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ok ive gotta protect my roll better so ill stick to -50 min buyin here in vegas ok ive gotta protect my roll better so ill stick to -50 min buyin here in vegas

06-26-2008 , 07:55 PM
Originally Posted by wiper
i was with you until i read you have a kid that you don't care for.

there's a special place in hell waiting for you.

in your case, it'll probably be video poker machines that pay 4:1 on full houses, and the only attendants are black, who will obviously steal all your roll..

I'm in tears
wp sir
06-26-2008 , 07:57 PM
booked a room at passport inn and suites, on east whitehorse pike, for tomorrow nite for $46, best deal i could find. better than sleeping in the health spa at ballys by the pool all day for $30. sitting here online pokerstars waiting for my laundry to finish. since u live in ny cardplayergal u should come up here. theres gotta be nb members in the area. also still trying to find a cheap laptop thru

this is just, I'm speechless

movie material
06-26-2008 , 09:05 PM
Originally Posted by wiper
there's a special place in hell waiting for you.
You guys continue to fail to understand autism. Leaving his kid, his paranoia of certain minorities, his general paranoia, his gambling addiction... it is all very likely not something Tony has any control over. Asking him to do things differently would be like demanding a schizophrenic stop having hallucinations or a manic-depressive stop being moody. And far as I know, there aren't any drugs available to treat what ails Tony.

Tony is not going to hell for being different from most of us. He marches to a different internal drum beat.
06-26-2008 , 09:33 PM
Originally Posted by Davino
booked a room at passport inn and suites, on east whitehorse pike, for tomorrow nite for $46, best deal i could find. better than sleeping in the health spa at ballys by the pool all day for $30. sitting here online pokerstars waiting for my laundry to finish. since u live in ny cardplayergal u should come up here. theres gotta be nb members in the area. also still trying to find a cheap laptop thru

this is just, I'm speechless

movie material
You must have missed the part where he slept in a casino bathroom stall
06-26-2008 , 10:18 PM
Originally Posted by bav
You guys continue to fail to understand autism. Leaving his kid, his paranoia of certain minorities, his general paranoia, his gambling addiction... it is all very likely not something Tony has any control over. Asking him to do things differently would be like demanding a schizophrenic stop having hallucinations or a manic-depressive stop being moody. And far as I know, there aren't any drugs available to treat what ails Tony.

Tony is not going to hell for being different from most of us. He marches to a different internal drum beat.
Bav, I'm usually with you 100%. But here, problems or not, I don't think anyone should get a "medical" (R U an MD, Bav?) pass for walking away from the job of Dad. I believe that Mr. Obama had some things to say about that the other day. I sincerely doubt that any member of the medical profession that knew OP's situation would offer that pass either. Sympathy and empathy, yes. But condoning, rationalizing or otherwise justifying that kind of behavoir is just plain wrong for the kid and OP.
06-26-2008 , 10:42 PM
everyone compliments how i look but its pointless if i dont have my money back. down to $1380 now after paying room charges thru the end of june. mom wrote and told me ssi mailed me a letter im not getting any monthly $637 ssi in july --that id normally get--cause i earned way too much income. but shes not sure whats going on with the rest of the back pay of $3500 i was to get at the beginning of july. without it ill be screwed. ive been really depending on it.
06-26-2008 , 11:32 PM
lol @ OP making all kinds of racist and sexist posts on 2+2, and now going to Vegas with a good bankroll only to lose most of it by giving it to the casino in blackjack and video poker.. LOL

And now struggling to make it and saying things like "oh I've played shortstacked all my life..." blah blah.. so this is what you are, a shortstacked donk online who sucks at the live game too and actually even blows thousands on games where it's ALWAYS -EV to press the button for the next video poker hand or always -EV to sit down at the blackjack table.

lol @ OP lolllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
06-27-2008 , 12:04 AM
Originally Posted by sevencard2003
mom wrote and told me ssi mailed me a letter im not getting any monthly $637 ssi in july --that id normally get--cause i earned way too much income..
You play poker. How do the SSI people know what you make at poker?
06-27-2008 , 12:13 AM
Originally Posted by fishyak
Bav, I'm usually with you 100%. But here, problems or not, I don't think anyone should get a "medical" (R U an MD, Bav?) pass for walking away from the job of Dad. I believe that Mr. Obama had some things to say about that the other day. I sincerely doubt that any member of the medical profession that knew OP's situation would offer that pass either. Sympathy and empathy, yes. But condoning, rationalizing or otherwise justifying that kind of behavoir is just plain wrong for the kid and OP.
The ignorance displayed here is mind-boggling.
06-27-2008 , 12:15 AM
Originally Posted by sternroolz
You play poker. How do the SSI people know what you make at poker?
by law im required to report it every month. just won $12 in the fitz in the $3-6 holdem, am gonna take the bus to osheas. rolls now up to $1392
06-27-2008 , 01:50 AM
So you're reporting poker income but don't mention your losses at other games? So playing those -EV games hurt twice as hard since you miss out on poker income as well as SSI.
06-27-2008 , 02:24 AM
Originally Posted by WEC
You must have missed the part where he slept in a casino bathroom stall

I read that, too. 12 hours in the crapper, just wow.
06-27-2008 , 02:34 AM
Originally Posted by Davino
I read that, too. 12 hours in the crapper, just wow.
I did that once, only it involved lots and lots of alcohol.
06-27-2008 , 02:35 AM
Tony, quit booking tiny wins and big losses, Its not the special recipe. Also go home.
06-27-2008 , 04:36 AM
Originally Posted by sevencard2003
everyone compliments how i look but its pointless if i dont have my money back. down to $1380 now after paying room charges thru the end of june. mom wrote and told me ssi mailed me a letter im not getting any monthly $637 ssi in july --that id normally get--cause i earned way too much income. but shes not sure whats going on with the rest of the back pay of $3500 i was to get at the beginning of july. without it ill be screwed. ive been really depending on it.
$1380 can still work...just need some upward momentum

Probably should think about a live BAP at some point and use it for a full buy in.

Also--what was your review on that Boulder Highway Budget Suite? Was it a complete dump--or somewhat acceptable place to stay--and did you bother to play at Sams Town, which is one of my recommended places to play
06-27-2008 , 08:19 AM
its not a bad room on the inside, although i couldnt get the internet access promised. not the best clientele at the bus stop, lots of police and bums in the area as anywhere on fremont, but its certainly a lot better area than downtown outside the casinos. its just a little overpriced i think. its $25 extra if u dont have linens.

and i aint been back to sams town since i got thrown out once, but i should call them, dick lifted my 86 once, i might do better if i could try stud. cody threw me out one night after that and called security since i took the phone away from him as he was calling them.
06-27-2008 , 08:20 AM
hanging onto $1372 n going to bed now.
06-27-2008 , 11:35 AM
[QUOTE=bav;4829863]Originally Posted by wiper
there's a special place in hell waiting for you.

You guys continue to fail to understand autism. Leaving his kid, his paranoia of certain minorities, his general paranoia, his gambling addiction... it is all very likely not something Tony has any control over. Asking him to do things differently would be like demanding a schizophrenic stop having hallucinations or a manic-depressive stop being moody. And far as I know, there aren't any drugs available to treat what ails Tony.

Tony is not going to hell for being different from most of us. He marches to a different internal drum beat.[QUOTE]

actually, i'm licensed to teach special education, and my homeroom last year consisted of autistic, asperger's and other students on the autism spectrum.

also, of COURSE there are drugs that can treat him. he could have several choices, if that was the route he wanted to take...

for some reason, i think tony knows his responsibility is at home. the things he's posted just in this thread lead me to believe he's cognizant of responsibility. there are many, many varying levels of autism, he's definitely functioning autistic.

either way, my bias against fathers who do not take care of their children is the main fuel for me, at least...
06-27-2008 , 01:28 PM
Find a casino with 1/2 No limit 100 max. I played that game for years and never went down more than ten buy ins. Of course the hotels might bleed you dry even without that. I'd say find a game for decent stakes and try to earn real money. $12 isn't going to get it done.

Either play with courage or you should take what you have left and go home.

(To the others, not sure him going home broke with his tale between his legs is going to help him or his son. If you read his posts on getting laundry done and buying a computer as major undertakings, I'm doubting he has the capacity to care for him).
06-27-2008 , 01:32 PM
Btw, no offense meant, but how has this guy not had the **** beaten out of him and robbed several times with the lifestyle he lives? Dude must be 6'8 and 300 pounds to not have had a major robbery in the kind of locations he hangs out at.
06-27-2008 , 02:49 PM
The ignorance displayed here is mind-boggling.
Explain, please.

actually, i'm licensed to teach special education, and my homeroom last year consisted of autistic, asperger's and other students on the autism spectrum.

also, of COURSE there are drugs that can treat him. he could have several choices, if that was the route he wanted to take...

for some reason, i think tony knows his responsibility is at home. the things he's posted just in this thread lead me to believe he's cognizant of responsibility. there are many, many varying levels of autism, he's definitely functioning autistic.

either way, my bias against fathers who do not take care of their children is the main fuel for me, at least...
Oh, here we go. Does anyone else with some weight of authority disagree? I'm curious about the pathology of this and don't know enough to form an opinion.
06-27-2008 , 03:55 PM

Quit reporting your poker wins to SSI. No one will know and no one will care.
06-27-2008 , 04:13 PM
I don't get the knee-jerk "a father should take care of his family" reaction. In this case, the father is a degenerate gambler, and mentally ill by conventional standards. If he was some how forced to stay home, just how much good do you think he'd be doing for his kid?

What's more, he didn't leave the kid on the street, he left the kid with a home and a grandmother to look after him.

Personal responsibility is a virtue, but not everyone values family or fatherhood the same. If you think fatherhood requires a certain commitment and implies certain responsibilities, then by all means, live that way. Talk about it. Convince others. But damning some other guy because he doesn't subscribe to your view, and/or is unable to live up to it?

If "hell" was the home for all fathers that didn't support their families, it would be too full to hold the really nasty fathers that were messed up beyond belief but didn't spare their family by leaving them alone.

I'm not impressed or inspired or particularly humored by this guy's story. But maybe that is because I've known and tried to help other crazy homeless men, and their charm wears off eventually. They are ordinary people, living off the beaten path. They aren't doing it because they are courageous, they are doing it because they don't fit in. The "funny" things they say are not funny to them, and you can't laugh with someone who isn't laughing. They don't need your pity. By and large they just need you to not mess with them. Pretty much the same as anyone else.
06-27-2008 , 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by sternroolz

Quit reporting your poker wins to SSI. No one will know and no one will care.
Funny, this is the one responsible thing he does.

I wish him well.

I doubt his son is worse off without him. I'll bet his son would be happy to have his dad around; however, if dad doesn't want to be there and isn't a good dad, son is fine. Not everyone who has kids is cut out to be a parent -- I wish people had to pass a test before they could breed. This is not a crack on TBC, just a general opinion.

Good luck TBC, in whatever you decide to do and wherever you end up.
06-27-2008 , 07:15 PM
If "hell" was the home for all fathers that didn't support their families, it would be too full to hold the really nasty fathers that were messed up beyond belief but didn't spare their family by leaving them alone.
Hell sounds a lot like the sunken bar at Orleans where all the lonely men drink beer and play VP, ignore the lonely single middle aged women that are doing the same, and instead pay three-toothed hookers for the privilege of getting the crabs. Again.
