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View Poll Results: Who Will Win The Most Money This Week?
Taylor "Green Plastic" Caby
16 6.18%
Cole "CTS" outh
90 34.75%
Gabe Kaplan
28 10.81%
David "Raptor" Benefield
79 30.50%
Doyle Brunson
28 10.81%
Eli Elezra
18 6.95%

02-20-2009 , 12:32 AM
Originally Posted by blankoblanco
a5, i know you're a good player, but i really believe that call was bad

here's how the hand played out up through the turn:

-gabe raised, doyle called from the BB, eli called from the straddle
-flop T53 rainbow. doyle checks, eli donks half pot, gabe calls with doyle still behind him to act. doyle folds
-turn As, eli checks, gabe checks

what does eli beat? 67 or 64 (probably specifically suited, since he raised) that didn't bet the scare card on the turn despite having no SD value? if you've watched gabe play at all, you know how unlikely that is for him, not to mention almost anyone else. K high that floated a donk bet into 2 players, with doyle still to act? that seems unlikely based on the flop alone. but again, since he didn't bet the turn i'd say it makes it even less likely

eli loses to any A, especially A2 or A4 (and i think gabe checks those behind sometimes), 5x, Tx, and even though gabe probably raises the flop with JJ-KK, i don't think that's out of the realm of possibility either. all of these hands he can value bet on the 5 river

i'm not sure what makes you think the call is good let alone standard
I thought Eli had raised and c-bet the flop for some reason. I agree that with Gabe raising preflop and just calling the flop makes the river call fairly bad.
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02-20-2009 , 01:54 AM
Originally Posted by popoko42
i call it kinda obvious, not blasphemous, given how doyle plays like a nit for the first 2.5 hours, then goes crazy for 15 minutes and makes a horrible obvious bluff
obv becouse you see the card or obv becouse Cole hand the A that doyle was rep. wow you are good becouse bluff are so obv to you.
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02-20-2009 , 01:56 AM
Originally Posted by wishiewish
LOL at all these result oriented comments.
I have to agree, most of the time there made by me but I still have to agree
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02-20-2009 , 02:05 AM
I don't think anybody has played particularly bad this week. A lot of the comments in this thread seem overly harsh, especially given the fact that we can all see the hole cards.....

I have noticed that the Net guys C-bet the flop literally 100% of the time...
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02-20-2009 , 02:52 AM
Originally Posted by aislephive
Or if you can read hands at all.

Gabe's river bluff was not too terrible, but he did play every other street miserably. The river was a scare card, but it shouldn't really have helped him and is also a great card to continue bluffing at making it an easy call with KQ for Raptor.
Can you explain more? Just trying to understand.

Do you mean David won't fold a K here at all and Gabe should stop bluffing? In that case it might become a leveling war though?
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02-20-2009 , 03:07 AM
Originally Posted by TimTimSalabim
I never thought I'd say it, but... can we bring back Jimmy Warren?
I LOL'ed
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02-20-2009 , 03:37 AM
Is Cole a robot?
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02-20-2009 , 03:40 AM

If you closed your eyes and just listened to Raptor and Durrr talk could you tell the difference?? Its like these two were spit out of the same poker breeding machine or something.Same tone,same drifting off at the end of their sentences its like they cloned Durrr and stuck a different face on him.
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02-20-2009 , 03:41 AM
This happens when people interact closely for a long time.
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02-20-2009 , 03:45 AM
Originally Posted by bigslick7878

If you closed your eyes and just listened to Raptor and Durrr talk could you tell the difference?? Its like these two were spit out of the same poker breeding machine or something.Same tone,same drifting off at the end of their sentences its like they cloned Durrr and stuck a different face on him.
I can hear Durr rolling his eyes every 5 seconds, so I could tell the difference.
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02-20-2009 , 03:48 AM
noooo daviiiiid

pretty sick to raise that after 3 barrels... no draw on flop. Does he really think hes getting paid by kq ak? eh...
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02-20-2009 , 03:48 AM
NEW Poker After Dark - CASH GAME - Nets v. Vets - Who Will Win the Most Money? Quote
02-20-2009 , 03:48 AM
omg doyal just pwnt raptor lol
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02-20-2009 , 03:48 AM
i think i just puked in my mouth just a bit.

ugh.. w/e im a pow and prolly why im not playing that high.. but that laydown is gross.
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02-20-2009 , 03:48 AM
how does he fold that 6 there given the way doyle has played this week..
bah doyle puts me on tilt....
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02-20-2009 , 03:50 AM
Originally Posted by bigslick7878

If you closed your eyes and just listened to Raptor and Durrr talk could you tell the difference?? Its like these two were spit out of the same poker breeding machine or something.Same tone,same drifting off at the end of their sentences its like they cloned Durrr and stuck a different face on him.
its pretty simple imo, one of them had the ''accent'' and since they lived together for a lil while one of the two picked up a bit on it.

I might be wrong
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02-20-2009 , 03:56 AM
So, who's seen more hands?

The 'nets' or the 'vets'?
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02-20-2009 , 04:07 AM
Originally Posted by Hyyb
cole souths ******ed face makes me sick.
also wtf with the softplaying eachother by the nets...
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02-20-2009 , 04:10 AM
Wow, Doyle just Jamie-Golded Raptor. Can't blame Raptor for folding that much, 65 just can't be good given that action against a competent opponent.
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02-20-2009 , 04:16 AM
i wish raptor snap called that raise...
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02-20-2009 , 04:54 AM
nets seem to be running circles around vets.

i love eli, but: cold call huge preflop raises OOP, check/fold flop. lol funny
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02-20-2009 , 05:41 AM
And Benefield looked so proud after the hand, especially when Doyle told him it was a good laydown.

It has to make him feel worse that South calls out Doyle's hand immediately.

Overall, all the nets handled themselves very well. Respectful, but not intimidated in the least. Very confident, in fact.

Some of the vets' discussion about trying to get them to play other games was almost a concession, like, "Jeez, it's going to be tough to get their money in no-limit."
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02-20-2009 , 05:42 AM
I don't understand Doyle's raise with KJ on the river in the hand where Raptor had trip 6s. I don't think he every gets called by worse. However, it would have been a sick bluff raise but I don't that was his intention.
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02-20-2009 , 06:29 AM
Doyle startin' to look like he had some real bad chili. My perception, 3.5 sessions in, is that the vets getting somewhat outplayed.
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02-20-2009 , 06:44 AM
Originally Posted by bigslick7878

If you closed your eyes and just listened to Raptor and Durrr talk could you tell the difference?? Its like these two were spit out of the same poker breeding machine or something.Same tone,same drifting off at the end of their sentences its like they cloned Durrr and stuck a different face on him.
They are a little bit on the feminine side. Hopefully they aint fully on that side.
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