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ok ive gotta protect my roll better so ill stick to -50 min buyin here in vegas ok ive gotta protect my roll better so ill stick to -50 min buyin here in vegas

06-27-2008 , 08:47 PM
Originally Posted by RCDGREYSTONE
Btw, no offense meant, but how has this guy not had the **** beaten out of him and robbed several times with the lifestyle he lives? Dude must be 6'8 and 300 pounds to not have had a major robbery in the kind of locations he hangs out at.

You can live a long time in rough neighborhoods without any problems. Get over your suburban whiteboy "OMG A Negro!" mentality. I lived for 6 years in downtown DC, coming and going all hours because of poker, without ever having a problem. I spent 6 months living downtown Vegas, no problems. Brownish people don't bite.

It amazes me how many neighborhood-pussies there are on this forum.
06-27-2008 , 09:04 PM
Originally Posted by WEC
Sevencard threads (road trips) has been read by many people over the past year and more....<note: there are multiple truly classic threads and posts in his history>

You find a couple examples of behavior that can be offensive, and if you read through every thing he has posted (I think I have seen most of it) you will likely find dozens or more instances that could rub you the wrong way

Of the people that follow him, he has his:

"bandwagoners" (for lack of a better word) that truly like and care for him, enjoy his stories, look to support him and also defend his oftentimes erratic behavior

"readers" that just love to read his stuff --for real life comedy and drama, and do all they can to get him to post as much as possible

'haters" a group that truly dislikes what he is doing in his life and dont think it should be happening for multiple reasons, but still love to read his stuff

While he definately posts what some would regard as objectionable material at times, I personally do not think it comes from his heart...but from his backround being from smalltown kansas and his autism which seems in his case to be more weighted towards the social skills disability.

Myself, I like to use his humorous antedodes to please myself and try to humor others with it--but deep down I root for him to survive in the best way possible and hope that he can make a happy life for himself.
Well said. I'm rooting for him too. And I do find his stories entertaining, or else I wouldn't be reading this thread. I was just curious is all. Didn't mean anything by it.

Will most likely be in Vegas next weekend with my brother. If we see him out there we'll probably say "hey" to him.

But what you said is probably right. My brother made a good point earlier today. If OP had grown up in Compton he'd probably be suspicious of white people. It's just his condition and social handicaps that have made him the way he is. I was just thinking maybe there were some underlying issues, like possibly bad experiences or abuse, etc.
06-27-2008 , 09:48 PM
Originally Posted by MrMore
You can live a long time in rough neighborhoods without any problems. Get over your suburban whiteboy "OMG A Negro!" mentality. I lived for 6 years in downtown DC, coming and going all hours because of poker, without ever having a problem. I spent 6 months living downtown Vegas, no problems. Brownish people don't bite.

It amazes me how many neighborhood-pussies there are on this forum.
I suppose that the fact that crime rates are MUCH higher in poorer neighborhoods ought not cause one to believe that he might be more likely to be victim to a crime in a poorer neighborhood.
06-27-2008 , 11:06 PM
Originally Posted by sternroolz
I suppose that the fact that crime rates are MUCH higher in poorer neighborhoods ought not cause one to believe that he might be more likely to be victim to a crime in a poorer neighborhood.
Delaware is 8th in nation in per capita income but has higher violent per 100,000 people by over 50% than arkansas (49th in income) and alabama (40th in income). I dont have city data for income and crime but if you can post it go for it. pure poverty is not enough to raise the likelihood of being a target of violent crime.
That said, no one would ever choose to live in east st. louis over 90210 zip code if they had the means to afford it.

Tenn has 760 violent crimes per 100,000 Kentucky has 263 per 100,000. Btw Puerto Rico with very low per capita income has 227 per 100,000.
06-27-2008 , 11:20 PM
Originally Posted by sevencard2003
not the best clientele at the bus stop
Maybe it's becuase I'm a bit buzzed but this made me laugh harder than anything else in this thread.

Congrats on making it a whole week without playing VP and BJ, Tony.
06-27-2008 , 11:41 PM
Brownish people don't bite.

06-28-2008 , 01:13 AM
Originally Posted by MrMore
Brownish people don't bite.
Maybe not...but they do SHOOT!
06-28-2008 , 02:13 AM
Originally Posted by RCDGREYSTONE
Btw, no offense meant, but how has this guy not had the **** beaten out of him and robbed several times with the lifestyle he lives? Dude must be 6'8 and 300 pounds to not have had a major robbery in the kind of locations he hangs out at.
Actually, this is a really good point. If OP is carrying serious $$ on him and likes to hang out in shady places maybe putting his name and pic on the net was a dangerous move.
06-28-2008 , 04:39 AM
Originally Posted by sternroolz

Quit reporting your poker wins to SSI. No one will know and no one will care.
i completely agree, i have thought this many times while reading tbc's posts, not sure why i never said anything.
06-28-2008 , 07:46 AM
Originally Posted by MrMore
You can live a long time in rough neighborhoods without any problems. Get over your suburban whiteboy "OMG A Negro!" mentality. I lived for 6 years in downtown DC, coming and going all hours because of poker, without ever having a problem. I spent 6 months living downtown Vegas, no problems. Brownish people don't bite.

It amazes me how many neighborhood-pussies there are on this forum.
I grew up in the city, my area was white, but a couple of blocks up was the black section. We only passed through each other's neighborhoods if we had business in the next neighborhood down, but it wasn't a big deal. Not going to say I'm hard, but no I'm not afraid of black or brown people nor did I mention race in my post. I just think the OP sounds like an easy mark, and I'm surprised he hasn't been rolled a few times.

If there's a good game in a seedy area I'd definitely play in it, but I'd probably leave my flashy watch and chain at home and carry as little cash as would practically possible. If that's being a pussy to you ok, but to me its just being smart.
06-28-2008 , 01:02 PM
i keep most everything in the bank and im down to only $1250 is all anyway. dead tired going to bed now.
06-28-2008 , 01:07 PM
tony r u at binions today?

i ll be playing in the 4pm tourney
06-28-2008 , 02:12 PM
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Member Since 06/20/2003

Last Update: 03/21/2007

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scrabble, reading, card games, the news. moved to lyons ks dec 2005 near mom and son.
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looking for woman whereever i can find affectionate and loving woman who will be by my side. one who doesnt mind how i support myself, and will always be there with her love and affection
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able to relocate out of here anywhere, like to find woman with same interests as me if possible.


* Poker

Last edited by RR; 06-28-2008 at 11:20 PM. Reason: I removed contact info -RR
06-28-2008 , 02:34 PM
I actually check this thread every day.
06-28-2008 , 05:00 PM

Is that a review by OP of the movie "Reversal of Fortune"?


Me too.
06-28-2008 , 05:49 PM
I had the fun of stumbling over this thread yesterday and have read it all and the others laughing hysterrically.

This guy is a joke... You abandon your kid to live the dream of playing poker? Get real. YOu have other obligations in your life that are more important than pursueing a poker dream in sin city. I dont understand how anyone on here can defend you... you are scum. Put yourself in your sons shoes... how would you like it if your father had left you at an early age for no good reason? And if he did... i dont understand how you can bring this upon your own child...

I dont even want to get into HOW you have a child... I summise it must be a hooker

And i also dont understand the argument that he is a winning poker player, look at his bankroll!!!... and look at the numbers this guy posts.... he loses $200 one night and then the next night goes out and win $3.... you dont cash out just to "book a win".

Go home to your kid and get real... Stop living off the government and try and develop yourself socially... Autistic or not, you seem bright enough to play some cards, so go get a job at mcdonalds... which will probably play better than your "Proffesional poker career".

I hope the poker lords continue to ***** on you and you blow all your money playing VBJ, VP and BJ. You dont deserve a penny... Your stealingn innocent working americans money and gambling it away, its not right. Get a job, i dont believe your nearly as "mentally ill" as you say you are...


edit: You know what the MOST sad thing was of everything i read. It was that YOUR son has $23 worth of gift certificates for christmas.... some father you are. Plus your mom goes on to say that you have lots of gifts waiting there FOR YOU.... He doesnt deserve this, he deserves better... he deserves all those gifts you got, and maybe even a caring father. Maybe stop spending your (correction: the american tax payers) money gambling (and on asian massage parlours) and give some to your kid. By him some lego and spend some time with him... i think youll find he will be your BEST (and probably only) friend you'll ever have.

06-28-2008 , 07:47 PM
honestly, i think you miss the entire approach to playing cash games.. you buy in deepstacked 100-200bb then wait to make a really good hand and hopefully get someone else's entire stack .. hopefully another 100-200bb you may wait several hours on a payday like this.. you describe shove and pray approach like late stages of a tournament.
06-28-2008 , 07:55 PM
the latest is....looks like a group of people may be willing to back Seven anywhere from $1K to $1.5K for full buy-in at NL Cash Games in Vegas

Will be interesting to watch his progress when he can buy-in for full amount and not have to worry as much bout living expenses coming directly out of his roll
06-28-2008 , 10:44 PM
hey mods is davino allowed to repost them things including my email address and my yahoo messenger profile without my permission?

am heading into binions poker room shortly, after i eat.
06-28-2008 , 10:50 PM
Originally Posted by WEC
the latest is....looks like a group of people may be willing to back Seven anywhere from $1K to $1.5K for full buy-in at NL Cash Games in Vegas

Will be interesting to watch his progress when he can buy-in for full amount and not have to worry as much bout living expenses coming directly out of his roll
i dont think thats gonna work WEC cause the most i can get herschelw to agree to exchange is $500 from stars into cash, if i tried to sell out a BAP, id have to first find someone willing to do more, possibly pmarrsouth, aint talked to him yet.

getting ready to head over to binions now.
06-28-2008 , 10:54 PM
Originally Posted by PipChip
I had the fun of stumbling over this thread yesterday and have read it all and the others laughing hysterrically.

This guy is a joke... You abandon your kid to live the dream of playing poker? Get real. YOu have other obligations in your life that are more important than pursueing a poker dream in sin city. I dont understand how anyone on here can defend you... you are scum. Put yourself in your sons shoes... how would you like it if your father had left you at an early age for no good reason? And if he did... i dont understand how you can bring this upon your own child...

I dont even want to get into HOW you have a child... I summise it must be a hooker

And i also dont understand the argument that he is a winning poker player, look at his bankroll!!!... and look at the numbers this guy posts.... he loses $200 one night and then the next night goes out and win $3.... you dont cash out just to "book a win".

Go home to your kid and get real... Stop living off the government and try and develop yourself socially... Autistic or not, you seem bright enough to play some cards, so go get a job at mcdonalds... which will probably play better than your "Proffesional poker career".

I hope the poker lords continue to ***** on you and you blow all your money playing VBJ, VP and BJ. You dont deserve a penny... Your stealingn innocent working americans money and gambling it away, its not right. Get a job, i dont believe your nearly as "mentally ill" as you say you are...


edit: You know what the MOST sad thing was of everything i read. It was that YOUR son has $23 worth of gift certificates for christmas.... some father you are. Plus your mom goes on to say that you have lots of gifts waiting there FOR YOU.... He doesnt deserve this, he deserves better... he deserves all those gifts you got, and maybe even a caring father. Maybe stop spending your (correction: the american tax payers) money gambling (and on asian massage parlours) and give some to your kid. By him some lego and spend some time with him... i think youll find he will be your BEST (and probably only) friend you'll ever have.

some people dont read my posts at all. i didnt even post all that here, people copied and pasted it off another forum without permission. i spent over $500 on sons and moms christmas, none of which could i have done if i didnt travel to play poker. the $23 in gift certificates was my gift FROM HIM, not my gift to him. and only once in the last 5 yrs have i even given money to an asian massage parlor.
06-28-2008 , 11:19 PM
Originally Posted by sevencard2003
hey mods is davino allowed to repost them things including my email address and my yahoo messenger profile without my permission?

am heading into binions poker room shortly, after i eat.
I deleted your contact info.
06-28-2008 , 11:39 PM
I must admit that I have read this thread fully now and changed my opinion.. I want Tony Bigcharles to succeed in poker lol. However staking him is stupid.. if anyone wanted to stake they'd have much more success staking me or someone who knows how to play and will buy in deep than someone who will lose your money.

But this is entertaining and I want to see him build his roll back up.
06-29-2008 , 07:05 AM
Originally Posted by sevencard2003
just won $12 in the fitz in the $3-6 holdem, am gonna take the bus to osheas. rolls now up to $1392
I was in that game with you, but I didn't have a chance to say howdy to you before you picked up. I was in seat 8 or 9, I think... tall white guy, blonde hair, maybe a green striped tshirt (not sure on that, but the rest is true). You were right, that was an awful game that day, but usually their NL is juicy at night.

Originally Posted by Sevenfold
I did that once, only it involved lots and lots of alcohol.
I did this once, but at least I was sitting. Just couldn't muster the ability to stand or stay awake, and at least it was cool in there.

Originally Posted by JayTeeMe
Actually, this is a really good point. If OP is carrying serious $$ on him and likes to hang out in shady places maybe putting his name and pic on the net was a dangerous move.
I agree, it's not good to post all this personal info, but it's not like the money he's carrying is at all unusual. I hope no predators are reading these forums.
06-29-2008 , 12:43 PM
Originally Posted by PipChip
I had the fun of stumbling over this thread yesterday and have read it all and the others laughing hysterrically.

This guy is a joke...
The internet is great the way people can form cast iron opinions about somebody without even meeting them and damn them to hell, offend them and possibly upset with out any thoughts about the consequences especially for someone like TBC here. Especially making judgements and asumptions about the most important and sacred parts of someones life.

If you play poker you should know that just because someone says something doesn't mean thats the way it is.

Go Tony ! With regards your bankroll management I would reccomend 100bb stacking NL holdem and waiting for AK+, you will get paid.

(Limp AK early pos only betting when you hit, no point in building a pot oop while still drawing ) Tight players always get paid anyway. At least until you have a bigger roll.

Games like Omaha are too swingy for your bank roll. and 20 buyins should be fine.

Read the Tommy Angelo book too and/or the articles on his website. I hope you get it going.

If you do everything with your kid in mind it's all good !
