years shortstack the lowest buyin games available.

To me a winning player is someone who has consistently won money over [15 years] and is now bankrolled to play stakes far above what they initially started at [15 years ag].

To me it seems like your a stagnant, loosing player, who wins a bit and then gives it right back. Kind of like roulette, you will generally break even betting red and black (ie win some then loose some) but occasionaly, 3% of the time, you will loose regardless of which colour you get, because its zero.

Your poker "career" at best, can be described a roulettle game.
Moving up is not a requirement to be a winning player.
06-19-2008 , 10:22 PM
Originally Posted by Dark_Mace
I didn't know "winning" poker players after 15 years shortstack the lowest buyin games available.

To me a winning player is someone who has consistently won money over [15 years] and is now bankrolled to play stakes far above what they initially started at [15 years ag].
You have an illogical definition of "winning player", then. MY definition of a winning player is someone who does better than break even playing poker over the long haul. That's it. Just that. No more. Doesn't matter what stakes they play, doesn't matter what they do with the money they win, doesn't matter what games they play. They ARE winning at whatever it is they are doing. If they're spending the winnings on chicks and video poker, that's their choice of how to spend the booty.

OP has spelled out exactly how he plays. He hasn't tried to deceive anyone about the stakes he plays, how he plays, or what happens to the winnings. Given those parameters, if he really is net positive playing poker, he's a winning player at the stakes he plays in my book. That he has trouble holding on to the money doesn't alter that.

Not everybody is a poker pro, and not every aspires to be one, and even those who are aren't always good at bankroll management. Matusow springs to mind as such an example. He almost certainly is a winning player at some games. He just has some leaks online and in areas outside of poker.
06-19-2008 , 11:34 PM
OP will fly someday
06-20-2008 , 05:53 AM
now at $2214 won again been off machines for 3 days now, slowly recovering the roll, but i gotta pay now for friday and sat room, and the best deal i found was $55 rate at the plaza next 2 days plus tax, so it will set me back over $130
06-20-2008 , 06:01 AM
Originally Posted by sevencard2003
now at $2214 won again been off machines for 3 days now, slowly recovering the roll, but i gotta pay now for friday and sat room, and the best deal i found was $55 rate at the plaza next 2 days plus tax, so it will set me back over $130
you`ll never make any money paying for those expensive hotels all the time while trying to grind
06-20-2008 , 12:43 PM
Originally Posted by MrMore

Sounds okay. $399/mo, with wireless, beats hotel rooms. Located about behind the El, so right spot for you.
Tony, did you miss this guys post. This is an efficiency apt, sounds like it is right up your alley.
06-20-2008 , 05:05 PM
yes and whats kept me back from getting them deals numerous times is no proof of income. even i could tell them i get ssi, they wouldnt be willing to rent a $510 apt a month apt to someone only getting $637 a month ssi. i doubt he even read his own thread it says $399 only for the first month and what about the DEPOSIT??? no landlord will even rent to me, cause i dont have a stable income, thats why ive used motels most of my life. besides my rolls so low at just a little bit over $$2000 that im in no position to put out about $700-900 upfront to move into something. notice where it lists the $15 application fee, thats probably where they do a credit check, and once they tell u no ur just out the $15. so why bother to pay the $15 in the first place?? all that would happen if i checked out his advice is end up $15 poorer.
06-20-2008 , 05:23 PM
advanced logic^

Tony, please stop.
06-20-2008 , 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by Davino
advanced logic^

Tony, please stop.
i dont get it davino... that seems like pretty sound logic to me...
06-20-2008 , 08:33 PM
Originally Posted by Truthiness24
One could argue that everyone who plays poker in lieu of something positive for society does this.

I've always thought that every poker player provides a service for every other player.

Without any players a card room has absolutely no value to someone looking for a game whether that person is there for entertainment or is trying to make a profit. As soon as a second player shows up, that person adds immediate value to society. The winning players are just compensated for their contributions.
06-20-2008 , 09:55 PM
How does SSI(disability welfare I'm assuming) know what you make each month? I'm assuming you play cash games and don't report your income? Do you keep the majority of your roll in the bank?
06-20-2008 , 10:21 PM
Originally Posted by Tryptamean
i dont get it davino... that seems like pretty sound logic to me...
I was being non-facetious
06-20-2008 , 11:01 PM
i certainly do keep most of my money in the bank,--for safety--and im now staying at the plaza with about $2150. won a tiny bit and then paid for fri and saturdays room. i paid as much as $79-129 a whole bunch of times last month in MO, LA and so forth when i was winning big $200-400 a lot everyday in poker etc and even on the machines.
06-20-2008 , 11:01 PM
still havent touched any machines in over 3 days.
06-20-2008 , 11:06 PM
Keep grinding Tony. I envy you in a way. A part of me wishes I could just be a single man and take my whole roll and just do what you do. Stay off those machimes man GL
06-21-2008 , 02:42 AM
Good job bro STAY OFF THE MACHINES!! They're evil just watch the Matrix!

We're rooting for you bro. Well at least some of us are...
06-21-2008 , 03:43 AM
mind blowing thread
06-21-2008 , 05:07 AM
roll at $2308, have not been on a machine or anything other than poker in over 72 hrs. wish i could play 1 of these $135 binions classic events but i just dont wanna spend that much of my roll on it.
06-21-2008 , 05:28 AM
Originally Posted by sevencard2003
sevencard2003 (9:50:43 PM): but i aint touched a ****ing machine
sevencard2003 (9:50:49 PM): so aint u proud of me??

seriously, anyone who says something like this has a serious gambling addiction and needs help really badly
06-21-2008 , 05:43 AM
he seems to be doing OK

06-21-2008 , 06:54 AM
Originally Posted by DarkMagus
seriously, anyone who says something like this has a serious gambling addiction and needs help really badly
You're missing the point. Autistic or not, OP is definitely wired differently from the rest of us. I'm not even sure if the same pathology applies to his machine problem.

Any doctors in the house?
06-21-2008 , 06:56 AM
Originally Posted by thesnowflake
he seems to be doing OK


I've come around & I'm pulling for him too. But if he plays any PL this weekend he's fair game -- I won't softplay him. (Lots of PL this weekend at Binion's -- see the O8 forum for more info.)
06-21-2008 , 05:11 PM
waking up with the same $2308 been off the machines for about 4 days. heading to fitz and then to binions.
06-21-2008 , 05:13 PM
and btw i did win $400 once at binions in the hilo plo8 but that was in a 1-2 blinds game most of my bad luck was in games half high instead of 100% hilo and also in games with $2-5 blinds so as long as its $1-2 blinds and hilo im ok playing. but to be honest most of what i played on stars was NL hilo omaha 1-2 blinds or less. not PL hilo. u just can protect aa better that way.
06-21-2008 , 08:55 PM
GL Tony.
